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1、書山有路勤為徑,學海無涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘學子:學業(yè)有成,金榜題名!語言類考試復習資料大全公共英語一級模擬81公共英語一級模擬81第一部分 聽力理解第一節(jié) 圖片判斷 在本節(jié)中,你將聽到10個句子,每句話配有A、B、C三幅圖片,請選擇與句子內(nèi)容相符合的一幅圖片,并標在試卷的相應位置。每句話后有15秒鐘的停頓,以便選擇圖片并看下一幅圖片。每句話讀兩遍。 下面請聽這些句子。 (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標題名) 1.答案:B聽力原文I ordered a glass of beer.2.答案:A聽力原文Wang Fang is good at math.3.答案:B聽力原文I had rice

2、 for lunch yesterday.4.答案:A聽力原文You can rest in the shadow of the tree,5.答案:C聽力原文At the end of the street theres a bookstore. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標題名) 6.答案:C聽力原文The teacher is in front of the blackboard.7.答案:B聽力原文Jack is a very good football player.8.答案:B聽力原文Look, they are dancing.9.答案:B聽力原文We can use co

3、mputers to send e-mails.10.答案:C聽力原文The girl is wearing a pair of sunglasses.第二節(jié) 對話理解 在本節(jié)中,你將聽到15個對話,每段對話后有一個問題。請從A、B、C三個選項中選出答案,并標在試卷的相應位置。每段對話后有15秒鐘的停頓,以便回答問題和閱讀下一問題及其選項。每段對話讀兩遍。 下面請聽這些對話。 (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標題名) 1. What will the woman do?A.Turn on the radio.B.Turn down the radio.C.Turn off the radio.

4、答案:B聽力原文F: Do you mind my turning down the radio?M: Oh.no.not at all.2. What does Jack do?A.He is a student.B.He is a worker.C.He is a soldier.答案:A聽力原文F: What class are you in, Jack?M: Im in Class Two.3. How many students are there in the class?A.30.B.44.C.70.答案:B聽力原文M: There are 30 girl students in

5、 our class.F: There are 14 boy students, too.4. What does the man want to have?A.A storybook.B.A piece of paper.C.An English book.答案:B聽力原文M: Excuse me, may I have a piece of paper, please?F: Certainly, here you are.5. Where are they talking?A.In a market.B.In a post office.C.In a restaurant.答案:C聽力原文

6、F: What would you like to order, sir?M: Id like a glass of beer. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標題名) 6. Why isnt the man going to the cinema?A.Because he doesnt know where the cinema is.B.Because he is going to see the doctor.C.Because he doesnt like seeing films.答案:B聽力原文F: Arent you going to the film this afterno

7、on?M: Id love to, but I have to go to see a doctor.詳細解答 根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,女:“今天下午你不打算去看電影嗎?”男:“我想去,但我必須去看醫(yī)生?!?. How long did they stay here?A.Four days.B.Three days.C.Two days.答案:B聽力原文F: They came here the day before yesterday, didnt they?M: No, they got here four days ago, and left yesterday.詳細解答 根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,女:“他們

8、是前天來的嗎?”男:“不,他們四天前到的,昨天走的。”8. What are they talking about?A.The weather.B.Their favorite food.C.The radio program.答案:A聽力原文F. Its rather warm today, isnt it?M: Yes, but I listened to the radio this morning. It will get cool.詳細解答 根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,女:“今天好熱啊,是嗎?”男:“是的,但今天早上我聽收音機里說,天氣將會轉(zhuǎn)涼?!?. What time did the man

9、get up this morning?A.At 6:30.B.At 6:15.C.At 6:45.答案:C聽力原文F: When do you usually get up, Peter?M: I usually get up at half past six, but this morning I got up a quarter later.詳細解答 根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,女:“皮特,你一般什么時候起床?”男:“六點半,但今天我多睡了一刻鐘?!?0. Where does the talk happen?A.In the street.B.At the bank.C.At the post of

10、fice.答案:C聽力原文F: I want to buy some stamps, please.M: Sorry, you are at the wrong window. You can buy some at Window 2.詳細解答 根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,女:“我想買些郵票。”男:“對不起,不是這個窗口,在2號窗口?!?(如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標題名) 11. Whats the probable relationship(關系) between the two speakers?A.Husband and wife.B.Doctor and patient.C.Teacher a

11、nd student.答案:A聽力原文F:The baby is crymg,darlingM:Maybe he is hlangry Why not go up and see if he is all right?And give him some milk?對話中提示人物身份和關系的關鍵詞句是女士話中的baby(寶寶)和darling(親愛的),及男士話中的give him some milk(給他喂點兒奶)。由此可推知他們是夫妻,并且有孩子,選A。12. What do Nancys parents want her to be?A.A scientist.B.A teacher.C.

