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1、語(yǔ)法專(zhuān)項(xiàng)十五套Text 11. Successful parenting begins by communicating to children that they belong, and are loved for just because they exist.A. no more reason thanB. not more reason thanC. no other reason thanD. no other than reason2. “You are very selfish, I t s high time you that you are not the most impo

2、rtant person in theworld, ”Jennifer said to her boss angrily.A. have realizedB. will realizeC. realizeD. realized3. There has not been a great response to the sale, ?A. does thereB. hasnt itC. hasnt thereD. has there4. Robots differ from automatic machines after completion of one specific task, they

3、 canbe reprogrammed by a computer to do another one.A. since thatB. so thatC. at thatD. in that5. If you are a successful language learner, you independently, actively and purposefully.A. had probably been learningB. have probably been learningC. were probably learningD. have probably been learned6.

4、 A rocket carries oxygen with it, makes it possible for the rocket to travel in space.A. which B. it C. thatD. what7. The total weight of all the ants in the world is far greater than of all human beings.A. one B. this C. thatD. which8. But with players, executives, and young people, I ve learned th

5、at those who rise to theheights in any field aren t necessarily the ones with the greatest natural talent.A. workedB. workingC. having workedD. has worked9. policy makers struggle to define and implement appropriate legislation, development ofthe most destructive kind has continued over vast areas.A

6、. As long asB. AsC. EvenD. While10. If something happens to the brain s development during pregnancy, it is more likely affected in a male.A. beingB. would beC. to beD. be11. Reading is to the mind food is to the body.A. thatB. whichC. asD. what12. A person needs to know who he or she is before bein

7、g able to know what makes him orher happy.A. is it thatB. it is thatC. is it whichD. it is who13. William Faulkner, American novelist, was awarded the Nobel prize for literature in 1949.A. anB. /C. theD. one14. the cheap cost of labor, people would much rather pay someone to repair their homes.A. Gi

8、ven thatB. To giveC. GivenD. To be given15. Do you know Jimmy? He is .A. too much the family manB. too much of a family manC. a family man enoughD. enough of a family manTest 121. In an urban society in which highly structured, fast-paced and stressful work looms largely in life, experiences of a di

9、fferent nature, , can lead to self-renewal and a more“balanced”way of life.A. was it television watching or bird-watchingB. whether it television watching or bird-watchingC. were it television watching or bird-watchingD. be it television watching or bird-watching2. We burned all the important docume

10、nts that they should fall into the enemy s hands.A. for fear B. lest C. so D. since3. Just for today, I will feel happy I am at work, alive and well, and not in a hospital surgery.A. waiting B. awaiting C. waited for D. awaiting for4. Around a thousand years ago, one group emerged was uniquely well

11、adopted to copewith the Artic environment.A. thatB. whatC. itD. there5. Doctor Smith, together with his wife and two sons, to arrive on the evening flight.A. will beB. are goingC. areD. is6. , many problems of space flight could not be solved now.A. If electronic computers would not have been invent

12、edB. Had electronic computers not inventedC. Had electronic computers not been inventedD. If electronic computers were not invented7. You seem to be dissatisfied with your present post, I don t think you judged your ability objectively when you applied for it, you?A. doB. don tC. didD. didn t8. If t

13、ap water were as dangerous as some people think, would be getting sick.A. a lot more of usB. a lot of more usC. more a lot of usD. a lot of us more9. He said the theater soon after its three-year redevelopment program.A. will reopenB was reopeningC. had been reopeningD. reopened10. Thermal expansion

14、 of solid is detected by our naked eyes.A. small so as not beB. so small as not beC. so small as not to beD. such small as not to be11. Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it in Cuba.A. been cultivatedB. having cultivatedC. cultivatingD. being culti

15、vated12. can be judged from her eyes, she has no personal hostility to us.A. ThatB. AsC. WhatD. Which13. The human body is composed of organs, each a definite job to do.A. hasB. hadC. havingD. is having14. We must not think of this writer as a radical socialist politician, a leader of a revolution.A

16、. more lessB. much lessC. less muchD. still much15. The first textbook for teaching as a foreign language came out in the 16 th century.A. to writeB. to be writtenC. writingD. written1. In recent times, scientific research evidence that years of cigarette smoking vastlyincrease the risk of developin

17、g fatal medical conditions.A. had been providing B. was providing C. providedD. has been providing2. he disagreed with the idea, he was willing to go along with the majority.A. AsB. As muchC. Much asD. As much as3. The hours the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people,und

18、oubtedly affect their relationship with real-life people.A. whenB. thatC. in whichD. on which4. If only the committee the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.A. will approveB. approveC. would approveD. approves5. Doing morning exercises has helped to improve her health, ?A. isn

19、titB. hasnt itC. hasnt theyD. hasnt she6. When the reason for their success, the kids had two explanation: hard work and theirparents encouragement.A. askingB. askedC. having askedD. had asked7. rockets had been used sporadically for several hundred years, they remained a relativelyminor artifact of

