1、英美概況模擬試題(三)I. Directi on: Read the followi ng unfini shed stateme nts of questio ns carefully. For each unfinished statement of question four suggested answersA; B, C and D are given. Choose the one you thi nk best completes the stateme nt or an swers the questi on. Write the letter of the an swer y
2、ou have chose n in the corresp onding space on your an swer sheet (25%)1. There are _D C political 黨派的 divisions on the island of Great Britain.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four2. Magna Carta had altogether 63 clauses條款 of which the most important matters could be see n in three of the follow ing except _
3、B_AA. no tax should be made without the approval of the Grand Coun cil;B. no serf should be arrested, imprisoned or deprived of his property except by the law of the landC. London and other tow ns should reta in their ancient rights and privilegesD. There should be the same weights and measures thro
4、ugh - out the country.3. The first steam engine was devised by Thomas Newcomer at the end of the 17th cen tury, and the Scottish inven tor B modified and improved the desig n in 1765.A. Abraham DarbyB. James WattC. John KayD. Richard Arkwright4. I n some areas factory farmi ng methods are used, part
5、icularly forDA. grow ing cropB. produc ing milkC. catch ing fishD. rearing poultry 飼養(yǎng)家禽5. By traditi on, the leader of the majority party is appo in tedA by the Sovereig nin the United Kingdom.A. Prime Min isterB. Member of Parliame ntC. Lord of AppealD. Speaker of the House6. Under the Anglo 英國(guó)人 -I
6、rish 愛(ài)爾蘭 Treaty,條約 Britain established_D_B_ with domi nion status in Irela nd in 1921.A. the An glica n Church of Irela ndB. the Irish Free StateC. the Irish Republica n ArmyD. the An glo - Irish In tergovernme ntal Coun cil7. Irish broadcasting began in _B C_ in a small studio called Dublin .都柏林(愛(ài)
7、爾蘭共和國(guó)的首都)Broadcasti ng Statio n.A. 1906B. 1916C. 1926D. 19368. B_Drealized that he could win support for the Union at home and abroadby maki ng the war a just war aga inst slavery.A. Frederick DouglassB. George Wash ingtonC. Joh n AdamsD. Abraham Lincoln 林肯9. But eve n after the aboliti on of slaver
8、y, orga ni zed or in dividual discrim in ati on was practiced against _D .A. Chin ese - America nsB. America n In dia nsC. Japa nese - America nsD. black America ns10. From 1948 to 1966 average yearly growth in real spendable earnings was C_B_ perce nt in the Un ited States.A. 1.1B. 2.1C. 3.1D. 4.11
9、1. After a period of prosperity (1920 1929), government invoIvement in theeconomy in creased.A. duri ng the Great Depressi onB. after the WW IC. after the WW IID. duri ng the Cold War12. The Un ited States grows n earlyof the worlds grain and supplies a half ofall the exports of grain in the world.A
10、. one thirdB. one fourthC. one sixthD. one seve nth13. Through the Departme nt of, the Preside nt is resp on sible for the protecti onof America ns abroad and of foreig n n ati on als in the Un ited States.A. StateB. JusticeC. LaborD. Defense14. The com mun ity college embodiesbelief that an educati
11、 on should bepractical as well as liberal.A. George Wash ingtonsB. Thomas Jeffers onsC. Abraham Li ncol nsD. Fran kli n Roosevelts15. The exploratory voyage made bybrought to a close to an era of Europea ndiscovery of Australia that had lasted n early two hun dred years.A. Arthur PhilipB. Mathew Fli
12、 ndersC. Port Jacks onD. Peter Lalor16. After the outbreak of the First World War, Australia followed Britai ns lead anddeclared war on.A. JapanB. TurkeyC. ItalyD. Germa ny17. The Europea n discovery of Can ada can be traced back to the end of thecen tury.A. 14thB. 15thC. 16thD. 17th18. Norther n pr
13、ovin ces and territories tale upof Can ada.A. halfB. two thirdsC. one thirdD. four fifths19. I n New Zeala nd, hydroelectricity from rivers and dams suppliesof totalen ergy.A. 15%B. 16%C. 17%D. 18%20. I n the Un ited States, Hallowee n is ni ght - timeholiday.A. childre nsB. mensC. wome nsD. old me
14、ns21. Australia is gen erally divided in to the followi ng three topographical regi onsexcept.A. the Great Wester n PlateauB. the OutbackC. the Easter n Highla ndsD. the Cen tral Easter n Lowla nds22. In Brita in the successi on order of the Crow n can be altered only by com monconsent of.A. all mem
