牛津版小學英語五年級下冊精品教案 全冊_第1頁
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1、牛津版小學英語五年級下冊精品教案全冊課 題:unit1anewterm第一課時 教材類型:牛津版所屬學科:英語5b(五下)主備教師:紅備課時間:/2/20瀏覽人數(shù):1 教案內容: 一、教學目標: 1. 聽得懂、會說、會讀、會拼寫單詞:monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday 2. 聽得懂、會說、會讀、會拼寫句型:what day is it today ?its 3. 聽得懂、會說、會讀:welcome back to school. nice to see you . 二、教學內容:1.b:look,read and learn中 星期名稱的單

2、詞 2.c:ask and answer前兩句. 三、教學重點:句型what day is it today? its 四、教學難點:單詞wednesday, thursday, friday的讀音及拼法 五、教具準備:磁帶和錄音機, 單詞卡片, 掛歷 六、教學過程: step1.warm-up sing a song happy spring festival (建議使用歌曲happy new year 曲調,這即能讓學生回味新年的歡樂,又渲染了學習英語的氛圍。) step2.free talk t: im miss wang. whats your name? s: im t: nice

3、to see you. s: nice to see you. t: its feb,9, its monday .welcome back to school. s: thank you . (教生字monday) step3.presentation 1.(出示封面印有猴子的掛歷) t:(指著猴子)what can you see in it? s:i can see a monkey. t:i like monkeys. how about you ? (比較自然的引出這一交際用語,為d部分教學埋下伏筆.) s:i like monkeys, too. t: how many monke

4、ys are there? s: there is only one.(可根據(jù)實際情況回答。) t:(翻過封面,指著日期)how many days are there in a week? (可用中文向學生解釋in a week的意思) s: there are seven. 教生字day, 全班跟讀,開火車讀,及時糾正學生錯誤發(fā)音) 2.t:(指著日期自問自答)what day is it today? its monday. (教生字today,并分別將today、day寫在小黑板正反兩面,通過學生的朗讀,悟出兩者的共同點,即字母組合發(fā)ay.) 4. drill s1:what day

5、is it today? s2:its mondaysundaysaturday. (通過這組機械操練,使學生初步掌握本課的重點句型,這是必不可少的一環(huán),也是以后熟練運用該句型的基礎。) 5. t:(指著2004年2月10日)what day is it today? s: its tuesday. t:(將課表放在實物投影儀上,并指著星期二)how many lessons do we have? s: we have six. (這是第二課時的教學重點,可先在本課時中滲透。) (用上述方法教單詞wednesday, thursday, friday,由于這些詞發(fā)音、記憶較難,教師應作好示范

6、,把音節(jié)讀清楚,并提示字母的讀音規(guī)律,配合錄音帶,由慢到快地讀出來。) step4.chant 一個星期有七天,請同學記心間, monday, monday星期一,猴子花錢坐飛機. tuesday, tuesday星期二,猴子屁股摔兩半兒. wednesday, wednesday星期三,猴子爬上花果山. thursday, thursday,星期四,猴子猴子去考試. friday, friday星期五,猴子遇上大老虎. saturday, saturday星期六,猴子上山摘石榴. sunday, sunday星期天,猴子休息上公園. (chant瑯瑯上口又具趣味性,相信能使關于星期名稱的單詞

7、教學不再枯燥、乏味。) step5.homework 1. copy and recite the new words: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday 2. do some written work: a: what day is it today? b: its 板書 unit 1 a new term what day is it today? its monday tuesday wednesday thursdayfridaysaturdaysunday. 教學調整 教學反思: 課 題:unit1anewterm第二課時 教材

8、類型:牛津版所屬學科:英語5b(五下)主備教師:紅備課時間:/2/21瀏覽人數(shù):1 教案內容: 一、教學目標: 1聽得懂、會說、會讀、會拼寫單詞:chinese, science, social science, computer studies 2聽得懂、會說、會讀、會拼寫句型:what lessons do you have in the ?we have and 3有表情的演唱歌曲wish you are happy every day 二、教學內容: 1b部分中關于課程名稱的單詞 2c部分中的句型 what lessons do you have in the morning afte

