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1、網(wǎng)絡營銷績效顧客滿意度和忠誠度對認知價值的影響-外文翻譯 外文翻譯原文 title: the impact of e-service quality,customer satisfaction and loyalty on e-marketing: moderating effect of perceived value material source: /0. author:hsin hsin chang since the online market has been growing rapidly over the past several years, electronic marke

2、ting activities have drawn a lot of attention. many companies generated customer loyalty by improving electronic service quality e-service quality but the effects needed to be further examined. the first purpose of the study is to integrate relevant literature and develop a comprehensive research mo

3、del of electronic commerce to identify its antecedent and consequential research variables. this study tests the interrelationships among the perception of e-service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. the second purpose of this study is to examine the moderating effect of customer

4、perceived value on the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. through a questionnaire survey, the results of this study indicated that e-service quality has influence on customer satisfaction and then generates customer loyalty, which is consistent with bagozzis appraisal! emotional

5、 response! behaviour framework. another key finding is the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty, which is stronger for customers with high perceived value than low perceived value. conclusions indicate that website owners should not only improve e-service quality, but also emphasis

6、e customer perceived value. keywords: e-service quality; perceived value; customer satisfaction; customer loyalty the business-to-customer online market has been growing rapidly over the past few years. reichheld and shifters survey 2000 shows that consumers have increasingly favoured online shoppin

7、g. in the consumer marketing community, customer loyalty has long been regarded as an important issue. in 2006, according to market intelligence center industry analysis, the online shopping market in taiwan amounted to $59.8 billion last year with 54% growth rate compared to the former year. in 200

8、7, the taiwanese online shopping b2c market reached a scale of $108 billion, 1.3% of the retail sector yang, 2008. numerous studies have pointed out that two of the more effective means to generate customer loyalty are to delight customers oliver, 1999 and to deliver superior value, originating from

9、 excellent services and quality products chang, 2006a; kanji, 1998; parasuraman & grewal, 2000. it is only a mouse click away in electronic commerce e-commerce settings, so it is critical that companies understand how to build customer loyalty in online marketing. since e-service quality and custome

10、r perceived value of internet websites are regarded as the key influential factors of internet marketing, a more detailed evaluation of e-service quality and customer perceived value may become necessary. although previous studies have recommended the importance of perceived quality in experiential

11、marketing, few studies have empirically developed a framework to measure e-service quality and value of experiential marketing in internet websites and distinctly interpreted the effect of different levels of customer satisfaction and perceived value on customer loyalty. there are three objectives i

12、n this study. first, to use bagozzis 1992 apprai?sal ! affective response ! behaviour framework to develop and test research hypotheses linking e-service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. second, to examine the moderating effect of customer perceived value on the relationship betw

13、een customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. third, to integrate relevant literature and develop a comprehensive research model of experiential marketing to identify the interrelationships among relevant research constructs.this research is based on bagozzis 1992 reformation of attitude theory an

14、d then adopts e-service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty as our research con?structs. on the other hand, we also adopt customer perceived value as our fourth research construct to test the moderating effect. each construct is elaborated as follows. e-service quality the first formal

15、definition of website service quality or e-service quality was provided by zeithaml et al. 2001. in their opinion, e-service quality can be defined as the extent to which a website facilitates efficient and effective shopping, purchasing, and delivering of products and services. as stated in the abo

16、ve definition, the meaning of service is comprehensive which includes both pre- and post-website service aspects.academic research has identified a number of criteria that customers use in evaluating websites in general and service quality delivery through websites, in particular. these include: inf

17、ormation availability and content, ease of use, privacy/security, graphic style and fulfilment babakus et al., 2003; chang, 2007; chiu et al., 2005; zeithaml et al., 2002. measurement of service quality delivery through websites based on concepts from both the service quality and retailing literatur

18、e, wolfinbarger and gilly 2002 used online and offline focus groups, a sorting task, and online survey of a customer panel to develop a scale named with four factors: website design, reliability, privacy/security and customer service. contents of each dimension were: 1 website design: involving the

19、expected attributes associated with design, as well as items dealing with personalization; 2 reliability: involving accurate representation of the product, on-time delivery and accurate orders; 3 privacy/security: feeling safe and trusting of the site; 4 customer service: combining interest in solvi

20、ng problems, willingness of personnel to help and prompt answers to enquiries. using concepts and attributes from both the service quality and retailing literatures, the scale contains 14 attributes in these four factors. customer satisfaction the conceptualisation of customer satisfaction as an eva

21、luation of emotion hunt, 1977, has been consistently used over time. rust and oliver 1994 further suggest that customer satisfaction reflects the degree to which a consumer believes that the possession or use of a service evokes positive feelings. it is important to note that satisfaction could be f

