



1、高一關于友誼的英語演講稿如果說友誼是一顆常青樹,那么,澆灌它的必定是出自心田的清泉;如果說友誼是一朵開不敗的鮮花,那么,照耀它的必定是從心中升起的太陽下面是為大家整理了高一關于友誼的英語演講稿3篇,歡迎大家閱讀高一關于友誼的英語演講稿篇1people often say that friends are priceless. so it is certain that friendship is very important. the following are the examples of myself to explain this opinion.人們常說朋友是無價的所以友誼肯定是很重

2、要的以下是我自己的例子來解釋這個觀點friends share happiness which makes us delightful. for example one of my best classmates cloud when she told me she got a good mark and was in the top ten. before i replied she said again because you are my best friend i want to share the good news with you at the first time. heari

3、ng that i knew she was happier after she told me. at that time we were two happy birds flying in the sky. in a word friends play with me in my spare time that let me feel needed. they always keep company with me when i am depressed. but they dont do whatever i want. sometimes they are against with m

4、e while they think i am wrong. i still remember once i quarreled with my math teacher. at last it was my friends made me realize my fault and then solved the entire problem smoothly.朋友是可以分享快樂,從而使我們變得更加的開心例如,我最好的同學之一,云,當她告訴我她取得很好的成績并且進入了前十時,我還沒來得急回應她,她就又開始說了,“因為你是我最好的朋友,我想第一時間和你分享這個好消息”聽著這些話,我就知道在她告訴

5、我之后,她更開心了那會兒我們就像兩只開心的小鳥在天空中飛翔總之,在我業(yè)余時間和朋友一起會讓我有被需求感在我郁悶的時候他們總是陪著我但是他們不會讓我隨心所欲如果他們認為我錯了的時候,他們就會反對我我還記得有一次我和數(shù)學老師吵架最后,是我的朋友讓我認識到我的錯誤,然后順順利利地把整個問題解決了in my opinion friends are one of the most important people in our life. we cant live without friends. it is valuable for everyone.在我看來,朋友是我們生活最重要的人之一我們的生活中

6、不能沒有朋友,這對每個人都是很珍貴的高一關于友誼的英語演講稿篇2friendship is essential for the existence of society. people live in communities and work in co-operation so that they could protect themselves from nature. the successful accomplishment of any task calls for support from many people. its the friends who are willing t

7、o help us. friendship is a guarantee of harmonious efforts.友誼是社會存在的必需品人們住在社區(qū)里,工作在公司里因而能夠保護自己不受自然的傷害成功完成任何任務需要很多人的支持是朋友愿意給我們提供幫助友誼是和諧力量的一項保證in the widest sense all people are friends. people live in a common society co-operating and helping each other directly or indirectly all the time. from this re

8、spective anyone could be a friend of others to a certain degree. and its this kind of friendship that makes society harmonious though competition is universal.從最廣泛的意義上將,所有人都是朋友人們居住在同一個社會,總會直接或間接地相互幫助合作從這方面來講,任何人都可以成為別人某種程度上的朋友正是這種友誼讓社會和諧,盡管競爭是普遍的a friend in need is a friend indeed. unfortunately peo

9、ple are so complex in the modern society due to various reasons. sometimes we dont really know who are our real friends. adversity is the touchstone of friendship. that is to say in hard times it is easy for us to test whether the friendship is ture or not. no matter what happens a true friend will

10、never leave you alone and will always be with you.患難見真情不幸的是,由于各種各樣的原因,現(xiàn)代社會的人們是如此復雜有時候,我們真的不知道誰是我們真正的朋友逆境是友誼的試金石也就是說,在困難的時候,我們很容易測試友誼是真是假不管發(fā)生什么事,一個真正的朋友永遠不會讓你獨自一人,而是永遠與你同在高一關于友誼的英語演講稿篇3people often say that friends are priceless. so it is certain that friendship is very important. the following are t

11、he examples of myself to explain this opinion.人們常說朋友是無價的所以友誼肯定是很重要的以下是我自己的例子來解釋這個觀點friends share happiness which makes us delightful. for example one of my best classmates cloud when she told me she got a good mark and was in the top ten. before i replied she said again because you are my best frien

12、d i want to share the good news with you at the first time. hearing that i knew she was happier after she told me. at that time we were two happy birds flying in the sky. in a word friends play with me in my spare time that let me feel needed. they always keep company with me when i am depressed. bu

13、t they dont do whatever i want. sometimes they are against with me while they think i am wrong. i still remember once i quarreled with my math teacher. at last it was my friends made me realize my fault and then solved the entire problem smoothly.朋友是可以分享快樂,從而使我們變得更加的開心例如,我最好的同學之一,云,當她告訴我她取得很好的成績并且進入了前十時,我還沒來得急回應她,她就又開始說了,“因為你是我最好的朋友,我想第一時間和你分享這個好消息”聽著這些話,我就知道在她告訴我之后,她更開心了那會兒我們就像兩只開心的小鳥在天空中飛翔總之,在我業(yè)余時間和朋友一起會讓我有被需求感在我郁悶的時候他們總是陪著我但是他們不會讓我隨心所欲如果他們認為我錯了的時候,他們就會反對我我還記得有一次


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