1、a research on the learning disabilities of english majors in normal universities摘 要隨著英語的不斷普及和英語教育的發(fā)展,在英語學(xué)習(xí)中出現(xiàn)了不同層次的學(xué)習(xí)障礙。這些學(xué)習(xí)障礙表現(xiàn)在不同方面,呈現(xiàn)階段性差異,越來越受到人們的關(guān)注。本文對高師英語專業(yè)學(xué)生的英語學(xué)習(xí)障礙進(jìn)行了探索,調(diào)查現(xiàn)階段高師英語專業(yè)學(xué)生英語學(xué)習(xí)所存在障礙的現(xiàn)實(shí)情況,探討導(dǎo)致障礙的主要因素,并淺析應(yīng)對這些障礙所能采取的有效措施,力圖對于提高高師英語專業(yè)大學(xué)生英語學(xué)習(xí)質(zhì)量做一些有益的探索。關(guān)鍵詞:高師;英語專業(yè);學(xué)習(xí)障礙;探索abstractwith th
2、e growing popularity of english and the development of english education, different levels of learning disabilities occur in english learning. these learning disabilitiesperform in different aspects, show in different stageshave attracted more and more attention. this paper intends to explore the le
3、arning disabilities of english majors in normal universities, investigates the present learning disabilities in the english learning of the english majors in normal universities, discusses the main factors of the learning disabilities, and analyzes effective measures that can be taken to solve these
4、 problems. the present study tries to do some useful exploration to provide the english majors in normal universities with some practicable suggestions which can improve the quality of their english learning.key words: normal universities, english major, learning disabilities, explorationiicontents0
5、. introduction11. the study of learning disabilities11.1 the definition of learning disability11.2 research review21.3 significance of the study31.4 research ideas and methods32. survey of the existence of the learning disabilities42.1 learning disabilities in listening42.2 learning disabilities in
6、oral english42.3 learning disabilities in reading and comprehension52.4 learning disabilities in writing52.5 learning disabilities in other aspects63. the causes of learning disabilities63.1 subjective factors63.1.1 the differences in intelligence63.1.2 the differences in learning motivation73.1.3 t
7、he differences in learning interest73.1.4 the differences in learning will83.1.5the differences in learning efficiency83.2 objective factors93.2.1 the influence of society and family93.2.2 the influence of the teachers comprehensive quality93.2.3 the influence of the design of the curriculum103.2.4
8、the influence of the teaching equipment and hardware104. solutions to the learning disabilities in english learning114.1 measures to improve students learning114.1.1 set up correct learning attitude and learning goals114.1.2 stimulate learning interest and select learning method124.1.3 create a bett
9、er learning environment124.2 measures to improve teaching134.2.1 update the teaching philosophy and theory134.2.2 diversify the teaching methods and models144.3 measures to improve the management of education154.3.1 optimize the curriculum154.3.2 reform the teaching managements and technology165. co
10、nclusion16works cited180. introductionwith the social development and the progress in education, english as an international language has become more and more universal. english education in china has entered a systematic developing process and formed a multi-level educational system from children e
11、ducation to higher education. in the process of learning english, different levels of learners face different kinds of learning disabilities which have significant effects on the improvement of their english level. to research these barriers and propose effective measures to overcoming the obstacles
12、 becomes a serious object to improve the national english standard and to promote the development of english education.1. the study of learning disabilitiesthe past fifty years have witnessed an ever-growing interest in “l(fā)earning disability” after samuel.a.kirk had proposed the concept, which has ga
13、ined scholars close attention. they explore this subject from different perspectives and have achieved a lot in this field. in this part, our emphasis is mainly put on the theoretical and practical study that scholars have already made and state my own view.1.1 the definition of learning disability
14、due to the different factors of economy, society and education of different countries, scholars also have different understandings of the term “l(fā)earning disability”. 1963 in the united states, the concept of “l(fā)earning disability” was firstly proposed and used by samuel.a.kirk in the first edition of
15、 his textbook educating exceptional children. in the book he stated: “a learning disability refers to retardation, disorder, or delayed development in one or more of the processes of speech, language, reading, spelling, writing or arithmetic resulting from a possible cerebral dysfunction and/or emot
16、ional or behavioral disturbance” he divided it further into two aspects: developmental learning disabilities and academic learning disabilities. after that, there were many scholars and organizations proposed at least 11 different definitions in the united states, among which the most famous ones we
