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1、書山有路勤為徑,學(xué)海無涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘學(xué)子:學(xué)業(yè)有成,金榜題名!語言類考試復(fù)習(xí)資料大全公共英語五級模擬16公共英語五級模擬16Section Listening ComprehensionDirections: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are th

2、ree parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first answer the questions in your test booklet, not on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer your answers from your test bookle

3、t ontoANSWER SHEET 1. If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear a talk about Florence Nightingale, the creator of modern nursing. As you listen, answer Questions

4、110 by circling TRUE orFALSE. You will hear the talkONLY ONCE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 110. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名) 1. Florence Nightingale was from a noble family.答案:B解析 1-10 Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 while her parents were on a visit to Italy. Her parents were rich, and wh

5、en she was young, Florence was much admired in London society for her beauty and her wit. Even so, from the time when she was 17, she was determined that her life would be devoted to the care for the sick. Her parents were shocked when she asked for permission to enter a hospital for training, becau

6、se the hospitals at that time were unhealthful places and most of the nurses were ignorant and drunken. It was something unheard of for an educated young woman to wish to be a nurse. Florence had to give up her wish to train. But she did whatever nursing she could in the villages near her home, and

7、studied hospital reports when she could get them. She travelled abroad with friends, visiting hospitals in many places, and in 1851 she managed to train for 3 months in a hospital. When Florence had refused a most suitable proposed marriage simply because she wanted to be a nurse, her parents learnt

8、 that nothing could keep her from her career and they unwillingly accepted the fact. Her formal career thus began. That was in 1853. In 1854, when Britain was having a war with Russia, Florence got a letter from the Secretary of State for War, an old friend of hers. He asked if she would take a part

9、y of nurses to the front in Turkey. This letter actually crossed with one from her offering to go. When Florence arrived at the hospital in the front with about 30 nurses in November, 1854, she was shocked by the terrible conditions there: There was almost no supply of medical equipment and basic fa

10、cility, the environment was frightful, and, worst of all, the doctors had no authority to make the government departments provide what they needed. With the supplies and fund she brought with her, and, especially, with the confidence in herself and her career, Florence started to work. The environme

11、nt and facilities were greatly improved with her management. She worked day and night, nursing the worst cases herself. Soon she won the respect, love and worship of her patients: They called her The Lady with the Lamp, as she made her night rounds with a lamp. Later, Florence travelled through that

12、 area organizing hospitals, though too much physical strain and too much work made her desperately iii and her friends urged her to go home. She extended her activities by providing recreation rooms, books, and lectures for the patients, and in time for soldiers who were not ill. Though with great o

13、bstacles at the beginning, the general situation became greatly improved. By the time the war finished, she became widely admired. Yet she allowed no honour. She set out for a new targetthe improvement of conditions in the army. For that purpose, she again worked day and night. In 1857, her health b

14、ecame so poor, but after a short rest she was back at work again. In about 4 years, most of her new targets was achieved. During the second half of her life Florence Nightingale was always in poor health, often staying in bed for months at a time. She continued to work for many years, nevertheless,

15、until first her eyesight faded, and then her memory. In 1910, she passed away, leaving nursing almost what it is today. 2. Her parents didnt want her to be a nurse because the pay was low.答案:B3. Florence failed to get a chance to train herself to be a nurse at first.答案:A4. Her mother was more willin

16、g to accept her career.答案:B5. Florence first started her formal career abroad.答案:A6. Service in hospitals was poor at that time though equipment was good.答案:B7. The work of Florence was effective from the very beginning.答案:A8. Florence devoted all her time on the care of the ill and wounded.答案:B9. H

17、onours had been intended on Florence.答案:A10. Florence spent her last years in loneliness and poor health.答案:BPart B You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE. Questions 1113 are based on the following conv

18、ersation. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 1113. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名) 1.答案:C解析 11-13M: Did you see that television series with Michael Palin?W: The one where he went around the world in eighty days?M: Yeah.W: Yeah, it was really good. You know, thats something Ive always wanted to do.M: Me

19、too. Mind yon, you have to put up with a lot of hassles. I mean, I went to Hong Kong last year and it was one long disaster!W: Really?M: Yeah, I was stuck in Moscow for three days!W: How on earth did that happen?M: Well, it was like one of those bucket shop tickets, you know, from the back of a maga

