



1、高中英語閱讀課語篇整體教學常用方法探究 朱長泉“閱讀是理解和吸收書面信息的手段?!遍喿x的目的是為了獲取信息。因此閱讀的過程實質(zhì)上就是獲取信息的過程;而信息多少的獲得,又關鍵在于教師如何引導學生進行閱讀。過去我們對閱讀是交際活動這個概念認識不夠,因而在課文教學中重語言形式,輕語言內(nèi)容。一般對課文的內(nèi)容只輕描淡寫地提出幾個問題,而把大量的時間花費在詞匯、語法知識的講解上。那樣做不僅使有血有肉的課文成了枯澀的條條款款,以致學生失去了閱讀英語文章的興趣;更重要的是,把閱讀活動變成了文字符號與其認知意義之間的驗證活動,不存在信息交流,從而割斷了閱讀與聽、說、寫等交際形式的天然聯(lián)系,孤立地進行文字連接,談


3、閱讀課的教學過程應該以語篇為基礎,由整體到局部,再由局部到整體,即按“整體、局部、整體”的方法指導學生進行整體閱讀和訓練。語篇教學是閱讀教學的關鍵和目標。英語語篇按文體(genre)分為記敘文(narrative) 、 描述文(description)、政論文(argumentation)、釋義文(exposition)等。這些文體又分別應用于日常生活、人物傳記、國內(nèi)外風土人情、故事傳說、社會文化、政治經(jīng)濟、史地科技、自然現(xiàn)象、新聞報道、體育活動、廣告說明、書信通知、目錄等許多方面的內(nèi)容。文體多采用敘述、描寫、說明、議論及應用文等形式。因此,閱讀文語篇教學,根據(jù)文體特點來組織、設計教學,優(yōu)化教

4、學方案,是較好的切入口。目前文獻中常見的三種閱讀理論模式,是從上至下模式、反應補償模式。這種模式和框架顯得太寬泛,不易在教學中把握,筆者在教學中將上述模式靈活運用,結(jié)合學生心理特點,文體特點,以及“文化 ”內(nèi)涵,進行了幾種教學法的探索,效果良好。語篇教學法的基本教學原則在于閱讀文教學應是課內(nèi)外創(chuàng)設條 件,讓學生自我進行語言習得,和教師主導有機結(jié)合,而非傳統(tǒng)的緊扣教材教什么內(nèi)容的問題, 閱讀文 中創(chuàng)設條件主要應是課堂訓練要有信息差(information gap消除學生對課文理解的不確定性);訓練要準確,又要流暢,難易適度,由易到難激發(fā)興趣;制造讓學生出錯的問題進行重點講評,而非每錯必糾。同時筆


6、讓學生從整體上縱觀全文結(jié)構(gòu)和內(nèi)容。同時,也可以讓學生的思 維發(fā)散,真正在閱讀教學中既能放開又能收籠,既抓大又放小。 著手的主要內(nèi)容: main idea title topic sentence 文章無定式。但文章有章法。英語文章尤為明顯。其常見的寫作模式: 模式1、Introduction (present situation) Background information Topic sentence. Body . supporting detail short summary (Prediction) Opinion Conclusion suggestion solution rec

7、ommendation (call for action) 模式2、 Topic sentence. Introduction .supporting detail .thesis statement Topic sentence(Major point one) .supporting detail Body Topic sentence(Major point two .supporting detail Conclusion short summary 模式3 General introductory remarks Introduction narrow controlling ide

8、a Topic sentence. .supporting detail (examples、reasons、arguments) .concluding remarks Conclusion Restatement of controlling idea 我讓學生快速找到每一段的大意(general idea for each paragraph ),在這一過程中學生肯定有困難,尤其對于基礎較差的學生而言。那么在這一過程中要充分發(fā)揮教師的導學功能,引導學生如何去發(fā)現(xiàn)和挖掘該段落中的關鍵詞,關鍵句。如第一段中的兩個觀點,兩個設問對學生的幫助就顯而易見。Learning a language i

9、s obviously more than just memorizing words , phrases and structures , 觀點1when we learnt our mother tongue, we did not receive much formal instruction指導 . Few parents give language lessons to their children ! Instead we learnt or acquired 已獲得的our mother tongue by communicating with the people around

10、 us .觀點2 But how was it possible for us to learn all the sounds. Words , grammar rules and structures through this communication ?(設問1) And , perhaps most puzzling of all , how were we able to make sense of what we heard and distinguish the mistakes and errors from “good” language ?(設問2)如第二段中的some b

11、elieve that / others think that , 以及后面的觀點,舉例。在發(fā)揮教師的引導功能有基礎上,學生就能容易總結(jié)出該段落的大意了。 Language experts have different answers . Some believe that 1。 we equipped with a special ability to learn language and that our brain adjusts使適合,調(diào)整 itself to the language we hear around us . Others think that 2。 we learn

12、language in the same way we learn other things ,such as walking or solving problems , and that 3。what we are born with is a general ability to learn and adapt , not a language-specific part of the brain . Regardless (不管,不顧), of their theories , these language experts do agree that( 觀點)life is a very

