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1、隨著美國簽證政策的放開,越來越多的人開始申請美國簽證。眾所周知,美國簽證的簽發(fā)由簽證官主觀判斷決定,存在一定的偶然性,掌握一些面試技巧,定會提高簽證通過率。1、留下美好第一印象禮貌自信微笑大方儀表得體心態(tài)端正2、了解面試問題,避免答非所問一、出國目的1、問題:你去美國做什么?2、問題:為什么選擇美國?二、出境記錄1、問題:你曾經(jīng)去過哪些國家或地區(qū)旅游?2、問題:你怎么證明你曾經(jīng)到過那些國家或地區(qū)?三、個人資產(chǎn)1、問題:你此次赴美的費用由誰承擔?2、問題:你在國內(nèi)有穩(wěn)定工作嗎?什么行業(yè)?什么職務(wù)?工作多久了?收入多 少?3、問題:單位批準你假期了嗎?4、問題:你帶存款證明了嗎?5、問題:你在國內(nèi)


3、國直系親屬的相關(guān)資料12、公司準假證明4、面對簽證官需注意1、主動微笑打招呼2、自然直視簽證官3、回答問題放慢語速、吐字清晰4、主動回答問題5、揚長避短6 邊回答問題,一邊遞交相關(guān)資料7、微笑面對簽證結(jié)果5、若拒簽1、不要與簽證官爭論或抱怨2、不要馬上再次申請美國留學面簽時簽證官會就你去美國的目的,對你的專業(yè),對你留學美國的時間等問題提問,面簽前要做好準備。1)對去美國的目的提問What will you study in the United States?What will you do in USA?What are you goi ng to study in USA?What are

4、 you goi ng to do in USA?Are you going to study in USA?What do you want to study in USA?ANS:I will study for my Ph.D in Mathematics in the Universityof Florida.2)對學習專業(yè)提問.What is your major?In what aspect of. your major will you study?ANS:My major of un dergraduate and graduate study is Applied M ath

5、ematics. I will continue to study Mathematics for my Ph.D.in the University of Florida. My specified field of study will be Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling.3)對現(xiàn)有學位提問.Whe n/where did you get your BS/MS?ANS:I got my Bachelors degree in 1997 from Central Universit y for Nationality. I will get my M

6、asters degree in Mathemati cs in few days from Beijing Normal University.4)對現(xiàn)在的行為和地點提問.What/where are you study ing now?ANS:I am now study ing for my Masters degree in Mathematics i n Beiji ng Normal Un iversity.5)對留美時間提問How long will you study in USA?ANS:About 5 years. My future advisor said that i

7、f I work hardI can get my ph.D with in a shorter time.6)對獎學金提問Have you gotte n any scholarship?ANS: Yes. I have gotte n teach ing assista ntship from the depart men t.7)對學習計劃提問What do you do with your work for BS/MS/Phd?ANS:I will take courses, teaching, do research,and finish my thesis in the area

8、of Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling to get my Ph.d in Mathematics in 5 years.8)簽證目的提問What is your purpose for this visa?ANS:I n eed a F-1 visa in order to study for my Ph.D degree in Mathematics in the University of Florida. I plan to finish my study in about 5 years and the n come back to china.

9、9)對背景提問What is your academic backgro und?ANS:From 1993 to 1997 I studied in Central University for Nat ion ality for my Bachelors degree. Since September 1997 I hav e been studying in Beijing Normal University for my masters degree. I will graduate and get my Masters degree in few day s.10)對美國學校提問Ho

10、w do you know this Un iv.?ANS:University of Florida is a famous university in USA. I st arted to know about the Un iversity of Florida from my profess or. He en courages me to pursue Phd degree in Un iversity of Fl orida because it has the most excellent professors in my fiel d.11)對選校原因提問Why do you

11、choose this Uni v.?ANS:Firstly, Un iversity of Florida is one of famous uni versit ies in USA.There are large of nu mbers of excelle nt mathematic ians in University of Florida. Secondly, the Department of Ma thematics at University of Florida offers broad program in Ma thematical Sciences, particul

12、arly in Applied Mathematics. The re is an excellent mathematics faculty. Among the faculty are one Fields Medallist and a winner of the Moscow Prize, two o f the most prestigious awards in the field of Mathematics Sci en ce. Thirdly, stude nt can get careful advis ing and in dividua l atte nti on.12

13、)對回國計劃提問What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?ANS:I will specialize in Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling and finish my Ph.D study in Mathematics in the University of florida.Then I will come back to China and do research in the laboratory at Beiji ng Normal Uni versity. There are ma

14、ny theo retical subjects and practical projects supported by gover nme nt and compa ni es.13)對回國原因提問Give me three reas ons that you will come back to Chi na? ANS:Firstly, China is a develop ing country and n eeds large nu mbers of talents. So after getting Phd degree from USA, it wi ll be very easy

15、for me to find a good job in China and it is easier to have a higher positi on and become a lead ing scie nti st in my academic field in China. Secondly, I love my mother and farther. I owe them much and since I am their only son, t he very least I can do for them is to look after them when th ey ar