9、rnoon? we have 3f部分design a timetable you like 三、教學重點:句型what lessons do you have in the morningafternoon? we have 四、教學難點:chinese, science, social science, computer studies的拼讀。 五、教具準備:多媒體課件,磁帶和錄音機,單詞卡片,空白課表每人一張。 六、教學過程: step1.free talk and revision 1. t:(出示掛歷)what day is it today? s: its (let the ss

10、spell the words quickly.) 2. play a game “whats the missing ?” (即先抽出一張星期名稱的單詞卡片,再讓學生說說少了哪一張,可采用小組競賽的的方式的進行。教育心理學認為,學生在學習過程中適度緊張,能培養(yǎng)其思維的敏捷性。) 3.sing a song wish you are happy every day (歌曲教學不僅有助于激發(fā)和培養(yǎng)學生的學習興趣,而且能引導學生快速進入教學情景。) step2. presentation 1t:(出示一張課表)how many lessons do you have on tuesdays? s:

11、 we have six. t: i see, but what lessons do you have on tuesday morningin the morning? (通過以舊引新的方法,較自然的呈現(xiàn)出本課的教學重點。) s: we have chinese, english and science. (若學生通過預習能讀出單詞science,請勿吝惜對學生的表揚,往往一聲“good”“wonderful”“did a very good job”能增強學生學好英語的信心。) 2(可運用簡筆畫等教學方式教授其他科目名稱,這能較長時間的保持學生的注意力,從而提高學生學習效率。) step

12、3.practice 1.(出示課表) t: my children, lets talk about the timetable. s1: what day is it today? s2:its s1:how many lessons do you have on? s2: we have s1:what lessons do you have in the morningafternoon? s2:we haveand step4.consolidation 1.t:boys and girls, please design a timetable you like. in pairs,

13、 one ask and write ,the other answer, then change,. understand? (教師課前將印好的空白課表發(fā)給學生,并讓學生在此項練習中填寫,這樣既培養(yǎng)了學生聽、說的能力,又培養(yǎng)了學生寫的能力。) 2.(讓學生兩兩一組說說他們設計的課表。) step5.homework 1. copy the new words: chinese, science, social science, computer studies. 2. do some written work (part c) and finish the exercise-book (c.

14、 look and complete ) 板書 unit 1 a new term what lessons do you have in the morningafternoon? we have chinesescience social science computer studies mathsartpe. 教學調整 教學反思: 課 題:unit1anewterm第三課時 教材類型:牛津版所屬學科:英語5b(五下)主備教師:紅備課時間:/2/22瀏覽人數(shù):1 教案內容: 一、教學目標: 1聽得懂、會說、會讀、會拼寫單詞:subject, interesting, a week, 2聽得

15、懂、會說、會讀、會拼寫句型:what subject do you like ? i like 3聽得懂、會說、會讀日常交際用語: how about you? 二、教學內容:d: work in pairs. e: look and read. 三、教學重點:句型what subject do you like? i like 四、教學難點:單詞interesting的拼讀,日常交際用語i hope we have more. .how about you? 的正確使用。 五、教具準備:磁帶和錄音機, 單詞卡片. 六、教學過程: step1.sing and review 1. sing t

16、he song happily “wish you are happy every day” 2. 單詞競賽:說出星期名稱、學科名稱。 step2.presentation 1.t:(由上述對話自然引出)what subject do you like? s1:i like maths pe (可讓學生自由說或根據(jù)圖片說,同時注意比較lesson和subject的詞義.) t: he likes maths pewhat about you? s2:i like english. what about you? t: thank you, im very happy. (將教師的禮貌用語滲透在

17、英語教學中,能促進平等、民主的師生關系。) t: do you like english? s3: yes, i do. t: how many english lessons do we have in a week? s3: we have 3 english lessons . (教week) t: yes, we have only 3.i hope we have 4.i hope we have more . 把句型中英文i hope we have more (lessons).寫在黑板上,并讓學生朗讀數(shù)遍。 2.practice s1: what subject do you

18、like? s2: i likehow about you? s1: i like, too. (“too”可根據(jù)真實的交際情景提醒學生運用。)how many lessons do we have? s2: threefour. i hope we have more . 3.t: (根據(jù)上述練習,緊接著問一位學生) what subject do you like? s: i like maths. t: why? s: its interesting.(可幫助學生回答,并教生字interesting.) t: ok, whats 32 minus 23?(出示小黑板32-23=?) (復

19、習minus)s: its nine. t: and whats 321 minus 123? whats 543 minus 345? oh, sorry, dont worry. su yang can tell you at once. (at once可寫在黑板上用中文解釋。) (指導學生看圖、讀句、理解本故事的趣味性) t:(對全體同學說)whats the trick? do you know now? (朗讀、解釋trick中文意思) step4. consolidation (在教師指導下完成練習冊c部分look and complete.) step5.homework 1.

