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1、創(chuàng)新的英文諺語帶翻譯一個民族如果想要走在時代的前列,就一刻也不能沒有創(chuàng)新思 維,一刻也不能停止各種創(chuàng)新,以下是為你整理的關(guān)于創(chuàng)新的英文諺語,歡迎大家閱讀。創(chuàng)新是企業(yè)的靈魂,是企業(yè)持續(xù)發(fā)展的保證??;海爾集團Inno vati on is the soul of the en terprise, is the en terprisesusta in able developme nt guara ntee!沒有創(chuàng)新,就不可能有合理的,尤其是有效的管理。;;阿法納西耶夫Withoutinno vati on, there can be no reas on able ,especially the

2、effective man ageme nt。天才的主要標記不是完美而是創(chuàng)造,天才能開創(chuàng)新的局面。;;亞瑟;柯斯勒Gen ius of the mai n mark is not perfect but creati on, daysto create a new situati on。如果學習只在模仿,那么我們就不會有科學,也不會有技術(shù)。;;咼爾基If learning only in the imitation , so we wouldnt have scie nee , there will be no tech no logy。企業(yè)一旦站立到創(chuàng)新的浪尖上,維持的辦法只有一個,就是要持

3、ii續(xù)創(chuàng)新。;;張瑞敏Once stood to inno vati on, to maintain the way only oneis to continu ous inno vatio n。隨著一種觀念的流行,言語創(chuàng)新的程度絲毫不亞于習慣改變的程 度。;;塞;約翰遜Words with the popularity of an idea, the degree of inno vatio n is no less habits cha nge ??沙掷m(xù)競爭的唯一優(yōu)勢來自于超過競爭對手的創(chuàng)新能力。;;詹姆斯;莫爾斯On ly susta in able competitive adva n

4、tage comesfrom themore tha n competitors ability to inno vate。對于創(chuàng)新來說,方法就是新的世界,最重要的不是知識,而是思路。;;-郎加明For inno vati on , the method is a new world , the most importa nt is not kno wledge, but rather ideas 。若無某種大膽放肆的猜想,一般是不可能有知識的進展的。;;愛因斯坦創(chuàng)新的英文諺語推薦不創(chuàng)新,就死亡。;艾柯卡Without innovation, death 。對新的對象必須創(chuàng)出全新的概念。;柏格

5、森For the new object must hit a new con cept。創(chuàng)新是科學房屋的生命力。;;阿西莫夫Inno vatio n is the vitality of scie nee buildi ng。創(chuàng)新就是創(chuàng)造性地破壞。;熊彼特Inno vati on is a creative destructi on 。能正確地提出問題就是邁出了創(chuàng)新的第一步。;;李政道To prese nt problems correctly is the first step towards the inno vatio n 。掌握新技術(shù),要善于學習,更要善于創(chuàng)新。;;鄧小平Master

6、new tech no logy, be good at lear ning, more mustbe good at inno vati on。非經(jīng)自己努力所得的創(chuàng)新,就不是真正的創(chuàng)新。;;松下幸之助Without going through their efforts to inno vati on, is nota real inno vatio n。創(chuàng)新就是在生活中發(fā)現(xiàn)了古人沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)的東西。;;李可染Inno vati on is found somethi ng which the an cie nt peopledid not find in your life 。凡能獨立工作的人

7、,一定能對自己的工作開辟一條新的路線。;吳有訓People who can work in depe nden tly , can ope n up a new route in their work 。正確對待前人理論,學百家之長,自主創(chuàng)新。;陳國達Treati ng the predecessors theory ,lear ninghun dreds of long, in depe ndent inno vati on遇到難題時,我總是力求尋找巧妙的思路,出奇制勝。;;朱清時Encoun ter difficulties, I always strive to find clever

8、way ofthinking , a surprise。經(jīng)典的創(chuàng)新英文諺語 Without some sort of bold and wild guess , is gen erally impossible to have the progress of knowledge 。想出新辦法的人在他的辦法沒有成功以前,人家總說他是異想天開。;;馬克;吐溫Come up with new ways to man before his way to success, people always said he was good to be true 。人類的創(chuàng)新之舉是極其困難的,因此便把已有的形式