20、zine. I went down to this little place in central London, in Soho and paid cash.W: But theyre usually OK, arent they?M: Thats what I thought at the time. Now I know better! I mean the plane was delayed two hours leaving Heathrow and we were doing a stopover at Moscow. It was Aeroflot, like mega crum

21、my, no drinks, terrible service. so we arrived late at Moscow, in the middle of the night, and we all went into the transit lounge and after about two hours this official came in and told us wed missed the connection to Hong Kong, wed have to stay the night in the airport hotel.W: But why?M: The lat

22、e departure from Heathrow apparently.W: So, what was the hotel like?M: Grim. more like a prison really. Anyway, the next morning I went down to reception and asked what was happening. Disaster! Theyd checked my ticket or something and decided it wasnt a proper Aeroflot one, only valid for the twice-

23、a-week flight, not the daily flight. So I had to sit there and watch all the other passengers go off to catch the next plane to Hong Kong while I was stuck in this terrible hotel.W. Well, a good chance to explore Moscow.M: No way! I didnt have a Russian visa, of course, so they wouldnt let me out. I

24、 had to stay there for three days. The pits! No TV, no newspapers, no phone lines and the food was gross. All because I had this cheap ticket.W: I guess you wont be buying cheap tickets again.M: Youre not wrong!2. Why couldnt he go on with his journey with other passengers?A.Because there was a prob

25、lem with his passport.B.Because his ticket was only valid for twice-a-week flight.C.Because he was sick and had to stay in the airport hotel.D.Because he committed a crime and was put in prison.答案:B3. How long did he stay in Moscow?A.Three days.B.Two days.C.A week.D.A night.答案:A Questions 1416 are b

26、ased on the following talk. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 1416. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名) 1. According to the talk, what is the price system primarily related to?A.Labor and education.B.Transportation and insurance.C.utilities and repairs.D.Products and services.答案:D解析 14-16 Prices determine

27、how resources are to be used. They are also the means, by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers. The price system of the United States is a complex network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myria

28、d of services, including labor, professional, transportation, and public-utility services. The interrelationships of all these prices make up the system of prices. The price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend mo

29、re or less upon everything else. If one were to ask a group of randomly selected individuals to define price, many would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product or service or, in other words, that price is the money values of a product or service as agreed

30、 upon in a market transaction. This definition is, of course, valid as far as it goes. For a complete understanding of a price in any particular transaction, much more than the amount of money involved must be known. Both the buyer and the seller should be familiar with not only the money amount, bu

31、t with the amount and quality of the product or service to be exchanged, the time and place at which the exchange will take place and payment will be made, the form of money to be used, the credit terms and discounts that apply to the transaction, guarantees on the product or service, delivery terms

32、, return privileges, and other factors. In other words, both buyer and seller should be fully aware of all the factors that compromise the total package being exchanged for the asked-for amount of money in order that they may evaluate the given price. 2. Which of the following is NOT a factor in the

33、 complete understanding of price?A.Instructions of a product.B.The quantity of a product.C.The quality of a product.D.Warranties that cover a product.答案:A3. Whats the best title for this talk?A.The Weakness of the Price SystemB.The Complexities of the Price SystemC.Credit Terms in BusinessD.Policies

34、 of Protecting the Consumers Rights答案:B Questions 1720 are based on the following talk. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 1720. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名) 1. Where can the expression lame duck be heard?A.Only among hunters.B.Among primary school pupils.C.Among beautiful ladies.D.Among people who a

35、re discussing politics.答案:D解析 17-20 The expression, lame duck, can be heard in almost any American town or city, especially where people discuss politics. Most often, they use it to describe a politician who has come to the end of his power. There are a number of ideas as to where lame duck came fro

36、m, though the picture of a lame duck is clear enougha duck that has had its wings cut out or its feet injured, and can no longer walk like a healthy one. The term seems to have come into the American language after the Civil War of 18611865. One explanation is that it came from the language of hunte

37、rs who felt that it was foolish to waste powder or time on a dead duck. And a lame duck is close to being a dead duck. Another explanation, however, is that the expression came from England. There it was used to describe a man who lost all his money and could not pay his debts. He could do nothing b

38、ut walk like a lance duck. And people showed little mercy for the poor fellow. But in the United States people took the phrase to describe congressman who failed to get re elected but still had a little time left in office. Later, the expression was used in a broader sense, generally describing any