20、do some written work .(part d) 2. finish the exercise-book(look and write ) 板書 unit 1 a new term a: what subject do you like ? b: i like how about you? a: i like 教學調整 教學反思: 課 題:unit1anewterm第四課時 教材類型:牛津版所屬學科:英語5b(五下)主備教師:紅備課時間:/2/27瀏覽人數(shù):1 教案內容: 一、教學目標: 1、能用正確的語音語調,有感情的朗讀課文。 2、能根據(jù)提示正確運用所學句型及交際用語。 二、教

21、學內容:a: read and say. 三、教學重點:正確運用所學句型和交際用語。 四、教學難點:正確運用所學句型和交際用語。 五、教學過程: step1:free talk and revise. 1.greetings . 2.say the chant 3. revise the sentences and words weve learned. step2.presentation 1.t:(出示a部分掛圖和小黑板)boys and girls, please look at the pictures, then listen to the tape and answer the q

22、uestions on the small blackboard. ( 學生靜聽錄音 ) 2.ask and answer. t: what day is it today? s1:its monday. (spell the word.) t: what are they doing? s2:theyre having an english lesson. t: how many subjects do they have this term? s3: eight. t: what are they? s3: theyre chinese, science, social science,

23、computer studies, , english, and maths . t: please look at p2,what subject does su hai like? s4:she likes maths. t: how about su yang? s4: she likes english. t:(自問自答) why? because its interesting. (教單詞interesting,引導學生注意tere的發(fā)音) (學生齊讀,個別讀。) 3.(安排學生先靜聽錄音模仿說, 然后六人一組分角色朗讀.) 4.(讓幾位英語基礎較好的學生上臺復述。) step3.c

24、onsolidation (教師應創(chuàng)設不同的場景,讓學生靈活運用所學知識,下兩例話題可供參考.) 1. when: on wednesday afternoon place: in the classroom person: ken and nancy topic: the timetable of this term 2. when: after school place: on the playground person: two good friends topic: subjects of the new term step4: homework 1. read and recite

25、part a. 2. finish the exercise-book (f: read and fill in the form.) 板書 unit new term interesting.教學調整 教學反思: 課 題:unit1anewterm第五課時 教材類型:牛津版所屬學科:英語5b(五下)主備教師:紅備課時間:/2/28瀏覽人數(shù):1 教案內容: 一、教學目標:. 1.復習本單元所學內容。 2.了解元音字母o在重讀閉音節(jié)中的讀音。 3.完成練習冊聽力部分練習。 二、教學內容:1.g:listen and repeat 三、教具準備:磁帶和錄音機 四、教學過程: step1.revis

26、ion 1. greetings. 2. sing a song wish you are happy every day 3. have a dictation of the words and phrases in unit 1. step2.presentation 1.(將課文g部分圖置于實物投影儀上) t: can you see a man in the picture ? s1: yes, i can. t: what is the man? s1: he is a doctor . t: whats near the clock ? s2: a cup of coffee. t

27、: is it hot? s3: yes. (將上述對話中帶有下劃線的單詞寫在黑板上,請同學們朗讀并思考:元音字母o在這些單詞中的發(fā)音相同嗎,如果相同,那是什么音。) 2.(學生根據(jù)元音字母o在重讀閉音節(jié)中的讀音規(guī)則,完成下列各詞.) _o_ , _o_ , _o_ , _o_ . 3.(讓學生思考并說出,還有哪些單詞符合這樣的發(fā)音規(guī)律,也可讓學生自己創(chuàng)造單詞,幫助學生記住字母o的發(fā)音規(guī)則。) 4.(讓學生借助圖片理解,反復并有節(jié)奏朗讀句子 the hot coffee near the clock is for the doctor. 教學實踐證明,通過一定的聽、讀能讓學生獲得初步的語感。)

28、 step3. exercises (完成練習冊聽力部分練習) 1a. listen and judge. (讓學生先仔細看圖,認讀每幅圖中的學科名稱, 然后判斷每幅圖的內容與錄音是否相符。相符的在臉上畫一張表示笑意的嘴巴,不符的臉上畫一張表示哭意的嘴巴。) 2b. listen, choose and write (在做練習前,讓學生仔細認清所有單詞和短語,以防學生聽懂了又找不到詞語。做練習時,要求學生根據(jù)錄音選擇正確答案,并將聽到的詞語寫在橫線上及其代表字母寫在空格里。) step4.homework finish the exercise-book (e. read and say).

