



1、sap四種安全庫存的設置sap四種安全庫存的設置 編輯整理:尊敬的讀者朋友們:這里是精品文檔編輯中心,本文檔內(nèi)容是由我和我的同事精心編輯整理后發(fā)布的,發(fā)布之前我們對文中內(nèi)容進行仔細校對,但是難免會有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(sap四種安全庫存的設置)的內(nèi)容能夠給您的工作和學習帶來便利。同時也真誠的希望收到您的建議和反饋,這將是我們進步的源泉,前進的動力。本文可編輯可修改,如果覺得對您有幫助請收藏以便隨時查閱,最后祝您生活愉快 業(yè)績進步,以下為sap四種安全庫存的設置的全部內(nèi)容。安全庫存只是一個籠統(tǒng)的說法,本文歸納了sap四 種安全庫存(時間)的設置,用于增加計劃過程中庫存數(shù)量(時間)的彈性。為

2、何安全庫存能增加計劃的彈性呢?因為在凈需求計算(net requirements calculation)中,quantity available= fixed receipts + stock available for planning safety stock requirements,若可用數(shù)量小于零,則報缺料,視為短缺數(shù)量(shortage quantity)或需求數(shù)量(net requriements),將用于批量計算并得出最終的獲取建議。safety stock safety stock partially available dynamic safety stock safet

3、y time 一、safety stock這就是“安全庫存”了,安全庫存的數(shù)量在計劃中是不可用的。mrp中,若物料的數(shù)量低于安全庫存水平,就會產(chǎn)生計劃訂單。安全庫存在物料主數(shù)據(jù)mrp2視圖設置。二、safety stock partially available如果設置了安全庫存,一低于該水平就會產(chǎn)生補貨的請求,哪怕只是缺了一點,這增加了計劃的工作量。為了彌補這個不足,我們可以在mrp group中設置一個百分比,只有安全庫存低于該百分比,補貨請求方會產(chǎn)生。三、dynamic safety stock動態(tài)安全庫存就更加厲害了,它根據(jù)平均的日需求(average daily requiremen

4、ts)數(shù)量,來確定未來幾個時期的安全庫存水平(數(shù)量等于若干個平均日需求):最小庫存、目標庫存、最大庫存。若小于最小庫存,產(chǎn)生補貨請求至目標庫存;若大于最大庫存,系統(tǒng)將 提示例外信息.若同時設置了安全庫存,將累加.該配置稱為range of coverage profile,在mrp2視圖分配,配置在img: production - mrp - planning - mrp calculation define range of coverage profile (dynamic safety stock).四、safety time前面三種方案都是對安全庫存數(shù)量上的設置,safety tim

5、e則是設置時間上的余量.物料的補貨提議時間將提前于實際的需求時間,提前日期在mrp2視圖中配置??紤]到物料可能用在產(chǎn)品的不同層次,為了避免重復提 前,可以在mrp2視圖的safety time indicator欄位設置安全時間有效于所有需求還是僅相關(guān)需求,或者干脆無效.而考慮到不同時期對安全時間的長度要求不同,可以在后臺定義 period profile,img: production mrp planning mrp calculation define period profile for safety time/actual range of coverage,并在mrp2視圖分配給物

6、料.注意: 百分比是根據(jù)mpr組設置的,在后臺:define safety stock availability.從我的測試結(jié)果來看,系統(tǒng)計算的順序是:safety stock-實際需求-dynamic safety stock,然后提前safety time的時間來產(chǎn)生相應采購申請dynamic safety stock:the dynamic safety stock is calculated in the planning run of the order proposal quantity。 in the mrp evaluation, md04 - you can check th

7、e parameters used to calculate the dynamic safety stock in the period totals set the dynamic safety stock themaster data settingsrequired are,動態(tài)安全庫存是運行于預測需求的計劃.當運行md04時,你可以在區(qū)間統(tǒng)計界面看到所有的用于計算動態(tài)安全庫存的參數(shù)。你要設定以下參數(shù)才能計算出動態(tài)安全庫存1. maintain mrp view.1. 維護材料主檔的mrp視圖2. in mrp 2 view enter the coverage

8、profile which in configuration will carry the elements required as detailed below。2. 在mrp2視圖里,需要設定覆蓋組件(coverage profile)3. material master- you have mrp type pd. 3. 設定的mrp類型為 is maintained in spro under the node 覆蓋組件在后臺配置,路徑如下spro -production-material requirements planning-planning-mrp calculat