17、re the definition in the “education for all handicapped children act” in 1975 and the definition proposed by hammil on the “national joint committee on learning disabilities” (njcld).the first research of the “l(fā)earning disability” in china was started in taiwan in 1992. the scholars in taiwan define
18、d the “l(fā)earning disabilities” as the significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing and calculation. learning disabilities may be accompanied by other disorders such as sensory disturbance, mental retardation, and emotional disturbance; or affected by en
19、vironmental factors, such as the lack of cultural stimulation, the obstacles arising from inappropriate teaching, but not directly caused by the above conditions. learning disabilities often include developmental learning disabilities and academic learning disabilities. the former ones include atten
20、tion deficiency, perception deficiency, memory deficiency and other defects, and the latter refer to reading and writing disabilities and disabilities on mathematics. at present, the mainland academic circle has not given a clear definition of “l(fā)earning disability”. some of the policies made by the
21、educational administrations in our country or studies made by some institutes have involved the concept of “l(fā)earning disability”, but still havent given out a specific definition.in short, the understandings of learning disabilities have large differences. the “l(fā)earning disabilities” in this study m
22、ainly refers to the “academic learning disabilities”. this thesis mainly studies the major difficulties of students in their learning and using of english, including aspects of listening, speaking, reading and writing.1.2 research review the study of learning disabilities abroad roughly divided into
23、 four stages: the starting, the turning, the developing and the modernizing. after 1980, the study has shown the trends of diversification and individuation. relevant research in china first began in taiwan in 1970s. the theoretical research on learning disabilities in mainland china started in earl
24、y 80s of the 20th century, and in 2000, china had set up an professional academic research committee of learning disabilities. however, the study of the learning disabilities is still a new academic issue. 1.3 significance of the studyprevious studies were largely confined to children with learning
25、disabilities in the process of the learning, however, there were not very much theoretical research based on the students with learning disabilities of higher education. even some research has studied the learning disabilities of students at this stage, they were also limited to the category of the
26、psychological barriers, personality defects, curriculum design, etc. there has been no systematic academic research dealing with the learning disabilities of the college students. it can be said that, the studies of the english majors in normal universities with learning disabilities are still rare;
27、 there is considerable space for exploration. 1.4 research ideas and methods on the base of the scientific spirit, the author has proposed the topic and carefully reviewed to ensure that the research is designed both with practicality and feasibility. it focuses on resolving two key issues: firstly,
28、 to study the present existence of learning disabilities of the english majors in normal universities and to study the main causes of the obstacles; secondly, to study the effects of the learning disabilities on the english learning of the english majors in normal universities and to raise the solut
29、ion. this research has combined the traditional research methods by categorization and description and also the methods of questionnaires and surveys.2. survey of the existence of learning disabilitiesto get the material of the learning disabilities of english major in normal universities, i have de
30、signed the questionnaire carefully, and took the english majors in normal universities as the sample.the survey was conducted from february to march 2010, a total of 200 questionnaires were issued and all recovered. among them 172 were available, 28 were void, the effective rate was 86.00%.the surve
31、y has shown the complexity of the learning disabilities on different standards and in different areas. after i had done a large amount of statistic and scientific summary, i classified those disabilities into different aspects, include: listening, speaking, reading, writing and other aspects. all ar
32、e summarized as follows: 2.1 learning disabilities in listeninglearning disabilities in listening are the problems that many english learners are facing. listening is an important part of communication in english and is one of the prerequisites of a fluent conversation. good listening can help commu
33、nicators to have a thorough understanding of the discourse, so as to think and organize a proper response to other communicators. according to the analysis, 48.25% of the interviewees said they have obstacles in the listening learning, in which the vast majority of them are students in lower grades.
