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1、書山有路勤為徑,學(xué)海無(wú)涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘學(xué)子:學(xué)業(yè)有成,金榜題名!語(yǔ)言類考試復(fù)習(xí)資料大全公共英語(yǔ)三級(jí)模擬105公共英語(yǔ)三級(jí)模擬105Section Listening ComprehensionDirections: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are

2、TWO parts in this section, Part A and Part B. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put dawn your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto ANSWER SHEET1. If you hav

3、e any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer - A , B , C or D

4、 , and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE. (如需獲取本MP3聽(tīng)力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 1. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A.At the North Pole.B.In the zoo.C.On the street.D.In the womans house.答案:B解析M: I have never se

5、en that animal before. What is it?W: Its a polar bear. Its been here for two years.本題屬于地點(diǎn)題,提示對(duì)話地點(diǎn)的是seen、animal、here三個(gè)詞,由此可知對(duì)話發(fā)生在動(dòng)物園。2. Why cant Tom have the suit cleaned?A.Because he is too busy playing cards.B.Because he has no work to do.C.Because he is working at his homework.D.Because he does no

6、t want to.答案:C解析W: Tom, you ought to have that dress cleaned. Its too dirty.M: But Im too busy with my school work now.男士回答中的Im too busy with my school work就是C 。其余三項(xiàng)都與此不符。3. What are the two speakers probably doing?A.Waiting for their order in a restaurant.B.Waiting for someone they are to meet.C.Wa

7、iting for an order from their boss.D.Waiting for someone to have an appointment.答案:A解析W: Weve been waiting for them to take our order for twenty minutes.M: Yes, and I have an appointment at 2:00. Waiter!本題問(wèn)的是對(duì)話者正在做什么。提示答案是的女士話中的wait、take our order和男士最后的稱呼waiter,選A 。4. Where will the woman go first?A

8、.To the school.B.To a friends house.C.To the post office.D.Home.答案:C解析M: Can you stay for dinner?W: Id love to. But I have to go and send some registered mail before picking up the children from school.本題關(guān)鍵在于聽(tīng)清女士的第二句話:send some registered mail(發(fā)幾封掛號(hào)信)和before picking,說(shuō)明她先去郵局,然后接孩子。5. What is the prob

9、able relationship between the two speakers?A.Teacher and student.B.Father and daughter.C.Boss and secretary.D.Two students.答案:D解析M: Are you going to return to your present job after the vacation?W: No, I plan to graduate next semester. That means Ill have to be a full-time student.M: Yes. And Ill ha

10、ve to concentrate on my study, too.本題為人物關(guān)系題。提示對(duì)話者關(guān)系的關(guān)鍵詞是女士后一句中的be a full-time student 和男士最后一句中的my study,說(shuō)明他們都是學(xué)生。 (如需獲取本MP3聽(tīng)力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 6. Why is Miss Brown in that office?A.She is the office manager.B.She is looking for a new job.C.She will interview the man.D.She is learning about advertising.答案:B解

11、析W: Good morning. Im Miss Brown. I answered your ad for an experienced advertising executive.M: Oh, yes, Miss Brown. Wont you have a seat? The manager will see you shortly.本題關(guān)鍵在于聽(tīng)清女士的第二句話:I answered your ad for an experienced advertising executive,即她是看了招聘廣告后才來(lái)(應(yīng)聘)的,因此選B 。7. What does the woman propo

12、se to do?A.Climb the mountains.B.Go out for a walk to the new forest.C.Go sightseeing in a car.D.Have a wonderful meal at the weekend.答案:B解析M: What shall we do this weekend?W: Lets go for a walk.M: Where to go, than?W: Lets go to the new forest. We havent been there too long.M: Thats a good idea. Il

13、l pick you up at about ten. Is that all right?W: Thats wonderful. See you then. Bye!在第一輪對(duì)話中女士提出go for a walk,在第二輪對(duì)話中又提出go to the new forest,綜合起來(lái)她的意思就是So for a walk to the new forest,選B 。8. What does the woman imply about teaching?A.Its awfully dull.B.Its really exciting.C.Its very exhausting.D.Its q

14、uite challenging.答案:B解析M: Wouldnt you get bored with the same routine year after year teaching the same things to children?W: I dont think it would be as boring as working in an office. Teaching is stimulating.本題關(guān)鍵在于考生理解女士最后一句話中用于描述教書的形容詞stimulating的意思,它指“鼓舞的”,與exciting同義,故答案是B 。9. What did the woma

15、n recommend to the man?A.A good idea about computer.B.Some computer books in Chinese.C.Some computer books in English.D.Any computer books she had.答案:C解析M: Good evening, l would like to borrow some computer hooks. What kind of books would you recommend?W: It might be a good idea to read some in Engl

