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1、初中英語中考總復習大全目錄第一篇 詞法2一、 名詞2二、 冠詞11三、 代詞17四、 形容詞、副詞28五、 連 詞46六、 介 詞54七、 數(shù) 詞69八、 動 詞74第二篇 句法97一、 主 要 句 式97二、 定 語 從 句110三、 常見習慣用語115四、 完形填空與閱讀129附 錄144中學生英語學習常見錯誤一覽表144a144b152c158d164e168f171g176h178i183j185186l187192196199201204207212215217218221第一篇 詞法一、 名詞(一) 知識概要 名詞的概念在不同的語法教課書中有不同的解釋和分類方法,但就實際應用來講還

2、是不要過分地追求其理論概念,而更多的要把注意力放在其應用上來。我們不妨把它分為兩大類:專有名詞與普通名詞。顧名思義,專有名詞是指:個人、事物、機關等所專有的名稱,如,the great wall, america它們是不能隨意變動的。而普通名詞中則包括個體名詞,如pen, worker它表示單一的個體人或事物;集體名詞,如:family,class, team,它表示的是由若干個個體組成的集合體;物質名詞,如:water,paper它表示的是一種物質,原材料;而后一種是抽象名詞,如:work, time它表示著一種在實際生活中看不見、摸不到,但卻與實際生活緊密相關的某些動作、狀態(tài)、品質的抽象概

3、念。見下表。 名詞一覽表種類 專有名詞 london, john, the communist party of china 普 通 名 詞 類名詞 nurse, boy, worker, pencil, dog, table 集體名詞 class, family, army, police, team, people 物質名詞 water, steel, glass, cotton, wood, sand 抽象名詞 happiness, love, work, life, courage, honest 功用 主語 my family is now in new york. 表語 his f

4、ather is a scientist. 賓語 we love our great motherland. 賓語補足語 he made london the base for his work. 定語 the girls are making paper flowesrs. 狀語 the car cost him 1000 dollars. 同位語 mr brown, a famous scientist, will come here. 名詞在使用中的難點在于名詞的數(shù),即可數(shù)名詞與不可數(shù)名詞的實際應用。不可數(shù)名詞不能用數(shù)字計算,所以它通常只有單數(shù)形式。它包含有專有名詞、物質名詞、抽象名詞等

5、,如:english,air,water,cotton,work可數(shù)名詞是可以用數(shù)量加以計算的名詞,所以它具有單數(shù)形式和復數(shù)形式兩種。可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)形式的構成規(guī)律是:1. 一般情況加s,如:penpens, doctordoctors,boyboys,其讀音規(guī)則是在清輔音后讀s,在元音和濁輔音后讀z。如:mapmap , boyboys.2. 在以s,sh,ch,x結尾的名詞后面加es,如:busbuses,classclasses,其讀音為iz。3. 以ce,se,ze,(d)ge結尾的名詞加s,其讀音為iz。4. 以輔音字母加y結尾的名詞,要將y變?yōu)閕再加es,讀作z,如:factoryfa

6、ctories,countrycountries, familyfamilies.但要注意的是以元音字母加y結尾的名詞的復數(shù)形式只加s,如:boyboys,daydays。5. 以o結尾的名詞的復數(shù)形式一般要加es,但如果o前面是元音字母或外來詞,縮寫詞以o結尾的則只加s,如:tomatotomatoes,heroheroes;photophotos,radioradios,pianopianos6. 以f或fe結尾的名詞的復數(shù)形式要將f或fe變?yōu)関再加es,如:knifeknives, leafleaves, 但有些例外的詞如roof的復數(shù)形式是roofs。7. 不規(guī)則名詞的復數(shù)形式是要單個

7、記憶的,它沒有規(guī)律可循,如:manmen,womanwomen, childchildren, footfeet,toothteeth, mousemice8. 單復同形的名詞有:fish, sheep,deer9. 單數(shù)形式但其意為復數(shù)的名詞有:people,police等。名詞還有格的變化,其主格可作主語,賓格可作賓語。還有所有格,用來表示人或物的所有,以及領屬關系。表示有生命的名詞的所有格其單數(shù)形式是加s其復數(shù)形式是s,如其結尾不是s的復數(shù)形式仍加s,如:a students room, students rooms, childrens day.在表示時間、距離、世界、國家名詞的所有格

