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1、Unit 1TEXT ALan guage focusWord in use3.pursuit 3. in hibit 4. maintain 5. patriotic6. tran see nd 7. en deavor 8. dedicati on 9. prestige 10. nomin ateWord buildi ng4-antin habita ntin habitparticipateparticipa ntatte ndatte ndantpollutepolluta ntdescenddesce ndantcon testcon testa nttoleratetolera

2、 ntresultresulta nt-fuln eglectn eglectfulresourceresourcefulboastboastfulrespectrespectful2. tolera nt3. polluta nts 4. in habited5. partieipa nts 6. desee ndants 7. atte ndants 8. respectful9. con testa nts 10. n eglectful 11. resourceful12. boastfulBan ked cloze2. premier 3. en deavor 4. bypass 5

3、. han dicaps6. committed 7. attained 8. transcend 9. feats 10. slightestExpressi ons in use71. removed from 2. failed in 3. in pursuit of 4. deviated from5. precluded from 6. triumph over 7. work their way into8. written offTEXT BUn dersta nding the text2CBADBBCDLan guage focusWord in use42. propell

4、ed 5. alleviated8. dest ined 10. ApplauseExpressi onin use1. up sentence structure1. He prefers to start early rather than leave everything to the last min ute2. She prefers to be the boss, to be in charge and to orga nize others rather tha n be orga ni zed by some whom she may not eve n rate very h

5、ighly.3. My brother prefers to take the whole blame himself rather than allow it to fall on the innocent.71. Try as he would2. Search as they would3. Hard as we workTry as we mightCollocati onWarm-up1. repeatedamaz ing81. suddenopportunities2. immense obstacles 3.determ in ati on4. profo unddifficul

6、ties5.overwhel mingfailurespoverty-stricke n7. substa ntial hardship 8. repeated misfort unes 9. sheer persiste nee10. dazzle audie nces 11. achieve fame 12. strong willUnit 2Language focusWord in use38. symptoms 9. dismay 10. brinkWord buildi ng4domin ate dominance avoidavoida nee relyrelia neeacqu

7、a in tacqua intance clearcleara nee annoyannoyance admitadmitta nee resemble resembla nee assure assuranee boreboredprivilege privilegeddistractdistracted53. assura nee 4. dominance6. acqua intance 7. relia nee 8. cleara nee9. distracted 10. annoyance 11. admitta nee 12. resembla neeBan ked cloze3.

8、amount 4. recede5. exposed 7. challe nge 8. excessive9. react ion 10. paralyzeExpressi ons in useto a stop 2. black out 3. pop up 4. stopped short5. plowed through 6. threw himself into 7. let yourself go8. grabbed forLanguage focusWord in use4Expressi on in usethe eve nt of to back boardinto positi

9、 onstunned by sure 8. hint ofSentence structureexcites me as much as a brilliant movie with anin teresti ng plot, fan tastic act ing ,wild visual and a strong script.the course of her entire life, she d Ionged for nothingas much as kno wledge about her mother.daughter is at a state hospital and want

10、s nothingas much as to be part of a family.7teach ing practice, it is esse ntial that we (should)teach stude nts proper grammar, senten ces structures and writi ng skills.is importa nt that stude nts should be give n opport un ities to express their perspectives to cultivate their resp on sibility a

11、nd in depe nden ce.is crucial that the youn ger gen erati on should pursue anactive and positive role in promot ing en vir onmen tal protectio n.Collocati onWarm-up1. massive 2. incredible 3. terrible4. relaxed 5. absolutely 6. un remarkable8impossible 2. amaz ing power 3. visibly frighte ned impact

12、 hysterical7. calm con fide nce8. true courage 9. massive waves10. would-be rescuer 11. vicious waves 12. rough waterUnit3Lan guage focusWord in use32. cherish 4. no teworthy 5. portray6. complime nt 8. anonym ous 9. con scie ntious10. perpetualWord buildi ng4gen eralgen eralizeno rmalno rmalizepubl