12、An artist.答案:B聽力原文M:What are you going to be when you grow up,Nancy?F:I want to be an artist But my parents wantme t0 be a teacher本題關鍵是聽清女士回答中的最后一句:But my parents want me to be a teacher(但我父母想讓我當老師),故選B。an artist是Nancy自己的理想,屬于干擾信息。13. What are they talking about?A.About China.B.About school life.C.A

13、bout something interesting.答案:B聽力原文M:Angela, how do you like your school life in China?F:Its both busy and interesting.對話中男士的問句是:.your school life in china(你在中國的學習生活怎么樣),而女士的回答用busy和interesting兩個詞概括,由這兩處可知,他們談論的話題是學校生活,選B。China雖然在對話中出現(xiàn),但描述國家不能用busy,故A不對。14. What are the man doing?A.Buying a new pair

14、 of trousers from the woman.B.Seeing if the woman has another pair of trousers.C.Changing something he has bought from the woman.答案:C聽力原文M:I bought this pair of trousers just three days ago,but when I wash it,it begins to lose color. Can you change it?F:Oh dear! Of course. But Ill see if weve got an

15、other pair for you. Do you bring the receipt?本題要求考生聽完整個對話后判斷對話內(nèi)容。男士首先指出自己3天前買了一條褲子,并在最后一句提出問題:Can you change!it(你能把它換了嗎);女士用of course肯定回答,然后說要看有沒有另外一條,并詢問男士帶了發(fā)票(receipt)沒有。由此即可推斷出男士是在換自己買的褲子,選C。15. Wheres Mrs Smith now according to the man?A.In the school.B.In a shop.C.He doesnt know.答案:C聽力原文F:Have

16、you seen Mrs Smith, John?M:Yes. I saw her in a shop, on my way home from the school. But I dont know where she is now.本題的聽音重點是男士的話。男士話語中信息較為豐富和復雜,提到了shop和school兩個地點,但最后一句把這二者都否定了:I dont knowr where she is now(我不知道她現(xiàn)在在哪兒)。因此本題答案是C。本題提示考生一定要聽清題目以及對話中相應的細節(jié)信息。第二部分 英語知識運用第一節(jié) 單項填空 閱讀下面的句子和對話,從A、B、C三個選項中選出

17、一個能填入空白處的最佳選項。 問題:1. Tom_here to visit us next Sunday.A.comesB.is going to beC.will come to答案:B句意 湯姆下星期天會來這里看我們。本題考查時態(tài)。句中有表示將來時間的時間狀語next Sunday,所以用一般將來時,但C項中的to是多余的,故B項正確。知識拓展 一般將來時可以用be going to do sth. 或will do sth.來表示。問題:2. Jenny plays _piano very well.A.aB.theC./答案:B解析 本題考查冠詞的用法。樂器前邊加定冠詞。所以答案為B

18、。問題:3. She won _ .A.the girls 400-metres raceB.the girls 400-metre racesC.the girls 400-metre race答案:C解析 400米跑英語表示應為“400-metrerace”問題:4. Why are you so angry _ each other?A.atB.withC.to答案:B詳細解答 此題考查固定搭配。be angry with sb意為:生某人的氣。問題:5. _ you are wrong, you should say sorry.A.ForB.SinceC.Or答案:B解析 本題考查連

19、詞。since表示“既然,由于,因為”,可放在句首或句中。for表示“因為”;不能放在句首,只能放在句中。問題:6. Do you think maths is _ than foreign languages?A.as difficultB.more difficultC.most difficult答案:B問題:7. Mr. Liu will arrive _ China in two weeks.A.toB.inC.for答案:B解析 arrive at 意為“到達(某一小地方)”;arrive in 意為“到達(某一大地方)”。問題:8. The _ over there is an

20、Australian.A.standing manB.man stoodC.man standing答案:C名師解析 此句要表達“站在那邊的男的是澳大利亞人”。主語為“the man”,定語從句“who is standing over there”用來修飾“the man”。選項A中standing作形容詞表示“停滯的,固定的,標準的”,不能修飾“man”,所以不能選,選項B“stood”為“stand”的過去時,而man與stand之間為主動,所以也不符合題意。只有選項C定語從句省略“who is”,符合題意。故選C。問題:9. _ did it take him to draw the

21、horse? Half a week. A.How muchB.How oftenC.How long答案:C解析 根據(jù)答語“Half a week”可推斷對方在問:“畫這匹馬花了他多長時間?”How much用來問多少錢,或就不可數(shù)名詞提問;How often用來問每隔多久一次;How long用來問時間有多久或問物體的長度。問題:10. The lost boy _ in the end.A.foundB.was foundedC.was found答案:C詳細解答 此處考查被動語態(tài)。此句意為:那個丟失的小孩最終被找到。find的過去分詞為found問題:11. Mrs. Jones _

