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1、華容道小游戲基于 GUI 界面的華容道小游戲(橫刀立馬)效果圖如下:實現(xiàn) 5x4 方格界面, 初始化為華容道經典橫刀立馬局勢 (如下圖)。人物用數(shù)字來表示, 0 代表空方格, 1 代表曹操, 2 代表黃忠, 3 代表張飛, 4 代表馬超, 5 代表趙云, 6 代表 關羽, 7代表小兵。 曹操占 4個方格,黃忠、張飛、馬超、趙云、關羽分別占 2個方格, 小兵占 1 個方格。1、游戲用鼠標玩,點擊人物的任一方格后,該人物被選中,隨后點擊空方格,如果可以移 動,則選中的人物移動到方格處。2、游戲的目標是曹操從最下面一行的中間走出,就算成功。3、游戲能夠顯示已完成步數(shù)。function varargo

2、ut = untitled(varargin)% UNTITLED MATLAB code for untitled.fig% UNTITLED, by itself, creates a new UNTITLED or raises the existing% singleton*.% H = UNTITLED returns the handle to a new UNTITLED or the handle to% the existing singleton*.% UNTITLED(CALLBACK,hObject,eventData,handles,.) calls the loca

3、l% function named CALLBACK in UNTITLED.M with the given input arguments. % UNTITLED(Property,Value,.) creates a new UNTITLED or raises the% existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are% applied to the GUI before untitled_OpeningFcn gets called. An% unrecognized property name

4、 or invalid value makes property application% stop. All inputs are passed to untitled_OpeningFcn via varargin.% *See GUI Options on GUIDEs Tools menu. Choose GUI allows only one% instance to run (singleton).% See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES% Edit the above text to modify the response to help un

5、titled% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 18-Jul-2018 23:26:39% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDITgui_Singleton = 1;gui_State = struct(gui_Name , mfilename, .gui_Singleton , gui_Singleton, .gui_OpeningFcn , untitled_OpeningFcn, .gui_OutputFcn , untitled_OutputFcn, . gui_LayoutFcn , , .gui_Callback ,

6、);if nargin & ischar(varargin1)gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin1);endif nargoutvarargout1:nargout = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin:);elsegui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin:);end% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT% - Executes just before untitled is made visible.function untitled_OpeningF

7、cn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)% This function has no output args, see OutputFcn.% hObject handle to figure% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)% varargin command line arguments to untitled (see VARARG

8、IN)% Choose default command line output for untitledhandles.output = hObject;% Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles);% UIWAIT makes untitled wait for user response (see UIRESUME)% uiwait(handles.figure1);% - Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout

9、 = untitled_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT);% hObject handle to figure% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)% Get default command line outpu

10、t from handles structure varargout1 = handles.output;% - Executes on button press in pushbutton1.function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) global A;A = 2 1 1 3;2 1 1 3;4 6 6 5;4 7 7 5;7 0 0 7;clahold on%在 1 的位置上寫上曹操I J = find(A=1);x1 = min(J)-1;x2 = max(J);y1 = 5-(min(I)-1);y2 = 5-m

11、ax(I); drawrect(x1,y1,x2,y1,x2,y2,x1,y2, r ) text(0.5*(x1+x2)-0.5,0.5*(y1+y2), 曹操 , fontsize ,28)%在 2 的位置上寫上黃忠I,J = find(A=2);x1 = min(J)-1;x2 = max(J);y1 = 5-(min(I)-1);,28)y2 = 5-max(I); drawrect(x1,y1,x2,y1,x2,y2,x1,y2, y ) text(0.5*(x1+x2)-0.26,0.5*(0.5*(y1+y2)+y1), 黃 , fontsizetext(0.5*(x1+x2)-

12、0.26,0.5*(0.5*(y1+y2)+y2),%在 3 的位置上寫上張飛 忠 , fontsize,28)I,J = find(A=3);x1 = min(J)-1;x2 = max(J);y1 = 5-(min(I)-1);y2 = 5-max(I);drawrect(x1,y1,x2,y1,x2,y2,x1,y2,y )text(0.5*(x1+x2)-0.26,0.5*(0.5*(y1+y2)+y1), 張 , fontsize,28)text(0.5*(x1+x2)-0.26,0.5*(0.5*(y1+y2)+y2), 飛 , fontsize,28)%在 4 的位置上寫上馬超I

