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1、愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom初一上冊詞組1. a big cake一塊大蛋糕2. a small desk一張小書桌3. your friend你的朋友4. cold cola冷飲5. a map of china一張中國地圖6. what s your name? 你叫什么名字? my name is jack. 我叫杰克。7. thank you.謝謝。8. an english book一本英語書9. it doesn t matter. 沒關系。10. in english用英語11. in the picture在圖畫里12. good morning.早上好13. goo

2、d afternoon. 下午好14.good evening.晚上好15.how are you ?你好16.fine, thanks.很好,謝謝。17.nice to meet you.見到你很高興。18.write down寫下19.what s your first name?你叫什么名?20.what s your last name?你姓什么?21.what s your telephone number?你的電話號碼是多少?22. his family name他的姓23.her first name她的名24.sit down ,please.請坐。375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛

3、優(yōu)教育arrow classroom25.spell the word orange, please. 拼橘子 個 。26.your backpack你的雙肩背包27.his pencil sharpener 他的卷筆刀28.his dictionary他的字典29.my friend我的朋友30.excuse me.打 了 / 。31.this is this is 是 是 32.look for/find 找 /找到33.how do you spell book?你怎么拼 book?b-o-o-k.34.can you spell book? 你會拼book ?yes, i can.b-

4、o-o-k.35.what s this in english? 個用英 怎么 ?it s a /an36.call me at 110打我的 110.37.call 110打 110 。38.play a computer game 玩 游 39.lost and found case失物招 箱40.an id card一 身份 41.school id card校卡42.a set of keys一串 匙43.an eraser一 橡皮44.two buses兩 公共汽 45.three fish三條 46.four watches四 手表47.five knives五把小刀375 教育資

5、源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom48.six photos六 照片49.seven dictionaries七本字典50.eight pencil cases八個文具盒51.nine backpacks九個 包52.ten children十個孩子53.black and white黑白相 的54.a black key一把黑色 匙55.a blue pen一支 色 筆56.what color is it?它是什么 色?57.what color are they? 它 是什么 色?58.a nice map一 好看的地 59.a white jacket一件白色 克衫60

6、.a good orange一個好橘子1.talk about談論2.thanks for /thank you for 為 而 3.a picture of jim s=family4.jim s family phot 吉姆的家庭照片5.family tree家 6.family photo家庭照片7.bring .to把 到 8.take to 把拿到 9.very much非常(句尾)10. these girls 些女孩11. those boys那些男孩12. his parents他的父母375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom13. your broth

7、er你的哥哥 /弟弟14. dear mom 的 15.a happy family一個快 的家庭16. my father s parents我父 的父母17. love them very much 非常 他 18.my friend s grandparents我朋友的祖父母tom s family tree 姆的家 1.behind the sofa在沙 后面2.on the chair在椅子上3.under the desk在 桌下4.in my bedroom在我的臥室內(nèi)5.in her pencil case在她的 筆盒內(nèi)6.in the kitchen在廚房里7.under l

8、ily s backpack在莉莉的 包下8.where is the?9.where are the?10. i don t know. 我不知道。11. in the tree物品在 上12. on the tree果 在 上13. in the wall穿 14. on the wall在 面上15. on the bed物品在床上16. in bed人躺在床上17. look at看18. video tape 像 375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom19. my math book我的數(shù)學 20. take to 把 到21. bring to 把 來22

9、. behind the door在 后23. in the drawer在抽 里24. next to/beside the chair 在椅子旁 25. on the dresser在梳 臺上26. in front of在前面27. have a soccer ball有一個足球28. have a ping-pong ball有一個 球29. have a tennis racket有一個網(wǎng)球拍30. play soccer踢足球31. play baseball打棒球32. play basketball打 球33. play volleyball打排球34. play ping-p

10、ong 打 球35. let s play tennis. 我 打網(wǎng)球吧。36. that sounds good. 那聽起來太好了。37. join us加入我 38. join your school sports club加入你 學校體育俱 部39. have a table tennis bat有一個 球拍40. play chess下象棋41. eight volleyballs8 個排球42. have two footballs有兩個足球43. baseball bat棒球球棒44. ping-pong bat 球拍375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom

11、45. a tennis racket一個網(wǎng)球球拍46. play sports/do sport做運 47.a great sports collection 收藏大量的體育用品48. have seven watches有 7 手表49. watch tv看 50. let sb do sth 某人做某事51. be interesting是有趣的52. be interested in某人 感 趣53. watch sports on tv在 上看體育54. play sports every day每天做運 55. have some more paper 有更多的 1.like ea