22、in this school since she came to the city.A.workedB.has workedC.works答案:B解析 since, for等詞是現(xiàn)在完成時的標志。問題:12. Annies friends are going to drive her to Cambridge after she_breakfast.A.hasB.hadC.will have答案:A精析 本題考查時間狀語從句中的時態(tài)用法。此句中主句中are going to表示即將做某事,而其相對應的以after引導的時間狀語從句中通常使用一般現(xiàn)在時表示將來的動作行為。故A正確。 知識拓展 在

23、英語中可以用be going to和will表示一般將來時,但是在after引導的時間狀語從句中,常用一般現(xiàn)在時表示一般將來時。 問題:13. He asked me _.A.what size shoes I woreB.what size shoes did I wearC.I wore what size shoes答案:A詳細解答 此題考查賓語從句。從句中語序為陳述句語序。問題:14. Did you know _ with the bike?A.what did he doB.he did whatC.what he did答案:C詳細解答 此題考查賓語從句的語序。賓語從句必須使用陳

24、述句語序。問題:15. Im sorry that I forget _ the book to you yesterday. A. giving B. to give C. to be given 答案:B解析 forget to do sth. 意為“忘記要做某事(末做)”;forget doing sth. 意為“忘記做過某事 (已做)”。根據(jù)題意,選項B為最佳答案。第二節(jié) 完型填空 閱讀下面短文,從短文后所組的A、B、C三個選項中選出能填入相應空白處的最佳選項。 How can we practice our spoken English? The first and the most

25、 important thing is 1 yourself. You should always be full of 2 or you will 3 improve your English. You should often encourage yourself, Come on, dont be afraid! You should never lose heart and never give up. Maybe you are afraid 4 losing face, but you should think that since we are students, were le

26、arning, there is no need 5 about anything. You must always be active in practice. There is no problem if your pronunciation and intonation (語調(diào)) cant be 6 good as the native people because we are Chinese, and we dont have 7 to live in foreign countries and talk with the people there all the time. But

27、 you must know that the main way to study English is to make ourselves 8 and understand other people. You should believe that native speakers will not laugh 9 you, instead they will encourage you. So if youre 10 , you will certainly make a rapid progress in your spoken English. 1.A.believeB.to belie

28、veC.believes答案:B解析 不定式短語to believe yourself(相信自己)用作表語,表明主語的內(nèi)容。2.A.confidenceB.ideasC.mind答案:A解析 要提高英語水平,就要充滿信心。be full of confidence意為“充滿信心”。3.A.be able toB.cantC.never be able to答案:C解析 情態(tài)動詞can常用于一般現(xiàn)在時的句中。在一般將來時的句子中用shall/will be able to的形式。will never be able to意為“將永不能”,符合文意。4.A.ofB.inC.tot答案:A解析 be

29、 afraid of 是固定搭配,意為“害怕,恐怕”,其后跟名詞、代詞、動名詞作賓語。5.A.worriedB.to worryC.worrying答案:B解析 不定式to worry about anything在句中作need的同位語。There is no need to worry about sb. /sth. 是用來安慰別人的常用交際英語。6.A.veryB.muchC.as答案:C解析 be not as/so good as意為“不如一樣好”,用于人或事物的同級比較。7.A.chanceB.timeC.reason答案:A解析 chance:機會,機遇;time:時間;reas

30、on:原因,理由。我們沒有機會(而不是沒時間或原因)去住在國外和外國人一直交談。8.A.understandB.to understandC.understood答案:C解析 make oneself understood意為“使別人聽懂自己的話”。9.A.atB.withC.to答案:A解析 laugh at sb. /sth. 是動詞短語,意為“嘲笑某人或某物”。10.A.brave enoughB.enough braveC.clever enough答案:A解析 enough用作副詞來修飾形容詞或副詞時,應放在形容詞或副詞之后。第三部分 閱讀理解第一節(jié) 詞語配伍 從上欄所給選項中選出與

31、下欄各項意義相符的選項。 A. cool B. game C. aunt D. south E. east F. father G. baby 1. the wife of ones uncle答案:C2. a very young child答案:G3. neither warm nor cold答案:A4. the direction in which the sun rises答案:E5. a kind of play or sport答案:B第二節(jié) 短文理解 1 閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給問題的A(Right)、B(Wrong)、C(Doesnt Say)三個判斷中選出一個正確選項。

32、I arrived at a little town late at night and felt too tired to drive any further so I went to a hotel. Could you give me a room for the night? I asked a lady at the front desk .I am sorry, she said, You should have booked a room earlier. If you had, it would have been all right. But now every room i

