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1、 你的首選資源互助社區(qū)unit 2language重點單詞【1】 access n. 通道,進入,接近, v. 接近,使用,進入;存取fallen trees cut off the only access to the village.倒下的樹切斷了通往村子的唯一通道。i cant access the file on your company because ive forgotten the code.我無法使用貴公司的文件,因為我把代碼忘了。accessible adj. 可(或易)得到的;可使用的;隨和的be accessible to容易得到的;可使用的medicine shoul

2、d not be kept where it is accessible to children.藥品不應放在兒童容易拿到的地方。have/gain/obtain access to得以接近,會見;得以進入,使用give access to接見;準許進入give sb. access to 答應讓某人使用we gained access to the house through the window.我們從窗戶進入屋子。the system has been designed to give students quick and easy _ to the digital resources

3、of the library. a. access b. passagec. way d. approacha句意為“設計這個系統(tǒng)是為了讓學生快速便捷地使用圖書館的數(shù)字資源”。access意為“接近,進入或使用的方法、手段”;passage意為“通過,通道”;way意為“方式,方法”;approach意為“接近,方法”?!?】 raise vt. 使升高;飼養(yǎng);籌集she raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.她舉起一根手指放在唇邊,示意肅靜。the landlord raised my rent.房東提高了我的租金。the f

4、armer raises chickens and corn.農(nóng)夫養(yǎng)雞和種植玉米。raise money for 為籌款raise sb. to ones feet 把某人扶起來raise ones voice 提高聲音raise a family 養(yǎng)家糊口rise, arise, raise這3個動詞的音、形近似,且含義也相近,都有“上升”的意思,但它們的含義和用法有所不同。(1) rise (rose, risen)沒有被動語態(tài),使用范圍較廣。它可以指太陽、月亮、河水、物價、數(shù)量等“升起,上升,增長”,也可以指人“起立,起床,地位升高”等。the sun rises in the east

5、.太陽從東方升起。the total output rose by 20%.總產(chǎn)量增長了20%。she has risen to the position of manager.她已升至經(jīng)理職位。(2) arise(arose, arisen)意為“上升;發(fā)生”,是比較莊重的用語,主要用于詩歌或帶古風的文體,含有比喻的韻味;當difficulty, problem, crisis, conflict等詞用作主語時,習慣上與arise搭配,不用rise。new problems arise when the old ones are solved.舊問題解決時新問題又來了。(3) raise 一

6、般指“升起,舉起,抬起,提出”等具體行為、動作,有時也用于借喻,表示“提高”工資、價格、地位,“增加”數(shù)量、容量等。they raised a national flag. 他們升起了一面國旗。he was raised from clerk to manager.他由職員提升到經(jīng)理。the question _ then. what are we going to do when we graduate from the university?a. raises b. arouses c. arises d. riseshaving heard the unfair conditions,

7、the angry man _ from the chair, _ his voice.a. raised; raising b. rose; raisingc. raised; rising d. rose; risingsteam can be seen _ from wet clothes.a. rose b. raise c. to raise d. to risec句意:然后問題出現(xiàn)了。我們大學畢業(yè)后將做什么?表示出現(xiàn)不愉快的“問題”,常用arise。b句意:聽到那不公平的條件,那位生氣的人提高嗓音從椅子上站起來。前一空后面沒有賓語,故用不及物動詞rose。后一句后面接有賓語,故用及

8、物動詞raise的現(xiàn)在分詞形式,表伴隨狀況。dseerise 看到升起來。當see用于被動語態(tài)時,用不定式作主語補足語,表示看到的全過程?!?】 consistv.包含,組成,構(gòu)成consist of由組成,不能用于被動語態(tài)(be made up of)consist in在于consist with 并存,與一致the team consists of four europeans and two americans.這支隊伍由4名歐洲人和2名美國人組成。for her, happiness consists in watching television and reading magazi