13、,J = find(A=4); x1 = min(J)-1; x2 = max(J); y1 = 5-(min(I)-1); y2 = 5-max(I);drawrect(x1,y1,x2,y1,x2,y2,x1,y2,y )text(0.5*(x1+x2)-0.26,0.5*(0.5*(y1+y2)+y1), 馬 , fontsize,28)text(0.5*(x1+x2)-0.26,0.5*(0.5*(y1+y2)+y2), 超 , fontsize,28)%在 5 的位置上寫上趙云I,J = find(A=5); x1 = min(J)-1; x2 = max(J);y1 = 5-(mi

14、n(I)-1); y2 = 5-max(I); drawrect(x1,y1,x2,y1,x2,y2,x1,y2,y )text(0.5*(x1+x2)-0.26,0.5*(0.5*(y1+y2)+y1), 趙 , fontsize,28)text(0.5*(x1+x2)-0.26,0.5*(0.5*(y1+y2)+y2), 云 , fontsize,28)%在 6 的位置上寫上關羽I,J = find(A=6); x1 = min(J)-1; x2 = max(J);y1 = 5-(min(I)-1); y2 = 5-max(I); drawrect(x1,y1,x2,y1,x2,y2,x1

15、,y2,y )text(0.5*(x1+0.5*(x1+x2)-0.26,0.5*(y1+y2), 關 , fontsize,28)text(0.5*(0.5*(x1+x2)+x2)-0.26,0.5*(y1+y2), 羽 , fontsize,28)%在 7 的位置上寫上小卒 I,J = find(A=7); for i = 1:length(I) x1 = J(i)-1;x2 = J(i); y1 = 5-(I(i)-1);y2 = 5-I(i);drawrect(x1,y1,x2,y1,x2,y2,x1,y2, g ) text(0.5*(x1+x2)-0.26,0.5*(y1+y2),

16、 卒 , fontsize ,28)end% 畫背景l(fā)ine(0 4,0 0,color,b, linewidth,4)line(0 4,5 5,color,b, linewidth,4)line(0 0,0 5,color,b, linewidth,4)line(4 4,0 5,color,b, linewidth,4)for i = 1:4line(0 4,i i,color , b , linestyle,- )end for i = 1:3line(i i,0 5,color , b , linestyle,- )end axis equal axis(0 4 0 5) axis of

17、f function drawrect(x1,x2,x3,x4,color) x = x1(1) x2(1) x3(1) x4(1); y = x1(2) x2(2) x3(2) x4(2);fill(x,y,color)% hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)% - Executes on mous

18、e press over axes background. function axes1_ButtonDownFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to axes1 (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)% - Executes during object creation, after settin

19、g all properties. function axes1_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to axes1 (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called% Hint: place code in OpeningFcn to populate axes1% -

20、Executes on button press in pushbutton2.function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) step_number=0;global Awhile 1str=num2str(step_number), 步 ;set(handles.edit2, string ,str);if A(5,2)=1&A(5,3)=1ch = menu( 曹操成功逃出華容道!如果要繼續(xù)玩,按“是”,否則按“否”,是,否);switch chcase 1untitledcase 2returnendendxpos,

21、ypos = ginput(1);col = ceil(xpos);row = 5-ceil(ypos)+1;juese = A(row,col);switch juesecase 1 %點擊了曹操I,J = find(A=1);rm = max(I);rn = min(I);lm = max(J);ln = min(J);%判斷是否能向左移if ln1&A(rn,rm,ln-1)=0;0A(rn,rm,ln-1)=1;1;A(rn,rm,lm)=0;0;drawmap(A)step_number=step_number+1;end%判斷是否能向右移if lm1&(A(rn-1,ln,lm)=

22、0,0)A(rn-1,ln,lm)=1,1;A(rn+1,ln,lm)=0,0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;end%判斷是否能向上移if rm1&A(rn,rm,ln-1)=0;0A(rn,rm,ln-1)=2;2;A(rn,rm,lm)=0;0;drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;end%判斷是否能向右移if lm1&A(rn-1,ln)=0if rm5&A(rm+1,ln)=0 %如果又能上移又能下移,則要點擊的部位 ch = menu( 請選擇移到的方向: , 上 , 下 ) switch chcase

23、 1%上移A(rn-1,ln) = 2;A(rn+1,ln) = 0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;case 2%下移A(rm+1,ln) = 2;A(rm-1,ln) = 0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;endelse %只能上移A(rn-1,ln) = 2;A(rn+1,ln) = 0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;endelseif rm1&(A(rn,rm,ln-1)=0;0) A(rn,rm,ln-1)=3;3;A(rn,rm,lm)=0;0;