20、 civilization until the twentieth century.A. DespiteB. In spite ofC. In spite the fact thatD. Despite the fact that8. The wheels of the old wagon are nearly of a modern car.A. twice the size of thoseB. twice the sizeC. twice the sizesD. twice size of those9. In the broadest sense, just as archaeolog

21、y is an aspect of anthropology, ?A. so too it is a part of historyB. so too is it a part of historyC. neither too it is a part of historyD. neither too is it a part of history10. If I have improved in any way, I owe all to you.A. anyB. /C. it D. some11. A Dream of the Red Chamber is said into dozens

22、 of languages in the last decade.A. to translate B. to be translatedC. to have translated D. to have been translated12. They are sweating all over. They in the field.A. may beB. must have been working C. could be D. must having been working13. He forever about the friendly people, the clean atmosphe

23、re, the closeness to natureand the gentle pace of living.A. has, talkedB. is, talkingC. had, talkedD. being, talking14. Which of us knows something about physics does not know this?A. whoB. whatC. whomD. that15. Creative discovery pleasurable, humans have learned to find ways of milking thisnatural

24、response.A. would beB. beingC. to beD. be1. that some guests were coming, she shopped all morning in that supermarket.A. Been told B. Having been told C. Having told D. To be told2. His parents believed that he was a clever boy, but he wasn t in fact.A. kind B. kind of C. such D. a such3. To date, h

25、owever, biomechanics only a small difference to athletic performance.D. will makeD. whichA. has madeB. madeC. have made4. Their country has plenty of oil, ours has none.A. whereB. asC. whereas5. It is essential that the glass thicker on the outside than on the inside and that the gapbetween the pane

26、s of glass a minimum of 7 centimeters.A. is, is B. be, is C. be, be D. is, be6. It was the first time I ever a talented contest.D. had, enteredD. soA. Have, enteredB. was, enteringC. should, enter7. We should say Jimmy is not much a writer as a reporter.A. thisB. thatC. as8. It is reported that Lati

27、n American customers talk _ on the phone as people in North America.A. two to four times as longB. two times four as longC. two to four time as longD. two to four times longer9. After Himalayas, I think Andes are the highest chain of mountains in the world.A. the, anB. a, theC. a, anD. the, the10. f

28、ar from reality such portrayals are, they capture the essential truth that archaeology isan exciting quest for knowledge about ourselves and our past.A. AlthoughB. AsC. HoweverD.Whatever11. They can vote in _ district they choose.A. whicheverB. wheneverC. whereverD.however12. Don t forget to buy me

29、some Sprite, ?A. do youB. don tyouC. will youD.won tyou13. There is the fact that the new method has greatly raised labor productivity.A. not denyingB. no denyingC. not to deny D. not to be denied14. No one can use cell phones in any areas at the hospital equipment might be affected bythe interferen

30、ce from cell phone.A. thatB. whichC. where D. what15. A person can actually do any job that they get the right qualifications for it and work hardat it.A. providedB. lestC. grantedD. despite1. He is convinced that none of this would have happened those four words in the marginof his paper: “This is

31、good writing ”.A. were Mrs. Brauch not writtenB. had Mrs. Brauch not writtenC. hadn t Mrs. Brauch writtenD. has Mrs. Brauch not written2. We went to work by taxi yesterday because our car at the garage.A. was repairingB. being repairedC. was being repairedD. to be repaired3. Here is such a big stone

32、 no man can lift.A. thatB. asC. thisD. it4. I ll see to it that the children a hot meal after their swim.A. will getB. could getC. are gettingD. get5. , you ll find you can readily save texts on your personal computer space to print off whenyou need.A. Found what you needB. Having found what you nee

33、dC. To have been found what you needD. To be found what you need6. The atmosphere at the college is that of an adult environment a relationship of mutualrespect is encouraged between students and tutorsA. by whichB. in whereC. thatD. where7. An entire town has been meticulously restored to the way i

34、t was several hundred years ago, to represent life it used to be in the colonial times.A. untilB. thoughC. asD. when8. There had, of course, been dictionaries in the past, the first of these a little book of some120 pages.A. to beB. to have beenC. beD. being9. An intellectual breakthrough, , does no

35、t automatically ensure that the transition is madefrom theory to practice.A. though brilliant may it beB. brilliant as it may beC. as it may be brilliantD. brilliant it may be though10. The classroom is in a terrible mess; it cleaned.A. mustn t have beenB. shouldnt have been C. wouldn t have been D.

36、 cant have been11. I don t think it advisable that Tim assigned to the job since he has no experience.A. will be B. be C. has been D. is12. It is to motivate employees in a growing organization than a declining one.A. more easierB. much easy C. much more easy D. much easier13. The house itself is be

37、autiful, but the rather unpleasant.A. surrounding isB. surroundings areC. surroundings isD. surrounding are14. She went to visit her aunt week.A. every otherB. each otherC. all other D. every another15. You can stretch your legs on the spacious decks, play games, swim and enjoy good food -always , o

38、f course, that the sea is calm.A. to assumeB. being assumed C. assumingD. to be assumed1. There is no one of us knows the sun is larger than the moon.A. whichever B. which C. than D. but2. When a country its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life hopefully will notcompletely die out.A.