39、man whose days of power were coming to an end. It has oft4n been used to describe the position of an American president in the last two years or so of his second term. It is a difficult time for him, when Congress is ready to oppose him at every turn. 2. Which of the following can be called as a lam

40、e duck?A.A disabled little child.B.A hard-working farmer.C.A politician who has to come to the end of his power.D.An absent-minded old professor.答案:C3. When did this expression came into the American language?A.Some time after the Civil War.B.During the Second World War.C.When President George Bush

41、was in office.D.During the period of Independence War.答案:A4. According to another explanation, where did this expression probably come from?A.Australia.B.Japan.C.Netherland.D.England.答案:DPart C You will hear a talk on how to make oral presentations. As you listen, answer the questions or complete th

42、e notes in your test booklet for Questions 2130 by writing NOT MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the talkTWICE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 2130. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名) 1. Besides the form of reports, in what other forms can we give oral presentations?

43、答案:Answers to questions.解析 21-30 In your university work, you will be expected to give oral presentations in the form of reports or simply in the forms of answers to questions. There are several things you can do to make your oral presentations clear and easy to understand. The fundamental point to

44、realize is that speech and writing are different, If you want to be best understood, you cant simply read your written report aloud. The biggest difference between spoken and written language is that readers can look back over the printed words when they dont understand. In spoken language, however,

45、 listeners cant go back and check the words. They can rely only on memory. So the first principle to keep in mind when youre planning to speak in public is that you have to help the listeners memory. This means that an oral report cant deliver information as rapidly as a written report. That is, you

46、 cant have as many pieces of new information packed into the same number of words, because they will come at too fast a rate for the listener to understand. In an oral report, the rate of delivery has to be slower. One of the best ways to help your audience is simply to speak slowly. Many people spe

47、ak too fast when they speak to a group. This is a mistake, especially if you have a foreign accent, because it makes listening more difficult. Beyond the simple technique of speaking more slowly when you speak before a group, there are ways of organizing your presentation that can help the listener

48、be clear and understand your main points. The organization of your talk should allow enough time for the listener to think both before and after each new idea. The purpose of the time before the new information is to give the audience a chance to understand the background clearly. Knowledge of the b

49、ackground, or setting of the information, makes it much easier to anticipate what kind of information is coming next. If the new information occurs too early, without enough background, the listeners should not be prepared with enough background to be able to predict whats coming. Ive been describin

50、g the time for thinking before the new information. Its also important to provide time for thinking after the new information. This thinking time allows listeners to fit the idea into their general knowledge of the subject. Thinking time gives the listener a chance to make sure that the idea was und

51、erstood before going on to the next new idea. There are three general ways to give the listener time for thinking and time after a point of new information. One way is simply to pause. A moment of silence gives the listener time to take in the new information, but there are other ways. A second meth

52、od is to use a paraphrase. That is, you say the same thing, but in different words. This paraphrase, or repetition of the idea, helps the listeners to fix the thought in their memory. A third way to give the listener time to think is to use words that dont mean much. These are words that convey no i

53、nformation, but just fill in time. For instance, you might say something like as Ive been saying or and so forth and and so on. That kind of expression doesnt really say anything. Its just made of what we call filler words. The words have no real meaning, but they do perform a useful function, since

54、 they allow the listener time to think. In summary, then, we know that oral language should deliver information at a slower rate than you can use in written language. New information should be presented more gradually. Thinking time should be provided both before and after each important new item. T

55、he time before is to provide a background so that the listeners can have a chance to anticipate the idea. The time after is to allow the listeners a chance to understand what they just heard. The three most common ways to allow this thinking time are: (1) to pause, (2) to paraphrase, and (3) to use

56、filler words. I hope that these advices will help make your oral presentations a great success. 2. Whats the essential point we should realize about speech and writing?答案:They are different.3. What can the listeners rely on when they are listening?答案:Their memory.4. One of the best ways to help your

57、 audience is simply _.答案:to speak slowly5. Besides the problem of speaking too fast, what else will make listening more difficult?答案:A foreign accent.6. Before delivering the new information, what should the speaker give his audience?答案:Time for thinking.7. After delivering the new information, why should the speaker also give his audience some time?答案:To take information.8. What does repetition of ideas mean?答案


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