24、drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;end %判斷是否能向右移 if lm1&A(rn-1,ln)=0if rm5&A(rm+1,ln)=0 %如果又能上移又能下移,則要點擊的部位 ch = menu( 請選擇移到的方向: , 上 , 下 ) switch chcase 1%上移A(rn-1,ln) = 3;A(rn+1,ln) = 0;drawmap(A)step_number=step_number+1;case 2%下移A(rm+1,ln) = 3;A(rm-1,ln) = 0;drawmap(A)step_number=step_number+1;

25、endelse %只能上移A(rn-1,ln) = 3;A(rn+1,ln) = 0;drawmap(A)step_number=step_number+1;endelseif rm1&(A(rn,rm,ln-1)=0;0)A(rn,rm,ln-1)=4;4;A(rn,rm,lm)=0;0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;end%判斷是否能向右移if lm1&A(rn-1,ln)=0if rm5&A(rm+1,ln)=0%如果又能上移又能下移,則要點擊的部位ch = menu( 請選擇移到的方向: , 上 , 下 )switch chcase 1%上

26、移A(rn-1,ln) = 4;A(rn+1,ln) = 0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;case 2%下移A(rm+1,ln) = 4;A(rm-1,ln) = 0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;endelse %只能上移A(rn-1,ln) = 4;A(rn+1,ln) = 0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;endelseif rm1&A(rn,rm,ln-1)=0;0 A(rn,rm,ln-1)=5;5;A(rn,rm,lm)=0;0; drawma

27、p(A) step_number=step_number+1;end%判斷是否能向右移if lm1&A(rn-1,ln)=0if rm5&A(rm+1,ln)=0 %如果又能上移又能下移,則要點擊的部位 ch = menu( 請選擇移到的方向: , 上 , 下 ) switch chcase 1%上移A(rn-1,ln) = 5;A(rn+1,ln) = 0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;case 2%下移A(rm+1,ln) = 5;A(rm-1,ln) = 0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;ende

28、lse %只能上移 A(rn-1,ln) = 5; A(rn+1,ln) = 0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;endelseif rm1&(A(rn-1,ln,lm)=0,0)A(rn-1,ln,lm)=6,6;A(rn,ln,lm)=0,0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;end%判斷是否能向下移if rm1&A(rn,ln-1)=0if lm4&A(rm,lm+1)=0 %如果又能左移又能右移,則要點擊的部位 ch = menu( 請選擇移到的方向: , 左 , 右 )switch chcase 1

29、%左移A(rm,ln-1) = 6;A(rm,ln+1) = 0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;case 2%右移A(rm,lm+1) = 6;A(rm,lm-1) = 0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;endelse %只能左移A(rm,ln-1) = 6;A(rm,ln+1) = 0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;end elseif lm1&A(row-1,col)=0% 上if col1&A(row,col-1)=0 % 左ch = menu( 請選

30、擇移到的方向: , 上 , 左 ) switch chcase 1A(row-1,col) = 7; A(row,col) = 0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;case 2A(row,col-1) = 7;A(row,col) = 0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;end elseif row5&A(row+1,col)=0 % 下 ch = menu( 請選擇移到的方向: , 上 , 下 ) switch chcase 1A(row-1,col) = 7; A(row,col) = 0;drawma

31、p(A) step_number=step_number+1;case 2 A(row+1,col) = 7; A(row,col) = 0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;end elseif col1&A(row,col-1)=0 %左 if row5&A(row+1,col)=0 %下 ch = menu( 請選擇移到的方向: , 左 , 下 ) switch chcase 1A(row,col-1) = 7;A(row,col) = 0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;case 2 A(row+1,

32、col) = 7; A(row,col) = 0; drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;endelseif col4&A(row,col+1)=0 %右ch = menu( 請選擇移到的方向: , 左 , 右 ) switch chcase 1A(row,col-1) = 7; A(row,col) = 0;drawmap(A) step_number=step_number+1;case 2 A(row,col+1) = 7; A(row,col) = 0; drawmap(A)step_number=step_number+1;endelse %只能向

33、左A(row,col-1) = 7;A(row,col) = 0;drawmap(A)step_number=step_number+1;endelseif row5&A(row+1,col)=0 %下if col4&A(row,col+1)=0 %右ch = menu( 請選擇移到的方向: , 下 , 右 ) switch chcase 1A(row+1,col) = 7;A(row,col) = 0;drawmap(A)step_number=step_number+1;case 2A(row,col+1) = 7;A(row,col) = 0;drawmap(A)step_number=

34、step_number+1;endelse %只能向下A(row+1,col) = 7;A(row,col) = 0;drawmap(A)step_number=step_number+1;endelseif col4&A(row,col+1)=0 %只能向右A(row,col+1) = 7;A(row,col) = 0;drawmap(A)step_number=step_number+1;endendend% hObject handle to pushbutton2 (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) function


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