8、要用s,如:a twenty minutes walk.但無生命名詞的所有格則必須用of結構,如:the capital of our country, the colour of the flowers(二) 正誤辨析誤please give me a paper.正please give me a piece of paper.析不要認為可以數(shù)的名詞就是可數(shù)名詞,這種原因是對英語中可數(shù)與不可數(shù)名詞的概念與中文中的能數(shù)與不能數(shù)相混淆了,所以造成了這樣的錯誤,因paper在英語中是屬于物質名詞一類,是不可數(shù)名詞。而不可數(shù)名詞要表達數(shù)量時,要用與之相關的量詞來表達,如:two pieces of

9、 paper.誤please give me two letter papers.正please give me two pieces of letter paper.析paper作為紙講是不可數(shù)名詞,而作為報紙、考卷、文章講時則是可數(shù)名詞,如:each student should write a paper on what he has learnt.誤my glasses is broken.正my glasses are broken.誤i want to buy two shoes.正i want to buy two pairs of shoes.析英語中glasses眼鏡,sho

10、es鞋,trousers褲子等由兩部分組成的名詞一般要用復數(shù)形式。如果要表示一副眼鏡應用a pair of glasses而這時的謂語動詞應與量詞相一致。如:this pair of glasses is very good.誤may i borrow two radioes?正may i borrow two radios?析以o結尾的名詞大都是用加es來表示其復數(shù)形式,但如果o前面是一個元音字母或外來語時則只加s就可以了。這樣的詞有zoozoos,pianopianos.誤this is a marys dictionary.正this is marys dictionary.析如名詞前有

11、指示代詞this, that, these those,及其他修飾詞our,some, every, which, 或所有格時,則不要再加冠詞。誤there are much people in the garden.正there are many people in the garden.析可數(shù)名詞前應用many, few, a few, a lot of 來修飾,而people是可數(shù)名詞,而且是復數(shù)名詞,如:the people are planting trees here.誤i want a few water.正i want a little water.析不可數(shù)名詞前可以用a li

12、ttle, little, a lot of, some來修飾,但不可用many,few來修飾。誤thank you very much. your family is very kind to me.正thank you very much. your family are very kind to me.誤toms and marys family are waiting for us.正toms and marys families are waiting for us.誤im sorry. i have to go. toms families are waiting for me.正

13、im sorry. i have to go. toms family are waiting for me.析集合名詞如果指某個集合的整體,則應視為單數(shù),如指某個集合體中的個體則應視為復數(shù)。如:my family is a big family. when i came in, toms family were watching tv. 即湯姆一家人正在看電視。這樣的集合名詞有:family class, team等。誤dont eat too much meats.正dont eat too much meat.誤food in that restaurant is very good.正

14、the food in that restaurant is very good.析物質名詞是不可數(shù)名詞,在使用中不可以加s,即它沒有復數(shù)形式。也不可加不定冠詞。但如果用于特指某一物質時可以加定冠詞。如:i dont like drinking coffee, but the coffee in that cup is really good.誤please give me two waters.正please give me two glasses of water.正please give me two coffees.析物質名詞如要加計量時,一定要加量詞,如:two cups of te

15、a,two glasses of water,a glass of milk,a loaf of bread, a piece of bread,a box of sugar,a bowl of rice,a bottle of orange,a bag of earth例: ill tell you a piece of good news.但只有coffee可以用coffees來取代many cups of coffee.誤can you give me the newspaper of today?正can you give me todays newspaper?析加s構成所有格的名詞

16、一般應指有生命的人或物。如:marys hair,但在英文的習慣用法中對時間、距離等名詞的所有格多用s來構成而不用of結構。如:a five minutes walk.誤please make a room for the lady in the school bus.正please make room for the lady in the school bus.析英語中更多的名詞是含有多種用法和多種含意的,如: room為可數(shù)名詞時為“房間”,如:i live in room 5.而room為抽象名詞時為空間上面一句話應譯為“請給老婦人在校車上留個地方?!边@樣的詞還有:glass 玻璃gl