16、ish. Youll enjoy them more and be able to read fast. They are on that shelf over there.M: Thats a good idea. Thank you.在男士提出問(wèn)題后,女士明確指出男士應(yīng)當(dāng)read some (computer books)in English,即看一些英文計(jì)算機(jī)圖書,與C 一致。10. What are these people doing?A.They are watching TV.B.They are listening to the radio.C.They are swimmin

17、g in the channel.D.They are changing their news program.答案:A解析M: Will you please change this channel? I cant stand this program.W: If you wait a minute, the news will be on next. I want to be sure to see it tonight.本題提示對(duì)話者所做的事情的關(guān)鍵詞是change this channel和program,說(shuō)明他們是在看電視。收音機(jī)一般不用channel。Part B You will

18、 hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear e

19、ach piece ONLY ONCE. Questions 1114 are based on the following dialogue about Amys view on date. (如需獲取本MP3聽(tīng)力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 1. Amy likes men who _.A.are sensitiveB.are funnyC.have a good jobD.like to dance答案:B解析 11-14M: OK, Amy. Just tell us what kind of person you like to date. Dont be shy!W: Well, OK. I

20、ve never done this before. I feel kind of silly, but here goes. I guess I really like men who are funny. I love to laugh and be happy. Thats the most important thing. But I dont like men who are really loud. I mean, I like men to laugh, but I dont want them to sound like donkeys!M: OK. What else?W:

21、Oh. I like men who are intelligent and open-minded. Those two things go together, dont they? Good conversations are important. I love talking about books and movies and politics. I really hate men who think theyre always right, You know? The stubborn ones who wont listen to new ideas. They always ge

22、t into had moods if you dont agree with them. I dont like men who are moody.M: Now, Amy, tell me about the perfect Saturday night date.W: Hmm. Well, he comes over to my place, and we cook dinner together. Then we put on some jazz music and sit down and eat and talk about important things. Of course,

23、 he offers to help with the dishes. It really bugs me when a man wont help clean up.M: Sounds romantic. And how about the perfect Saturday afternoon date?W: I guess maybe a couple of games of tennis, or. I like to golf. Maybe a game of golf.M: So you like sports?W: I like playing, but I dont like to

24、 spend all day watching sports on TV. Its a waste of time.M: OK. Last question; Is there anything you really dont like?W: Well, sure. I really dont like men, or people, who dont respect other people.在第一輪對(duì)話中,女士的第四句話指出;I really like men who are funny,即她喜歡有趣的男人。2. Amy doesnt like men who _.A.are loudB.

25、are intelligentC.dont like childrenD.like laughing答案:A與上一題相同,在第一輪對(duì)話中女士的第七句話明確指出:I dont like men who are really loud,即不喜歡大聲的男人,選A 。3. Which of the following is Amy most likely to do during a perfect Saturday night date?A.Drawing pictures.B.Staying at home and cooking.C.Going to a jazz concert.D.Going

26、 to a bar to chat.答案:B第三輪對(duì)話主要談?wù)摰氖桥肯矚g的周末晚上約會(huì)是什么樣子。女士的回答中有cook dinner together、help with the dishes等詞句,因此可確定答案為B 。4. Which of the following does Amy think to be a waste of time?A.Watching sports on TV all day.B.Cooking dinners at home.C.Listening to jazz music.D.Talking about things with her boyfrien

27、d.答案:A在倒數(shù)第二輪對(duì)話中,女士明確指出:I dont like to spenda waste of time,即她認(rèn)為整天在電視上看體育比賽是在浪費(fèi)時(shí)間,選A 。 Questions 1518 are based on the following story. (如需獲取本MP3聽(tīng)力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 5. Where have the family decided to go in the vacation this summer?A.They havent reached a decision yet.B.They have decided to go hunting bears.

28、C.They want to go camping.D.They want to go exploring the country.答案:A解析 15-18 Our family is trying to decide where to go for a vacation this summer. Our son Tom wants to go to Yellow Stone Park again to see the bears. We did that last summer and what an experience it was! When we got there, we put

29、up our tent and went to explore. As we returned, we heard our daughter Susie cry out and then we saw a bear enter our tent, Tom wanted his father to chase him away. His father said; No, its dangerous to chase a bear. And dont let him chase you. Susie said: What shall we do? Maybe we ought to climb a

30、 tree. Tom said: No, weve got to get him out of there. He might go to sleep in our tent. Maybe we could make him leave if we put some honey outside for him to eat. Susie suggested. Then I said: How are you going to get the honey? Its in the tent, We watched the bear enter the tent and heard him upse

31、t everything inside. Its foolish for us to try to catch hire. Said my husband. Leave him alone and wait for him to come out. We waited but the bear stayed inside. We had to sleep in the car. 獨(dú)自第一句即指出:Our family is trying to decide where to go for a vacation this summer,表明他們尚未決定去哪里度暑假,后面的經(jīng)歷描述的只是他們過(guò)去的