34、 currently the learning disabilities in listening mainly showed by the weak foundation of listening, lack of listening materials or the materials are old, and the listening equipment and technology are not developed enough.2.2 learning disabilities in oral english speaking and listening of english a
35、re closely linked together to form the english conversational system. the quality of oral english is an important standard and one of the most intuitive reference conditions to judge the english level of a learner, especially for english majors. oral english learning is a big trouble for many chines
36、e students, partly because the traditional english education emphasis too much on reading and writing while neglecting the training of communication ability. though this situation has been greatly improved with the development of modern english education, there are still significant shortcomings. su
37、rvey shows that half of the students (55.23%) thought their oral english learning have barriers. the main features of the barriers are: incorrect pronunciation, weak foundation of their oral english, lack of confidence in conversation caused by oral problems, and the anxiety caused by the direct com
38、munication with foreigners. there are also some of the respondents said the curriculum and lesson arrangements are unreasonable2.3 learning disabilities in reading and comprehensionreading level is an important sign to investigate the english comprehension ability of language learners, which directl
39、y reflected in the understanding of the given material. the majority of students dont have many obstacles on reading according to the survey, for there is only 28.48% who have problems, which is the smallest proportion in all the five aspects. but this is not to say that the learning disabilities in
40、 reading are not so much important. on the contrary, the problems highlighted in this aspect are the significant basis for us to improve the teaching of reading. the main learning disabilities in reading and comprehension are: most of the reading materials are for examination, and to exam became the
41、 first purpose to read; selection of the material was very limited; the way of teaching reading was too mechanical and lack of fun, etc. 2.4 learning disabilities in writingwriting quality is a reflection of the learners overall english level, and writing is a proficient way to display their ability
42、. english writing covers the capacity in vocabulary, grammar, pragmatics, writing format, and many other areas. it is the only way to examine whether the learners can transfer their thinking into written form. 41.27% of the students thought they have learning disabilities in writing, mainly showed a
43、s: the disarrangement in using grammar, the disorder of organization and logic, and the unprofessional use of syntax and vocabulary.2.5 learning disabilities in other aspectsthe survey also shows students have some learning disabilities in other aspects, focus on translating and cross-cultural commu
44、nicating and so on. for instance the inappropriate use of methods in translating, or incorrect understanding of the differences between chinese and western cultures.3. the causes of learning disabilitiesafter getting the information which the survey shows, there is necessity and possibility to analy
45、ze what are the causes of learning disabilities. the analysis was divided into two parts: subjective and objective factors.3.1 subjective factors3.1.1 the differences in intelligence learning is an activity including intellectual factors and non-intellectual factors in ones behavior. learning englis
46、h is part of learning behavior, so the importance of intelligence factors can not be ignored. “psychological research shows that intelligence in the whole population shown as a spindle distribution, which means both the geniuses and the mentally disabled are the minority. a mentally handicapped stud
47、ent, even if being put in the best learning conditions, can never creates miracles on learning than any other normal students; and similarly, a student who is not willing to learn, even if he is extremely intelligent, can not have any outstanding achievements.” (guo yanling 214) therefore, the intel
48、ligence factor is a significant aspect effects english learning disabilities. in the survey, a majority of students thought that they are of general intelligence, the results of learning english are almost the same as others with the seem efforts.3.1.2 the differences in learning motivationmotivatio
49、n has always been considered as a main factor in learning activity. studies suggest that the higher the motivation is the faster and better to learn. motivation is a force for the learning activities and determines the quality of english learning. survey shows that 36.63% percent of students have lo
50、ng-term goals for learning english, including goals for career, life etc.; 48.25% of the students have short-term goals, such as attending the post-graduate exam or other examinations; and 15.12% of the interviewees said that they dont have any goals for their english study. the english level of the
51、se three classes falls by degree. students without learning goals mean they are lack of the underlying motive to learn. many students think they will not engage with the work related with english in the future, so they treat english learning with a careless attitude, and not willing to practice thei
52、r listening, speaking, reading and writing capacity. this attitude will certainly have a negative impact on their learning, thus damages the effects of learning english. 3.1.3 the differences in learning interestthe interest in learning is another important factor. “from the view of psychological, a
53、 deep motivation comes from the strong interest in things. interest is helpful for the understanding of the subject, and a deepen understanding also helps to stimulate the interest.” (guo yanling 214) a student lacks the interest in learning will find its boring, and of course lost perseverance. wit
54、hout a interest-based initiative, learning goals are difficult to achieve. 56.4% of the surveyed said they can always keep on learning english with fun and interest, while 43.6% said they cant. this is a shocking result in the range of english majors that their interest for english learning is so lo
55、w, and the main causes are: the materials for learning are dull; the self- discipline for study is weak, etc. therefore, to solve the problem of learning interest and initiative is very imperative.3.1.4 the differences in learning willenglish learning is a continuous process of accumulation, so pers
56、everance is a necessary skill for all english learners, and a strong will of learning is the fundamental guarantee to get achievements. efforts are the inner strength promoting the learning and the efforts specifically performs as the time which spends on learning english. survey showed that 28.49%
57、of the students cant keep an effective english learning and 84.88% of the students thought they spent less time than others on english learning. logically, the greater the motivation is, the more time you spent on english learning. but the fact is sometimes there is a discrepancy between the two. th
58、e main reasons are the students are lack of persistence, and the outside interferences are complicated. 3.1.5 the differences in learning efficiencylearning efficiency is one of the issues must be raised in the research of learning disabilities. some students thought that their intelligence is on a normal level, they have a clear motive and a strong interest in learning english, and they spent a lot of time on it, but their english did not significantly improve. this is the issue of the efficiency of
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