Analyzing the Present Situation of Oral English Teaching of Rural Primary Schools農村小學英語口語教學現(xiàn)狀分析_第1頁
Analyzing the Present Situation of Oral English Teaching of Rural Primary Schools農村小學英語口語教學現(xiàn)狀分析_第2頁
Analyzing the Present Situation of Oral English Teaching of Rural Primary Schools農村小學英語口語教學現(xiàn)狀分析_第3頁
Analyzing the Present Situation of Oral English Teaching of Rural Primary Schools農村小學英語口語教學現(xiàn)狀分析_第4頁
Analyzing the Present Situation of Oral English Teaching of Rural Primary Schools農村小學英語口語教學現(xiàn)狀分析_第5頁
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1、畢 業(yè) 論 文學生姓名 學 號 院 (系)外國語學院專 業(yè)英語教育題 目農村小學英語口語教學現(xiàn)狀分析指導教師 (姓 名) (專業(yè)技術職稱/學位)2014年11月 畢業(yè)論文獨創(chuàng)性聲明本人鄭重聲明:本論文是我個人在導師指導下進行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。本論文除引文外所有實驗、數據和有關材料均是真實的。盡我所知,除了文中特別加以標注和致謝的地方外,論文中不包含其他人已經發(fā)表或撰寫過的研究成果。其他同志對本研究所做的任何貢獻均已在論文中作了明確的說明并表示了謝意。作者簽名: 日 期: analyzing the present situation of oral english teaching

2、of rural primary schoolsby a thesis submitted todepartment of foreign languages and literaturein partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the degree of b.a. in englishat huaiyin teachers collegeunder the supervision of mrs. chen guangpingnovember 2014v acknowledgmentsthis thesis involves much gene

3、rous assistance from my teachers, friends and parents. i would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to mrs. chen guangping, my supervisor, who has been giving me the considerable academic help and constant support during my thesis writing. i also extend my heartfelt appreciations to all of my friends.

4、and i would like to thank the librarians of huaiyin teachers college, who have provided me with useful references needed in my thesis.finally, i would like to present sincere thanks to my parents, who have supported and assisted me all the way in my college life.abstract according to the widespread

5、phenomenon of “dumb english” which appeared in the oral english teaching of rural primary schools, this thesis aims at analyzing the present situation of oral english teaching of rural primary schools, at the same time finding the main questions behind this situation. then it discusses the behind re

6、asons for this situation to propose solutions and methods from the viewpoints of teachers and students. all of the methods are centered on the task-based language teaching that contributes to the oral teaching of rural primary schools, then proposing the detailed measures to help rural students deve

7、lop themselves in an all-around way.key words oral english teaching rural primary schoolstask-based language teaching摘 要 針對農村小學生英語口語普遍存在的“啞巴英語”的現(xiàn)象,本文對農村小學的英語教學現(xiàn)狀的分析,指出目前農村英語口語教學存在的問題,進而從教師和學生兩個層面探討問題背后的成因來試圖摸索出改善的的途徑,著重闡述任務型教學在農村小學英語教學提高中發(fā)揮的作用以及具體的實施措施,以此來幫助農村學生的全面發(fā)展。關鍵詞 農村英語,口語教育,任務型教學contents1. in

8、troduction12. the present situation12.1 a brief introduction to speaking1 2.1.1 the characteristics of speaking1 2.1.2 serveral components of good speaking22.2 the differences from the good speaking32.3 the differences from the new national curriculum standard42.4 the appearance of the “dumb” englis

9、h phenomenon53. main reasons for this situation 53.1 the lack of professional teachers53.2 the lack of quality-oriented educational ideas53.3 the lack of learning atmosphere63.4 the attitudes of learning speaking63.5 the personality of rural students73.5.1 poor in basic knowledge73.5.2 the unhealthy

10、 habits of learning73.5.3 inactive in the english class73.6 the backward of infrastructure construction 73.6.1 the unavailability of teaching facilities73.6.2 the lack of materials83.6.3 the unfavorable family enviorment 84. solutions and methods84.1 improving the level of rural teachers 94.2 studen

11、ts own efforts to speak english94.3 adopting the “task-based language teaching”94.3.1 the brief introduction to it 94.3.2 some principles of tblt114.3.3 types of oral activities in the english class of primary schools124.3.4 the specific ways to design task-based lesson plainning in rural primary sc

12、hools135. conclusion14works cited151. introduction as is known to all, with the rapid development of economy, our country has taken on a new look. we are keeping in close touch with the foreign countries. as the most widely used language around the world, english plays a more and more important role

13、 in international communication. so it is essential for our, chinese people, to learn english well especially speak well so that we can communicate with the foreigners fluently, which leads to the appear of the phenomenon that more and more people, no matter old or young are learning english. howeve

14、r, most of the people can not speak good english especially the rural students. most of them are just learning dumb english. so firstly i analyze the present situation. then i discuss the main reasons for this situation. at last, i propose solutions and methods from teachers teaching and students st

