1、2019初中英語教師資格面試真題及答案(打印版)一、考題回顧試講題目1. 題目:語法教學(xué)試講2. 內(nèi)容:HaVe you read Little Wome n yet?Yes, I have./ No I have nt.HaS Tina read TreaSUre Isla nd yet?Yes, She has./ She thinks its fan tastic.HaVe you decided WhiCh book to Write about yet?Yes, I have. Ive already finiShed reading it. It WaS really good.3
2、. 基本要求:朗讀所給段落配合教學(xué)內(nèi)容設(shè)計(jì)適當(dāng)板書(3) 針對(duì)劃線部分講解現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)(4) 用英文試講(5) 試講時(shí)間:10分鐘答辯題目1. PIeaSe talk about the differences between the PreSent PerfeCt tense and the SimPIe PaSt ten se.2. PIeaSe talk about the PrOCedUre of the grammar class.二、考題解析【教案】TeaCh ing aims:Kno WIedge aim:StUde nts will master the fun Cti On a
3、nd StrUCtUre of the PreSe nt PerfeCt tense.AbiIity aim:StUde nts will USe the PreSe nt PerfeCt tense to express their ideas.Emoti Onal aim:StUde nts will improve their in terests of Iear ning En glish.Key and difficult point:Key Point: StUde nts Can master the function and StrUCtUre about the PreSe
4、nt PerfeCt ten se. DiffiCUIt Point: StUde nts Can Un dersta nd the differe nce betwee n the PreSe nt PerfeCt tense andthe SimPIe PaSt tense.TeaCh ing procedure:SteP 1: Warmin g-up1. Greeti ngs.2. HaVe a free talk With StUdents, and ask them “ Whaldid you do yesterday? They Can anSWer this questiOn W
5、ith SimPIe PaSt tense.Then Share my activities I did yesterday. I SaW amovie yesterday and itS the most boring movie I have Seen before.Let the StUde nts no tice that2 Z 6have USed a new sentence structure. In this Way Can the teacher lead in the PreSent PerfeCt tense.SteP 2: PreSe ntati On1. Read t
6、he PaSSage for StUdents and ask them to figure out the main idea of the ConVerSation.2. ASk StUde nts to read the PaSSage aga in and Un derl ine the Senten CeS With SimiIar StrUCtUre of the SentenCe I said. Then Iet some of them Write the SentenCeSon the blackboard and they n eed to find out the Sim
7、iIar StrUCtUre among these Senten ces.BaSiC structure: SUbjeCt+have/has+V-ed3. Lead StUdents to find the function Of the PreSent PerfeCt tense, it expresses actions that happened in the PaSt but still have effect or continue till now.SteP 3: PraCtiCe1. Fill in the bla nks. Ialready(See) the film. I(
8、See) it last week.(2) he(fin ish) his work today? Not yet.(3) I(WOrk) here SinCe I(move) here in 1999.2. Translation. Show some SentenCeSon the SCreen and StUdents need to translate them into En glish.(1) 她從1988年就住在這里。(2) 這本書我已經(jīng)讀了兩個(gè)小時(shí)了,但是我還沒有讀完。(3) 近幾年他去過澳大利亞三次了。Step4: PrOdUCtiOnDiSCUSSi on. ASk the
9、m to discuss WhiCh books they have read in groups of four. DUring their discussi on, they are expected to USe the PreSe nt PerfeCt ten se.Step5: SUmmary and HomeworkSummary: ask a StUde nt to Con clude the Content of the less Onand SUmmariZe With the whole class.Homework: ask StUde nts to Write an e
10、ssay based On their discussi On after class.BIaCkbOard design :略【答辯題目解析】1. PIeaSe talk about the differences between the PreSent PerfeCt tense and the SimPIe PaSt ten se.【參考答案】,WhilWell, it is a difficult Point to dist in guish the PreSe nt PerfeCt tense from the SimPIe PaSt tense in this less on. T
11、he StrUCtUre of the PreS ent PerfeCt tense is“ SUbjeCt + have + PaSt PartiCiPIedescribes the things happened before the things in the past. However, the StrUCtUre of the SimPIe PaSt tense is “ subject+ PaSttenSich is us”d to describe the PaSt thin gs.2. PIeaSe talk about the PrOCedUre of the grammar