12、ting bananas喜 吃香蕉2.healthy food健康的食物3.eat much bread吃很多面包4.eat french fries吃薯條5.lots of books /a lot of books 很多 6.have some tea喝一些茶7.two cups of coffee兩杯咖啡8.a cup of milk一杯牛奶9.have rice for lunch午 吃米 10. have ice cream for dessert甜食吃冰淇淋11. have some chicken for dinner 晚 吃 肉12.have hamburgers for br

13、eakfast早 吃 堡包13. like doing sth./like to do sth.= enjoy doing sth.喜 做某事14 would like to do sth.=want to do sth. 想要做某事375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom15 like a little有點喜 16. like a lot= like very much非常喜 17. don t like at all 一點也不喜 18. eat well吃得好19. go on a picnic去野餐20. make a list of制造 名 21. the sa

14、me as像 一 22. in the same school在同一個學校23. in different schools在不同的學校24. welcome to 迎來到 25. here you are. 你。26.here is your family photo. 里是你的家庭照片。1how much is/are ?。多少 ?it s /they are¥ 10.2. how many + (可數(shù)名 復數(shù))多少?how much+ ( 不可數(shù) )多少?3at a very good price以最 惠的價格4.have a look看一看have a look at + sth.看 西

15、5here you are. 你。6thanks a lot./ thank you. 你。you are welcome.不用 。7can i help you?你要 什么?what can i do for you?is there anything i can do for you?375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom8help sb. (to) do sth.help sb. with sth.幫助某人做某事9.want sth.想要某物want to do sth.想要做某事want to be a teacher 想成 一名老 want sb. to d

16、o sth.想 某人去做某事10what color ? 什么 色?11. i ll take it.我 了。1220 dollars20 美元13this red t-shirt 這 件 色 t 恤衫14. that black bag 那個黑色的包15i msorry. 不起。16come and buy at + store 快來 17great sale大減價18on sale 出售 /上市for sale待售19sell it at/for $ 2以 2 美元價格 出20what s the price of?=how much is/are? 的價格是 ?21. in + colo

17、r 穿 色的服裝22. can /can t afford sth. 得起 西23come and see 來看看24. have a sale 做 =do business with25 buy from 從 26. sell to 把某物 某人27. buy sth. for sb. 某人 某物375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom28which one?哪一個?1. happy birthday.生日快 。2. happy birthday to you.thank you.祝你生日快 。 。3basketball game 球 4on christmas da

18、yat christmas在圣 5.october fifth十月五日6school trip郊游7english speech contest英 演 8. an english party英 晚會9birthday party生日晚會10. piano concert 琴音 會11art festival藝術節(jié)12pop music流行音 13.school day校 日school day學校上 日14in january在一月in 1993在 1993 年on september 3rd 在 9 月 3 日15it s time for sth.it s time to do sth.

19、做了./到 了16.what festivals do you have?你 有什么 日?how old are you?whatsthe age of you?375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroomwhat s your age? i m 13.你幾歲?我 13。18 .i m in class 7 grade 1no. 1 middle school.我在一中一年七班19after school放學以后after class下課以后20基數(shù)詞1-100序數(shù)詞第 1- 第 1001. go to a movie去看電影go to see a film/moviego

20、 to the cinema2.want sth.想要某物want to do sth.想要做某事want to be a teacher想成為一名老師want sb. to do sth.想讓某人去做某事3go to comedies去看喜劇片4my favorite actor我最喜愛的演員5.what kind of movies do you like?你喜歡哪一種電影?a kind of一種all kinds of movies各種電影be kind to sb.對某人好6. stayathome呆在家里7on weekdays在平時(星期一到星期五)8on weekend在周末(六

21、、日)on weekendsat the weekendat the weekends9take turns to do sth.輪流去做某事375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom10. learn a lot about chinese history學 很多關于中國 史11.a movie star一位 影明星12a great actor一位 大的演 13tell sb. about sth.告 某人關于某事14.in fact事 上15.what do you think of?how do you like?你 怎么 ?16. a successful th

22、riller一個成功的恐怖片17action movies 作片18documentaries 片19tragedies悲 片20romances情感片21.cartoon movies卡通片22science movies科幻片1.play the guitar 吉他2. play chess下棋3. want to do sth.想要做某事4. come and join us.來加入我 吧5. join the art club參加美 俱 部6. take part in參加 (活 )7. speak english 英 8. be good at擅 9. do well in在做得好1

23、0. be good with sb. 和某人相 很好11. help sb. with sth. 幫助某人做某事375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroomhelp sb. to do sth.12. need help for sth.在某事上需要幫助13. musicians wanted for music festival音 會招收音 人14. be in our school music festival參加我 學校的音 會15. rock band搖滾樂隊16.what can you do?你會干什么 ?17. show sb. sth./show sth.