9、nes.對她而言,幸福在于看看電視和讀讀雜志。theory should consist with practice.理論應當與實踐相一致。consistent adj. 一致的,連續(xù)的shes not very consistent in the way she treats her children.她對待孩子反復無常。happiness _ struggle.a. lies on b. lies inc. consists of d. consists withthe committee _ nine members set out for the disaster area immed

10、iately.a. consisted of b. consisting ofc. made of d. made up forblie in consist in 在于。bconsisting of 由組成。在句中作定語?!?】indicate v. 暗示,表示,指what do they indicate?他們表示什么意思?the symptoms indicate immediate surgery.癥狀表明急需外科手術。there is a great deal of evidence _ that music activities engage different parts of

11、the brain.a. indicate b. indicatingc. to indicate d. to be indicatingb句意“有大量證據(jù)表明音樂活動調(diào)動大腦不同的部位?!笨疾榉侵^語動詞作定語。b項作定語表主動,相當于which indicates?!?】replace vt. 取代the new design will eventually replace all existing models.新的設計最終將會取代所有現(xiàn)有的型號。replace take the place of 取代;代替replaceby/with以代替/替換in place of 取代;代替( in

12、stead of代替;而不是)take ones place 代替某人;就位;就職take place 發(fā)生他們將坐飛機去廣州,而不是坐火車。_hey will go to guangzhou by plane in place of by train.【6】 adopt v. 收養(yǎng);過繼;采用,采納(意見)they are not my real parents. i was adopted by them at the age of three.他們不是我的親生父母,我是在3歲時被收養(yǎng)的。our school has adopted a new teaching method.我們學校采用

13、了新的教學方法。the general manager decided to adopt his suggestion after much deliberation.總經(jīng)理經(jīng)過再三思考后,決定采納他的建議。its too early to say whether ibms competitors will be able to _ their products to the changing market.a. contribute b. adaptc. attach d. adoptbcontribute a to b是把a貢獻給b; attach a to b是將a附加在b上; adop

14、t 是采納,領養(yǎng); adapt適應。adapt a to b使a適應b。句意:現(xiàn)在就評判ibm的競爭對手是否能使他們的產(chǎn)品適應變化的市場還太早了。 【7】 contribute v. 捐獻,捐贈;貢獻出;投稿(to)the writer personally contributed 5,000 dollars to the earthquake fund.那位作家個人給地震基金會捐贈了5,000美元。his carelessness contributed to the accident.他的粗心大意是造成事故的原因。he contributes regularly to english we

15、ekly.他定期給英語周報投稿。contribution n. 捐獻;捐資;貢獻all contributions will be gratefully received.我們對所有捐資表示感謝。用contribute的適當形式填空plenty of fresh air _ good health.im sure regular exercise will _ (cure) your disease.he made a very positive _ to the overall success of the project.contributes tocontribute to curing

16、contribution【8】 record n. 記錄;唱片, v. 記錄,錄制break/beat the record 破記錄set the record 創(chuàng)記錄hold the record 保持記錄keep a record of sth. 把記錄下來make a record 制作唱片you should keep a record of how much you spend.你應該把花的錢數(shù)記下來。i record the score in a notebook.我在筆記本上記下了分數(shù)。recorder n. 錄音機我將錄下這部電影,以便以后我們都能看。_ill record t

17、he film so that we can all watch it later.【9】spread v. (spread, spread)展開,播種,推廣 vi. 傳播,展現(xiàn)the little girl is old enough to spread the table cloth for her mother.小女孩夠大了,她可以幫助媽媽鋪桌布了。soon the news spread throughout the whole village.消息很快就傳遍了整個村莊。另外,spread也可以用作名詞,表示“傳播”等意思。in 2009, the spread of a/h1n1 m

18、ade the government worried much.2009年,甲型流感的蔓延讓政府很是擔心。sue在地板上攤開地圖。_這種疾病容易傳播。_這只鳥展開了翅膀。_sue spread the map out on the floor.the disease spreads easily.the bird spread its wings.【10】 eventually adv.最終地thanks to his great effort, the task was eventually accomplished in time.多虧了他作出的巨大努力,這項工作最終按時完成了。event