9、視為神圣的 遺產(chǎn)。;;蒙森Humaninnovationis extremely difficult and thereforecon sidered sacred in the form of existi ng legacy。我們不能人云亦云,這不是科學精神,科學精神最重要的就是創(chuàng) 新。;;錢學森We can& #39;t con formity , this is not a scie ntific spirit , scie ntific spirit is the most importa nt is inno vati on??茖W技術(shù)史表明,過多的知識信息有時反倒會妨礙和限制創(chuàng)新。

10、;; 朗加明Scienee and civilisationshow that too much informationbut sometimes get in the way of kno wledge and inno vati on科學也需要創(chuàng)造,需要幻想,有幻想才能打破傳統(tǒng)的束縛,才能 發(fā)展科學。;;郭沫若Scie nee also n eed to create that n eed fan tasy, a fan tasyto break the bon dage of traditi onal , can develop seie nee 。在科學上,每一條道路都應該走一走。發(fā)現(xiàn)

11、一條走不通的道路, 就是對于科學的一大貢獻。;;愛因斯坦In scienee , each road should walk 。 Find a way to go , it is a great con tributi on to scie nee。在創(chuàng)造家的事業(yè)中,每一步都要三思而后行,而不是盲目地瞎 碰。;;米丘林Each step in the creati on of the house of career , all want to think twice before you do , rather tha n bli ndly bli nd touch。如果你要成功,你應該朝新的

12、道路前進,不要跟隨被踩爛了的成 功之路。;;約翰;D;洛克菲勒If you want to succeed , you should the new path , and don& #39;t follow the road to success of being bad。異想天開給生活增加了一分不平凡的色彩,這是每一個青年和善 感的人所必需的。;;巴烏斯托夫斯基Good to be true to life adds a remarkable color, it is n ecessary to every young people and those who。對于一個藝術(shù)家來說,如果能夠打

13、破常規(guī),完全自由進行創(chuàng)作,其成績往往會是驚人的。;;卓別林For an artist , if you can break free fromconventions ,completely free to compose , the result is often surpris ing 。有了精神的實驗和觀測作為研究的依據(jù),想像力便成為自然科學理論的設(shè)計師。;;廷德爾Have the spirit of experime ntati on and observati on as the basis of research , desig ners of imagi nati on becom

14、es n atural scie nee theory ?;蛘邉?chuàng)新,或者消亡。尤其是在技術(shù)推動型產(chǎn)業(yè),再也沒有比成 功消失得更快的了。;;比爾;薩波里托Inno vatio n , or die 。 Especially in the tech no logy-drive n industries , and has never disappeared faster than success 。獨創(chuàng)常常在于發(fā)現(xiàn)兩個或兩人以上研究對象或設(shè)想之間的聯(lián)系 或相似之點。;;貝弗里奇Origi nal creati on is ofte n found that two or more tha n tw

15、o people of the relati on ship betwee n the research object or idea or point of similarity 。聰明的年輕人以為,如果承認已經(jīng)被別人承認過的真理,就會使自己喪失獨創(chuàng)性,這是最大的錯誤。;;歌德Clever young people thought , if has admitted to beingadmitted to the truth , will make on eself lose origi nal , this isthe biggest mistake科學研究基于同一法則,即一切事物的產(chǎn)生取

16、決于自然規(guī)律, 這 也適用于人們的行動。;;愛因斯坦Scientific research based on the same principle , that is, depe nding on the n ature of all thi ngs , this also applies to the acti ons of people。任何研究工作都應有所創(chuàng)新。創(chuàng)新的基礎(chǔ),一是新概念的指導, 二是新方法的突破。;;王鴻禎Any research work should be innovative。 The basis of inno vatio n , it is the guida n

17、ee of new con cept , the sec ond is the new method of breakthrough 。要創(chuàng)新需要一定的靈感,這靈感不是天生的,而是來自長期的積 累與全身心的投入。沒有積累就不會有創(chuàng)新。;;王業(yè)寧Inno vatio n requires a certa in in spirati on, the in spiratio nis not inn ate , but from Ion g-term accumulati on and make a commitme nt 。 There would be no inno vati onwithoutaccumulati on 。企


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