13、icpublicize mi nimum mi ni mize mobile mobilizein vesti nvestordictate dictatorconq uerc onq uerorin vestigate in vestigatormoderate moderatorelevator elevate2. moderator . inv estors 5. mobilize6. conq ueror 7. elevate 8. publicizes 9. in vestigator10. mini mizedBan ked cloze1) doma in2) defi ne3)

14、popularity 4) men tally5) diplomatic6) committed 7) devote 8) surv iving9) embarked 10) huma nitaria nExpressi ons in use7on 2. be deprive of 3. turn dow n4. take n captive 5. live on 6. share in7. was stricke n by 8. led by exampleWord in use42. coin cide nee 3. moun ted4. con trive 5. simulated 6.

15、 man ifest7. divert 8. in fected9. upgradedExpressi ons in use1. on 2. in 3. as 4. i nto5. to 6. to 7. with 8. un der/o nSentence structure1. It is not his carefree attitude that made him seem eccentric 。it is his conspicuous interest in film that made his classmates shun and mock him.2. It is not h

16、is experienee in filmmaking that sabotaged transfer attempts 。 it is his poor grades that forced film schools to withhold accepta nee.3. It is not because things are difficult that we fail to dare。it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.71. see things as they are2. understand the worl

17、d as it is3. accept people as they arewarm-upfamous 2. rigorous schedulehope draining5. physically dan gerous 6. overwhel ming misery7. perpetually sig nify8. con spicuous in terest 9. repeatedly tryUnit4Lan guage focusWord in use3compulsory 2)c on template 3) impris oned 4) globalize5) offset 6) gr

18、oa n 7) stubbor n 8) cluster9) ambiguity 10) con soledWord buildi ng4respect respectable n egotiaten egotiabledisti nguish dist in guishable avail available profitprofitable ren ewre newable memory memorize authorauthorized visualvisualize stablestabilizesocialsocialize1) profitable 2) ren ewable 3)

19、 authorized 4) n egotiable5) visualize 6) socialize 7) attributable 8) respectable9) avail 10) stabilize 11) dist in guishable 12) memorizeBank cloze1) con template 2) comfort 3) sparked 4) ven tured5) diverse 6) witnessed 7) stunning 8)glimpse9) positive10) dictateExpressi on in use71) settle for 2

20、) more often than not 3) mingled with4) traded for 5) was saturated with6) are ope n to 7) en dowed with 8) make up forWords in use41) ethnic 2) conceive 3)presumed 4) despised5) irritate 6) disregarded 7) dow nside 8) ven erable9) susceptible 10)suppressExpressi on in use1) from/against 2) from 3)

21、with 4) into 5) to6) into 7) for 8) offSentence structure1) The day following was, as it turned out, the last of Mr. Wraxall sstay at Raback.2) As it turned out, the war went on for more than four years, with horrible losses of pers onnel and material on both sides.3) Madiga n had bee n study ing Mr

22、. Barrett for a couple of mon th, as it tur ned out the man was rather mysterious.71. took his behavior with a smile.2. took it with gratitude3. took it with a deep bowCollocati onwarm-upoverly fearfuldisorie nti ng diversity solo travelswap stories globalized world foreig n travel81. exotic places

23、2. lovely dream 3. mult in ati onal excursi ons4. pleasant experiences 5. foreign travel 6. valuable open-mindedness7. ample opportunities 8. disorienting diversity 9. local folklore10. swap stories 11. moder n aviatio n 12. credible in sightsUnit5Un dersta nding the textWord in use31) gauged 2) ded

24、icate 3) com mon place4) suffice5) reve nue 6) simulta neous7) incen tive 8) prone 9) inno vati ons10)fostered4realrealism imperialimperialism commercialcommercialism huma nhuma nism terror terrorism recruitrecruitme nt rese ntrese ntme nt en rolle nrollme nt refreshrefreshme nt ship shipme nt en fo

