



1、歡迎閱讀Sales ContractCon tract No:Con tract Date:The Buyer:Address:Tel:Fax:E-mail:The Seller: Address: Tel:Fax:E-mail:The Seller and the Buyer agree to con clude this Con tract subject to the terms and con diti ons stated below:1. Product Name:2. Purity:3. Qua ntity:% more or less allowed4. Un it Price

2、: USD /KG5. Total Amou nt: USD(大寫(xiě))6. Terms of Delivery:7. Country of Origin and Manu facturer:8. Packi ng:The pack ing of the goods shall be preve ntive from damp ness, rust, moisture, erosi on and shock, and shall be suitable for ocea n tran sportati on / multi-tra nsportati on. The Seller shall be

3、 liable for any damage and loss of the goods attributable to the in adequate or improper pack ing. The measureme nt, gross weight, n et weight and the cauti ons such as Keep away from moisture, Handle with care shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigme nt.9. Shippi ng Mar

4、ks:10. Time of Shipment: No later than 11. Port of Loadi ng:12. Port of Dest in atio n:13. In sura nee:In sura nee shall be covered by the (Buyer or Seller) for 110% of the inv oice value aga instRisks andAdditi onal Risks.14. Terms of Payme nt: (choose on e/several of the terms)(a) Letter of Credit

5、: The Buyer shall,days prior to the timeof shipme nt /after this Con tract comes into effect, ope n an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the Seller. The Letter of Credit shall expiredays after the completio n of loadi ng ofthe shipme nt as stipulated.(b) Docume nts aga inst payme nt: After sh

6、ipme nt, the Seller shalldraw a sight bill of excha nge on the Buyer and deliver the docume nts through Sellers bank andBank to the Buyeragainst payment, i.e.: D/P . The Buyer shall effect the payment immediately upon the first presentation of the bill(s) of exchange.(c) Docume nts aga inst Accepta

7、nee: After shipme nt, the Seller shalldraw a sight bill of excha nge, payabledays after theBuyer delivers the document through Seller srbcbnk aBank to the Buyer aga inst accepta nee (D/A days). The Buyer shall make the payme nt on date of the bill of excha nge.(d) Cash on delivery (COD): The Buyer s

8、hall pay to the Seller totalamount withindays after the receipt of the goods (Thisclause is n ot applied to the Terms of FOB, CFR, CIF).15. Docume nts RequiredThe Seller shall prese nt the follow ing docume nts required to the bank for negotiation/collection:r I * (a) Full set of clea n on board Oce

9、a n/Comb ined Tran sportati on/Land Bills of Ladi ng and bla nk en dorsed marked freight prepaid/ to collect;(b) Signed commercial inv oice incopies in dicat ing Con tractNo., L/C No. (Terms of L/C) and shipp ing marks;(c) Packi ng list/weight memo incopies issued by;(d) Certificate of Quality incop

10、ies issued by;(e) Certificate of Qua ntity incopies issued by;(f) In sura nee policy/certificate incopies (Terms of CIF);(g) Certificate of Origin incopies issued by;(h) The Seller shall, withi nhours after shipme nt effected, sendby courier each copy of the above-me nti oned docume nts No.16. Terms

11、 of Shipment: (choose one of the terms)(a) FOBThe Seller shall, 30 days before the shipme nt date specified in the Con tract, advise the Buyer by (usually e-mail) of the Con tract No., commodity, qua ntity, amount, packages, gross weight, measureme nt, and the date of shipme nt in order that the Buy

12、er can charter a vessel/book shipp ing space. In the eve nt of the Sellers failure to effect loading when the vessel arrives duly at the load ing port, all expe nses in clud ing dead freight an d/or demurrage charges thus in curred shall be for the Sellers acco unt.(b) CIF or CFRThe Seller shall shi

13、p the goods duly within the shipping duration from the port of loadi ng to the port of desti nati on. Un der CFR terms, the Seller shall advise the Buyer by (usually e-mail) of the Con tract No., commodity, inv oice value and the date of dispatch two days before the shipme nt for the Buyer to arra n

