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1、醫(yī)學(xué)運(yùn)動(dòng)系統(tǒng)英語詞匯Locomotor System 運(yùn)動(dòng)系統(tǒng) osteology 骨學(xué) skeleton 骨骼 bone 骨 diaphysis 骨干 epiphysis骨骺 metaphysis 干骺端 medullary cavity 髓腔 epiphyseal cartilage 骺軟骨 epiphyseal line 骺線 compact (or dense) bone 骨密質(zhì) spongy (or cancellous) bone 骨松質(zhì) diploe 板障 periosteum 骨膜 bone marrow 骨髓 vertebra 椎骨 vertebral column 脊柱 a

2、tlas 寰椎 axis 樞椎 cervical vertebra 頸椎 thoracic vertebra 胸椎 lumbar vertebra 腰椎 sacrum 骶骨 coccyx 尾骨 sternum 胸骨 manubrium 胸骨柄 body of the sternum 胸骨體 xiphoid process 劍突 sternal angle 胸骨角 jugular notch 頸靜脈切跡 rib 肋骨 costal arch 肋弓 skull(or cranium) 顱 frontal bone 額骨 occipital bone 枕骨 sphenoid bone 蝶骨 temp

3、oral bone 顳骨 parietal bone 頂骨 ethmoid bone 篩骨 inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲 lacrimal bone 淚骨 nasal bone 鼻骨 vomer 犁骨 maxilla 上頜骨 palatine bone 腭骨 zygomatic bone 顴骨 mandible 下頜骨 hyoid bone 舌骨 inion(or external occipital protuberance) 枕外隆突 superior nuchal line 上項(xiàng)線 groove for superior sagittal sinus 上矢狀竇溝 a

4、nterior cranial fossa 顱前窩 cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone 篩板 middle cranial fossa 顱中窩 hypophyseal fossa 垂體窩 optic canal 視神經(jīng)管 dorsum sellae 鞍背 foramen lacerum 破裂孔 foramen rotundum 圓孔 forame novale 卵圓孔 foramen spinosum 棘孔 superior orbital fissure 眶上裂 posterior cranial fossa 顱后窩 forame nmagnum 枕骨大

5、孔 hypoglossal canal 舌下神經(jīng)管 jugular foramen 頸靜脈孔 internal occipital protuberance 枕內(nèi)隆突 groove for transverse sinus 橫竇溝 groove for sigmoid sinus 乙狀竇溝 carotid canal 頸動(dòng)脈管 styloid process 莖突 stylomastoid foramen 莖乳孔 pterion 翼點(diǎn) infratemporal fossa 顳下窩 pterygopalatine fossa 翼腭窩 orbit 眶 supraorbital foramen (

6、or notch) 眶上孔(或切跡) infraorbital foramen 眶下孔 mental foramen 頦孔 lacrimal sac 淚囊 nasolacrimal canal 鼻淚管 superior (middle,and inferior) nasal meatus 上(中、下)鼻道 paranasal sinus 鼻旁竇 maxillary sinus 上頜竇 fonticuli (or fontanelles) 顱囟 clavicle 鎖骨 scapula 肩胛骨 humerus 肱骨 radius 橈骨 ulna 尺骨 carpus 腕骨 metacarpus 掌骨

7、 phalanges 指骨、趾骨 hipbone 髖骨 acetabulum 髖臼 ilium 髂骨 ischium 坐骨 pubis 恥骨 pelvis 骨盆 femur 股骨 patella 髕骨 tibia 脛骨 fibula 腓骨 tarsus 跗骨 talus 距骨 calcaneus 跟骨 metatarsus 跖骨 fibrousjoint 纖維連結(jié) syndesmosis 韌帶連結(jié) suture 縫 cartilage joint 軟骨連結(jié) synovial joint 滑膜關(guān)結(jié) articular surface 關(guān)節(jié)面 articular capsule 關(guān)節(jié)囊 artic