12、 class.【參考答案】The PrOCedUre of the VOCabUIary class inCIUdeS five steps. First, lead-in. Let StUdents ConCen trate On the class and CUItiVate their in terest to Iear n. Second, PreSe ntati on. Help them Iear n the new grammar. Third, practice. ThrOUgh PraCtiCing, StUdents Can master the grammar bette
13、r. Then, PrOdUCt ion .It aims to help them to apply What they have Iear ned to the daily life. At last, SUmmary and homework. ThiS is the regular Part of the class.英語語法一、考題回顧試講題目1題目:語法教學(xué)試講2. 內(nèi)容:Dani el: Hi, Simon. Do you PIay football at Weeke nds?Simon: Of course, I often play football With my cous
14、ins.Dani el:Do your Pare nts go With you?Simon: No, they don t. BUt my dad SOmetimeS WatCheS our games. SOmetimeS he reads at home. My mum ofte n shops at Weeke nds. What about you, Dani el?Daniel:I often Stay at home. SOmetimeS I go SWimming With my dad.3. 基本要求:朗讀所給段落配合教學(xué)內(nèi)容適當(dāng)板書(3) 針對(duì)所給材料的畫線部分,設(shè)計(jì)操練類
15、的語法教學(xué)活動(dòng)。(4) 用英文試講(5) 試講時(shí)間:10分鐘答辯題目1. What is the foun datio n Of Sett ing teach ing aims?2. How did you teach the new kno WIedge to StUde nts in this class?二、考題解析【教案】TeaCh ing aims:Kno WIedge aim:StUde nts will know basic kno WIedge and StrUCtUre about SimPIe PreSe nt ten se.AbiIity aim:StUde nts wi
16、ll USe the SimPIe PreSe nt tense to express their ideas.Emoti Onal aim:StUde nts will improve their in terests of Iear ning En glish.Key and difficult point:Key Point: StUde nts Can master the basic rule and meaning of SimPIe PreSe nt ten se.DiffiCUIt Point: StUde nts Can USe the SimPIe PreSe nt ten
17、se to describe their PreSe nt State and SimPIe affair.TeaCh ing procedure:SteP 1: Warmin g-up1. Greeti ngs.2. Free talk: The teacher talks about What do you usually do at Weeke nds and asks StUde nts to Share their answers.and then lead in the topic: today We also talk about Weekend activities.SteP
18、2: PreSe ntati On1. ASk StUde nts to ope n the book and the teacher reads the PaSSage and ask StUde nts to find out the main idea of the dialogue.2. ASk StUde nts read the PaSSage On their OWnand an SWer follow ing questi ons.QUeStion1: What does Simon S mother often do at Weekends?AUSWer1: My mum O
19、ften shops at Weeke nds.QUeSti On 2:What does Daniel usually do at Weeke nds?AUSWer2: I ofte n Stay at homeStructure: SUbjeCt+prese nt tense of the verb.(ask SS to Pay atte nti On to the Verb must agree inPerS On With its SUbjeCt )SteP 3: PraCtiCe1. Fill in the bla nk. Show some questi OnSon the SCr
20、ee n. StUde nts n eed to choose the COrreCt an swer. We ofte n(PIay) in the PIaygrO und.(2) What(do)he usually(do) after school?(3) He(get) UP at SiX o clock.2. Translation. Show some SentenCeSon the SCreen and StUdents need to translate them into En glish.(1) 麥克有時(shí)候和他姐姐去公園。(2) 他放學(xué)以后都會(huì)做什么 ?Step4: PrO
21、dUCtiOnDiSCUSSion. ASk them to Share their Weekend activities With their Partners in group of six.DUring their discussi on, they are expected to USe as many SimPIe PreSe nt ten se.Step5: SUmmary and HomeworkSummary: ask a StUde nt to Con clude the Content of the less Onand SUmmariZe With the whole c
22、lass.Homework: ask StUde nts to Write an essay based On their discussi On after class. BIaCkbOard design :略【答辯題目解析】1. What is the foun datio n Of Sett ing teach ing aims?【參考答案】Total new CUrriCUIUm En glish teach ing goal is: to CUItiVate the StUde ntsCOmPrehe nsiveability of Ianguage. COmPrehensive