22、urther conceptualised in two broad ways. when satisfaction is seen as an emotional response to performance on specific attributes of a service encounter, it is conceptualised as trans?action specific satisfaction. alternatively, when satisfaction is more likely to depend on factors that occur over r

23、epeated transactions, it is conceptualised as a cumulative outcome or overall satisfaction shankar et al., 2003. hence, in an online context, when consumers make one time purchases from a new service provider, such as making a hotel reservation at a holiday resort, website satisfaction is likely to

24、be transaction specific; whereas, in the case of repeating customers who have been buying from the same online service provider, satisfaction is likely to be a cumulative outcome. chang 2005, cronin and taylor 1994, parasuraman et al. 1988 and van riel et al. 2004 consider overall satisfaction to be

25、 primarily a function of perceived service quality. compared to transaction specific satisfaction, overall satisfaction reflects customers cumulative impression of a firms service performance. in turn, it may serve as a better predictor of customer loyalty. customer loyalty approaches to the study o

26、f customer loyalty fall into three broad categories: the behavioural approach, the attitudinal approach and the integrated approach oh, 1995. the behavioural approach examines the customers continuity of past purchases, and then measures customer loyalty by rate of purchase, frequency of purchase an

27、d possibility of purchase. the attitude approach infers customer loyalty from psychological involvement, favouritism, and a sense of goodwill towards a particular product or service. it intends to include positive word of mouth wom. finally, the integrated approach takes account of both behavioural

28、and attitudinal variables, in order to create its own concept of customer loyalty. satisfaction is a necessary prerequisite for loyalty but is not sufficient on its own to automatically lead to repeat purchases or brand loyalty bloemer & kasper, 1995. some studies have tested the relationship betwee

29、n quality, satisfaction and intention-based loyalty agus, 2004; gotlieb et al., 1994; taylor & baker, 1994, and assumed these relationships to be positive but to vary between products, industries and situations barnes et al., 2004; johnson & gustafsson, 2000; mittal & kamakura, 2001. research in cus

30、tomer satisfaction found that satisfied customers are more likely to purchase the same product/service repeatedly. the ability to keep customers is related to the intensity of customer satisfaction. therefore, it is reasonable to predict that satisfied users of a website will have a higher loyalty i

31、ntention toward its services. customer perceived value perceived value has its root in equity theory, which considers the ratio of consumers outcome/input to that of the service providers outcome/input oliver & desarbo, 1988. the equity concept refers to customer evaluation of what is fair, right, o

32、r deserved for the perceived cost of the offering bolton & lemon, 1999. perceived costs include monetary payments and non-monetary sacrifices such as time consumption, energy con?sumption and stress experienced by consumers. in turn, customer perceived value results from an evaluation of the relativ

33、e rewards and sacrifices associated with the offer?ing. customers are inclined to feel equitably treated if they perceive that the ratio of their outcome to inputs is comparable to the ratio of outcome to inputs experienced by the company oliver & desarbo, 1988; pakdil & harwood, 2005. also, custome

34、rs often measure a companys ratio of outcome to inputs by making comparisons with its compe?titors offerings. in other words, the value is conceptualised as a customers perceived net trade-off received from all relevant benefits and costs or sacrifices delivered by a product or service or supplier a

35、nd its use. the common denominator of different authors definitions concerning customer perceived value is that: value for a consumer is related to his expertise or knowledge, of buying and using of a product; value for a consumer is related to the perception of a consumer and cannot be objectively

36、defined by an organisation; the customer perceived value is a multidimensional concept; and it presents a trade-off between benefits and sacrifices perceived by customers in a suppliers offering. based on a synthesis of previous definitions, customer perceived value is defined here as a consumers pe

37、rception of the net benefits based on perception of what is received and what is given. conclusions and suggestions the major objectives of this study were to identify the interrelationships among e-service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and customer perceived value. based on the s

38、em model and fishers z-transformation described in this study, there are three primary conclusions of e-commerce research. the first conclusion of this study is to examine the effect of e-service quality on customer satisfaction. the result of the sem analysis is consistent with our hypothesis. seve

39、ral authors state that e-service quality acts as an antecedent of customer satisfaction, the second conclusion is the effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty. the result of the sem analysis is consistent with our hypothesis. many researches also state that customer satisfaction acts as a

40、n antecedent of customer loyalty chang & wildt, 1994; cronin et al., 2000; gale, 1994; johnson & gustafsson, 2000; oliver, 1997, 1999. this study concludes that customer satisfaction has significant association with cus?tomer loyalty, supporting h2. the third conclusion of this study is the moderati

41、ng effect of customer perceived value on the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. the results of the fishers z-transformation and anova analysis are consistent with our hypothesis. ander?son and srinivasan 2003 state that customer perceived value has a moderating effect o

42、n the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. our results also support a moderating effect of customer perceived value on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty h3 is supported, consistent with previous research. we also find an interesting discovery that low satisfied c

