



1、Baidu weight the Baidu site rati ng in dicators(Free papers Downl oad Cen ter News) rumors Baiduupco mingsiteratingindicators,after Baidu Since thelaunchof thewebmaster platform,ope ninguptheinten sitycon ti nued toin crease, the outer cha intoolthedead chain tool, index the amount of tools, webmast

2、er Forum, developed in themost an ticipated Baidu siterati ng is look like it?The official vers ion of Baidu weights?There may be a large part of the webmaster thought, the so-called “ Baidu weight ” Baidu officially laun ched the site rati ng in dicators,in fact, the right toBaidu “ Baidu official

3、no spots, Baidu clearly poin ted out in the announ ceme nt of the webmaster platform:“ Baidu has never provided the website weight informationdata, as well as externalinquiry service.Third-party webmaster tools data is not Baidu official data, do not represe nt actual site, Baidu distress caused by

4、the use of such data and accepts noresp on sibility.Webmasters do not reference these “ Baidu weights ” values as real values.Although Baidu the right weight is a“cottage ”in dicators, but the link excha nge, li nk trad ing, and Website cooperati on Baidu the right weight have gen erated a greater i

5、n flue nee, on the one hand, google s pagera nk asa simple measureof link quality and the numberofindicators,can not be completely reaction a websiteoverall quality - but link trad ing and excha nge completely eno ugh - on the other hand, with the google market share in China fell, a large part owne

6、rs mistakenly think pr no reference for Baidu, hopeBaidu s evaluation, therefore,came into being in the cottage Baidu weight homeopathic upper.Pagera nk, i n fact, many people mistake nly thought it did not participate in meanin gful mistake nly thi nk it is the indicator of the evaluationof the who

7、le stationmistake nly thi nk that it is directly related to and ranking is google algorithm all . this article is not explored in depth aboutthese errors,but One thing is certainis thatgoogle s pagerankdoes need the complementof theother in dicators, because the focus of its calculati on page link q

8、uality and qua ntity, and evaluati on of a website, the link is only one aspect of it, so, it is assumed that the siteBaidu provides rati ng in dicators from other aspects to evaluate the site, it is undoubtedly worth the wait, however, the evaluation criteria will be similar “ Baidu weight ” Thus,

9、according to the amount of traffic from Baidu obta in?Obviously should not be an excellent site rating in dicators should have two characteristics, guide, stability.Guidi ngLaun ched a site evaluatio n for the mon opoly of theChin ese search engine market share of more tha n 80% ofin dustry lead ing

10、 in dicators are not like“ Baidu weights ”tell the webmaster, it gave about how much traffic a website - What are the ben efits of Baidu? en courage cheat ing? - and should guide the Internet eco-developme nt towards the ben eficial aspects of Baidu.example, early in the birth of the In ternet, ther

11、e is a largenu mber of links the isla nd, google big promoti on pagera nk of this in dicator can en courage website directly linked to each other to improvepagarankobjective topromote the isla nds of the disappeara nee of the link, and is conducive to google included the entire website content.Stabi

12、lityAs an in dustry sta ndard, site rat ing in dicators must have basic stability, a very simple truth, the in dustry leader sta ndards welcome, but if the sta ndard is like the so-called Baidu rights weight as a weeke nd small update let a large nu mber of sites from 0-5 or from 5-0, it will make t

13、hings at a loss, accord ing to the sta ndard example,re-li nkexcha nge link for watch ingBaidu rights Commissi onerworkload will be a lot more than to see pr, see pr few mon ths to check once pr moveme nts Qin gdiao on the line, see Baidu weight . weekly update rout ine updates had to look completel

14、y pit father. a5 tran sacti ons occurred plate from sale site scam brush Baidu weight.baidura nk?Baidu official site rat ing criteria, what will be what?Personal guess there are two kinds of possibility, the safest way is to launch a similar sogourankthis as a standard,accord ing to the link quality

15、 baidura nk The adva ntage is that the emerge nee of this sta ndard help reduce cottage Baidu weight impact, but also relatively easy to develop, and soon will be able to appear, but boot emphasis on the link aspects probably not Baidu wish the For and, sogoucan pick up laun ched sogoura nk, Baidu a

16、s a leader to do the same bit in appropriateAno ther possibility is based on the“ userexperienee ” standard, which is Baidu official has been emphasized in recent years, but this standard to choose which factors are involved?Respectiveproportionis .there are con siderable tech ni cal difficulties. If a Baidu site rati ng site, the flow of the site may not be obta ined from Baidu may not link the largest number of sites, but the user experie nee b


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