15、bers of the royal familyB. the House of Lords and the House of CommonsC. cab inet and mi nistryD. the coun tries of the Common wealth23. New Zeala nd is the worlds largest exporters of.A. lambB. expertiseC. honeyD. potatoes24. Todayis Irela nds most in flue ntial daily.A. the Irish PressB. the Irish
16、 In depe ndenceC. the Irish TimesD. the Irish Daily25. I n the Un ited States,is a lead ing commercial crop in the South.A. cott onB. tobaccoC. pea nutD. appleII. Directions Read each of the followi ng stateme nts carefully and see if it is true of false. Put T if you thi nk it is true of F if you t
17、hi nk it is false in the corresp onding space on you an swer sheet. (15%)1. William Walworth lau nched the Peasa nt Revolt of 1381 in En gla nd.2. In the En glish Civil War, the Purita ns were not the Ki ngs opp onen ts.3. The Chartists could be roughly divided into two groups: the Moral ForceCharti
18、sts and the Physical Force Chartists.4. In Brita in, cha nges of Gover nment do not invo Ive cha nges in departme ntalstaff, who continue to carry out their duties whichever party is in power.5. The British crim inal law presumes the innocence of the accused un til hehas bee n prove n guilty bey ond
19、 reas on able doubt.6. As committed to the goal of a un ited Irela nd, Dublin refuses to n egotiate asettleme nt of the problem of Norther n Irela nd with London.7. After the abolitio n of slavery, orga ni zed or in dividual discrim in ati on wasn ever practiced aga inst black America ns.8. When the
20、 Korean War broke out in June, 1950, Truma n sent the 7th Fleet tothe Taiwa n Straits to preve nt the PLA from liberati ng Taiwa n.9. Can ada possesses rich and vast n atural resources which are sig nifica nt inthe Can adia n economy.10. The rich gree n mountains and valleys make New Brun swick Nova
21、 Scotia,Prince Edward isla nd, and Newfo un dla nd the most beautiful in Can ada.11. The mi nerals and en ergy in dustry is suppleme ntary to the Australia neconomy.12. Capta in Matthew Fli nders exploratory voyage to Australia betwee n 1802and 1803 brought a close to an era of Europea n discovery.1
22、3. In 1995, about 14% of the US population lived un der the poverty line.14. In 1948, Irela nd voted itself out of the British Com mon wealth.15. Formal educati on in the Un ited States con sists of eleme ntary, sec on daryand higher educati on.III. Directions: For each of the followi ng bla nks, on
23、 ly one word is suitable. Write the word in the corresp onding space on your an swer sheet. (25%)1. The En gla nd Civil War not only overthrewin En gla nd, but also un derm inedthe feudal rule in Europe.2. Two of the most importa nt literary writers of the late 17th Cen tury En gla nd wereand. Both
24、were Purita ns.3. Duri ng the WW II, the leaders of the Un ited States, the Soviet Un io n and Brita inmet at,andconferen ces.4. The American War of Independence show that anation can defeat aone.5. Canadas early economic development was founded on a number of resource -based: fishi ng, forestry,and
25、 mining.6. Britai n is a welfare state which is fun ded out ofand.7. The gover nment educati on departme ntseducati on policies and are alsoresp on sible for theand training of teachers.8. The Souths lending in dustries are those that make use of thesupply ofn atural resources andmaterials.9. The Se
26、n ate serves a term ofyears, and every two years,of theSen ators sta nds for re - electio n.10. Fia nna Fail con ti nues to dema nd that the British be withdraw n frombut itopposes the use of viole nee to achieve this goal.11. Australias two territories are Australia n Capital Territory and.12. Aust
27、ralias rural children can learn their lessons through a radio educationalsystem called.13. Accordi ng to the Treaty of Waita ngi, if Maori owners wan ted to sell,only the Crow n had the right to.14. Mrs. Thatchers gover nment used bothandpolicies to improve theefficie ncy of the British economy in t
28、he 1980s.15. I n 1885was completed and the country was lin ked from coast to coast.16. Irela nd is arepublic and a un itary state un der the 1937 Con stituti on.17. The highest peak of Brita in is. It is aboutmeters high, locatedin the Highla nds of Scotla nd.18. is the largest and most populous of