29、板書 unit new term doctor clock coffee hot 教學調整 教學反思: 課 題:unit2atelephonecall第一課時 教材類型:牛津版所屬學科:英語5b(五下)主備教師:紅備課時間:/3/5瀏覽人數(shù):1 教案內容: 一教學內容 1. look, read and learn的大部分 2. work in pairs 二教學目標 1、學單詞a toothache, an earache, a backache, a headache, a stomach ache。 2、學句型whats wrong with you? ive got a/an。 3、能

30、聽懂、會說、會讀 im sorry to hear that. i hope you get better soon。 三教學重點 1、詞匯:a toothache, an earache, a backache, a headache, a stomach ache。 2、日常交際用語:whats wrong with you? ive got a/an。 四教學難點 1、句子ive got a/an 的理解。 五前課準備 1、教具準備:單詞卡片、課本及練習冊磁帶、錄音機、課文p14的掛圖2、教學準備:學生準備好練習冊 3、板書準備:寫好unit telephone call 六教學過程 (

31、一)free talk 用what day is it today? what lessons do you have in the morning? what subject do you like ? how are you? whats the matter with you ? 等日常交際用語進行交談。 (二)presentation 1、由談話引出“ive got a stomach ache.”。教師邊做動作邊板書:ive got a stomach ache. 學生理解、跟讀、做動作。 t: (詢問一位做的好的學生) whats the matter with you ? s:

32、ive got a stomach ache. t:(問另一學生)whats wrong with you ? s: ive got a stomach ache. t:(板書whats wrong with you ?)范讀,講解句子的意思, 比較whats the matter with you? drill in pairs: whats wrong with you ? ive got a stomach ache. 2、依次出示牙痛圖、耳痛圖、背痛圖、頭痛圖 t :look, there are some patients in the hospital. whats wrong w

33、ith them? t:(point to the stomach)this is a stomach. ive got a stomach ache. t:(point to the head)whats this? s: thats a head. t: whats wrong with him? s:(經(jīng)提示說)a headache. t: great!(板書a headache ) 學生跟讀單詞,并復習句型。 (同法學習a toothache, an earache, a backache,) 3、drill a. 聽口令做動作。b.看動作說句子。 c.練習冊a題:聽、選圖;隨意抽掉一

34、張圖,問whats missing? 4、學教學目標3 出示課本p14掛圖 t: look, what did su yang talk to helen? s: whats wrong with you ? t: what did helen say? s: ive got a headache. t: 那么,su yang 接下去會說什么呢?(放課文磁帶) t:(示范)im sorry to hear that. i hope you get better soon.告訴學生中文意思 ss: 跟讀,理解,運用。 (三)consolidation 1、教師先和一學生表演d部分的對話。(注:在

35、im sorry to hear that.后面添上i hope you get better soon.) 2、work in pairs. 3、check it up. 4、ask four students to write it on the blackboard. 5、check it up. (四)homework 1、workbook c 2、listen to the tape and repeat. 3、make a dialogue with friends. 教學調整 教學反思: 課 題:unit2atelephonecall第二課時 教材類型:牛津版所屬學科:英語5b(

36、五下)主備教師:紅備課時間:/3/6瀏覽人數(shù):1 教案內容: 一、教學內容 1、look, read and learn的另外幾個單詞 2、read and act 二、教學目標 1、四會掌握單詞a fever, a cough, bad。 2、三會單詞短語take some medicine, patient, have a lot of rest。 三、教學重點 1、詞匯:a fever, a cough, bad。 2、單詞短語的理解。 四、教學難點 1、熟練地運用上堂課中的句型。 2、medicine, patient,單詞的讀音。 五、課前準備 1、教具準備:8個單詞的卡片、課本磁帶

