



1、unit 4 dont eat in class第二課時section a (grammar focus3c)【學習目標】1掌握一些重要短語和句型。(1)重點單詞和短語:out,go out,dish,do the dishes,night,before,dirty,kitchen,more,noisy,relax,read,terrible,feel,strict,be strict with sb.,remember,follow,follow the rules,luck(2)重點句型:there are too many rules! after dinner,i cant relax

2、 either.2進一步學習can,cant,must和have to的用法。3學生能描述規(guī)章制度?!緦W習重點】掌握重點詞匯和短語:important,bring,uniform,have to,be quiet,my first day,be late for等。【學習難點】能夠用所學的語言談論自己的家規(guī).【學習提示】1greet ss。2review the key sentence patterns by asking some questions.task 1【學習提示】1review the words,phrases and sentences on p21。students ma

3、rk the new words and chinese meanings in the text.情景導入生成問題1duty conversation.2(t)question:what are the rules of our school?(s)answer:_自學互研生成能力task 1lets read new words and phrases.1i can read。(我會讀)fight,on time,dining hall,wear,quiet,have to2i can write。(我會寫)快速準確地寫出以下內(nèi)容并記住它們。(1)準時 on_time(2)不得不 have

4、_to(3)穿校服 wear_the_school_uniform (4)安靜 be_quiet(5)在圖書館 in_the_library (6)在學校 at_school(7)來到學校 come_to_school (8)每天 every_day3i can summarize.(我會總結(jié)) 【用法】(1) can為情態(tài)動詞,不能單獨作謂語,沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化.由其構(gòu)成疑問句和否定句時不需要助動詞,其后接動詞原形。2。review the main words,phrases and sentences.and learn how to use them。【學法指導】【辨析】wear,pu

5、t on,have on與(be)inwear可用于穿衣、穿鞋、戴帽子、戴手套、佩戴首飾等,強調(diào)狀態(tài)。【舉例】im going to wear a pair of sunglasses tomorrow。明天我打算戴一副太陽鏡。put on表示穿衣服的動作,其反義詞是take off?!九e例】he quickly put on his shoes and ran out。他迅速穿上鞋,跑了出去.have on,(be) in表示穿的狀態(tài),但have on不用于進行時態(tài);in是介詞,可以和表示服裝或顏色的名詞一起構(gòu)成介詞短語作定語,也可以和be動詞連用構(gòu)成系表結(jié)構(gòu)。task 2【學習提示】1re

6、ad the dialogues on p21,then practice with your partner。2make conversations in groups.【學法指導】what are the rules?we must be on time for class。can we eat in the classroom?-no,we cant,but we can eat in the dining hall.can we wear a hat in class? yes,we can。/no,we cant。does he have to wear a uniform at s

7、chool?yes,he does./no,he doesnt。what do you have to do?we have to be quiet in the library。task 3【學習提示】1recite the sentences in grammar focus.2finish 3a,3b,3c.【備注】 【舉例】i can play football.我會踢足球. (2)含有can的肯定句變一般疑問句時,將can置于主語之前,回答時應用can/cant;變?yōu)榉穸ň鋾r,可直接在can后面加上not,可縮寫成cant。 【用法】(1) have to用作情態(tài)動詞,主語是第一、二

8、人稱和第三人稱復數(shù)用have to,主語是第三人稱單數(shù)用has to. 【舉例】she/he/jim has to stay there。她/他/吉姆不得不待在那兒. (2)含有情態(tài)動詞have/has to的句子在變成疑問句或否定句時要借助于助動詞do或does,回答時也一樣。見所贈光盤task 2lets make conversations。1i can translate。(我會譯)(1)不要在走廊上聽音樂。dont listen to music in the hallways。(2)我們能在教室里吃東西嗎?can we eat in the classroom?(3)你必須在學校穿

9、校服嗎?do you have to wear a uniform at school?(4)我們必須在圖書館保持安靜.we have to be quiet in the library.(5)在我的夢想中,我們不必每天去上學。in my dream,we dont have to go to school every day.2i can practice。(我會練)完成教材3a,3b的練習。3i can make conversations。(我會編對話)編寫對話,談論你們學校的規(guī)則。a:what are the rules of your school?b:dont run in th

10、e hallways.dont listen to music in class.dont fight。見所贈光盤task 3lets report.分34人一個小組討論制定理想的學校規(guī)章制度,并記錄下來。dont run in the hallways.dont fight。what are the rules? we must be on time for class。can we eat in the classroom?no,we cant,but we can eat in the dining hall。can we wear a hat in class? yes,we can.

11、/no,we cant.does he have to wear a uniform at school? yes,he does./no,he doesnt.what do you have to do? we have to be quiet in the library。交流展示生成新知preshow:show in groups。(time: six minutes)task 1:first,the students read the words and phrases in groups.then,read together and sum up the usage of the w

12、ords in groups。task 2:first,the group leaders ask members to check the answers in task 2 and perform conversations.then,mark the wrong words.(they can ask the teacher for help。)task 3: first,the students finish 3a,3b。then check the answers in groups.promotion show: class show。(time:sixteen minutes)t

13、ask 1: 1.i can read.(1)read together,pay attention to the pronunciation of some words;(2)consolidate the words learning by word games.2i can write。(1)students translate the phrases into chinese by answering;(2)read together。task 2: 1.i can practice。(1)ask students to finish 3a;(2)check the answers b

14、y answering quickly and explain。2i can make conversations。(1)students make dialogues according to the task;(2)perform the dialogues.task 3: ask and answer,use the sentence structure below:where is單數(shù)事物?itswhere are復數(shù)事物?theyre當堂演練達成目標見所贈光盤課后反思查漏補缺收獲:_存在困惑:_ 尊敬的讀者:本文由我和我的同事在百忙中收集整編出來,本文稿在發(fā)布之前我們對內(nèi)容進行仔細校

15、對,但是難免會有不盡如人意之處,如有疏漏之處請指正,希望本文能為您解開疑惑,引發(fā)思考。文中部分文字受到網(wǎng)友的關懷和支持,在此表示感謝!在往后的日子希望與大家共同進步,成長。this article is collected and compiled by my colleagues and i in our busy schedule. we proofread the content carefully before the release of this article, but it is inevitable that there will be some unsatisfactory poin


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