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1、電子工程詞典(電子専門用語)8-level Vestigial Side Ba nd (8-VSB)八級殘余邊帶A-law A -律AAL 1 circuit emulation mode AAL1 電路仿真模式AC sig nali ng 交流信令A(yù)CK cycle確認(rèn)周期ADSL tran sceiver unit (ATU) ADSL收發(fā)器單元AFE an alog front end模擬前端AND邏輯和AND gate 和門APD avala nche photodiode 雪崩光電二極管ASCII美國國家信息交換標(biāo)準(zhǔn)代碼ASCII asy nchro nous support pac

2、kage (AASP) ASCII異步支持程序包ASIC cell專用集成電路單元,專用集成電路組AT comma nd set AT 命令集ATM adaptation layer (AAL) ATM 適配層ATM bearer service ATM 承載電路業(yè)務(wù)ATM cell ATM 信元ATM man ageme nt objects ATM 管理對象ATM network in tegrated processi ng (NIP) ATM網(wǎng)絡(luò)綜合處理ATM switch ATM 交換Accelerated Hub Architecture 加速中樞架構(gòu)Advaneed Resear

3、ch Project Agency (ARPA)美國國防部高級研究計劃局Adva need Research Projects Age ncy Network (ARPA net) ARPA網(wǎng)Adva need SCSI Programmi ng In terface (ASPI)先進(jìn) SCSI (小型電腦系統(tǒng)接口) 編程接口Adva need Televisio n Systems Committee (ATSC)先進(jìn)電視系統(tǒng)委員會Aerial Cable架空電纜Aloha Aloba多點同時傳送接入控制技術(shù)American Electro nics Association (AEA)美國電

4、子商聯(lián)會American Natio nal Sta ndards In stitute (ANSI)美國國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)學(xué)會America n Sta ndard Code for In formatio n In tercha nge (ASCII)美國信息交換標(biāo)準(zhǔn)代碼American Wire Gauge (AWG)美式線計量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)AppleShare AppleShare 軟件AppleTalk AppleTalk 局域網(wǎng)AppleTalk control protocol (ATCP) AppleTalk控制協(xié)議AppleTalk fili ng protocol (AFP) AppleTal

5、k文件應(yīng)用協(xié)議Applied Research Laboratories (ARL)應(yīng)用研究實驗室Archie Archie 程序,阿奇程序Architecture, Ope n Cooperative Computi ng (OCCA)合作開放式運算(體系)結(jié)構(gòu)Architecture, Scalable Processor (SPARC) 可定標(biāo)處理器(體系)結(jié)構(gòu)Ardis Ardis公共數(shù)據(jù)通信無線網(wǎng)Article Number Associatio n(ANA)英國商品編碼協(xié)會Association of Radio In dustry Busi ness (ARIB)無線電工商業(yè)協(xié)會

6、Associatio n, American Electro nics (AEA)美國電子商協(xié)會Associatio n, Chi nese Ope n Systems (COSA)中文開放系統(tǒng)協(xié)會Associati on. Computer & the Busin ess Equipme nt Manu facturers(CBEMA) 國電腦及商業(yè)器材制造商協(xié)會Associati on. Computer and Communi cati on In dustries (CCIA)電腦及通訊工業(yè)協(xié)會Associatio n. Electro nic In dustries (EIA)美國電

7、子工業(yè)協(xié)會Associati on, Japa nese Electro nic In dustry Developme nt (JEIDA)日本電子工業(yè)發(fā)展協(xié)會Associatio n, Korea Foreign Trade (KFTA) 韓國對外貿(mào)易協(xié)會Associatio n, Natio nal Cable Televisi on (NCTA)全國有線電視協(xié)會Associatio n, Perso nal Computer Memory Card In ternatio nal (PCMCIA)個人電腦存儲器卡國際協(xié)會Associatio n, Semico nductor In d

8、ustry (SIA)美國半導(dǎo)體業(yè)協(xié)會Associatio n, Taipei Computer (TCA)臺北市電腦協(xié)會Associatio n, Video Electro nics Sta ndards (VESA)視頻電子標(biāo)準(zhǔn)協(xié)會Automatic Customer 自動用戶B-cha nnel B 信道BASIC Ianguage 培基語言Barkhause n criteri on巴克好森準(zhǔn)貝 UBaudot code 博多碼Bayesian network 貝葉斯網(wǎng)絡(luò)Beaconing 信標(biāo)Beam-former波束形成器Beamwidth 波束寬度Begi nners All-

9、Purpose Symbolic In structio n Code (BASIC)培基語言Bell Labs 貝爾試驗室Bell Northern Research (BNR)貝爾北方研究中心Bell System 貝爾系統(tǒng)Bell operati ng compa ny (BOC)貝爾運營公司Bellcore 貝爾通信研究所Bill ing Admi nistratio n and Roami ng Group (BARG)記帳管理與漫游群Bluetooth 藍(lán)牙技術(shù)Bluetooth Special In terest Group藍(lán)牙特別興趣小組Bn ZS code Bn ZS碼(一種