17、asses 眼鏡stone 石頭a stone 一塊石頭time 時間two times 兩次wood 木頭woods 樹林誤there is a flowers garden behind my house.正there is a flower garden behind my house.析名詞除了在句中作主語、賓語、表語外,還可以用來修飾另一個名詞,這時作修飾詞的名詞一般要用單數(shù)形式,如:shoe factory (鞋廠),post office(郵局),evening paper (晚報),night school (夜校),head master (校長),a law school

18、(法律學院)。但也有例外,如:a goods train(貨車),sports meeting (運動會)。誤my mother bought two fishes for supper this morning.正my mother bought two fish for supper this morning.析英語中有些名詞單復同形,如:fish, deer, sheep, chinese (中國人), means (方法)。所以應講one fish, two fish, one chinese, two chinese. 如果講there are five fishes in the

19、pool.應譯為池中有五種魚而不是五條魚。誤mary expressed her thank to her boy friend.正mary expressed her thanks to her boy friend.析英語中有些名詞只有復數(shù)形式,如: thanks, greens, 而有些詞單數(shù)形式與復數(shù)形式有不同的詞意。如:clothes 為衣服,而cloth則是布, sand沙子,而sands是沙灘。誤i offered my son my congratulation on his success.正i offered my son my congratulations on his

20、 success.析英語中表示祝賀的詞雖有單數(shù)形式,但一般要用其復數(shù)形式。如握手為shake hands.誤we have five german in this meeting.正we have five germans in this meeting.析英國人englishman的復數(shù)形式為englishmen,而german 則要加s,因為它不是由國名與man的組合詞。誤there are two as in this word.正there are two as in this word.析在大寫字母縮寫形式的復數(shù)表達法中應加s,但如字母是a、i時,為了防止與as和is相混,則要用s即

21、as,is誤there are three 6s and two 3s in my telephone number.正there are three 6s and two 3s in my telephone number.析在小寫字母與數(shù)字的復數(shù)形式表達法中要用s誤we have many woman teachers in our school.正we have many women teachers in our school.析一般組合名詞變?yōu)閺蛿?shù)形式時只將詞中心詞變?yōu)閺蛿?shù)如:half brotherhalf brothers(同父異母或同母異父的兄弟)daughter in law

22、daughtersin law,(兒媳)但要注意的是:man drivermen drivers(男司機) woman doctorwomen doctors(女大夫)grown upgrown ups(成年人) 但是boy student則變?yōu)閎oy students誤physics are very difficult to learn.正physics is very difficult to learn.析雖以s結尾但只能用作單數(shù)名詞有:科學,學科名字:physics. mathematics politics游戲名稱:bowls 專有名稱:niagara falls(尼亞加拉瀑布)

23、其他名詞:news(消息,新聞)誤there is a people in the room.正there is a person in the room.正there is a man in the room.析people是復數(shù)名詞,不可用作單數(shù),如要用來講一個人時應用a person, a man, a woman。同樣的詞有police.要講一個警察時則要用a policeman, a policewoman。誤where is my shoe?正where are my shoes?析常常只用作復數(shù)形式的詞有trousers, pants, shorts(短褲),socks(襪子),

24、shoes, gloves(手套)。但如果只找其中的一個則要指明,這時還是應用單數(shù)形式。如:wheres my left glove?(我左手的手套在哪?)誤i paid five pennies for the sweet.正i paid five pence for the sweet.析英語中便士有兩個復數(shù)形式pence用來表達一定數(shù)量的錢。而pennies是指一個個的硬幣,如:i want to change this note for pennies.我想把這紙幣換成硬幣。(即一便士一個的硬幣)。誤there are many fruit in the shop.正there are

25、 many fruits in the shop.析物質名詞為不可數(shù)名詞,但是用來表示種類時則可以用作可數(shù)名詞,這里應譯為各種各樣的水果。誤there is a new car. it is jones and marys.正there is a new car. it is jone and marys.析有生命名詞的所有格,如果是單數(shù)名詞則加s如:marys car.如果是以s結尾的復數(shù)名詞則只在s后面加如:teachers offices.如果是復數(shù)名詞但不是以s結尾,則只加s,如:childrens palace 組合名詞的所有格是在最后一個詞尾加s如:girl friend girl

