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1、.船/岸安全檢查表SHIP/SHORE SAFETY CHECK LISTShips Name 船名 . Berth 泊位 Port 港口 .Date of Arrival 抵達日期 .Time of Arrival抵達時間 . 填表須知INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION:為保證安全作業(yè),下列所有問題的答復(fù)均是肯定的,可在相應(yīng)的方格內(nèi)清楚地打上()標號。如果不能給予肯定回答,應(yīng)說明理由,而且船舶和碼頭之間均達成關(guān)于應(yīng)采取的適當預(yù)防措施的協(xié)議。如果認為有的問題不適用,應(yīng)在備注欄里加以說明。The safety of operations requires that all q

2、uestions should be answered affirmatively by clearly ticking () in the appropriate box. If an affirmative answer is not available, the reason should be given and agreement reached upon appropriate precautions to be taken between the ship and the terminal. Where any question is considered to be not a

3、pplicable, then a note to that effect should be inserted in the remarks column.“船舶”和“碼頭”欄目下的方格,表示由負責方實施檢查。A box in the column ship and terminal indicates that the party concerned should carry out checks. 在“代碼”欄目里的A,P或R字母,分別表示如下的意義:The presence of the letters A, P or R in the column Code indicates th

4、e following:A (協(xié)議)表示該檢查項應(yīng)通過協(xié)議或程序來處理,并在檢查表中的“備注”欄中明確或者通過其它一些雙方可接受的表格來交流這些協(xié)議和程序。A (Agreement). This indicates that the referenced consideration should be addressed by an agreement or procedure that should be identified in the Remarks column of the Check List, or communicated in some other mutually acc

5、eptable form. P(批準)在否定回答的情況下,未經(jīng)主管當局的書面許可,不可進行作業(yè)。P (Permission). In the case of a negative answer to the statements coded P, no operations are to be conducted without the written permission from the appropriate authority.R(復(fù)查) 表示在不超出聲明同意的時間間隔須重復(fù)檢查的項目。R (Re-check).This indicates items to be re-checked

6、 at appropriate intervals, as agreed between both parties and stated in the declaration.僅在所有方檢查和接受他們分配的職責和責任后方可簽署共同聲明The joint declaration should not be signed until all parties have checked and accepted their assigned responsibilities and accountabilities.PART A BULK LIQUID GENERAL - PHYSICAL CHECK

7、SA 部分 散裝普通液貨 現(xiàn)場核實Bulk Liquid General 散裝液體 普通Ship船舶Terminal碼頭Code代碼Remarks備注1. There is safe access between the ship and shore.船岸之間有安全通道.R2. The ship is securely moored. 船舶已安全系泊.R3. The agreed ship/shore communication system is operative. 商定的船/岸通信系統(tǒng)可用.A RSystem 系統(tǒng) .Back up system 備用系統(tǒng).4. Emergency to

8、wing-off pennants are correctly rigged and positioned.應(yīng)急拖纜已帶好并處于正確位置.R5. The ships fire hoses and fire-fighting equipment are positioned and ready for immediate use. 船方消防水帶和消防設(shè)備配置在位并立即可用.R6. The terminals fire-fighting equipment is positioned and ready for immediate use. 岸方消防設(shè)備配置在位并立即可用.R7. The ship

9、s cargo and bunker hoses, pipelines and manifolds are in good condition, properly rigged and appropriate for the service intended.船方的貨物、燃油軟管, 管線和集管處于良好狀態(tài),適當固定并適用于預(yù)計的貨物作業(yè).8. The terminals cargo and bunker hoses/arms are in good condition, properly rigged and appropriate for the service intended.岸方的貨物

10、、燃油軟管/裝卸臂處于良好狀態(tài),適當固定并適用于預(yù)計的貨物作業(yè).9. The cargo transfer system is sufficiently isolated and drained to allow safe removal of blank flanges prior to connection.接管前,貨物轉(zhuǎn)移系統(tǒng)有效隔離并放殘以能夠安全地拆除盲板.10. Scuppers and save alls on board are effectively plugged and drip trays are in position and empty.船上的排水孔和積油槽有效塞堵

11、,空的集液盤放置到位。RBulk Liquid General 散裝液體 普通Ship船舶Terminal碼頭Code代碼Remarks備注11. Temporarily removed scupper plugs will be constantly monitored.臨時移開流水孔塞需保持監(jiān)控。R12. Shore spill containment and sumps are correctly managed.岸方的溢油圍堰和積油槽正確管理R13. The ships unused cargo and bunker connections are properly secured w