29、the three political divisi ons on theisla nd of Great Brita in.19. In the 1770svisited New Zeala nd and claimed it for En gla nd.20. The New York Stock Market crash of 1929 marked the begi nning of.21. By 1918 carhad reached 2.5 millio n, which showed the Un ited Stateswas on the way to beco ming a
30、n ati on on.22. The Paris Conference ending the First World War was domin ated by the Big Four:the Un ited States, Fran ce, and.23. Many of Can adas earliest settleme nts were foun ded by fur traders and.24. Besides the Great Lakes, Can ada is also en dowed with three inland seas, knownas, Lake Winn
31、 ipeg and.25. I n the UK, the party which wi ns the sec ond largest nu mber of seats in the Housebecomes, with is one leader, and forms a.26. The Gover nor - Gen eral of a Common wealth state is appo in ted by the Quee n onthe advice ofof the country concerned and completely independent of theBritis
32、h Gover nment.27. I n 1453 En gla nd was at last defeated in theYears War. At that time powerin En gla nd was in the hands of a nu mber of rich andno bles.28. During the First Civil War of the En gla nd Bourgeois Revoluti on, those who stoodon the side of the ki ng were calledand those who supported
33、 the Parliame ntwere calledbecause of their short haircuts.29. The legislative body in the province of Quebec is called the Nati onal Assemblywhile in Newfo un dla nd it is called.30. Can adia n law has its source in and judicial , and also in Britishcom mon law.31. During World War II, Australia n
34、wome n took over theleft vaca nt by menwho were en gaged in theeffort.IV. Directions: Explain the following terms in English. Write your answer in the corresp onding space on your an swer sheet. (15%)1. Thatcherism2. diversity of America n educati on3. the Can adia n Shield4. Australias service in d
35、ustries5. the New DealV. Directions: Give a brief answer to each of the following questions. Write your an swer in the corresp onding space on your an swer sheet. (12%)1. Look at a physical map of the United States and find out and name the main mon iti on ran ges, rivers and lakes in the Un ited St
36、ates.2. How many con stitue ncies are there in Brita in today?How many members are there in the House of Commons?3. What were the effects of Europea n settleme nt on the Aborig in es?4. Si nn FeinVI. Directions: Write between 100 150 words on the following topic in the corresp onding space on your a
37、n swer sheet. (8%)1. Tell briefly the history of the two - party system in the Un ited States. What are the characteristics of the two major parties in the Un ited States today?英語(yǔ)國(guó)家概況參考答案I.1. C2. B3. B4. D5. A6. B7. C8. D9. D10. B11. A12. B13. A14. B15. B16. D17. B18. D19. C20. A21. B22. D23. A24. C
38、25. AII.1. F2. F3. T4. T5. T6. F7. F8. T9. T10. T11. F12. T13. T14. F15. TIII.1. the feudal system2. John Bun yo n, John Milt on3. Tehera n; Yalta; Potsdam4. stro ng5. in dustry; agriculture6. con tributi ons n ati onal in sura nee, taxati on7. formulate; supply8. abundant; raw9. one, one third10. N
39、orthern Irela nd11. Norther n Territory12. School of the air13. la nd; buy14. macrec ono mic, microec ono mic15. the Can adia n Pacific Railway16. Parliame ntary17. Ben Nevis; 1,300018. En gla nd19. Capta in James Cook20. the Great Depressi on21. registratio n; wheels22. Britai n; Italy23. trappers2
40、4. Great Bear Lake; Great Slave Lake25. the Oppositi on, Shadow cab inet26. the min isters27. Hun dred, ambitious28. Cavaliers, Roun dheads29. House of Assembly30. Acts; decisi ons31. jobs, warsIV.1. ThatcherismThe electio n of 1979 returned the Con servative Party to power and Margaret Thatcher bec
41、ame the first woma n prime min ister in Britai n. Her policies are popularly referred to as Thatcherism. It included the return to private ownership of state - owned in dustries, the use of mon etarist policies to con trol in flati on, the weake ning of trade unions, the strengthening of the role of
42、 market forces in the economy, and an emphasis on law and order.2. diversity of America n educati onDiversity is considered to be an outstanding characteristic of American education. This can be see n not only in type, size and con trol of the in stituti ons, but educatio nal policies and practices.