26、 friends someone elsesomeone elses a week or threea week or threes如名詞后有同位語時,則應加在同位語的詞尾上,如:it is my girl friend, marys car.要注意的是當兩個名詞并列時,如表示歸兩人共同所有,則在最后一個名詞后面加s,如果表示分別所有則在兩個名詞后分別加s,如:this is mary and jones home.即mary與jone是一家人。這是他們共同的家。而these are marys and jones homes.則應譯為這里是mary的家與jone 的家。誤it is real

27、ly beautiful. it is a work of nature.正it is really beautiful. it is a natures work.析無生命名詞的所有格應用of結構。但是s形式的所有格可用于以下無生命的名詞:表示時間的詞:todays newspaper, a twenty minutes walk, an hours, rest 表示長度的詞:three metres distance, a boats length, twenty miles journey 表示重量的名詞:two pounds weight價格名詞:two dollarsworth擬人化

28、的名詞:natures work, natures lesson(大自然的教訓)及國家、機關、團體、城市等機構性名詞:the universitys library誤he is an old friend of my father.正he is an old friend of my fathers.析這是英語中的一種習慣用法而不要根據(jù)語法去推理。如:this pen is toms.誤my father is a good cooker.正my father is a good cook.析一般動詞加上er后則轉意為執(zhí)行該動作的執(zhí)行者,如:teach(教)teacher(老師),think(

29、想)thinker(思想家),drive(開車)driver(司機),sell(賣)seller(賣物者)但不能總是以此類推,比如cook是動詞“做飯”。而cook也可作為名詞“廚師”講,而cooker則為廚具,餐具,即鍋、碗、勺等做飯用具。誤the young is dancing there.正the young are dancing there.析英文中用定冠詞加上形容詞表示一類人時應按復數(shù)名詞,如:the rich 富人,the poor(窮人),the wise 聰明人,但如果用定冠詞加形容詞來表示事物則要用作單數(shù)名詞,如:the beautiful is still here.美

30、麗的風景依舊。誤the stories of the book was written many years ago.正the stories of the book were written many years ago.析這句話的真正主語應是stories,所以應用復數(shù)謂語動詞。誤this is one of the englishchinese dictionary.正this is one of the englishchinese dictionaries.析one of意為“之一”,of后面的名詞要用復數(shù)形式。誤lets go to uncle wang for supper.正l

31、ets go to uncle wangs for supper.析uncle wangs 意為“王叔叔家”,doctors意為“醫(yī)院或私人診所”。誤i think we will make a friend with each other.正i think we will make friends with each other.析make friends 為習慣用法,即交朋友。誤i want to tell you much pieces of good news.正i want to tell you many pieces of good news.析news為不可數(shù)名詞,但加了量詞之

32、后則要用many來修飾量詞,因量詞是可數(shù)名詞,或可以說i want to tell you some good news.因some 即可用在可數(shù)名詞前,也可用在不可數(shù)名詞前作形容詞,如:i want to tell you some pieces of good news.誤the teacher with five students are coming here.正the teacher with five students is coming here.析要注意由with引出的介詞短語不是本句的主語,這與連詞and有很大的區(qū)別,如:the teacher and five studen

33、ts are coming here. 這里由介詞引出的短語僅僅是teacher的修飾語。誤there are a lot of information here, but we dont need them.正there is a lot of information here, but we dont need it.析information為不可數(shù)名詞,而用作代替它的詞要用it而不能用them.誤many a student make the same mistake in the exam.正many a student makes the same mistake in the ex

34、am.析many a 加可數(shù)名詞單數(shù),作主語時其謂語動詞應用單數(shù)形式,但其意為許多學生。誤the children wear very good cloth to go to school today.正the children wear very good clothes to go to school today.析英文中cloth,clothes,clothing是易混之詞:cloth是物質名詞,意為“布”,沒有復數(shù)形式,而clothing是指衣物的總稱,也沒有復數(shù)形式。clothes是指衣服,但沒有單數(shù)形式,如:this clothing is needed in warm count

35、ries. her clothes are made of fine cloth.英文中的dress則指較正規(guī)的服裝,如:a school dress 校服,an evening dress晚禮服。誤i like to study the english.正i like to study english.析作為一種學科名詞前不要用冠詞,而作為某一特指學科則要加冠詞,如:i like to study history. i like to study the history of america.誤the browns is going to visit china.正the browns ar