12、ith blank flanges fully bolted.船方不用的貨物、燃油管接頭已裝妥盲板并上緊全部螺栓.14. The terminals unused cargo and bunker connections are properly secured with blank flanges fully bolted.岸方不用的貨物、燃油管接頭已裝妥盲板并上緊全部螺栓.15. All cargo, ballast and bunker tank lids are closed.所有貨艙、壓載艙和燃油艙艙蓋都保持關(guān)閉。16. Sea and overboard discharge val

13、ves, when not in use, are closed and visibly secured. 海底閥和舷外排出閥在不使用時已關(guān)閉和確實關(guān)妥.17. All external doors, ports and windows in the accommodation, stores and machinery spaces are closed. Engine room vents may be open. 居住艙室、儲物間和機器處所的所有外部門,開口和窗戶已關(guān)閉. 機艙的通風可以打開.R18. The ships emergency fire control plans are

14、located externally. 船舶緊急消防控制圖放置在外部.Location 位置 . If the ship is fitted, or is required to be fitted, with an Inert Gas System (IGS) the following points should be physically checked:如船舶安裝有,或要求安裝惰氣系統(tǒng)(IGS),下列各條應(yīng)進行現(xiàn)場核查:Inert Gas System 惰氣系統(tǒng)Ship船舶Terminal碼頭Code代碼Remarks備注19. Fixed IGS pressure and oxyge

15、n content recorders are working. 固定式的惰氣系統(tǒng)壓力和氧含量記錄器正常工作R20. All cargo tank atmospheres are at positive pressure with oxygen content of 8% or less by volume. 所有貨艙均為正壓,氧氣含量8% (體積)P RPART B BULK LIQUID GENERAL VERBAL VERIFICATIONB 部分散裝普通液貨 口頭確認Bulk Liquid General 散裝液體 普通Ship船舶Terminal碼頭Code代碼Remarks備注21

16、. The ship is ready to move under its own power. 船舶能夠隨時靠自航移位.P R22. There is an effective deck watch in attendance on board and adequate supervision of operations on the ship and in the terminal. 船上安排了有效的甲板值班, 碼頭和船上有足夠的監(jiān)督人員.R23. There are sufficient personnel on board and ashore to deal with an emer

17、gency. 船上和岸上有足夠人員應(yīng)付緊急情況.R24. The procedures for cargo, bunker and ballast handling have been agreed 貨物、燃油和壓載的裝卸程序已議定.A R25. The emergency signal and shutdown procedure to be used by the ship and shore have been explained and understood解釋并理解船岸之間使用的應(yīng)急信號和應(yīng)急關(guān)閉程序A26. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) fo

18、r the cargo transfer have been exchanged where requested.作業(yè)貨物的物質(zhì)安全數(shù)據(jù)單已按要求進行交換P R27. The hazards associated with toxic substances in the cargo being handled have been identified and understood.作業(yè)貨物中所含有毒物質(zhì)的相關(guān)危害已辨識并清楚。H2S Content .硫化氫含量:Benzene Content 苯含量:.28. An International Shore Fire Connection ha

19、s been provided. 已提供國際通岸接頭29. The agreed tank venting system will be used.將使用協(xié)議的貨艙透氣系統(tǒng)A R Method方法 .Bulk Liquid General 散裝液體 普通Ship船舶Terminal碼頭Code代碼Remarks備注30. The requirements for closed operations have been agreed.封閉作業(yè)要求已達成協(xié)議R31. The operation of the P/V system has been verified.壓力/真空系統(tǒng)的操作已核驗32.

20、 Where a vapour return line is connected, operating parameters have been agreed.如果接氣相回流管,操作參數(shù)已達成協(xié)議A R33. Independent high level alarms, if fitted, are operational and have been tested.如果安裝了獨立的高液位報警,應(yīng)處于工作狀態(tài)并經(jīng)測試A R34. Adequate electrical insulating means are in place in the ship/shore connection.船/岸接管

21、處有足夠的電氣絕緣方式A R35. Shore lines are fitted with a non-return valve or procedures to avoid back filling have been discussed.岸線裝有止回閥,或已討論如何避免“倒灌”的程序P R36. Smoking rooms have been identified and smoking requirements are being observed. 指定吸煙室,遵守吸煙規(guī)則.A RNominated smoking rooms指定的吸煙室:.37. Naked light regula

22、tions are being observed.遵守明火規(guī)則A R38. Ship/shore telephones, mobile phones and pager requirements are being observed.遵守船/岸電話、手機和傳呼機使用規(guī)則A R39. Hand torches (flashlights) are of an approved type.手電筒(閃光燈)為認可型40. Fixed VHF/UHF transceivers and AIS equipment are on the correct power mode or switched off.