37、、錄音機、e部分的掛圖;將take some medicine, patient, have a lot of rest的 中英文寫于小黑板。 2、板書準備:寫好unit telephone call。 六、教學過程 (一)greeting (二)review 學生表演自編對話 (三)presentation 1、t: sorry, ive got a cough.(咳嗽) s 模仿動作與讀音,拼讀單詞, s 學習a bad cough,理解bad,拼讀bad。(板書a bad cough) 2、make the dialogue two by two. 3、t拿出體溫計說:i feel ba

38、d, let me see(看體溫計)oh! ive got a fever. (板書a fever.) 學習fever. (四)drill 1、拿出8張單詞卡片,讓學生看圖說單詞。 3、看圖編對話,借助練習冊b或d部分的圖。 modle: a: whats wrong with you ? b: ive got a a: im sorry to hear that. (五) read and act 取出e部分的掛圖 t:(手指掛圖)hes a doctor. shes a patient.(取出小黑板) s learn the word “patient” t: lets listen t

39、o the tape and then tell me whats wrong with her.(放磁帶) s: got a fever and a cold. t: yes! so the doctor suggested her to take some medicine and have a lot of rest. (取出小黑板) ss learn the phrase. ss read after the tape. ss act the dialogue. (六)homework 1、copy the each word four times. 2、listen to the t

40、ape and repe教學調整 教學反思: 課 題:unit2atelephonecall第三課時 教材類型:牛津版所屬學科:英語5b(五下)主備教師:紅備課時間:/3/7瀏覽人數(shù):1 教案內容: 一、教學內容 1、read and say的左半部分 2、play a game 二、教學目標 1、四會句型:may i speak to this isspeaking. 2、三會單詞短語:choose, wrong number, absent 3、熟練掌握打電話用語。 三、教學重點 1、打電話用語的熟練掌握 四、教學難點 1、能夠把本節(jié)課與上節(jié)課的句型聯(lián)合運用 五、課前準備 教具準備: 1、

41、將choose, wrong number, absent中英文寫于小黑板; d部分圖片;課文a 部分磁帶及錄音機。 2、板書準備:寫好unit telephone call。 六、教學過程 (一)greeting (二)review 出示part d的圖片 s (look at the picture and say the sentences.) (三)presentation 1、出示課文掛圖一 t: today is wednesday, all the students are at school, but helen is not at school, shes absent. 小

42、黑板出示:absent 缺席 s:理解,跟讀 2、t: so, su yang called helen. what did they say?(放磁帶) 3、學生聽完后說:may i speak to helen? this is helen speaking. (邊板書這兩句話邊范讀) s:跟讀。 4、drill 操練這對話 5. learn “why are you absent?” t: lets go on .listen!(繼續(xù)放磁帶) s(模仿)why are you absent? im ill. s:理解中文,跟讀。 (六)consolidation 1、read after

43、 the tape. 2、act the dialogue. 3、make a dialogue with friends. 4、check it up. (七) class work 1、s: individual study part f. t: teach “choose” “wrong number”. read together. (八) homework 1、listen and repeat the text. 2、give a call to your friends in english. 教學調整 教學反思: 課 題:unit2atelephonecall第四課時 教材類型

44、:牛津版所屬學科:英語5b(五下)主備教師:紅備課時間:/3/12瀏覽人數(shù):1 教案內容: 一、教學內容 1、read and say的右半部分 2、ask and answer 3練習冊f部分 二、教學目標 1、 四會句型:how do you feel now? i feel i can get a /some for you. 2、三會單詞短語:still, feel 三、教學重點 1、句型:how do you feel now? i feel i can get a /some for you. 熟練運用。 四、教學難點 1、單復數(shù)在句中的使用。 五、課前準備 教具準備: 1、c部分

45、圖片;課文a 部分磁帶及錄音機。 2、板書準備:寫好unit telephone call。 六、教學過程 (一)review 學生表演自創(chuàng)的對話,復習a部分前一段內容。 (二)presentation 1、出示課文掛圖一和二 t: yesterday, we knew that su yang called helen. but after school, su yang called again. lets listen. (昨天,我們知道su yang打了電話給helen。但是放學后,她又打了一次電話。讓我們來聽一下。) s 先聽磁帶,大致了解對話內容。 第一步,su yang詢問hel