23、Ianguage USing ability is based On the development of Ianguage skills, Ianguage knoWIedge, emotiOnal attitude, Iearning StrategieS and CUItUraI awareness. FiVe aspects reflect the development value of “ allfor the StUdents It shows three dime nsions of the teach ing goals, n amely, kno WIedge and ab
24、ility, PrOCeSS and methods, emoti Onal attitude and Values.2. How did you teach the new kno WIedge to StUde nts in this class?【參考答案】ThiS is a grammar less on, and We ofte n call itknoWIedge COUrSe” . For knoWIedge courses,5 / 6there are two teachi ng methods: deductive teach ing method and in ductiv
25、e teach ing method. In order to arouse the en thusiasm and in itiative of StUde nts, I adopted the in ductive method to teach them new kno WIedge. First, I asked the StUde nts to read the article quickly and get familiar With the main idea of it. On this basis, I asked them to read it again and Pay
26、attention to the Underlined part. In the process, StUdents could easily find SimiIaritieS among these Sentences. Then I asked them to Pay attention to the feature of these nouns. DUring their discussion, StUdents realized that these nouns are abstract names. Finally, I guided the StUdent to SUmmariZ
27、e the meaning ofS how I taught new kno WIedge.appositive CIaUSeS by tran slat ing these Senten ces. That初中英語閱讀一、考題回顧 試講題目1. 題目:閱讀教學(xué)試講2. 內(nèi)容:Li YUndi, a well-known Chinese Pianist, always loved music. He WaS born in 1982 in Chongqing. When he WaS a small boy, he could hum SongSand difficult PieCeS of
28、music. He bega n to lear n the accord ion at the age of four, and he Started to lear n the Pia no Whe n he WaS SeVe n. In OCtOber 2000, Li YUndi took Part in the 14th Chop in In ternatio nal Pia no COmPetitiOn in Pola nd. He won first PriZe in his group. He WaS also the first Chinese Pianist in the
29、70-year history of the COmPetition to Win this PriZe3.基本要求:(1) 朗讀所給語篇。(2) 配合教學(xué)內(nèi)容適當(dāng)板書。(3) 針對(duì)該語篇的內(nèi)容,設(shè)計(jì)相應(yīng)的閱讀教學(xué)活動(dòng)。(4) 用英文試講。(5) 試講時(shí)間:10分鐘答辯題目1. What are the teach ing aims in this class?2. What is your dream now?二、考題解析【教案】TeaCh ing aims:Kno WIedge aim:StUde nts Can know the meaning of some new words, SU
30、Ch as:well-k nown, hum, take Part in AbiIity aim:StUde nts Can improve their global readi ng ability.Emoti Onal aim:StUdents Can be more interested in learning English and will appreciate the good PieCe of music.Key and difficult point:Key Point: StUde nts Canfind the main idea of the PaSSage throug
31、h SkimDiffiCUIt Point: Can be more interested in learning English and will appreciate the good PieCe of music.TeaCh ing procedure:SteP 1: Warmin g-up1. Greeti ngs.2. Play a PieCe of CIaSSiC Pia no music, and ask StUde nts to liste n to it and guess the composer and the n Iead in the new class.SteP 2
32、: Pre-readi ng1. Write some new words On the blackboard and explain the meaning and USage of them.(well-k nown, hum, take Part in)SteP 3: WhiIe-readi ng1st reading: ASk StUdents to read the PaSSage for the first time and USe the Skim skill to find out the main idea and find the word that illustrate the time.2nd reading: ASk StUdents to read this PaSSage for the SeCOnd time and complete the follow ing chart. Some StUde nts will be in Vite
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