



1、資料來源:來自本人網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理!祝您工作順利!2021年最新ted英語演講:成為英雄不需等待 消防員mark bezos 描繪他出乎意料的英雄事跡,以及他從中學(xué)到的一件事:成為英雄不需等待。下面是我為大家搜集關(guān)于ted英語演講:成為英雄不需等待,歡送借鑒參考。 演說題目: a life lesson from a volunteer firefighter 演說者:mark bezos 演講稿 back in new york, i am the head of development for a non-profit called robin hood. when im not fighting

2、 poverty, im fighting fires as the assistant captain of a volunteer fire company. now in our town, where the volunteers supplement a highly skilled career staff, you have to get to the fire scene pretty early to get in on any action. 在紐約,我是羅賓漢非營利機(jī)構(gòu),進(jìn)展部門的主管。在我消滅貧困之余,我也滅火,我是志愿消防居的副指揮,在我們的小鎮(zhèn),在一個(gè)志愿者都是勝利

3、人士的地方,你必需要很早到現(xiàn)場,才有可能參加戰(zhàn)況。 i remember my first fire. i was the second volunteer on the scene, so there was a pretty good chance i was going to get in. but still it was a real footrace against the other volunteers to get to the captain in charge to find out what our assignments would be. 我記得我第一場火,我是其次

4、個(gè)到現(xiàn)場的志愿者,很有可能可以進(jìn)火場,但你還得跑贏其它志愿者,先找到總指揮,讓他安排工作給你。 when i found the captain, he was having a very engaging conversation with the homeowner, who was surely having one of the worst days of her life. here it was, the middle of the night, she was standing outside in the pouring rain, under an umbrella, in

5、her pajamas, barefoot, while her house was in flames. 當(dāng)我好不簡單找到總指揮,他正全神貫注地和屋主爭論。她明顯正經(jīng)受人生中最糟糕的一天,當(dāng)時(shí)是大半夜,她站在滂沱大雨中,穿著睡衣、打赤腳、撐著傘,她的房子正在熊熊燃燒。 the other volunteer who had arrived just before me - lets call him lex luther - (laughter) got to the captain first and was asked to go inside and save the homeowne

6、rs dog. the dog! i was stunned with jealousy. here was some lawyer or money manager who, for the rest of his life, gets to tell people that he went into a burning building to save a living creature, just because he beat me by five seconds. 另外一個(gè)比我先來一步的志愿者,就叫他lex,luther(超人中的反派)。好了,先到了總指揮身邊,他被安排到,殺進(jìn)火場去

7、挽救屋主的小狗,小狗哎!我嫉妒死了。這個(gè)律師或財(cái)務(wù)經(jīng)理,終身都可以告知?jiǎng)e人,他深化火場,救出一條活生生的小狗,就因?yàn)樗任以绲轿迕搿?well, i was next. the captain waved me over. he said, bezos, i need you to go into the house. i need you to go upstairs, past the fire, and i need you to get this woman a pair of shoes. (laughter) i swear. so, not exactly what i was

8、hoping for, but off i went - up the stairs, down the hall, past the real firefighters, who were pretty much done putting out the fire at this point, into the master bedroom to get a pair of shoes. 好吧,接下來輪到我了,總指揮叫我過去。他說,bezos,我需要你殺進(jìn)火場,我需要你上樓,越過火焰,我需要你為這位女士拿雙鞋。, 是真的,我宣誓,這不是我心中描繪的圖像,但我去了,上樓,走到走廊底,穿過那些真

9、正的消防員,他們差不多已經(jīng)把火熄滅了,我走進(jìn)主臥房,拿了一雙鞋。 now i know what youre thinking, but im no hero. (laughter) i carried my payload back downstairs where i met my nemesis and the precious dog by the front door. we took our treasures outside to the homeowner,where, not surprisingly, his received much more attention tha

10、n did mine. a few weeks later, the department received a letter from the homeowner thanking us for the valiant effort displayed in saving her home. the act of kindness she noted above all others: someone had even gotten her a pair of shoes. 我知道你在想什么,但我非英雄。我把我的任務(wù)帶下樓,在前門遇見那位早我五秒的先生和他救出的那條狗,我們帶著我們的寶藏走向

11、前門,毫無意外的他比我獲得更多關(guān)注。幾個(gè)禮拜后,我們部門收到從屋主來的一封信,感謝我們的挽救她家的,義勇行為,她特殊提到一件溫馨的詳情,甚至有人為她拿來一雙鞋。 in both my vocation at robin hood and my avocation as a volunteer firefighter, i am witness to acts of generosity and kindness on a monumental scale, but im also witness to acts of grace and courage on an individual bas

12、is. and you know what ive learned? they all matter. 無論是我在羅賓漢的工作,或是我身為志愿消防員的副業(yè),我目睹很多特別大方的善行,我同時(shí)也目睹一個(gè)人的士氣和慈悲能帶來多大的不同。你知道我學(xué)到什么?它們都一樣重要。 so as i look around this room at people who either have achieved, or are on their way to achieving, remarkable levels of success, i would offer this reminder: dont wai

13、t. dont wait until you make your first million to make a difference in somebodys life. if you have something to give, give it now. serve food at a soup kitchen. clean up a neighborhood park. be a mentor. 當(dāng)我環(huán)顧四周,這些勝利的,或剛要?jiǎng)倮娜耸?,你們都有著令人激賞的成就,我想在這里提示你們:不要等待,不要等待你賺到第一個(gè)一百萬,才開頭轉(zhuǎn)變別人的生活,假如你有什么可以賜予,如今就開頭付出。無論是供給窮人食物,做個(gè)典范。 not every day is going to offer us a chance to save somebodys life, but every day offers us an opportunity to affect one. so get in the game. save


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