46、en的情況:how do you feel now? 第二步,再關心她有沒有吃藥:are you taking any medicine? 第三步,表示準備帶水果去看她:i can get some fruit for you. 第四步,表示她們很快能見面:see you soon. s 在句中學習“feel, still” 2、listen to the tape and repeat from how do you feel now to see you soon. 3、act the dialogue 師生互動 三、ask and answer用練習冊f題的畫面。 1、practice

47、in pairs. 2、check it up . (四)homework 1、listen and repeat the text. 2、review the part a b c d e f 教學調整 教學反思: 課 題:unit2atelephonecall第五課時 教材類型:牛津版所屬學科:英語5b(五下)主備教師:紅備課時間:/3/13瀏覽人數(shù):2 教案內容: 一、教學內容 1、listen and repeat 2、say a rhyme 3、練習冊d、e部分 二、教學目標 1、能熟練運用三個重點句型: may i speak to? this is speaking. whats

48、 wrong with you ? ive got a how do you feel now? i feel 2、會聽讀、辨認元音字母0 在閉音節(jié)單詞中的讀音。 3、會誦讀im ill。 三、教學重點 1、句型:may i speak to? this is speaking. whats wrong with you ? ive got a how do you feel now? i feel 四、教學難點 1、單復數(shù)在句中的使用。 2、句型使用的熟練性。 五、課前準備 教具準備: 1、c、d部分的卡片。 2、小黑板寫出課文填空的內容和辯音練習。 教學準備: 1、每位學生寫好自家的電話號

49、碼。 六、教學過程 一 greeting 1.what day is it today? are we all here? who is absent? whats wrong with him/her? ? 2. review the sentence patterns 3. 出示c、d部分的卡片 practice in pairs. 二 review the text 1、 listen to the tape and repeat sentence by sentence. 2、 read the text two by two. 3、 課文填空(小黑板出示) su yangs hele

50、nh s: hello! h: hello, may i _ _ helen? s:_ _helen _. h: whats _ _ you? s:_ _ a headache and a _ _. h:_ _ to hear that. i _ you get better _. (after school) s:_ _ _ _ _? h:i _ ill. s:_ you _ _medicine? h: yes, a lot. s:_ _ _.i can _some fruit _ _. h: thank you . s:_ _ soon. 三 練習冊d/e (課前準備好圖片或小黑板,出示圖

51、和對話,老師和學生一起完成對話。) (四)say a rhyme 1、listen to the tape. 2、learn “high, just” words. 3、follow the teacher. 4、say it together. (五) listen and repeat 1、出示上個單元g部分單詞,并復習元音字母o在單詞中的讀音規(guī)則。 出示第9單元g部分單詞,并復習元音字母o在單詞中的讀音規(guī)則。 2、讓學生聽錄音跟讀 brother, love, monkey, mother 這四個單詞,體會字母o在這些單詞中的讀音。 3、學生借助圖片理解并朗讀句子:my mother a

52、nd brother love that fat monkey. 4、辯音練習 mother go sofa love clock hot mother coffee oval monkey brother clock open hot (六)homework 1、finishwork bookunit 2. 2、recite the text and the sentences.教學調整 教學反思: 課 題:unit3hoobies第一課時 教材類型:所屬學科:英語5b(五下)主備教師:劉霞備課時間:/03/10瀏覽人數(shù):1 教案內容: 一、教學內容牛津小學英語5b unit 3 hobbi

53、es(第一課時)二、教學目標1 能正確地理解、掌握對話內容,并能朗讀、初步表演對話。2 能正確地聽、說、讀、寫單詞:collect, a stamp, beautiful, a classmate, a ship, an animal。3 能正確地運用對話中的詞組和日常交際用語:take photos, show us his stamps, please.here they are.4 能正確地理解并運用句型do you have any hobbies? do you like? yes, i do. no, i dont. he/she likes5 能初步理解主語為第三人稱單數(shù)時動詞的變化形式。6 初步熟悉歌曲:hobbies。三、教學重點能正確理解對話內容并能朗讀和初步表演對話。四、教學難點1 能比較流暢地朗讀對話,并能在掌握對話的基礎上分角色表演對話。2 能初步理解主語為第三人稱單數(shù)時動詞的變化形式。五、課前準備1、一本有中國發(fā)行的船類和動物類郵票。2、一架照相機。3、read and say 部分的投影片。4、錄音機和磁帶。六、教學過程a free talkeg: good morning./how are you?/what day is it today?/what lessons do you ha


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