23、固定式高頻/甚高頻電話和自動識別系統(tǒng)設(shè)備處于正確的發(fā)射功率模式或關(guān)閉.41. Portable VHF/UHF transceivers are of an approved type.便攜式高頻/甚高頻無線電收發(fā)機為認可型.Bulk Liquid General 散裝液體 普通Ship船舶Terminal碼頭Code代碼Remarks備注42. The ships main radio transmitter aerials are earthed and radars are switched off.船舶主無線電發(fā)射天線接地,雷達處關(guān)閉狀態(tài)43. Electric cables to p

24、ortable electrical equipment within the hazardous area are disconnected from power.在危險區(qū)域內(nèi)便攜式電氣設(shè)備的電纜斷開電源44. Window type air conditioning units are disconnected.窗式空調(diào)電源斷開45. Positive pressure is being maintained inside the accommodation, and air conditioning intakes, which may permit the entry of cargo

25、 vapours, are closed 居住艙室內(nèi)保持正壓,可能吸入貨物蒸汽的空調(diào)吸入口應(yīng)關(guān)閉46. Measures have been taken to ensure sufficient mechanical ventilation in the pump room.已采取措施保證泵房足夠的機械通風R47. There is provision for an emergency escape.預(yù)留有應(yīng)急逃生通道.48. The maximum wind and swell criteria for operations have been agreed.作業(yè)的最大風力和涌浪標準已經(jīng)達成

26、協(xié)議AStop cargo at: .停止作業(yè)Disconnect at: .拆管Unberth at: .離泊49. Security protocols have been agreed between the Ship Security Officer and the Port Facility Security Officer, if appropriate. 如果適用,船舶保安員和港口設(shè)施保安員達成保安協(xié)議。A50. Where appropriate, procedures have been agreed for receiving nitrogen supplied from

27、shore, either for inerting or purging ships tanks, or for line clearing into the ship.如果需要從岸方接收氮氣用于惰化船艙、驅(qū)氣或吹掃管線,就相關(guān)程序已達成協(xié)議A PIf the ship is fitted, or is required to be fitted, with an Inert Gas System (IGS) the following statements should be addressed.如果船舶安裝了,或被要求安裝惰氣系統(tǒng)(IGS),下列各條應(yīng)進行實際檢查:Inert Gas S

28、ystem 惰氣系統(tǒng)Ship船舶Terminal碼頭Code代碼Remarks備注51. The IGS is fully operational and in good working order. 惰氣系統(tǒng)可完整運行并處于良好工作狀態(tài)P52. Deck seals, or equivalent, are in good working order. 甲板水封或類似裝置處于良好工作狀態(tài)R53. Liquid levels in pressure/vacuum breakers are correct.壓力/真空破斷器的液位正常R54. The fixed and portable oxyge

29、n analysers have been calibrated and are working properly. 固定式和便攜式的氧氣分析儀已校準并且能夠正常工作.R55. All the individual tank IGS valves (if fitted) are correctly set and locked. 各艙的惰氣系統(tǒng)閥門(如果已安裝)正確設(shè)置并上鎖.R56. All personnel in charge of cargo operations are aware that in the case of failure of the Inert Gas Plant,

30、 discharge operations should cease, and the terminal be advised.所有負責貨物作業(yè)的人員意識到,在惰氣發(fā)生裝置故障的情況下,卸貨作業(yè)應(yīng)停止并通知碼頭.If the ship is fitted with a Crude Oil Washing (COW) system, and intends to crude oil washing, the following statements should be addressed.如果船舶安裝原油洗艙系統(tǒng),需進行原油洗艙作業(yè),應(yīng)完成下列內(nèi)容Crude Oil Washing原油洗艙Shi

31、p船舶Terminal碼頭Code代碼Remarks備注57. The Pre-Arrival COW check list, as contained in the approved COW manual, has been satisfactorily completed.包含在認可的原油洗艙手冊中的抵港前檢查清單,已經(jīng)按要求填寫完整.58. The COW check lists for use before, during and after COW, as contained in the approved COW manual, are available and being us

32、ed. 包含在在認可的原油洗艙手冊中, 用于原油洗艙作業(yè)前,過程中和之后的檢查清單,準備就緒并在使用.RIf the ship is planning to tank clean alongside, the following statements should be addressed.如果船舶計劃在靠泊期間清艙,應(yīng)完成以下內(nèi)容Tank Cleaning清艙Ship船舶Terminal碼頭Code代碼Remarks備注59. Tank cleaning operations are planned during the ships stay alongside the shore inst

33、allation.船舶靠岸期間計劃進行清艙作業(yè)Yes/No*Yes/No*60. If yes the procedures and approvals for tank cleaning have been agreed.如“是”,清艙的程序和批準已達成協(xié)議61. Permission has been granted for gas freeing operations.已獲得除氣作業(yè)的許可證Yes/No*Yes/No* Delete Yes or No as appropriate 根據(jù)適用情況刪去“是”或“否”PART C BULK LIQUID CHEMICALS - VERBAL