15、udies.2. the present situation2. 1 a brief introduction to speakingusually we tend to think that english has the four skills, which named listening, speaking, reading and writing list by list and speaking is often considered as the most important of the four skills. people who know a kind of languag

16、e tend to be regarded as speaker of that language. so most foreign language learners are primarily interested in learning to speak well.speaking in foreign language is very important skill which can help you express your ideas, exchange thoughts, and communicate with others in your community. speaki

17、ng in a foreign language has often been viewed as the most demanding one of the four skills. the skill of speaking is distinct from other skills in language acquisition. for it is an action learned by practice and repletion, just like swimming and cycling. if you want to gain the ability, you must n

18、ot merely stay in theory research. you also have to practice as much as possible, or your theory and vocabulary are in vain. 2.1.1 the characteristics of speaking speaking is often considered as the most important of the four skills because speaking in real life is far more complex than the theory o

19、f it. to elaborate this point, i offer the following characteristics which contribute to understanding the speaking clearly.1 speaking is a skill, which the students will use in real situations of their daily lives. it can be memorized, initiated, understood, and practiced. all of these characterist

20、ics make speaking to be a challenging language skill. fluent speech contains restricted forms, which demands learners to get enough practice to know them well. also students must be equipped with the stress, rhythm and intonation of english. in all, it is a complicated task for the abc.three specifi

21、c characteristics of speaking are as bellow.(a)the first one is spontaneity because it is full of false starts, repetitions, incomplete sentences and short phrases. spontaneous speech is very obvious in our life, which means that all the sentences you say in your real life can only prepared for a sh

22、ort time. people do not often prepare for what they are going to say. so they usually say in an easy life style, which causes the problem that spontaneous speech is not perfect and has several errors, repetitions, etc. so teachers may call on their students to do more forward thinking and planning t

23、han native speakers do in real life.(b)speaking is time-constraint. students must have the abilities to produce unplanned utterances in limited time; otherwise people will not be patient to listen to them. because only one partner can response his or her partner timely, there is communication of val

24、ue. (c)the last but not least, it depends on listeners. time pressure is not the only point that is hard for students. additionally, they must consider the person they are talking to. if the listeners understand the speakers, they must consider whom they are talking to. every speaker should choose t

25、he valuable way to chat with others. the objective of actions is very when we design speaking task, we should first consider the language proficiency level of the students. it is appropriate to give the students tasks at times that challenge them but not above their level.2.1.2 several

26、components of good speaking the definition of good speaking is hard to say, which arouses a heated discussion among people. while there are some consistent points for good speaking. to put it simply, the good speaking process involves three components.(a)creative thinkingthe first important componen

27、t for good speaking to get is the creative thinking. the creative thinking begins with learning not merely to see but also to consider and to observe it. it is negative to note but is active to analyze. creation is an important bridge between technique and interpretation. creative thinking can be tr

28、ained through some tasks actively by ourselves. for example, we can write down the creative and imaginative ideas without delay. perhaps one day we can make a difference through our ideas. we should dare to create and dare to do. if teachers produce the students with the excellent skills, at the sam

29、e time the imaginative sense of the students is alive, then it will be easy to be developed their real abilities. (b)voice-quality and standard pronunciation standard pronunciation is another indispensability element of good speaking. give an example, if every word is in a standard way, it will be e

30、asier to understand each other. otherwise, they will get misunderstanding each other. additionally, english oral ability is also reflected by our voices. therefore we should attach importance to our voice training. so at the first of all we should be aware of the quality of voice well. the quality o

31、f voice mainly involves three aspects: conservation, variety and audibility. the first one is the conservation, which is the base of the voice. the second one is the variety of the voice. in daily life, if a speakers voice is always monotonous and then the listeners will feel bored with you, refusin

32、g to continue listening. the last one is audibility. simply explaining, it means that your voice has appropriate volume. actually it does not require you to have a booming voice, but just to sure that every listener can hear you clearly. (c)body language body language means more than just hand or ar

33、m gestures, it refers to any little movement of any part of the body. body language, as well as spoken language, is the carrier of the culture with a rich connotation, which can get misunderstanding because of cultural differences. as we all know, a good speech deliver very excellent body language.