19、ually, the ship landed at the port of shanghai safely.終于,船只安全抵達了上海港。一些常用的承接上下文的副詞:finally, actually, generally, (un)fortunately, (un)luckily, obviously, apparently, clearly, absolutely, exactly, etc.never give up. you will get what you want _.a. actually b. suddenlyc. exactly d. eventuallyd根據(jù)句子的意思可知

20、是“最終會得到你所需要的”?!?】as a whole 表示把某事或某幾件事當作一個整體來看。既可作狀語,也可作定語。we must examine these problems as a whole.我們必須把這些問題作為一個整體來考察。that was her final judgment on the story as a whole.這就是她對整個故事的最后判斷。 on the whole 總的說來,大體上。一般作狀語。as a result/consequence 結(jié)果(發(fā)生某情況)as a result/consequence of 由于as follows 如下as for 至于

21、,說到as to 至于,說到,關于(引導從句)as usual 一般來說,像往常一樣as a matter of fact 事實上though the girl has a lot of shortcomings, _, she is a good girl.a. generally speakingb. as a wholec. on the contraryd. on wholebgenerally speaking意思是“一般來說”,常用于普通情況會怎樣的解釋說明; as a whole是“總體來說”。句意:雖然這個女孩有許多缺點,但總的來說還是個好姑娘?!?】 in a word 一句

22、話,總而言之 his behavior was, in a word, shocking.總之,他的行為是令人震驚的。in ones own words用某人自己的話來說in other words 換句話說,也就是說word for word 逐字地they asked him to leave, _, he was fired.他們請他走人,也就是說,他被解雇了。she repeated their conversation _ to me.她一字不差地把他們的談話對我復述了一遍。in other wordsword for word【3】辨析at one time, at a time(

23、1)at one time 一次,同時;一度,曾經(jīng)at one time they met frequently.一度他們經(jīng)常見面。(2)at a time 每次,一次order! one at a time, please.守秩序!請一個一個來。at times 有時,間或at the time of在時候at all times 始終,經(jīng)常at any time 在任何時候;隨時at no time 在任何時候都不in no time 立刻,馬上for the time being 暫時for some times 一些次數(shù)by the time到時候from time to time 有

24、時in time 及時;遲早on time 準時experts have been warning _ of the health risks caused by passive smoking.a. at a time b. at one timec. for some time d. for the timec句意:專家們提醒注意被動吸煙給健康帶來的危害已有一段時間了??疾榻樵~搭配。a每次、逐一、依次;b一度,曾經(jīng);c一段時間;d暫時,眼下?!?】 the language they created is what we now call old english.他們創(chuàng)造的語言就是我們現(xiàn)在

25、稱之為古英語的語言。what連接表語從句,意為“所的”,在表語從句中作call的直接賓語,old english為間接賓語。many young people in the east in the past are expected to leave _ could be lifes most important decision marriage almost entirely up to their parents.a. as b. that c. which d. whatthe companies are working together to create _ they hope w

26、ill be the best means of transport in the 21st century.a. which b. that c. what d. whod考查賓語從句。句中what could be lifes most important decision marriage作leave的賓語。what在賓語從句中既起連接作用,又在從句中充當主語。as常用于suchas和the sameas的搭配中;that在名詞性從句中只起連接作用,在從句中不作任何成分,無意義;which 意為“哪一個”。c句意:這些公司共同致力于創(chuàng)造他們所希望的21世紀最好的運輸方式??疾橘e語從句。what在賓語從句中既起連接作用,又在從句中充當主語。they hope為插入語,what意思為“所創(chuàng)造的事物”?!?】 today, the spread of borrowed words is due to easily accessed television and radio programmes from across the world, and the internet.今天,世界各地都可以方便地收看收聽電視和廣播節(jié)目,還有因特


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