13、 successful language school : virtually(in fact) everyone learns to use a language and has mastered the basics by the age of five .(舉例,說明)當然在這一過程中,由于有的文章,有的段落主題句比較明顯就不必要這么分析了。如該文的第四段就屬于這種情況。通過該段落的組織結(jié)構(gòu)一目了然。Then why are some people better at learning a foreign language than others? Research has shown

14、that successful language learners do share quite a few characteristics . The data (數(shù)據(jù),資料)suggests that what successful language learners have in common is , among other things , that 1.they are interested in understanding their own thinking, 2.curious about the world, 3. willing to take chances and

15、4.confident in their ability. Successful language learners 5. also use different ways of learning and 6. plan their studies in order to deal with academic (理論的)challenges。主題句: “successful language learners do share quite a few characteristics.” 以及原文所標出來的六個 “characteristics”從平時的教學中,運用此法,讓學生不斷地感悟文章的篇章

16、結(jié)構(gòu),學會整體去理解課文,捕捉篇章信息。尤其通過段落的概括,對于閱讀理解當中的問題就能迅速知道在哪一段落,在哪一部位。不會滿篇文章去找答案。尤其在高考的閱讀理解中就能有效節(jié)省時間,提高解題的能力和速度。(二)文章線索教學法:記敘文(narrative )以記人敘事為主,包括的內(nèi)容有:個人經(jīng)歷、文學傳記、新聞 消息、歷史文獻及講述故事的小短文、小說之類。閱讀時應抓住幾個要素5WH(Who、When、 Where、Why、What、How) 以時間順序(chronological order)展開的閱讀文,例如: Abraham Lincoln(1809、1818、1860、1864、1865)

17、Karl Marx(1818、1842、1849、1840s、1853、1870s) Albert Einstein(1879、1893、1896、1905、1921、1933、1955) Martin Luther King:(1929、1948、1951、1964、1965、1968) 閱讀以事件發(fā)生順序安排的文章: How a Newspaper is produced 的線索: The chief editor holds a meeting journalists interview people and write stories photographers take photos

18、 photographs are quickly developed Editors check there ports Editors write the headlines The newspapers are printedthe newspapers are delivered by train and truck 例如閱讀下列文章 Abraham Lincoln was a strong man, both physically and mentally, He was 1.9 meters. He was thin weighed 81 kilos. He was physical

19、ly powerful and he could lift 180 kilos easily. his mind and body worked steadily ,and he never seemed to tire mentally or physically. He was very plain looking and plain acting. Although his physical appearance and dress made him common looking ,his actions and decisions were anything but common. 作

20、者在這段不僅從外部特征寫出林肯體魄強壯,而且通過細節(jié)描寫,深入到內(nèi)心世界, 進行表現(xiàn)其堅定的 性格。 教學中可抓?。簊trong powerful、steadily、plain looking and plain acting common looking 集中表現(xiàn)出perseverance of Abraham Lincoln s character。 (三)文章要點摘錄教學法:讓學習進行NOTEMAKING,抓細節(jié),深入理解全文內(nèi)容。這一點體會比較深的是在舊教材課文后面有一個很好的這樣的練習 尤其對培養(yǎng)學生的自學能力能起到很好的引導作用。 閱讀SBI(上)Lesson 2 American

21、 English item American English British English words expressions meaning 閱讀:SB(上)Lesson 2 Walt Disney: please write notes about Walt Disneys life Born: Cartoon characters: Died: Became well-known: Wish: Successes: Work: 閱讀:Albert Einstein (1) Name: Albert Einstein Born: Died: Studied: Worked: Doctor

22、s degree received: Scientific research: Interests: What he got for his new discovers: Moved to the USA: (2)Reference: himself: it: there: that: where: one: which: which: (四)段落提問教學法:這是將整體教學法細化到段落和章節(jié)中。 1、關于主旨題的提問形式常見的有: The main idea of this text may be. This article is mainly about. The authors purpo

23、se in writing this text. Which of the following is the best title for the passage. Which statement best expresses the main idea of the paragraph. 2、關于some details: who、where、when、what、why、how According to the passage which of the following is NOT a statement. In the paragraph the word they(it 、 whic

24、h 、 oneself)refers to Choose the right order of the events given in the passage. Which of the following is NOT true? 3、推斷型 the author Implies that . Implied but not stated . the tone of this article is . what are some of the stated details. It can be inferred from the text that. The author suggests

25、that . 4、作者的觀點類型的提問形式 The author believes that . The author think that . According to the author . The author agree with . The author gives his opinion that . The authors point of view . The author holds that . The tone of this passage is . The authors attitude toward this topic is . 5、歸類型 We can su

26、mmarize the main idea that . The conclusion of the text is . (五)文章討論教學法:運用討論教學的關鍵在于設疑并且正確引導,讓學生分成組塊,各自站在不同的立場, 把握觀點。這樣有利于培養(yǎng)學生的辯證觀及自由、大膽運用英語表達自己的看法。同時,又把教學放在英語語言環(huán)境中,創(chuàng)設交際表達的情景,從而充分調(diào)動了學生的參與性、主動性、創(chuàng)造性。如高三新教材第八單元所開展的討論:How is learning a foreign language different from learning ones mother tongue ?English:1.learn from parents 2.use the language all the time 3.we usually learn it when we are very young 。Chinese:1.learn


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