10、雙極線碼)Bode diagram 波德圖Bode plot 波德圖Bohr atom波爾原子Boltzma nns con sta nt波耳茲曼常數(shù)Bootstrap protocol Bootstrap 協(xié)議Borscht用戶線一組基本功能Bose Chaudhuri Hocquenghem (BCH)博斯-喬赫里-霍克文黑姆碼Boyles law波義耳定律British Electrotech nical Committee (BEC)英國電氣技術(shù)委員會British Sta ndards In stitutio n (BSI)英國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)學(xué)會British thermal unit (BT

11、U)英國熱力單位Bus Arbitratio n 總線仲裁Butterworth filter巴特沃斯濾波器C network C網(wǎng)絡(luò)C+ C+語言(面向?qū)ο蟮腃語言)C-7 sig nali ng C-7 信令C-message filterC信息濾波器CAD計算機輔助設(shè)計CAM計算機輔助制造CD-I交互式CDCD-audio音樂CD CD唱盤CD-e可擦可錄CDCPU time中央處理器時間CPU-i nten sive 中央處理器密集CTE mismatch (Cable Temi nation Equipme nt)電纜終端設(shè)備失配CU-SeeMe videoconferencing

12、CU-SeeMe視頻會議系統(tǒng),可互見視頻會議系統(tǒng)Caller Ide ntificati on自動用戶Ca nadia n Sta ndards Association (CSA)加拿大標(biāo)準(zhǔn)協(xié)會CeBIT fair CeBIT 計算機與辦公自動化博覽會也稱 Ha nn over博覽會)Cello Cello 軟件Cellular Telecommu nicatio ns In dustry Association (CTIA)蜂窩電信工業(yè)協(xié)會Celsius 攝氏Celsius scale 攝氏溫標(biāo)Celsius thermometer攝氏溫度計Cen tral Office Switches局

13、端交換機Ce ntre European des Recherche Nucleaire (CERN) CERN計算機網(wǎng)絡(luò)Cen tre Nati onal d Etudes de Telecom mun icatio n (CNET) cen trex市話交換分局,中央交換機Channel Isolation 信道隔離度Cha nnel Un iformity信道不一致性Chi na Productivity Cen ter中國生產(chǎn)力中心Chi nese Microcomputer Exte nded Fou ndation (CMEX)中文微電腦推廣基金會Chi nese Ope n Sy

14、stems Association (COSA)中文開發(fā)系統(tǒng)協(xié)會Chin ese binary中式二進(jìn)制數(shù)Chi nese character gen erator (CCG)中文字形產(chǎn)生器Chi nese system in terface (CSI)中文系統(tǒng)接口Code, Taipei Computer Association (TCA Code)臺北電腦協(xié)會推薦碼Colpitts oscillator科爾皮茲振蕩電路Commissi on. Federal Com mun icatio ns (FCC)聯(lián)邦通訊委員會Committee for Tech ni cal Activities

15、 (CAT)技術(shù)活動委員會Committee, Adva need Televisio n Systems (ATSC)先進(jìn)電視系統(tǒng)委員會Committee, British Electrotech nical (BEC)英國電氣技術(shù)委員會Committee, Japan In dustrial Sta ndards (JISC)日本工業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)委員會Committee, System Performa nee Evaluation (SPEC)系統(tǒng)性能評估委員會Computer and Communi catio n In dustries Associatio n(CCIA)電腦及通訊工業(yè)協(xié)會

16、Computer and the Busin ess Equipme nt Manu facturers Associatio n( CBEMA) 美 國電腦及商業(yè)器材制造商協(xié)會消費者電子協(xié)會Con sumer Electro nics Associati on (CEA)消費電子制造商協(xié)團體合作聯(lián)合委員電子器件工程聯(lián)合Con sumer Electro nics Manu facturers Associatio n (CEMA) 會,消費電子供應(yīng)商協(xié)會Coord in atio n Joint Committee on In ter-society, (JCIC) 會Coun cil, J

17、oint Electro nic Device Engin eeri ng (JEDEC) 會Cross Poi nt Switch交叉點交換機Curie point 居里點Curie temperature居里溫度Customer Premise Equipme nt 用戶預(yù)定設(shè)備D-channel D 信道,D通路D-co nn ector D型連接器DC loop sig nali ng (Dirrect Curre nt)直流環(huán)路信令DC-restore amplifiers直流恢復(fù)放大器DNS security exte nsio ns DNS安全擴展DSL access multiplexer (DSLAM) 數(shù)字用戶線接入復(fù)用器 ,DSL接入復(fù)用器善待他人,就是 勿以善小而不為,勿以惡小而為之 ”善待他人,就是 老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼 ”善待他人,就是 與人方便,與己方便 ”善待他人,就是 以禮待人,即用你喜歡 別人對待你的方式對待別人 ”.世界很大,人心很雜。紅塵很深,人世浮華。你所遇到的事,哪能沒有煩心的事?你所遇到的人,哪能


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