16、e old. I also have many friends and relatives here that I would not be able to leave beh ind. Thirdly, Chin ese gover nm ent has offering the priority for the students from USA to es tablish their professi onal careers. For example, Zhon gGua nCun in Beiji ng and PuD ong in Shan ghai.14)對不回國原因提問Can

17、you expla in why 90% Chin ese stude nts did nt come back? ANS:There maybe many reas on s.As a matter of fact, that used t o be the reality. But things has bee n cha nging greatly dur ing the rece nt years and much more stude nts are coming back are coming back after they have finished their study. A

18、nd, Chines e gover nment has offeri ng the priority for the stude nts from USA to establish their professi onal careers. For example, Zho n gGua nCun in Beiji ng and PuD ong in Shan ghai.15)對專業(yè)提問Why do you like your major?ANS: Firstly, I love mathematics. I won many different mathem atical competiti

19、 on held in China. For example, in both Nati on al Junior Middle School Student Mathematical Olympic Competit ion 1990 and Natio nal Senior Middle School Stude nt Mathematic al Olympic Competition 1992, I won First Class Prize. I won N ational Second Class Prize in National College Student Mathem at

20、ical Con test in Modeli ng 1996. Secon dly, hav ing experie need success and failure in my studies and research, I really fee l that mathematics plays an importa nt role in scie nee and in practical life. A scie ntist who has not a good mathematical b ackgro und cannot do research in depth. Give n m

21、y future develo pme nt, I decide to con ti nue my mathematical study in depth.16)對選擇美國提問Why do you want to study in USA?ANS: I can leann the latest knowledge in my field in USA. The re are the best uni versities, the most excelle nt professors a nd the best educati on con diti on in the USA.17)對讀博士提

22、問Why do you want to pursue a doctors degree?ANS:Firstly, I realized that undertaking the research offers many challe nges, and it is n ecessary to expa nd my kno wledge i n mathematical field. My long range objective is to become aleading scientist in my field. Given my future development, I thi nk

23、a Ph.D is n ecessary for me to realize my career object ive. So I decide to con ti nue my mathematical study in depth. Secondly, it will be very easy for me to find a good job in a ny of the uni versity or in stitute in china with my Ph.D got i n the United States.18)對助學金提問Why do you receive finan c

24、ial aid from this Uni v.?ANS:Yes. on the basis of the evaluation of my resume, persona l stateme nt, un dergraduate tran scripts, and gre toefl scores, the departme nt give me teach ing assista ntship.19)對最困難的課提問What is the difficult class do you have?ANS:Probably Fun cti on An alysis. It is a cours

25、e about adva need mathematics and requires high ability in abstract thinking a nd high tech nique in computati on.20)對是否換專業(yè)提問Whats the differe nee betwee n your major now and the major i n USA?ANS:They are not differe nee. Both of my un dergraduate study and graduate study bel ong to mathematics. Ju

26、st that my graduate study will be more detailed and adva need. And that I will specialize in Algorithm and Mathematical Modeli ng, which is asub-area of Mathematics.1、赴美目的?你這次去美國做什么?Whatare you going to do in USA?Whatwill you do in USA?Whatkinds of activities you will take part in during your stay i

27、n USA? 你這次去美國有什么目的?Whats your purpose of traveling (visitingor going) to USA?Whats your purpose of this win ter camp?Whyyou want to attend this winter camp?游覽美國名勝風景 I would like to enjoy wonderful sightseeing of America.與美國同齡人交流(文化、音樂、娛樂、生活、學習etc)To communicatewith American peers in manyaspects such

28、 as culture, music, entertainment,life style and studying as well.2、此次美國旅游的費用是多少,是誰承擔這個費用的?Q Howmuchdoes this trip cost? And whois paying for you?3、你之前有過出境紀錄嗎?(如果參加過請出示照片等)Q: Haveyou ever been other Countries?4、此次活動有同行人嗎?Q: Doyou have any other peer-people? A: No5、你在什么公司上班?(請出示在校證明)Q: Which companya

29、re youworking in?A: I mworking in (公司名稱)6你喜歡你的公司嗎?Q: Doyou like your company?A: Yes.7、你的公司有多少人?你的職位及職責?Q: Howmanypeople are there in your company?Whats ur position and ur responsibilityfor?A:8、你的業(yè)余時間都做什么?Q: Whatdo you do in your leisure-time?9、你的假期是多長時間?Q: Whats the duration of your holiday? A:根據(jù)實際情

30、況回答10、此次你去美國多少天,都去什么地方你知道嗎?Q: Howmanydays are you going stay in US?Anddoyou knowwhat places you are going to visit?A: I amgoing to stay in USfor 14 days, and weare going to visit: 羅列幾個地 名11、本次活動你的爸爸/媽媽為什么沒有和你一起參加?(如果是家庭團的,并且只有一個家長陪同)Q: Whydid n your father/mother accompa nyyou to join this win ter c