24、 to sb. 某人看某物18. can do chinese kung fu會中國功夫19. learn about sth.學 關于某科目20.what s your-email address?my e- mail address is我的 email 地址是 21.here is a card. please fill it out/in. 是一 卡片 , 填充22. join us in the game加入我 的游 1. what time is it?/what s the time?it s + time.幾點了 ?2. at six o clock在六點 3.it s tim

25、e to do sth.到了 了it s time for sth.4. go to school去上學5. get to school到達學校6. go to work去上班7. get up起床8. eat breakfast吃早 9. put on your hat/pt your hat on 戴上帽子 put it on/put them on 把它 / 他 穿上 /戴上 take off 脫下375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom10. take /have a shower洗淋浴11. in the morning/in the afternoon/ i

26、n the evening/ at noon/ at night在上午 /下午 /傍晚 /在中午 /在晚上12. do one s homework做某人的作業(yè)13. practise doing sth.練習做某事14. work very long hours工作時間很長15. take the number 17 bus乘 17 路汽車which bus do you take to school?16. all night整夜all day 整天17. listen to the teacher聽老師講課18. watch morning tv看早間新聞19. go to bed去睡覺

27、20. love to do sth./love doing sth.=like to do sth./like doing sth.喜歡做某事1. what s your favorite subject?what subject is your favorite?what subject is your favorite?你最喜愛的科目是什么?2. play with sb.和某人一起玩3. on wednesday在星期三4. his favorite subject他最喜愛的科目5. my mother s favorite color我媽媽最喜愛的顏色6. science teach

28、er科學老師7. tv show/tv play電視劇8. his father s favorite sport他爸爸最喜愛的運動9. after class/school下課以后 /放學以后375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom10. be strict with sb.對某人要求嚴格be strict in sth.對某事要求嚴格11. have math上數(shù)學課12.on thursday在星期四13. be really busy真的很忙be busy doing sth.忙于做某事be busy with sth.14. after class/schoo

29、l下課后 /放學后before lunch午飯以前15. have volleyball for two hours打兩個小時排球16. an hour一個小時two hours兩個小時half an hour半個小時one hour and a half一個半小時one and a half hours一個半小時17. be very tired but happy很累但是很開心18. chinese history club中國歷史俱樂部19. it s really interesting.的確有趣20. ask sb.問某人21. play with my dog和我的狗玩22. ru

30、n around with me圍著我跑23. run with sb.和某人一起跑24. on sunday在某個星期天25. on sundays在每逢星期天375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroomstarter 全冊重點詞匯總1.good morning.早上好。2.good afternoon.下午好。3.how are you .i mfine, thank you .你好么?我很好,謝謝。4.are you fine today?你今天還好么?5.what s your name?你叫什么名字?6.this is my twin brother,這是我的雙胞

31、胎兄弟。7.what is it ?it s a photo of my family.這是什么?這是我的一張全家福8. who is she ?she is my sister.她是誰?她是我的姐妹。9. who s hist man ?he is my father.這個男的是誰?他是我的爸爸。10.what s he ?he is a doctor.他是干什么工作的?他是一位醫(yī)生。11. is this your mother ? yes, she s a worker. 這是你的媽媽么?是的,她是一位工人。375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom12.a re

32、we classmates ? yes ,we are .我們是同學么?是的,我們是同學。13.how old are you ?i m twelve.你多大了?我十二歲了。14.he s my cousin andy.他是我的堂兄安蒂。15.he s polite and helpful .他很有禮貌而且樂于助人。16.she is short and slim .她又矮又瘦。17.he is tall and strong .他又高又壯。18. he is from england .he s english . 他來自英格蘭, 他是英國人。19.i have a photo here .

33、我這邊有張照片。20.l et me have a look .讓我看一下。21.is this their dog ?這是他們的狗么?22.do you know this boy ?你認識這個男孩么?23.l ook at them .看他們。24.t hey are happy too .他們也很高興。25.a ll my new classmates我所有的新同學26.open/close the door .打開 /關上門。375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom27.stand up ./sit down .站起來 /坐下。28.clean the wind

34、ow擦窗戶29.go to school去學校30.y ou are late .don t be latein. aga你遲到了。別再遲到了。31. t here are sixteen boys and fourteen girls in my class . 我們班里有十六個男孩和十四個女孩。32.an art room一間美術室33.a poster一張招貼畫34.fifteen rubbers十五塊橡皮35.eighteen pencils十八支鉛筆36.twenty students二十個學生37.is this your school ?這是你的學校么?38.is there a