33、s full. I wish I could suggest somewhere else but this is the only hotel in town and every room was booked up weeks ago. What a pity! I said, I have been traveling since breakfast and I am very tired. Well, she said kindly, Before you give up completely, lets look at the record of the list. Someone

34、might have changed his plan. Yes, here is a telegram. I am arriving on the 7th instead of the 6th. You can have this gentlemans room for the night. 1. The writer feel too tired to drive any further because it was too dark for him to go on driving.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B詳細解答 根據(jù)本文第三小段可知“我”早餐

35、后一直開車到晚上,沒有休息。2. The lady at the front desk could not give the writer a room at first because the rooms had just been booked up.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A詳細解答 從文中第二小段倒數(shù)第二句可知,所有的房間都已經(jīng)滿了。3. The town had only one hotel.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A詳細解答 從前臺女士談話中得知小鎮(zhèn)太小,只有一家旅店。4. The lady know

36、there was a free room from someones telephone.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B詳細解答 根據(jù)本文最后一小段可知前臺女士檢查登記本,發(fā)現(xiàn)一份電報。5. From the text we know that the writer slept till nine the next morning.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:C詳細解答 文中沒有講到這一點。第三節(jié) 短文理解 2 閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給問題的A、B、C三個選項中選出一個正確答案。 One day Jacks wife

37、was cleaning the house. Look at all these umbrellas(雨傘), Jacks wife said to him. There are eight and they are broken. Ill take them all to the umbrella shop. Maybe the workers there can mend them, Jack said. They are too good to throw away. Jack took the eight umbrellas to the shop and left them the

38、re. Theyll be ready tomorrow, the shopkeeper said. That evening Jack went home from the office by bus as usual. He sat next to an old woman. She had a red umbrella on the floor near her. When the bus reached his stop, he picked up her umbrella and stood up. Hey! the woman said. Thats my umbrella. Im

39、 sorry, Jack said, giving it to her. I wasnt thinking. Please forgive(原諒)me. The next day he took the umbrellas from the umbrella shop and got on the bus. As he sat down, a woman behind him said, You have certainly had a successful(成功的)day! He turned around and saw the woman he had seen the day befo

40、re. 1. What was Jacks wife doing?A.She was doing some washing.B.She was doing some cleaning.C.She was doing some shopping.答案:B解析 根據(jù)文中第一句話可知杰克的妻子正在打掃屋子。2. How many umbrellas were there in Jacks home?A.There were nine.B.There were eight.C.There was only one.答案:B解析 文中第二段說,Jack家有8把傘,而且這些傘全是壞的。3. Why did

41、 Jack take the womans umbrella in the bus?A.He know the woman very well.B.He wasnt thinking.C.He was a thief.答案:B解析 在車上,Jack看到了一把與自己家里一樣的紅色的傘,于是不假思索地就拿走了。4. Why did Jack go to the umbrella shop?A.He wanted to buy a new umbrella.B.He asked the workers in the shop to mend the umbrellas.C.He wanted to

42、return the umbrella to the woman.答案:B解析 因為他家的傘都壞了,所以他把所有的傘帶到店里去修。5. What did the woman think of Jack?A.She thought him a good man.B.She thought Jack had done well in mending the umbrella for her.C.She didnt think Jack was a good man.答案:C解析 根據(jù)上下文,這個老太太把Jack當成了賊。 請根據(jù)下面短文回答第6670題: Mr. Baker liked shoot

43、ing very much but he was never good at it. A month ago some of his friends visited him in his house and saw a new target( 靶子 )which Baker had put several days before in his garden. His friends went nearer and looked at this beautiful target. There was a hole right in the middle of the target. When t

44、hey asked who had shot the target, Baker said he had. They all laughed and said, How far away were you, Baker? Two feet? But Baker said he was fifty yards(碼) away. Then Mr. Bakers wife explained about the hole in the middle. She said, Baker went to a shop and bought a very big piece of wood. He brou

45、ght it home in a car, put it in the garden and shot at it from fifty yards away. Then he drew a target round the hole and cut the wood. 6. One day some of Bakers friends saw _ in his garden.A.a very big piece of woodB.a very nice targetC.a hole答案:B解析 參考第二段第一句,他的朋友們走近看那個漂亮的靶子。7. Baker put the target there _.A.a month agoB.less than a month agoC.more than a month ago答案:C解析 參考第一段第二句可知,他的朋友一個月前去他家時就看見了那個靶子。問題問的是:“Baker把靶子放在那里多長時間了?”8. Why did Bakers friends laugh? Because _.A.they didnt believe that Baker could shoot the target in the middleB.Baker shot the target only two feet awayC.Ba


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負責。
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