8、ular cavity 關(guān)節(jié)腔 ligament 韌帶 articular disc 關(guān)節(jié)盤 articular labrum 關(guān)節(jié)唇 flexion 屈 extension 伸 adduction 收 abduction 展 rotation 旋轉(zhuǎn) circumduction 環(huán)轉(zhuǎn) pronation 旋前 supination 旋后 eversion 外翻 inversion 內(nèi)翻 dorsiflexion 背屈 plantarfiexion跖屈 intervertebral disc 椎間盤 fiavum ligament 黃韌帶 thoracic cage 胸廓 temporomand

9、ibular joint 顳下頜關(guān)節(jié) sternoclavicular joint 胸鎖關(guān)節(jié) shoulder joint 肩關(guān)節(jié) glenoid labrum 盂唇 elbow joint 肘關(guān)節(jié) anular ligament of radius 橈骨環(huán)狀韌帶 proximal radioulnar joint 橈尺近側(cè)關(guān)節(jié) distal radioulnar jojnt 橈尺遠(yuǎn)側(cè)關(guān)節(jié) wrist joint (or radiocarpal joint) 腕關(guān)節(jié)(橈腕關(guān)節(jié)) flexor retinaculum 屈肌支持帶 extensor retinaculum 伸肌支持帶 carpom

10、etacarpal joint 腕掌關(guān)節(jié) metacarpophalangeal joint 掌指關(guān)節(jié) interphalangeal joint 指間關(guān)節(jié) pubic symphysis 恥骨聯(lián)合 sacroiliac joint 骶髂關(guān)節(jié) sacrotuberous ligament 骶結(jié)節(jié)韌帶 sacrospinous ligament 骶棘韌帶 hip joint 髖關(guān)節(jié) tere ligament of head of femur 股骨頭韌帶 knee joint 膝關(guān)節(jié) cruciate ligament of knee 膝關(guān)節(jié)的交叉韌帶 lateral meniscus 外側(cè)半月

11、板 medial meniscus 內(nèi)側(cè)半月板 ankle joint 踝關(guān)節(jié) arch of the foot 足弓 muscle 肌肉 tendon 肌腱 aponeurosis 腱膜 fascia 筋膜 superficial fascia 淺筋膜 deep fascia 深筋膜 tendon sheath 腱鞘 fibrous tendon sheath 腱纖維鞘 synovial tendon sheath 腱滑膜鞘 latissimus dorsi muscle 背闊肌 trapezius muscle 斜方肌 erector spinae muscle 豎脊肌 platysma

12、頸闊肌 sternocleidomastoid muscle 胸鎖乳突肌 scaleni muscles 斜角肌 pectoralis major muscle 胸大肌 pectoralis minor muscle 胸小肌 serratus anterior muscle 前鋸肌 diaphragm 膈肌 obliquus externus abdominis muscle 腹外斜肌 obliquus internus abdominis muscle 腹內(nèi)斜肌 transvers usabdonminis muscle 腹橫肌 masticatory muscles 咀嚼肌 facial

13、muscles 面肌 deltoid muscle 三角肌 biceps brachii muscle 肱二頭肌 triceps brachii muscle 肱三頭肌 pronator teres muscle 旋前圓肌 flexor carpi radialis muscle 橈側(cè)腕屈肌 palmaris longus muscle 掌長(zhǎng)肌 flexor carpi ulnaris muscle 尺側(cè)腕屈肌 flexor digitorum superiicialis muscle 指淺屈肌 flexor digitorum profundus muscle 指深屈肌 flexor pol

14、licis longus muscle 拇長(zhǎng)屈肌 pronator quadratus muscle 旋前方肌 extensor carpi radialis longus muscle 橈側(cè)腕長(zhǎng)伸肌 extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle 橈側(cè)腕短伸肌 extensor digitorum muscle 指伸肌 supinator muscle 旋后肌 thenar muscles 魚際肌 hypothenar muscles 小魚際肌 lumbrical muscle 蚓狀肌 interosseus muscle 骨間肌 gluteus maximus musele 臀大肌 piriformis muscle 梨狀肌 quadriceps femoris muscle 股四頭肌


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