31、amp?(Whywont you father join you?)A: They are busy with their works.12、你有家人在美國么?Q: Doyou have any relatives in USA? A: No, I have no relatives in USA.13、 美國你最想去哪?Q: Whats your favorite city in USA?A: Los A ngeles (Sa n Fran cisco, NewYork.)14、去過別的國家么?(如果去過請出示在境外的照片,最好是有標志性建筑的) Q: Haveyou ever been a

32、broad?A1: Yes, I have beento Japan (Singapore, UK, Australia )A2: No, I have never been abroad.15、你最喜歡哪個國家?Q: Whatis your favorite country?A: Britain/其他的國家,但是要說出喜歡的理由16、你父母去過美國嗎?(如果去過出示他們的護照和在境外的照片)Q: Haveyour parents ever beento USA?A1: Yes, myfather has been there before.A2: No. they have nt.在面簽的過

33、程中,經(jīng)常會被問到用英語回答的問題,以下是常見的英語問題,僅供參考1. Whats you name?2. Whats your full name?3. Whats meaning of your name?4. Whats your surname (family name)?5. Wherwere you born?6. Whats your birthday?7. Wherewere you born?8. Whereare you from?9. Wheredoyou live (in China)?10. Wheredo you comefrom?11. Which road or

34、 street are you in?12. Are you single? / Haveyou married?13. Doyou have any brother or sister?14. Howmanymembersare there in your family?15. Canyou introduce your family?16. Whatdoyour parents do?17. Whats your father s profession? And your mother?18. Whats your profession / occupation?19. What are

35、your parent s salaries (annual incomes)?20. CanI look at your Bankbook?21. Whowill pay all your fees for your study?22. Whowill support your study in France?23. Whowill pay your courses fees?24. Whowill sponsor you?25. Whowill pay the money?26. Howmuchdoes it cost for your study?27. Howmuchis your t

36、uition fees?28. Doyou think it is expensive?29. Howmuchis the living expense?30. Haveyou paid all the fees for your study?31. Doyou think it expensive?32. Did your parents agree that you study in France? Why?33. Did your parents agree that you study in France? Why?34. Whatare you doing now?35. Where

37、are you working now?36. Canyou introduce yourself?37. Doyou like sport? 38. Whatis your hobby?39. What are your hobbies / interests?40. What do you like to doin your free time?41. What do you doat leisure?42. What are you your leisure antiviral?43. What do you dofor relaxation?44. Which color doyou

38、like?45. Tell meabout your hometown.46. Canyou introduce your hometown?47. Whats the most special building in your hometown?48. What are the famous building and sights pots?49. Doyou have any friends or relatives in France?50. Doyou like travel?51. Wherehave you been?52. Which place have you travele

39、d?53. Canyou speak French?54. French is very difficult, and doyou like it?55. Canyou say something about Chinese education system? Or French?56. Whatare the differences between them?57. Whendid you graduate from high school?58. Whendid you graduate from the senior middle school?59. What is Gaokao?60

40、. Did you attend Gaokao?When?Howmuchis your score?61. Wheredid you graduate from high school?-可編輯修改 -62. Where/ Whendid you graduate?63. What did you learn in the university / college?64. Doyou have any diploma?65. Howmanyyears did you study at university in China?66. What is your specialty (major)?

41、67. What courses did you study at university?68. Whats your academic background?69. Canyou look at your transcript?70. Doyou have ajob or are you a student?71. What is your occupation?72. What is your major responsibility in your office?73. What is the schedule work of your company?74. What kind pro

42、ductions does your companysell?75. Say something about your company.76. Howlong have you been working at this company?77. Whydid you makethis decision of giving up your job and turn to study ab road?78. Doyou get anything from this company?What is it?79. Howlong did you study English?80. Did you att

43、end any English test such as TOEFLor IELTS?81. Howmuchis your score?82. What do you want to study in France?83. Whydo you want to study in France?84. Whydo you want to goto France?85. Whydont you continue your study in Chinese university?86. Whydont you want to study in USAor UK?87. Whydont you choo

44、se to study in USAor U.K.?88. Whydo you want to study B.A.?89. Whydo you choose this specialty?90. Whydo you choose this university?91. Whereare you going to study?92. Wherewill you live in France?93. What are you going to doin France?94. Wherewill you study in France?95. Which school are you going

45、to study in?96. Whereare you going to live in France / Paris?97. What will you study in this school?98. Whatdo you think about this school?99. Howdo you knowthis school?100. What specialty do you want to study in France?101. Doyou knowany courses will you study in France?102. What courses will you s

46、tudy?103. What are the differences between the course in France and the courses in China? 104. Howmanyhours will you study per / every week?105. What will you begin your study in France?106. Howlong will you stay in France?107. Howlong will you study in France?108. Will you stay in France whenyou fi

47、nish your study?109. Whydont you want to stay work in France after your France?110. Will you comeback to China whenyou finish your study?111. Will you work during your study in France?112. Doyou want to find ajob while you study in France?113. Whydont you want to work in France?114. Whats your study plan in France?115. Doyou have any plan about your study?116.


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