43、 As is stated by the Tenth Ame ndme nt to the Un ited States Con stituti on, educati on is a function of the state, not the federal govemme nt. As each state has the freedom to develop its own school system and delegates its power over educati on to local districts, many variatio ns can be found in
44、the educati on system of the 50 states.3. the Can adia n ShieldThe Can adia n Shield is a semicircular band of rocky highla nds and plateaus around Huds on Bay from the n orther n shores of Quebec to the Arctic shores of the Northwest Territories. It is a regi on of roun ded hills, and tens of thous
45、a nds of lakes and swamps.4. Australias service in dustriesService in dustries are also called tertiary in dusty. This sector now in cludes an additi onal quater nary level, which covers the research, process ing and storage of in formatio n. Australias service sector is the fastestgrowi ng on e. It
46、 has bee n grow ing in importa nee, due to higher liv ing sta ndards and greater dema nd for more and better tran sport and hous ing, and the expa nsion by gover nment of educati on al, health and welfare services.5. the New DealIn order to deal with the Depressi on, Preside nt Fran kli n Roosevelt
47、put forward the New Deal program. It passed a lot of New Deal laws and set up many efficie nt social security systems. The New Deal helped to save American democracy and the developme nt of America n economy.V.1. Look at a physical map of the United States and find out and name the main mon iti on r
48、an ges, rivers and lakes in the Un ited States.There are two mai n mou ntain ran ges in the Un ited States. They are the Appalachia n Mountains and the Rocky Mountains. There are many importa nt rivers in the Un ited States. The Mississippi River and its two bran ches, the Missouri River and the Ohi
49、o River, flow south to the Gulf of Mexico. On the Pacific side there are two great rivers: the Colorado River and the Columbia River. The Rio Grande River forms a n atural boun dary betwee n Mexico and the Un ited States. Other well known rivers in clude the Huds on River which meets the Atla ntic O
50、cea n at New Yurk and the Potomac board ing the n ati onal capital of Wash ington. The most importa nt lakes in the Un ited States are the Great Lakes. They are Lake Superior, Lake Michiga n, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake On tario. They are all located betwee n Can ada and the Un ited States except
51、 Lade Michiga n.2. How many con stitue ncies are there in Brita in today? How many members are there in the House of Commons?To hold general elections, Britain is divided into 651 constituencies, each of which retur ns one member to the House of Commons. There are 651 members in the House of Commnos
52、.3. What were the effects of Europea n settleme nt on the Aborig in es?White settleme nt in 1788 proved disastrous for the Aborig in es. (1) Aborigi nal culture and society were totally disrupted because of a total con flict of cultures. (2) The loss o land to white people led to the breakdown of th
53、eir tribal life because Aboriginal culture was based on the land. (3) After losing their land, Aborigines became dependenton white handouts. They copied the European habit of drinking alcohol, which destroyed large numbers of Aborigines. (4) The whites also brought many diseases which the Aborig ine
54、s had no resista nee to. (5) All these, comb ined with the viole nee betwee n Europea ns and Aborigi nes resulted in the drastically reducti on in Aborigi nal populati on. The Aborig ines have always bee n in unfav orable positi on ever since 1788. The Aborigines still face legal, political, economic and social discrim in ati on today.4. Si nn FeinSinn Fein was the Irish guerrilla
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