36、e going to visit china.析定冠詞加姓加s,則意為“brown先生一家人”。所以應用復數(shù)謂語動詞。此句應譯為:brown先生一家將要訪問中國。(三) 例題解析1. lucy and lilyin the same class.a. am b. is c. are d. be 答案c.析由and連接兩個單數(shù)名詞作主語時應按復數(shù)名詞來搭配謂語動詞。 2. which is the to the bus stop, please?a road b way c street d address 答案b.析這是考察同意詞辨析,road是指較寬闊的大道,意為“鄉(xiāng)間公路”,而street

37、意為道路兩邊的建筑物較高,可視為街道之意,而way則多為要到達某地所要經過的途徑,還可引深為方式、方法。而address則為“地址”。如:there is a car running along the country road. i live at 105 park street. can you show me the way to the national museum? 3. hurry up!there is time left.a little b a little c few d a few 答案a.析因time作為時間講為不可數(shù)名詞,所以不可用few,a few來修飾。另外,英

38、文的表達法與中文不同,中文講,快點,時間不多了,而英文要講,快點,沒時間了。因此,要用little而不用a little. 4. how many can you see in the picture?a tomatos b tomatoes c tomato d the tomato 答案b.析用how many提問時,其名詞要用復數(shù)形式,而tomato的復數(shù)要加es. 5. is the meat. please?ten yuan a kilo.a how much b how many c how old d how long 答案a.析由對話的答語可看出其問句問的是價格。錢數(shù)作為整體、

39、價格講時,不論其值是多少都是不可數(shù)名詞,要用how much 提問。 6 the boys name is james allen green. so his given name is.a james allen b allen green c james green d mr. green答案a.析英文的習慣與中文不同,中文是姓在前名字在后,而英文則是姓在最后,其第一個名字是由父母所起的,中間的名字可能是父母、教父所起的,但都可稱作given name,而姓在英文中是family name. 7 shanghai is one of the biggestin our country.a

40、city b citys c citys d cities答案d.析復音字母以y結尾的單詞的復數(shù)形式要把y變成i再加es。one of 加名詞的結構中的名詞應用復數(shù)。 8 would you please pass me?a two paper b two papersc two pieces of paper d two pieces of papers答案c.析paper是不可數(shù)名詞,如講一張、兩張紙時,要用量詞piece. 9 september 10th is day.a teacher b teachers c teachers d teachers答案d.10 i only hav

41、e bread for lunch today.a a bit b a bit of c little d few答案b.11 “what would you like, ann? ”“id like two.”a glass of milk b glasses of milkc glass of milks d glasses of milks答案b.12 there isnt paper in the box. will you go and get for me?a any, some b any, any c some, some d some, any答案a.析any用于否定句與疑問

42、句,但如果要表達說話者真心實意希望得到肯定答復時,問句中要用some而不要按一般語法規(guī)律用any. 13 june 1st is.a childrens day b childrens dayc childrens day d childrens day答案c.14 these foreign friends are.a german b germen c germany d germans答案d.15 all the students are busy, so of them will go to the cinema.a many b little c a few d few答案d.析st

43、udent是可數(shù)名詞,而few用于可數(shù)名詞,意為:幾乎沒有學生去電影院。 16 there are threeand sevenin the picture.a deers, sheeps b deers, sheepc deer, sheep ddeer, sheeps答案c.析deer與sheep均是單復同形的名詞。17 whose room is this? its.a my b kikes and johnsc our d kike and johns答案d.析因為room為單數(shù),所以不可能是kike的一間與john的一間,應為二者共用的一間房子。二、 冠詞(一) 知識概要冠詞在英語中

44、只有3個詞,分為兩類:不定冠詞a與an,定冠詞the。 a用在以輔音開始的單數(shù)名詞前,an用于以元音開始的單詞前。不定冠詞用來表示一類事物中泛指的某一事物,而定冠詞則用于特指的某一個或某些事物,可用于不可數(shù)名詞、可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)及可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)前。(二) 正誤辨析誤this building is an university.正this building is a university.析a用于以輔音音素開始的單詞前,而an用于以元音音素開始的單詞前,而不是元音字母開頭的單詞前。university的第一個音素是j,所以用a而不要用an。又如:there is a “n” in the word.是