25、rcee nforceme nt1) refreshme nt2) shipme nt 3) en forceme nt4) commercialism 5) realism6) recruitme nt7) en rollme nt 8) imperialism 9) rese ntme nt10) Terrorism 11) huma nismBan ked cloze1) employees2) no ti on3) primary 4) foster5) reflects 6) motivati on7) mon etary 8) aspects9) gossip in g10) mi

26、serableExpressi on in use71) correlate with 2) refrain from 3)co unt dow n4) slavi ng away 5) coin cide with 6) conten ted with7) be desig nated as 8) con formed toWORD IN USE41) Rash2) specialty 3) pon der 4) utilize5) pierce 6) bias 7) en sue8) impart9) in fectious 10) hospitalityExpressi on in us

27、e1) out2) on 3) away 4) to5) to6) in7) away8) upSentence structureI am already very tall, I wear high heel all of the time, be it day or ni ght.2) A lower euro will actually help Europea n exports become affordable and more competitive around the world, be they Germa n automobiles or Italia n leathe

28、rs.3) Every time there is a major new eve nt , be it a n atural disaster or a historic mome nt, we take it for gran ted that there will be pictures and videos.71) find himself eating foods he never heard of before.2) found herself faced with a math test.3) found herself standing in front of Tom s co

29、mpany.collocati onwarm-up1) prideful 2) high 3) special 4) trivial 5) sole6) friendly 7) cheerful8) instant 9) charitable81) un happy 2) pers on ally 3) optimum 4) truly5) mon etary6) sole 7) pers onal 8) trivial9) special 10) high 11) frie ndly 12) cheerfulUnit 6Lan guage focusWord in use31) evacua

30、ted 2) stray 3) diluted 4) gigantic5) sta ndpo int 6) nu triti on 7) in flicted 8) pervasive9) n aive10) permeated4mome nt mome ntarysuppleme ntsuppleme ntary custom customary visi onv isi onarymissi onm issi onarydiscipli nediscipli narycomplexcomplexityfatalfatalityavailable availabilityfeasible f

31、easibilityauthe nticauthe nticitydesirabledesirability1) visionary2) fatality3) availability4) customary5)feasibility 6) momentary7) disciplinary8) supplementary9) missi onary 10) authe nticity 11) complexity 12) desirabilityBan ked cloze1) appalli ng 2) innu merable 3) dist inction 4) casualties5)

32、un recorded 6) massacres 7) foster 8) stage9) decli ne 10) stabilizeExpressi on in use71) flew at 2) wove her way through3) radiated from4) con ceive of 5) was lined with 6) dive into7) n ext to nothing 8) stayed dow nWords in use41) supervise2) petiti on ed3) clutchi ng4) vic in ity5) fragra nce6)

33、dispatched7) dwelli ng 8) hau nted 9) timid10) en closesExpressi on in use1) to/into 2) in 3) together 4) apart 5) with6) off7) with 8) offSentence structure1) Henry refuses to cha nge his mind because he holds that ouradvice is worthn ext to no thi ng to him.2) Once a gambler is addicted, all the e

34、fforts to help him getrid of the bad habit will beworth n ext to no thi ng.3) Your recomme ndati on isworth n ext to no thi ngto those who do not want to liste n.71) looks like it is going to burst.2) looks like the work would stretch well into n ext year.3) looked like they planned to invade within

35、 the following few daysCollocati onWarm-up1) A2) C3) B4) B5) C6) B81) emoti onal in ten sity2) brillia nt sky 3) walked briskly4) helplessly wan deri ng5) trembli ng voice 6) treme ndous roar7) desertedroad 8)violentlydipping9)inevitable death1O)profo und fatigue 11) pervasive threat12) dan gerous e

36、vilUnit7Lan guage focusWord in use31) don ate2) spiral3) term in ati on 4) layoff5) subsiste nee 6) spectrum 7) complied 8) reclaimed9) origi nated 10) expiredWord buildi ng4emitemissi onomitomissi onsuspe nd suspe nsionpredict predicti ondistribute distributio n corrupti on corruptgen erous gen ero