9、ion-define range of coverage profile (dynamic safety stock)。 it is maintained with respect to a plant as the calculation is plant specific. calculation-the dynamic safety stock is calculated using the following formula: average daily requirements * range of coverage因為計算是基于工廠的,所以配置也是在工廠的基礎上進行的。動態(tài)安全庫存

10、的計算公式如下:動態(tài)安全庫存=每日平均需求覆蓋的區(qū)間the individual parameters are described below:下面是各個參數(shù)的解釋average daily requirements每日平均需求the calculation of the average daily requirements is carried out using the following formula: requirements in the specified periods/number of days in the total period length。you must mai

11、ntain the following parameters for the calculation of the average daily requirements:每日平均需求的計算公式如下:每日平均需求=特定區(qū)間內(nèi)的總需求/此區(qū)間內(nèi)的天數(shù)(天數(shù)有不同的計算方法,下面有比較詳細的介紹。)下面的一些參數(shù)是在計算每日平均需求中必須的1. period indicator區(qū)間指針you use this indicator to determine the calendar period for which you want to carry out the average daily req

12、uirements。這一指針用于決定計算每日平均需求的日歷區(qū)間here you can enter the following:有如下幾種設定weeks (w) 周months (m) 月periods according to the planned calendar (k) 根據(jù)計劃日歷決定2。 type of period length 區(qū)間天數(shù)的計算方法you use this indicator to determine the length of the individual periods in detail。用于決定計算區(qū)間天數(shù)的方法here you can enter the

13、 following:如下幾種設定可以用作計算workdays 工作日calendar days 日歷日standard days 標準日 if you set standard days as the period length, you must enter the number of days per period in the no. standard days” field。 如果設定了標準日作為區(qū)間天數(shù),必須要設定每個區(qū)間包含多少標準日。3。 number of periods區(qū)間數(shù)here, you define the number of periods you use to

14、calculate the average daily requirements.在這里要設定用于計算每日平均需求的區(qū)間數(shù)。determining the range of coverage定義覆蓋區(qū)間you can determine the range of coverage for a maximum of three periods and you can maintain different coverage for each do this, you must define the ranges of coverage and the periods in th

15、e screen section entitled, ”determine range of coverage.可以為三個時間范圍設置不同的覆蓋區(qū)間you also have the option of limiting the range of coverage in each of the three periods by entering a minimum and a maximum range of coverage。 the system checks whether the actual range of coverage ( available quantity / avera

16、ge daily requirements) lies below the minimum range of coverage or above the maximum range of coverage。 if this is the case, the dynamic safety stock level is recalculated using the information for the target range of coverage。也可以為不同的時間范圍設置覆蓋區(qū)間的范圍。填入最小和最大區(qū)間即可。系統(tǒng)會檢查實際覆蓋區(qū)間(可用數(shù)量/每日平均需求)是否小于最小或大于最大。如果是這

17、樣的,動態(tài)安全庫存會用目標區(qū)間來重新計算.以下有兩個例子:example 1例一coverage profile - 001, with following settings assign in material master - mrp2 view, period type = m(月)no of period =2 (區(qū)間數(shù))type of length = 3 (標準日)and days/period = 20(每個區(qū)間包含20個標準日).range of coverage for first period (target) = 3(目標覆蓋區(qū)間), no of periods= 2 (

18、區(qū)間數(shù))lets us say requirements areas below 需求如下12.11。2007 - 100019.11.2007 2000no of days = 2*20 = 40(天數(shù))average daily requirement = (1000+2000)/40 = 3000/40 = 75 (每日平均需求)safety stock requirement = 75*3(target) = 225。(動態(tài)安全庫存)run mrp, result is as below運行mrp,結(jié)果如下12。11.2007 - pl order qty 1225 available

19、 qty 122512.11。2007 - vsf 1000- available qty 22519.11.2007 - pl order qty 2000 balance - 222519。11。2007 - vsf 2000-available qty 225。example 2例二coverage profile 002, with following settings, assign in material master - mrp2 viewperiod = m(月)no of period = 1(區(qū)間數(shù))type period= 1 (工作日)i.e。 working days

20、 as per factory calendar, please check your factory calendar. it is taking form no of days of factory calendar, remove the days which already passed, then remove holidays。(根據(jù)工廠日歷計算.從總天數(shù)中減去已過的天數(shù)和假日)example - in factory calendar 工作日舉例2,3,9,10,16,17,23,24,30 are holiday. i,e 9 days in 30 days are holidays,2,3,9,10,16,17,23,24,30是假日。一共9天first, today is le us say 8


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