14、ge in sura nee in time.17. Shippi ng Advice:The Seller shall, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods, advise the Buyer of the Con tract No., n ames of commodity, loadi ng qua ntity, inv oice values, gross weight, n ame of vessel and shipme nt date bywithinT I hours.18. Quality G

15、uara ntee:The Seller shall guara ntee that the commodity must be in conformity with the quality, specifications and quantity specified in this Con tract and Letter of Quality Guara ntee. The guara ntee period shall bemon ths after the arrival of the goods atthe port of destination, and during the pe

16、riod the Seller shall be resp on sible for the damage due to the defects in desig ning and manu factur ing of the manu facturer.19. Inspection (alternative):(a) The Seller shall have the goods inspected天數(shù) days beforethe shipme nt and have the In specti on Certificate issued by _機(jī)構(gòu) .The Buyer may hav

17、e the goods re-inspected by after the goods arrival at the desti nati on.(b) The manu facturers shall, before delivery, make a precise and comprehensive inspection of the goods with regard to its quality, specificati ons, performa nee and qua ntity/weight, and issue inspection certificates certifyin

18、g the technical data and conclusion of the inspection. After arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the Buyer shall apply to China Commodity In specti on Bureau (here in after referred to as CCIB) for a further in specti on as to the specificati ons and qua ntity/weight of the goods. If da

19、mages of the goods are found, or the specifications an d/or qua ntity are not in con formity with the stipulati ons in this Con tract, except whe n the resp on sibilities lies with In sura nce Compa ny or Shippi ng Compa ny, the Buyer shall, withindays after arrival of the goods at the port of desti

20、nation, claim aga inst the Seller, or reject the goods accord ing to the inspection certificate issued by CCIB. In case of damage of the goods in curred due to the desig n or manu facture defects an d/or in case the quality and performance are not in conformity with the Con tract, the Buyer shall, d

21、uri ng the guara ntee period, request CCIB to make a survey.20. Claim:The buyer shall make a claim aga inst the Seller (in cludi ng replaceme nt of the goods) by the further in specti on certificate and all the expe nses in curred therefrom shall be borne by the Seller. The claims mentioned above sh

22、all be regarded as beingT |*一 accepted if the Seller fail to reply withindays after theSeller received the Buyers claim.21. Late delivery and Pen altyShould the Seller fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the Con tract, with the excepti on of Force Majeure causes specified in Clause 21 of

23、this Con tract, the Buyer shall agree to postp one the delivery on the con diti on that the Seller agree to pay a pen alty which shall be deducted by the pay ing bank from the payme nt un der n egotiati on. The rate of pen alty is charged at% for everydays, odd days less tha ndays should be coun ted

24、 asdays. But the pen alty, however, shall not exceed% of the total value of thegoods invo Ived in the delayed delivery .In case the Seller fail to make deliverydays later tha n the time of shipme ntstipulated in the Con tract, the Buyer shall have the right to can cel the Con tract and the Seller, i

25、 n spite of the can cellati on, shall n evertheless pay the aforesaid pen alty to the Buyer without delay.The buyer shall have the right to lodge a claim aga inst the Seller for the losses susta ined if any.22. Force Majeure:The Seller shall not be resp on sible for the delay of shipme nt or non-del

26、ivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur duri ng the process of manu facturi ng or in the course of loading or transit. The Seller shall advise the Buyer immediately of the occurre nee men ti oned above and withindaysthereafter the Seller shall send a notice by courier to the Buyer

27、 for their acceptance of a certificate of the accident issued by the local chamber of commerce un der whose jurisdicti on the accide nt occurs as evide nce thereof. Un der such circumsta nces the Seller, however, are still un der the obligati on to take all n ecessary measures to haste n the deliver

28、y of the goods. In case the accide nt lasts for more tha ndays the Buyer shallhave the right to can cel the Con tract.23. Arbitratio n:Any dispute aris ing from or in conn ecti on with the Con tract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement is reached, the dispute shall be submitted to China I


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