



1、three little pigsact 1characters: three little pigs: amy: the eldest child anne: the second child anna: the youngest child mrs. smith: the mother of three little pigs;(the scene is set at a beautiful forest. there are three pigs living with their mother. one day, their mother has a talk with them.)m

2、om: my dears, you three will be adult at the end of this month. according to our custom, you have to leave me and live in your own houses. therefore it is time for you to prepare for it.amy: oh, mom, its too early. we are not strong enough to live by our own. mom: amy, you are the eldest child. but

3、you are the laziest one. let you do something is like pulling teeth.amy: its different this time. there is nothing to do with indolence. the world outside is so dangerous that we may be eaten as soon as we leave the house. so, mom, please, let us live with you for a longer time. mom: no, you know it

4、s a good chance to exercise yourself and . (at this time, anna interrupts her mother)amy: i promise that when we are strong enough we will leave home and live by our own. (anne nods her head so hard to show her agreement. however, anna keeps silence. after a while, anna opens her mouth.)anna (fierce

5、ly): i agree with what mom has said. its time for us to learn to be independent. amy: what if we encounter with difficulties? anna: mom has taught us a lot of ways to live by our own and overcome possible dangers, but you are always blowing them off. so it you own faults. amy and anne blush and bow

6、their heads in shame, and they promise that they will do their best to learn to be independent and build their own house. a few days ago, they begin to pack and leave the house.)act 2characters: three little pigs: amy: the eldest child anne: the second child anna: the youngest child jason: a crow wh

7、o is the three little pigs friend (the three pigs are ready to build their own house and now they are discussing which material to choose.)amy: id like to live in a much soft and comfortable house. the most important thing is that it wont take me too much time and energy to build the house. so i wil

8、l use the straw to build my house. who want to live with me?jason (nod constantly): me, me, me. i like the straw house. do you mind i live in your house?amy: of course not. what about you, anne?anne: en.id like to build a wood house. dont you think its muh more stable?amy: so, anna, how about you?an

9、na: id like to build a much more firm house, so i decide to build the brick house. jason: ok, lets start!(amy carries a bundle of straw and build a simple house with them soon.)amy (excited): wow, i have my own house! its so easy.anne: you are really speedy. i think i have to work harder to finish m

10、y house as soon as possible.(jason moves into amys house quickly. anne cut down a lot of wood and finish her house the next day. however, anna are still moving the bricks day and night.)jason: hey, look! how stupid she is! i dare say he wouldnt finish it until the next year.anne: i wonder why you wa

11、ste so much time on building a house. amy: you are just like a fool! i finished my house just half a day. and now, as you see, im living a comfortable life with jason.jason: yes, yes!anna: different people have different life style. i dont consider it a foolish behavior.(and then anna keep silence a

12、gain and focus on her house building without resting. three months later, she also finished her beautiful house.)act 3characters: three little pigs: amy: the eldest child anne: the second child anna: the youngest child jason: a crow who is the three little pigs friend macheal: the crude wolf (one da

13、y, amy is watering the flowers, anne and anna are taking a nap in their own house. no one have expected that the wolf would come.)amy: check it out, jason. this flower is so beautiful. (no one respond because jason is looking into the distance.) amy: hey, jason. are you listening?(still no one respo

14、nd)amy: im getting angry if you dont answer me.jason: be quiet! there is someone coming. i cant see it clearly. oh, its a wolf!amy: what? a wolf?(without hesitation, amy and jason go into tthe house and hide behind the door.)amy: wha.wha.what should we do? im so scared.jason: i dont know either. mac

15、heal (with a sardonic laugh): youd better come out by yourself. in that way, ill treat you better.(amy and jason didnt answer)macheal: ok, its your own choice.(the wolf took a deep breath and blew off the straw house of amy instantly. amy and jason ran away and prepared to go to annes house.) amy: i

16、m so fat that i cant run fast. what can i do? i regret that i have eaten too much before.jason: its not time to think about these things, ok? just run to annes house.(they arrive at annes house soon)amy: anne, help, help! the wolf is coming. open the door.anne: what happened? come in.amy: hu.we are

17、safe.jason: anne, are you sure your house is firm enough?anne: yes, sure, i build the house all by myself. no one knows better than me. jason and amy: thanks god (however, after a few minutes, the wood house is shaking.)anne: whats wrong? is there an earthquake?jason: i am afraid notmacheal: do you

18、think the wood house can protect you? impossible!(the wolf knocks the wood house again and again. as was expected, he finally knocks it down. then amy, anne and jason run to annas house)amy: you said your house was strong enough, but nowanne: do not say those useless things, run! (fortunately, they all rush into annas house before the wolf catches them. the wolf knocks the stone-wall, but he only breaks his back. therefore, he is thinking for other methods.)amy: do you think the wolf can breaks into the hous


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