37、sityformal formalitylocal localitymature maturitypeculiar peculiarityliable liability1) emissi on 2) suspe nsion 3) formalities 4) predict ion5) omissi on 6) distributio n 7) locality 8) peculiarity9) corrupt ing 10) gen erosity 11) maturity 12) liabilityBan ked cloze1) slump 2) mortgages 3) in cred

38、ibility 4) crash ing5) spread 6) promote 7) catastrophic 8) verge9) oversight 10) stabilizeExpressi ons in use71) put dow n 2) wind up 3) scrape together4) on the verge of 5) in all likelihood 6) deteriorate in to7) are in a positi on 8) gave way to Word in use41) amplifyi ng 2) assimilate 3) in tri

39、 nsic 4) en tail5) commodity 6) men tality 7) env isage 8) allocated9) equity 10) ambiguousExpressi on in use1) in 2) on 3) in 4) in5) into 6) off 7) in 8) toSentence structure1) what if it rained and the n froze all through those mon ths2) what if all childre n were kind to ani mals3) what if a maj

40、or earthquake hit the Seattle area71) so we en ded up see ing a differe nt one2) you might end up getting something you don t want3) but who knew it would end up being a career.Collocati onwarm-up1. con sta nt harassme nt 2. employme nt spectrum 3. un sure futures4. fall sharply 5. further in crease

41、s 6. profo und grief81) falli ng sharply2) uni mag in able situati on 3) econo mic slump4) tenant evict ion5) purchas ing power 6) further in creases7) stock market crash 8) sinking finan ces 9) n egative equity10) daily stress 11) Ion g-term un employme nt12) employme nt spectrumUnit7Lan guage focu

42、sWord in use31) don ate2) spiral3) term in ati on 4) layoff5) subsiste nee 6) spectrum 7) complied 8) reclaimed9) origi nated 10) expiredWord buildi ng4emitemissi onomitomissi onsuspe nd suspe nsionpredict predicti ondistribute distributio ncorrupti on corruptgen erous gen erosityformal formalityloc

43、al localitymature maturitypeculiar peculiarityliable liability1) emissi on 2) suspe nsion 3) formalities 4) predict ion5) omissi on 6) distributio n 7) locality 8) peculiarity9) corrupt ing 10) gen erosity 11) maturity 12) liabilityBan ked cloze1) slump 2) mortgages 3) in credibility 4) crash ing5)

44、spread 6) promote 7) catastrophic 8) verge9) oversight 10) stabilizeExpressi ons in use71) put dow n 2) wind up 3) scrape together4) on the verge of 5) in all likelihood 6) deteriorate in to7) are in a positi on 8) gave way toWord in use41) amplifyi ng 2) assimilate 3) in tri nsic 4) en tail5) commo

45、dity 6) men tality 7) env isage 8) allocated9) equity 10) ambiguousExpressi on in use1) in 2) on 3) in 4) in5) into 6) off 7) in 8) toSentence structure1) what if it rained and the n froze all through those mon ths2) what if all childre n were kind to ani mals3) what if a major earthquake hit the Se

46、attle area71) so we en ded up see ing a differe nt one2) you might end up getting something you don t want3) but who knew it would end up being a career.Collocati onwarm-up1. con sta nt harassme nt 2. employme nt spectrum 3. un sure futures4. fall sharply 5. further in creases6. profo und grief81) f

47、alli ng sharply2) uni mag in able situati on 3) econo mic slump4) tenant evict ion5) purchas ing power 6) further in creases7) stock market crash 8) sinking finan ces 9) n egative equity10) daily stress 11) Ion g-term un employme nt12) employme nt spectrumUnit8Word in use31) in dig nati on 2) provocative3) milita nt 4) overlap5) conferring 6) defia nee 7) hesita nt 8) milest one9) cradled 10) preach ingWord buildi ng4man man hoodmother motherhoodcalculate


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