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1、Chapter Three Law of Agency 國際商事代理法國際商事代理法 3.3 Duties in Agency 3.3.1 Duties of agent to principal 3.3.2 Duties of principal to agent 2021-6-284 3.3.1 Duties of agent to principal Question: What are the duties of agent to the principal? 1.duty of loyalty 2.duty to act with skill 3.duty to obey instr

2、uctions 4.duty to account 5.duty to notify 1.代理人對被代理人應忠誠代理人對被代理人應忠誠 2.代理人應勤勉謹慎履行代理職責代理人應勤勉謹慎履行代理職責 3.代理人應遵從委托人意愿或利益代理人應遵從委托人意愿或利益 4.代理人在代理關系結束時,應及代理人在代理關系結束時,應及 時申報及結清賬目時申報及結清賬目 5.代理人代理人應及時報告代理事務情況應及時報告代理事務情況 The fiduciary duty is a most basic ethical(道德的道德的) matter applicable to nearly all persons

3、in business and government. (1)Duty to avoid conflict of interest (2)Duty to avoid self-dealing(假公濟私假公濟私) (3)Duty to protect confidential information 1) 1) 避免自己的利益與委托人的利益相沖突,避免自己的利益與委托人的利益相沖突, 除非本人特別許可除非本人特別許可 Sometimes a full-time agent for one party may be paid a secret kickback by the other party

4、. The law presumes(推定推定) these payments exert some influence on the agents judgment and thereby harm the principal. o(2)(2)為委托人謀求最大的利益,不能為委托人謀求最大的利益,不能 謀私利謀私利 Self-dealing is another type of unethical conflict of interest in which the agents own personal financial interest directly conflict with the

5、 principals financial interest. . 2. o 代理人應勤勉謹慎地履行代理職責代理人應勤勉謹慎地履行代理職責。 Agent must use reasonable skill and care in conducting the principals business. It is probably unethical for an agent to claim skills he or she does not really possess (false bravado 虛張聲勢虛張聲勢). 3.服從義務服從義務 duty to obey instruction

6、 o 代理人應當按照委托人的指示處理委托事務。代理人應當按照委托人的指示處理委托事務。 Agents must generally obey any reasonable instructions the principal gives that will impact the principals business, but not illegal, immoral or unreasonable. 4.及時申報及結清賬目及時申報及結清賬目 Duty to account 5.Duty to notify 1.1.忠實義務:為委托人謀求最大的利益,忠實義務:為委托人謀求最大的利益, 不能謀私

7、利。不能謀私利。 2.2.注意義務:應當盡到注意義務:應當盡到合理注意合理注意完成受托完成受托 事務。事務。 3.3.服從義務:服從義務:代理人應當按照委托人的指代理人應當按照委托人的指 示處理委托事務示處理委托事務 4.4.及時申報及結清賬目義務及時申報及結清賬目義務 5.5.報告義務:報告義務:應當報告委托事務處理情況。應當報告委托事務處理情況。 代理人所承擔的義務代理人所承擔的義務 被告紹興縣印染公司委托原告上海貨被告紹興縣印染公司委托原告上海貨 運公司辦理貨物的貨運手續(xù),分別要求運公司辦理貨物的貨運手續(xù),分別要求 訂訂20022002年年1010月月1919日日“DSR”DSR”的船,

8、運費預的船,運費預 付。付。20022002年年1010月月2121,原告委托某集裝箱,原告委托某集裝箱 公司從被告處將貨物裝箱并拖運至上海公司從被告處將貨物裝箱并拖運至上海 港區(qū),產生費用港區(qū),產生費用48004800元。被告業(yè)務員在元。被告業(yè)務員在 裝箱單上簽字確認。原告又委托某公司裝箱單上簽字確認。原告又委托某公司 代為報關,產生費用代為報關,產生費用295295元。元。 貨物出運后,被告收到了原告遞交的貨物出運后,被告收到了原告遞交的 兩份已裝船提單,證明貨物已于兩份已裝船提單,證明貨物已于20022002年年 1010月月2626日裝船,航次名為日裝船,航次名為“HANJI”HANJ

9、I”運費運費 預付。結果貨物于預付。結果貨物于1111月月1111日因火災而滅日因火災而滅 失。事后,原告向被告索要墊付費用,失。事后,原告向被告索要墊付費用, 被告拒絕支付,辯稱:原告擅自變更船被告拒絕支付,辯稱:原告擅自變更船 期和墊付運費,無權主張代理費用。期和墊付運費,無權主張代理費用。 。 結論結論 3.5 Termination of Agency(P98) If agency was created for a specified time or for a specified purpose, it terminates upon passage of that time or

10、 accomplishment of the purpose. If no time is specified, agency is terminated by passage of a reasonable time. 2021-6-2830 3.5 Termination of Agency Question: How to terminate the agency relationship under Common Law? oAccomplishment of contract purpose oLapse of time oMutual agreement oUnilateral t

11、ermination: revocation or renunciation oTermination by operations of law Mutual agreement As a consensual or contractual relationship, an agency gives the agencies the power to rescind the consent or contract. A mutual agreement by both relieves them both of future performance obligations. Unilatera

12、l termination: revocation or renunciation Except where an agency is irrevocable or coupled with an interest, either party can unilaterally terminate the agency. However, the right to terminate may be limited by contractual terms. Question: Which situation can be called “revocation”? And which can be

13、 called “renunciation”? 代理關系終止的效果代理關系終止的效果 若代理人繼續(xù)從事代理活動,即若代理人繼續(xù)從事代理活動,即 屬于無權代理。代理關系結束時,本屬于無權代理。代理關系結束時,本 人人必須通知第三人必須通知第三人,否則本人仍需對,否則本人仍需對 第三人負責。第三人負責。 案例案例 王某委托其朋友李某到外國幫他買一王某委托其朋友李某到外國幫他買一 部先進的錄相機,當李某到國外不久,王部先進的錄相機,當李某到國外不久,王 某因車禍死亡,其兒子繼承其全部財產。某因車禍死亡,其兒子繼承其全部財產。 李某從國外買回錄相機后才知道王某已死,李某從國外買回錄相機后才知道王某已死, 他找到王某兒子要求其收下并索要貨款,他找到王某兒子要求其收下并索要貨款, 王某兒子不同意認為


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