45、錯句,應為:there is an “n”in the word.因字母n的發(fā)音的第一個音素是元音。要注意的還有hour因其第一個字母h不發(fā)音,所以應該用an hour。例如:i need an hour to finish the work.it is a useful dictionary.it is a european country.i bought a used car.誤i need a umbrella because it looks like raining.正i need an umbrella because it looks like raining.析因umbrel

46、la的第一個音素是元音,所以應用an.常用的情況有:an old man, an english teacher, an elephant, an idea, an hour ago, an honest boy。誤“can you help me” “sorry, im in hurry.”正“can you help me” “sorry. im in a hurry.”析不定冠詞的主要用法如下:1. 用來表示一類人或事物,如:she is a teacher.2. 指某一類人或事物中的一個,如:an elephant is bigger than a horse.3. 泛指某一人或事物,

47、如:a man is waiting for you at the school gate.4. 相當于“one”的概念,如:i just bought a new dictionary.5. 其主要的難點是用在固定詞組中:如:have a walk/a rest /a look又如:in a hurry 匆匆忙忙make a face 作鬼臉do somebody a favour 幫某人忙a number of =many又如:have a good time (玩得好)have a cold (感冒)have a headache (頭痛)have a break=have a rest

48、誤i bought the dictionary yesterday. a dictionary is very good.正i bought a dictionary yesterday. the dictionary is very good.析在文章中第一次提到某物時用不定冠詞,而第二次提到時用定冠詞。誤please turn off lights before you leave.正please turn off the lights before you leave.析雖然是第一次提到某物但說話雙方均知其所指,也應用定冠詞。誤there are nine planets around

49、 a sun.正there are nine planets around the sun.析世上獨一無二的天體等名詞前應加定冠詞,如:the earth, the moon, the sun, the sky, the sea.誤i live on a second floor of this building.正i live on the second floor of this building.析在序數(shù)詞,形容詞最高級前要用定冠詞。如:he is the oldest in the family.誤i want to learn the second language this ter

50、m.正i want to learn a second language this term.析在序數(shù)詞的含意不是順序中的第一第二,而其意在于再學一個,再來一個時,應用a,本句的意思應為:這學期我要學一門第二外語。誤mississippi is one of the longest rivers in the world.正the mississippi is one of the longest rivers in the world.析在河流名稱前應加定冠詞,如:the yellow river(黃河)。誤look, there are alp.誤look, there are the a

51、lp.正look, there are the alps.析具體的某一座山不加定冠詞,如:mountain tai.但在山名稱前加定冠詞后,其山名要加s,來表示山脈。the alps即為阿爾卑斯山脈。如:the alps are in the center of europe.誤times is one of the oldest newspapers in the world.正the times is one of the oldest newspapers in the world.析報刊名稱前應加定冠詞。誤rich are not always happy.正the rich are

52、not always happy.析在形容詞前加定冠詞表示一類人,而在姓的前面加定冠詞,姓后加s表示某一家,如:the turners are going to move to new york.誤i like to eat bread for breakfast. bread sells in this shop is very good.正i like to eat bread for breakfast. the bread sells in this shop is very good.析物質名詞特指時也應加定冠詞。誤the sun rises in east.正the sun ris

53、es in the east.析在方向、方位前應用定冠詞,如:in the east, in the west, in the north, in the south, in the direction 及in the past, in the future誤do you know who invented telephone正do you know who invented the telephone析在特定和專有事物或名稱前要加定冠詞,如:the english channel 英吉利海峽the panama canal 巴拿馬運河the suez canal 蘇伊士運河誤would yo

54、u please buy some food for the supper正would you please buy some food for supper析泛指一日三餐前無定冠詞。誤i like to climb the mountain in the autumn.正i like to climb the mountain in autumn.析一年四季前不用定冠詞,如:spring is the best season in a year.誤sometimes my parents come to school to see me.正sometimes my parents come to the school to see me.析有些名詞被用作其本身原來所含目的時不加冠詞,如:go to school上學,leave school(輟學),after school(放學),但如果當建筑物講時應加冠詞,如例句中其父母來校不是上學,而是看望孩子,則要加定冠詞。又如,he was in hospital for two days.(他在醫(yī)院住院


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