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1、curre ntstatusUnemp loyed Ph.DShui Mu Tsinghua ScholarApp lication for the Recruitment P rogramApp lica ntGraduate uni versity for doctors degreeSubject/MajorE mailMobileDep artme nt app lied in THUCollaborati ng men tor app liedTabulated by Huma n Resources Office, Tsin ghua Uni versityDate:(PART I

2、 )I. Personal in formati on1. Basic in formatio nNameGenderNatio nalityDate of birthMaritalstatusID nu mber/P ass port No.Graduateuni versity fordoctors degreeThe WorldUni versity RankingsTHE ( )/QS( ) /ARWU ( ) /USNEWS()Subject/MajorUni versity Rankingsby subjectTHE ( ) by subject ( QS ( ) by subje

3、ct ( ARWU ( ) by subject ( USNEWS ( ) by subject (P h.D AdvisorCou ntry where P h.Dobta inedDate of PhD vivaDegreecertificate date ofissueEstimated Date ofen rollme nt2. Your educati onal backgro und and research exp erie nee(Educati onal backgro und starts from B.S. The research exp erie nee in clu

4、des both uni versities and research in stitutes. All exp erie nee should be listed start ing from the curre nt situati on.)Educati onal backgro undDurati on(y y/mm to yy/mm)In stituti onNatio nalityMajorDegree obta inedResearch exp erie neeDurati on(y y/mm to yy/mm)In stituti onNatio nalityResearch

5、contentsPositi onII. Research background1. Doctoral dissertati onCatalogue (exp ected)(less than 1000 words)Abstract ofdissertati on2. Research achieveme nts and awardsBrief(less than 200 words)in troduct ion of major academic achieveme n tsThe total number of papers published or accepted: SCI,EI, S

6、SCI, CSSCI. ListIntern ati onal andyour representative papers (three papers, your name in bold, the names of students who you supervised should be labeled with , un pubhed yet accepted papers should be no ted.)domestic core journal articlesTitleJournalP ublicati on yearAuthorsAdo pted situatio nTota

7、l citesImp act factorResearch p rojects you p residedThe total number of research projects you presided is, total project funds are. Thetotal nu mber of research p rojects you atte nded is, and the total p roject funds are.List the representative research projects you presided or attended :Name of p

8、 rojectThe in stitutio n which issues the p rojectP roject fun dsYourrespon sibilityin the p rojectAuthor ized timeMonographPublicatio n timeTitlePublish ing companyAuthor ran kin gP ate ntThe total nu mber of p ate nts you acquired is, List the rep rese ntative p ate nts:Whether authorizedName of p

9、 ate ntsType of p ate ntsApprov ed agencyApp roved yearRankingRoleAcademicAwardDateP rojectAward NameAward ing orga ni zati onRankingHonoraryDateHonorary titleAwardi ng orga ni zati onp rizesName (Journal/Institution )Durati on(yy/mmtoyy/mm)Positi onAcademic p art-time jobIII. Research plan1. Resear

10、chtopic2.Key words(less tha n 5)3. Briefin troduct ionof yourresearch plan4.ResearchFoun dati onless than 3000 words)(less than 1000 words)5. Thepoten tialcon tributi onof theproposedresearch inthis field6. The(less than 1000 words)(less than 500 words)relati onshipbetwee n yourresearch planand your

11、men torsmajorp rojects7. ResearchName ofp latformmajor p roject Nati onal Natural Science Fund Major National Science and Tech no logy Projects Natio nal Key R&D P rogram匚otherresearch planP latformis yourp rovidedmen tor sby yourmen tormajor p roject,pl ease fillin )(If your Nati onal Laboratory Ke

12、y State Ldooratory Nati onal Engin eeri ng Research Cen ter Nati onal Cen ter for Tech no logical Inno vatio n Nati onal Cen ter for Cli ni cal Medici ne Research Nati onal Science and Tech no logy Resources Shari ng Service Platform National Field Scientific Observation and Re search StationotherIV

13、. Declarati onI have read my application.I hereby guarantee the authenticityof all informationprovidedand am willingto assume liability for allconsequences resulting from fabricationandfalsificati on.I hereby pl edge that while in China, I will abide by China s laws and regulati onsand refrain from partakingin any activity that will harm China s sovereignty,social stabilityDate:or the in terests of its citize ns.App lica nt(PART n)V. 合作導(dǎo)師意見(申請人研究特色、潛力、支持條件)Comme nts by collaborat ing sup


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