32、一次度假,因此答案為A 。6. Who do you think saw the bear first?A.Susie.B.Tom.C.The speaker.D.The speakers husband.答案:A獨(dú)白從第四句開(kāi)始描述他們以前的一次度假經(jīng)歷。第五句則指出;we heard our daughter Susie cry out,and then we saw a bear enter our tent,即他們是在聽(tīng)到Susie的叫聲后才發(fā)現(xiàn)熊,由此可知當(dāng)然是 Susie先看到熊,選A 。7. What did they do when they saw a bear enter

33、their tent?A.They chased the bear away.B.They stayed outside the tent and did nothing.C.They climbed up a tree.D.They put some honey outside for the bear to eat.答案:B獨(dú)自第五句后都是發(fā)現(xiàn)熊后一家人的想法和討論。而由獨(dú)自最后兩句:We waited but the bear stayed inside. We had to sleep in the car可知,一家人什么也沒(méi)做,只是等待著熊出來(lái)自行離去,選B 。8. What did

34、 the hear do in the tent?A.He ate the honey.B.He drank the beer.C.He chased the people away.D.He turned things upside down.答案:D獨(dú)白倒數(shù)第六句指出:We watched the bear enter the tent and heard him upset everything inside,即熊在帳篷里把東西翻得亂七八糟,與D 的意思一致。 Questions 1922 are based on the following dialogue about travell

35、ing. (如需獲取本MP3聽(tīng)力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 9. Who is the woman?A.A traveler.B.A travel agent.C.A friend of the man.D.A colleague of the man.答案:B解析 19-22M: Hello. Id like some information about your trips to Paris.W: Yes, of course. What can I do for you?M: Well, how do we travel?W: Its a new coach with a washing roo

36、m and.M: And, er, how many people in a group?W: Well, usually about 40 travelers, a driver and a guide to look after you.M: Er, um. we leave from, from Amsterdam?W: Yes, and return to Amsterdam.M: Is there anything special wed have to bring?W: Oh, we give everyone a list of suitable clothes, ere, to

37、 bring. of course, the space is limited.M: Oh, yes. How long in advance would I have to book?W: Well, it depends. Usually six to eight weeks.M: Well, I am interested in the four-day trip in mid-August. It will be for two people.W: Thatd be fine. Could you come in and we can go over all the details.M

38、: Yes. But can you give me some idea of how much thatll cost?W: Um, we havent got the exact figures at-the moment, but, er, something like 250 Euro per person.M: OK. Urn, Ill come and see you one day next week.W: Yes. Thank you for ringing.M: Thank you. Bye.W: Bye.由女士所用的What can I do for you?這一句從事服務(wù)

39、性工作的人員的常用語(yǔ)及后面對(duì)話中女士都是在向男士介紹旅游的相關(guān)信息可知她應(yīng)是旅游機(jī)構(gòu)的工作人員,選B 。10. Which trip is the man interested in?A.A ten-day trip to Paris.B.A ten-day trip to Amsterdam.C.A four-day trip to Paris.D.A four-day trip to Amsterdam.答案:C男士的第一句話即指出他想問(wèn)的是去巴黎的旅游線路,而在第七輪對(duì)話中他又明確說(shuō)明自己感興趣的是the four-day trip in mid-August,結(jié)合起來(lái)可知選C 。11.

40、 According to the woman, how long should the man book the trip in advance?A.Six to eight months.B.Seven to eight months.C.Seven to eight weeks.D.Six to eight weeks.答案:D第六輪對(duì)話中男士詢問(wèn)需要預(yù)先多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間預(yù)訂,女士回答說(shuō)要看情況而定,然后說(shuō)通常是6 8周(Usually six to eight weeks),因此本題答案是D 。12. How much per person will the trip cost?A.About

41、 215 pounds.B.About 250 pounds.C.About 215 Euro.D.About 250 Euro.答案:D第八輪對(duì)話中男士詢問(wèn)的是價(jià)錢,女士回答說(shuō)目前還未確定,但大約是每人250歐元(something like 250 Euro per person),故選D 。 Questions 2325 are based on the following story about a dog. (如需獲取本MP3聽(tīng)力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 13. How did the speaker and the old lady become good friends?A.They

42、took morning walk together.B.They used to know each other before the speaker moved there.C.They were the only people in that neighborhood.D.The old lady often invited the speaker to her house for a cup of tea.答案:D解析 23-25 Some years ago I moved to the country. There were not many houses in the neigh

43、borhood at that time. The house closest to mine was occupied by a woman. She was about 60 years old and lived all by herself. I used to take a morning walk and on my way home the old lady would invite me to her house for a cup of tea. Soon we became good friends. We talked about a lot of things when