34、VERIFICATIONC 部分 散裝液體化工品 口頭確認Bulk Liquid Chemicals散裝液體 化工品Ship船舶Terminal碼頭Code代碼Remarks備注1. Material Safety Data Sheets are available giving the necessary data for the safe handling of the cargo.提供了材料安全數(shù)據(jù)表, 并給出了貨物安全操作必要的資料2. A manufacturers inhibition certificate, where applicable, has been provided

35、.如果適用,已經(jīng)提供了制造商的抑制劑證書P3. Sufficient protective clothing and equipment (including self-contained breathing apparatus) is ready for immediate use and is suitable for the product being handled.足夠的防護服和設(shè)備(包括自給式呼吸器)已經(jīng)準備就緒,隨時可用,并適合所操作的貨品4. Counter measures against accidental personal contact with the cargo

36、have been agreed.防止人員意外接觸貨品的應(yīng)對措施已經(jīng)同意.5. The cargo handling rate is compatible with the automatic shut down system, if in use.如果使用自動關(guān)閉系統(tǒng),貨物作業(yè)速率應(yīng)與其相匹配.A6. Cargo system gauges and alarms are correctly set and in good order.貨物系統(tǒng)儀表和警報正確設(shè)置并處于良好的工作狀況7. Portable vapour detection instruments are readily avai

37、lable for the products being handled.適合所作業(yè)貨品的便攜式氣體探測儀器備妥8. Information on fire-fighting media and procedures has been exchanged.消防器材和程序的信息已經(jīng)被交換過.9. Transfer hoses are of suitable material, resistant to the action of the products being handled.移貨軟管的材料合適,與作業(yè)的貨品不發(fā)生反應(yīng)。10. Cargo handling is being perform

38、ed with the permanent installed pipeline system.貨物作業(yè)使用永久安裝的管線系統(tǒng).P11. Where appropriate, procedures have been agreed for receiving nitrogen supplied from shore, either for inerting or purging ships tanks, or for line clearing into the ship. 如需從岸方接收氮氣用于惰化船艙、驅(qū)氣或吹掃管線,就相關(guān)程序已達成協(xié)議A PPART D BULK LIQUEFIED G

39、ASES - VERBAL VERIFICATIOND 部分 散裝液化氣 口頭確認Bulk Liquefied Gases散裝液化氣Ship船舶Terminal碼頭Code代碼Remarks備注1. Material Safety Data Sheets are available giving the necessary data for the safe handling of the cargo. 提供了材料安全數(shù)據(jù)表,并給出了貨物安全操作必要的資料2. A manufacturers inhibition certificate, where applicable, has been

40、provided.如果適用,提供了制造商的抑制劑證書P3. The water spray system is ready for immediate use.水噴淋系統(tǒng)處于隨時可用狀態(tài)4. There is sufficient protective equipment (including self-contained breathing apparatus) and protective clothing ready for immediate use.充分的保護設(shè)備(包括自給式呼吸器)和防護服已經(jīng)準備就緒, 隨時可用.5. Hold and inter-barrier spaces a

41、re properly inerted or filled with dry air, as required.大艙和內(nèi)屏障之間的空間按要求充惰氣或干燥空氣6. All remote control valves are in working order.所有遙控閥門工作狀態(tài)良好.7. The required cargo pumps and compressors are in good order, and the maximum working pressures have been agreed between ship and shore.貨泵和壓縮機處于良好工作狀態(tài),船方和岸方已商

42、定最大工作壓力.A8. Re-liquefaction or boil off control equipment is in good order. 再液化或蒸發(fā)控制設(shè)備處于良好狀態(tài)9. The gas detection equipment has been properly set for the cargo, is calibrated, has been tested and inspected and is in good order.氣體探測設(shè)備根據(jù)貨品進行了適當?shù)脑O(shè)置、校正、測試和檢查并處于良好的狀況10. Cargo system gauges and alarms are

43、correctly set and in good order. 貨物系統(tǒng)儀表和警報正確設(shè)置并處于良好的工作狀況11. Emergency shutdown systems have been tested and are working properly.應(yīng)急切斷系統(tǒng)已經(jīng)測試,工作正常.12. Ship and shore have informed each other of the closing rate of ESD valves, automatic valves or similar devices.船岸雙方相互告知了應(yīng)急關(guān)閉裝置閥門、自動閥門或類似裝置的關(guān)閉速率AShip .Shore .13. Information has been exchanged between ship and shore on the maximum/minimum temperatures/ pressures of the cargo to be handled. 船岸雙方交換了作業(yè)貨物最大/最小溫度/壓力的信息A14. Cargo tanks are p


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