35、 computer room in your school ?你的學校有一個電腦房么?39.football field足球場40.how many classrooms are there in your school ?你的學校有多少間教室?41.an office一個辦公室375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom42.a toilet一間廁所43.a library一個圖書館44.a re there three buildings in tom s school ? 湯姆的學校里有三座大樓。45.a re there three art rooms in bui

36、lding c ?在c 棟大樓里有三間美術室46.is there a playground in tom s school ?湯姆的學校里有一個操場么?47.how many halls are there in your school ?你的學校里有幾個禮堂?48.t here are two hundred students in my school .我的學校有兩百個學生。49.on the ground floor .在一樓(英式)50. on the first floor .在一樓(美式)在二樓(英式)51. t here aren t any libraries in my s

37、chool ,but there are some reading rooms .我們學校沒有圖書館,但有閱覽室52.a re there any libraries in the school ?學校里有圖書館么?53.basketball court籃球場375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom54.dining hall食堂55.reading room 室56.where is the bird ?it s in the tree .小 在哪?它在 上。57. where are the students ?they are on theplayground .

38、學生 在哪?他 在操 上。58.on the left/right of在 左 /在 右 59.what s in the tree ?什么 西在 上?60.some boats are on tne lake .湖上有一些船。61.behind the tree在 的后面62.under the chair在椅子的下面ehere到 兒來64.in the middle of在 的中 65.between the two flowers在兩 花的中 66.what s in the box ?盒子里是什么?67.what colour is it/are they ?它 /它 是什么 色68.

39、what are these ? they are dad s black trousers . 些是什么?它 是爸爸的黑 子。69.her yellow blouse她的黃色的 衫375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom70.her pink sweater她的粉 色的毛衣71.his brown cap他的棕色的帽子72.his red t-shirt他的 色的短袖 衫73.his blue jeans他的 色的牛仔 74.her grey skirt他的灰色的裙子75.whose bike is it ?它是 的 ?76.here is your coat . 是

40、你的外套77.t ake your kites .把你 的 箏拿走。78.here you are 你79.here they are .and here are your socks .它 在 兒, 是你的襪子。80.here are my pictures . 是我的 片。81.do you have a camera ?你有一架相機么?ic book漫畫 83.do you have any bats ?你有球拍么?84.model plane模型 機85.whose ball is this ?is it yours?no, it s not mine ,it 是shers . 的球?

41、是你的么?不,不是我的,它是她的。86.every student has每個學生有 375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom87.what do they have in their lockers ?他 的 物柜里有些什么?88.a pair of glasses一副眼 89.what about millie ?米莉怎么 ?90.beside在 旁 91.sports shoes運 鞋92.whose watchisthis ? 是 的手表?93.a re these hair clips yours ? 些 卡是你的么?94.i don t have any y

42、ellow hair clips .我沒有黃色的 卡。95.whose bats are these ? 些是 的球拍?96. who has a pet in your class ? many students have . 你 班 有 物?很多學生都有。97.what pets are they ?他 是些什么 物?98.we can play football there .我 可以在那兒踢足球375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom99.y ou can t bring your dog here .你不能把你的狗 到 兒來。100.look at the s

43、ign .看 個 志。101.watch tv看 102.listen to music聽音 103.fly kites放 箏104.ride a bike騎車105.smoke抽煙106.use a mobile打手機107. do one shomework做 的家庭作業(yè)108.look for things on the internet在英特網(wǎng)上搜索 西109.take the newspaper home把 拿回家110.can i bring my bag here ?我能把我的包拿到 兒來么?375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom111.can i ea

44、t here ?我能在 兒吃 西么?112.cross the road 路113.wait for等待 114.park her bike under the tree把她的自行 停在 下115.look for the right place 找合適的地方116.bring her bag into把她的包 .117.use a shopping basket使用 物 118.look up and down上下看看119.where can i put my football ?我能把我的足球放在哪兒?120.can we put sign 1 in happy park?我能把 志 1

45、 放在快 公園么?375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom121.where can we put it ?我們能把它放在哪兒?122.get up.起床123.what time is it ?現(xiàn)在幾點?124.hurry up .加快點。125.a chinese lesson一堂語文課126.a maths lesson一堂數(shù)學課127.a computer lesson一堂計算機課128.do you go to school at seven thirty ?你在七點半去學校么?129.we play basketball only on thursday .我們只在星期四打籃球。130.do you have a computer lesson today?你今天有計算機課么?375 教育資源網(wǎng)版權所有愛優(yōu)教育arrow classroom131.chat with each other at lunchtime在午飯時間彼此交談132.i like playing basketball and pingpong .我喜歡打籃球和乒乓球。133.go to bed上床睡覺134.i get up at 7:00 a.m./in the morning .我早晨七點起床。135.i go to bed a


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