39、will developB. developsC. to be develop D. being developing3. There more than 200,000 overseas domestic servants working in Britain.A. is estimated to beB. are estimated beingC. are estimated to beD. is estimated being4. for your advice, I would not have accepted the job.A. Not beingB. Without being

40、 C. Not having beenD. Had it not been5. Youll regret those words to me.A. having saidB. saidC. to sayD. have to say6. Only when he saw that the man was actually telephoning the policeman that they had all been the victims of a hoax.A. he realizedB. realized heC. did he realizeD. be he realized7. The

41、re will be increases even if only by hundredths of a second, our training continues toimprove.A. so long thatB. so that C. as ifD. so long as8. Americans eat as they actually need everyday.A. as much protein twiceB. twice as much proteinC. much as twice proteinD. as twice much protein9. There is no

42、doubt a large number of people have benefited from heart surgery/A. whetherB. ifC. that D. what10. A major-party nominee has the critical advantage in the campaign for the presidential election he has the support from the party-faithful.A. in whichB. whatC. in thatD. which11. You neednt him about th

43、is since he could find out for himself.A. tellB. have toldC. being tellingD. have to tell12. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen well.A. is soldB. sellingC. are soldD. sells13. Dung beetles an integral part of the successful management of diary farms in Australiaover the past

44、few decades.A. has becomeB. have become C. becameD. had become14. , his two-volume work is a masterpiece and a landmark.A. Instead of its faults and eccentricitiesB. For all its faults and eccentricitiesC. Its faults and eccentricitiesD. However its faults and eccentricities15. Although the volume o

45、f work was considerable, the nature of the business was it couldonly be proceeded as it came along.A. so thatB. since thatC. such that D. now that1. I believe engaging in paid work is acceptable the conditions are safe, the hours arereasonable and the wages are fair.A. afterB. ifC. at thatD. if only

46、2. For many environmentalists, the world seems worse.A. to be gettingB. gettingC. gottenD. being gotten3. When we play a game , we enjoy what we are doing, we should not play it.A. insteadB. neverthelessC. otherwiseD. either4. Learning English is attending the classes and taking notes.A. very more t

47、han B. quite more than C. many more than D. much more than5. information is given about the book itself, although there is a brief biographical noteabout the authorA. No other B. Not other C. No any other D. not another6. The business of each day, , went quite smoothly.A. was it selling goods or shi

48、pping themB. whether selling goods or shipping themC. were it selling goods or shipping themD. be it selling goods or shipping them7. Over the past century, the composition of the human gene pool appreciably.A. did not changeB. has not changedC. was not changedD. had not changed8. Women the w“eaker”

49、and “dependent”sex, it is only natural that they should try in certainemotional situations.A. beenB. areC. to beD. being9. The secretary and headmaster of the school present at the meeting.A. wereB. wasC. to beD. being10. There happened to be some students in the room, ?A. didn t theyB. didn t there

50、C. doesnt thereD. weren t they11. It would mean giving more power to Congress, many of members are widely believed tobe corrupt.A. whichB. thatC. whoseD. what12. She had a mild attack of hysteria reaching Jamaica, when she realized her mother had actually died.D. withs going to make him workD. whatD

51、. Much thanD. untila. of B. byC. on13. I know him better than any of you, and I can say : nobodyany faster.A. thisB. thatC. which14. allow the vegetable to go bad, he sold them at half price.a. More thanB. Other thanC. Rather than15. She put down the receiver she recognized my voice.A. the instant w

52、henB. the instantC. at the instant1. I don t know what I should do for relaxation, for the innumerable detective stories.A. not were itB. were it notC. without beingD. not being2. Education how to survive an earthquake should be a major emphasis for all governmentprograms and earthquake-related proj

53、ects.A. concernedB. concerningC. is concerningD. being concerned3. Nuclear fuel will be used in the reactor after its into the form of rods.A. having compressedB. to have been compressedC. having been compressedD. have been compressed4. A co-educational school offers children a true version of socie

54、ty in miniature.A. nothing much than B. nothing less than C. no little than D. not much than5. She had threatened to inform London that she could no longer take responsibility for working with me. I warned her against course.A. such any stupidB. such stupid any C. any such stupid D. any stupid such6

55、. The famous monastery of St. Bernard, was founded in the eleventh century, lies about amile away.A. thatB. thisC. whichD. that7. He himself believed in freedom, so much that he would rather die than live without it.A. asB. forC. toD. so8. Animal tests are often used, there is no guarantee that the

56、results will be the same as theeffects on humans.A. no matterB. despite C. although D. as though9. Other things equal, most hotel tenants would prefer single to shared rooms.A. beB. beingC. areD. been10. , the higher the cholesterol levels tend to be.A. One experiences stress the moreB. The more stress one experiencesC. One experiences stress the


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