44、 we were together. But my neighbor never mentioned her family. It seemed to me that the old lady had no relations and her only life companion was her pet - a dog she called Tommy. One night in July I was fast asleep when I was suddenly awakened by the harking of a dog. When I opened the door, I was

45、surprised to find Tommy there. When the dog saw me, it started running towards the house of its owner, stopped, harked at me, and started running again. I followed the dog to my neighbors house and found the old lady was lying on the floor. Later I learned from the doctor at the hospital that the ol

46、d lady had had a heart attack that night and that her life would have been in danger if I had not taken her to the hospital immediately. 獨(dú)白第五、六句指出;the old lady would invite me to her house for a cup of teaSoon we became good friends,即老太太經(jīng)常請(qǐng)說(shuō)話者喝茶,因此他們成了好朋友,選D 。14. What did they do when they were toge

47、ther?A.They talked about a lot of things.B.The speaker cooked for the old lady.C.They did some gardening.D.They talked about their families.答案:A本題關(guān)鍵是聽(tīng)清獨(dú)白的第七句:We talked a lot of things when we were together,與A 一致。并且后一句又明確指出老太太從不談起自己的家人。15. What happened one night?A.The dog fell iii and barked all nig

48、ht long.B.The dog played a trick on the speaker.C.The dog awakened the speaker and led him to help its master.D.The speaker had a nightmare in which he saved his neighbours life.答案:C獨(dú)白第十句以后的內(nèi)容都是敘述有天晚上發(fā)生的事情。由獨(dú)白可知,狗叫醒了說(shuō)話者,并把說(shuō)話者帶到了老太太家,發(fā)現(xiàn)老太太躺在地上;說(shuō)話者把老太太送到醫(yī)院,救了她。綜合起來(lái)可知選C 。Section Use of EnglishDirection

49、s: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on your ANSWER SHEET 1. Text If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengths and weaknesses. Success or 1 in you work would depend, to 2 great extent, 3 you

50、r ability to use your strengths and weaknesses to the best advantage. 4 the utmost importance is your attitude. A person 5 begins a job convinced that he isnt going to like it or is 6 that he is going to ail is exhibiting a weakness which can only hinder his success. On the other hand, a person who

51、is secure in 7 belief that he is probably as capable of 8 the work as anyone else and who is willing to 9 a cheerful attempt at it possesses a certain strength of purpose. The chances are that he will do well. 10 the prerequisite skills for a particular job is strength. Lacking those skills is obvio

52、usly a weakness. A bookkeeper who cant add or a carpenter who cant cut a straight line with a saw 11 hopeless cases. This book has been designed to help you capitalize 12 the strength and overcome the 13 that you bring to the job of learning. But in groups to measure your development, you 14 first t

53、ake stock of where you stand now. 15 we get further along in the book, well be 16 in some detail with specific processes for developing and strengthening 17 skills. 18 , to begin with, you should pause to examine your present strengths and weaknesses in 19 areas that are critical to your success or

54、failure in school: your 20 , your reading and communication skills, and your study habits. 1.A.improvementB.victoryC.failureD.achievement答案:C考查名詞與上下文理解。由or所表示的選擇關(guān)系及上下文文意可知應(yīng)填入一個(gè)與success相反的名詞,因此選failure(失敗)。improvement改善,改進(jìn);Victory勝利;achievement成就。2.A.aB.theC.someD.certain答案:A考查冠詞與固定搭配。to a great exte

55、nt是固定搭配,指“在很大程度上”。其余三項(xiàng)雖可用于修飾extent,但它們都應(yīng)直接用于extent前。3.A.inB.onC.ofD.to答案:B考查固定搭配。本題關(guān)鍵是理清句子結(jié)構(gòu)。to a great extent是插入語(yǔ),句子謂語(yǔ)為depend,空格后是名詞賓語(yǔ),所以應(yīng)用on,構(gòu)成固定搭配depend on,指“取決于”。4.A.Out ofB.OfC.ToD.Into答案:B考查介詞用法與固定搭配?!癰e of+抽象名詞”是一個(gè)常用搭配,指具有某種性質(zhì)。這一句是明顯的倒裝句,正常語(yǔ)序應(yīng)當(dāng)是Your attitude is of the utmost importance(你的態(tài)度極其重要)。5.A.whoB.whatC.thatD.which答案:A考查從句連接詞。先行詞是A person,連接詞在從句中作主語(yǔ),因此選who,引出定語(yǔ)從句。6.A.ensureB.certainlyC.sureD.surely答案:C考查詞性與搭配。由于填入的詞是作表語(yǔ),因此應(yīng)填入一個(gè)形容詞或者名詞。ensure確保,保證(是動(dòng)詞);certainly肯定,當(dāng)然(是副詞);sure確信的,有把握的(是形容詞);surely想必,必定,當(dāng)然(是副詞)。be sure that是常


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  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對(duì)自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