43、ustomers who have high perceived value will have higher customer loyalty than high satisfied customers who have low perceived value.譯文 標題:網(wǎng)絡營銷績效顧客滿意度和忠誠度對認知價值的影響 資料來源:/. 作者:hsin hsin chang 摘要:在過去的幾年中,網(wǎng)絡市場迅速增長,電子商務吸引了很多人的注意。許多公司通過提高顧客忠誠度來提高電子商務服務績效網(wǎng)絡營銷服務績效的影響,但還需要進一步探討。第一:本研究旨在整合相關文獻并建立一個綜合研究電子商務模式識別

44、前期及后續(xù)研究變數(shù)。這個測試研究網(wǎng)絡營銷服務績效、顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度。第二:研究探討對于顧客知覺價值關系的客戶滿意度和忠誠度之間的影響。通過問卷調(diào)查,該研究的結論表明,企業(yè)不僅要提高網(wǎng)絡營銷服務質(zhì)量,還需要強調(diào)消費者感知價值。 關鍵詞:網(wǎng)絡營銷服務績效;消費者感知價值;客戶滿意度;顧客的忠誠度。 企業(yè)對客戶的網(wǎng)絡營銷市場在過去幾年一直快速增長。reichheld和schefter在2000年的調(diào)查顯示,消費者越來越傾向于網(wǎng)上購物。在消費市場的各個領域,客戶忠誠度一直被視為一個重要問題。 2006年,根據(jù)市場情報中心業(yè)內(nèi)人士分析,在臺灣線上購物市場達5980000萬美元。比去年增長54%。

45、2007年,臺灣的b2c網(wǎng)上購物市場達到了1080億美元的規(guī)模,增長1.3%。許多研究都指出許多更有效的方法來提高客戶忠誠度,以提供卓越的價值和更優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務。 電子商務和網(wǎng)絡營銷是一種鼠標點擊即可完成的交易活動,因此企業(yè)要了解如何建立客戶忠誠度是至關重要的。網(wǎng)絡營銷服務質(zhì)量和顧客感知價值已經(jīng)成為網(wǎng)絡營銷的關鍵因素,更好的網(wǎng)絡營銷服務質(zhì)量和更詳細客戶認知價值的評估已經(jīng)成為了必要。盡管以前的研究建議人們關注體驗消費者知覺質(zhì)量的重要性,但是很少有研究者會制訂一個框架來衡量電子服務績效和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)網(wǎng)站體驗營銷的價值。 研究不同層次客戶的滿意度和感知價值主要有三個研究目標。首先,要使用巴戈(1992)情感反

46、應評價。行為的框架來開發(fā)和測試研究假說聯(lián)電子服務質(zhì)量,客戶滿意度和客戶忠誠度。其次,要研究對顧客滿意和顧客忠誠關系的顧客感知價值的調(diào)節(jié)作用。最后,整合相關文獻,整理出一個全面的體驗營銷研究模型,以確定相互之間的研究構造。另一方面,我們分四個方面來研究客戶認知價值的結構,每個結構闡述如下: 網(wǎng)絡營銷績效 zeithaml(2001年)等人給一個網(wǎng)站的服務質(zhì)量或網(wǎng)絡營銷服務績效提供了正式的定義。他們認為,電子商務服務質(zhì)量可以被定義為某種程度上促進網(wǎng)站購物的效率,采購產(chǎn)品和提供服務。正如上面的定義所述,是全面服務的含義,其中包括前和后的網(wǎng)站服務兩方面。他們的學術研究已確定了評價標準,客戶通過網(wǎng)站使用

47、該網(wǎng)站提供的網(wǎng)絡營銷績效,特別是消費者的使用數(shù)量。這些措施包括:信息的可用性和內(nèi)容,易用性,隱私和安全性,圖形樣式等。 測量通過網(wǎng)站提供高質(zhì)量的服務 根據(jù)wolfinbarger和gilly的概念(2002年)對于零售服務質(zhì)量的研究,用于在線和離線的重點群體,分揀任務,對客戶的在線調(diào)查,開發(fā)小組分為四個因素和規(guī)模。內(nèi)容分別是:(1)網(wǎng)站設計:涉及預期的屬性與相關設計以及項目與個性化交易;(2)可靠性:涉及到準確地反映該產(chǎn)品,準時交貨和準確的訂單;(3 )隱私和安全:涉及到消費者感到安全和信任的網(wǎng)站;(4)客戶服務:與解決問題相結合,客服人員愿意幫助和迅速地解決消費者的問題。 顧客滿意度 以客戶滿意作為情感評價(hunt,1977)。rust和oliver(1994)進一步指出,客戶的滿意程度,反映了消費者認為,擁有或使用服務喚起積極的情感。值得注意的是,我們可進一步分為兩大方式來


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