34、for many famous orators, they once employed various gestures and expressions to influence the audience so that they can make a difference.2. 2 the differences from good speakingi regret that the students of rural primary schools all lack three components of good speaking. firstly, they tend to have

35、no creative thinking. they are just learning dumb english that people are good at taking examinations, but they can not speak well. most students can not communication with foreigners fluently after graduation. they can just speak a few sentences. then their pronunciation is not standard even a huge

36、 gap from the standard pronunciation. the survey found that they dont learn english phonetic symbol. so they are not aware of the standard pronunciation. last but not the least, they seldom have the body language because they are not dared to speak english loudly. they are shy and does not have conf

37、idences and courage.2. 3 the differences from the new national curriculum standard in general, there are six designing principles for the national english curriculum for nine-year compulsory education. the following are the principles that may help us get a general idea about them. - aims to educate

38、 all students and emphasize quality-oriented education. -highlight the student individuality and respect individual differences. -develop competence-based objectives and allow flexibility and adaptability. -pay close attention to the learning process and advocate experiential learning and participat

39、ion. - attach particular importance to formative assessment and give special attention to the development of competence. -optimize learning resources and maximize opportunities for learning and using the language. the survey found that oral english teaching of rural primary schools despair from the

40、national english curriculum for nine-year compulsory education. they are taking the traditional teaching method. they are still centered on teachers and seldom focus on the the inadequate teaching hours of the oral course in primary schools, at least half of the time is used to teach voc

41、abulary, speech and to explain how these are used in certain situations. so there is the very limited time for speaking practice. students have no time to speak loudly at all. the traditional primary schools classroom teaching tends to be one-way communication or teacher-centered, which means that a

42、 teacher controls the teaching procedure from beginning of the class to the end of the class, and students rarely have opportunities to express their unquiet ideas and to do creative activities. teachers are the authority: teachers speak all the content and few students have amount of chances to exp

43、ress their ideas. teachers and students have little interaction at all, which causes the students are passive. also, the language used by the teacher is mainly native language. the communication between teachers and students are in fact in native language. this does harm to stimulate students desire

44、s to express ideas in the language.2. 4 the appearance of the “dumb” english phenomenonbecause they do not meet these requirements, the “dumb” english phenomenon appeared. it is a phenomenon that people do well in taking examinations but they can not speak well. most students can not communication w

45、ith foreigners fluently after graduations. they can just speak a few sentences.3. main reasons for this situation in order to understand the deep reasons behind this situation, i did a survey in all the primary schools of my hometown. there are 50 teachers included in my research.3.1 the lack of the

46、 professional teachers their professional qualities and academic credentials remain to be further strengthened. according to statistics, nearly two-thirds of them graduate from academy, the rest graduate from secondary schools. but only 20 persons (about 40%) major in english, the rest do not major

47、in english. this tells us a large number of english teachers do not receive the formal english training, which results in their limited vocabulary, lack of the cultural background, bad pronunciation and poor basic skills, etc. especially, they are short of theories of education of the english teachi

48、ng. so they can not smoothly complete their teaching work and use the theories to develop the process of english teaching effectively.3.2 the lack of the quality-oriented educational ideasexam-oriented education should change into quality-oriented education. mark is not the only standard to weigh th

49、e teaching quality in primary schools, which requests the teachers to change teaching into instructing students and assist the students. the role of teachers in class should change the knowledges instructor of the student into the promoter of students learning. teachers should improve themselves wit

50、h both the educational theories and the teaching methods. in addition, teachers should stimulate students initiative to take part in extracurricular activities. initiative is the drive force to oral english speaking.generally speaking, in the traditional classroom teaching a large part of the learni

51、ng time is consist of mastering aspects of the language system. students have to do plenty of exercises to be aimed at understanding rules and then apply them to constructing sentences. it is far away from the learners ultimate purpose of learning english. the class is boring and the students are bo

52、red with it, which lead to the malignancy circle.3.3 the lack of learning atmosphere students in china are learning english under the atmosphere of our mother tongue called chinese. thus, students are easily affected by the custom of speaking chinese. additionally, except the limited courses every w

53、eek, they have little chance to touch english. what makes things worse is that it is no way for students to review what they have learned in the english class since they have more other courses to learn. in daily life, they can only communicate with chinese. so it is evident that the english learnin

54、g environment is not developed well. despite the above statement, there are some other problems arising. firstly, almost all of the english teachers use chinese to organize the class. secondly, teachers pay much attention to grammar teaching. they attach importance to the high marks in every examina

55、tion rather than students linguistic competences. thirdly, the classroom is still mastered by teachers. during the 45 minutes, teachers instruct all the time, seldom letting students to take active part in the class, which is not in accordance with new standard of curriculum. in addition, teachers i

56、gnore the introduction of the cultural background of english-speaking countries. their teachers only tell them that it is taboo to talk age, marriage with foreigners. there are no introductions about details such as table proprieties and diet culture, etc. for the remote impoverished area, both teac

57、hers and students have not opportunities to talk with foreigners. they often overlook the importance of the oral abilities and communicative competences and they still hold that grade in papers can change their destinies.3.4 the attitudes of learning speaking speaking for learning and learning for s

58、peaking are two of the ways to promote their oral abilities. but what is the central has become a question and we should seek for the balance between them. unfortunately, this balanced is absent on the oral course. in the limited teaching hours of the oral course in primary schools, at least half of the time is used to teach gambits of speech, vocabulary and to explain


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