



1、精品文檔 Tentative Program (For Private Sector) BOI Delegation Visit to Guangzhou - Shenzhen, Guangdong Province 泰國投資促進委員會代表團廣州,深圳行程表(初稿) 17th -20th September, 2008 2008年9月17日-20日 As of 7 th September, 2008 Target industries: Automobile parts, Die parts and metal processing, Mould manufacturing, Machine

2、ry manu facturi ng, Electric manu facturi ng and ICT in dustries. 目標產業(yè): 汽車零配件,模具金屬加工零配件,模具制造,機械制造,電子制造和ICT產業(yè)。 Wednesday 1刃 September 2008:Ba ngkok-Gua ngzhou 2008年9月17日:曼谷一廣州 10:45Leave from Bangkok to Guangzhou by TG668 乘坐 TG668 號航班曼谷出發(fā) 14:35Arrive at Gua ngzhou Baiyu n In ternatio nal Airport抵達廣州白

3、云國際機場 18:00Check-in at HOTEL LANDMARK CANTON (4 Stars)入住華廈大酒店 (四星) th Thursday 18 September 2008:Guangzhou-Shenzhen 2008年9月18日:廣州深圳 07:00-08:00 Breakfast 早餐 09:00-12:00 Seminar on “ ThailandChina Guangdong Investment Opportunities ” at rd Magn olia auditorium (3 floor), Guangzhou Garden Hotel “泰國-中國

4、廣東投資機遇交流會”,地點:廣州花園酒店三樓玉蘭廳 For Chinese entrepreneurs, Magnolia auditorium (3rd floor) 中國企業(yè)家,地點:廣州花園酒店三樓玉蘭廳 09:15 Sign in 簽到 09:30Seminar briefing by . (Moderator)主持人介紹 09:35 Welcome remarks given by leader of Guangdong Provincial Enterprises Confederation.廣東省企業(yè)聯合會領導致辭 09:45Opening address by Consul G

5、eneral of Royal Thai Consulate General in Gua ngzhou (TBC) 泰王國駐廣州領事館總領事致開幕辭(待確定) 10:00 Speech on “nvestment Opportunities in Thailand by Mr. Chitaworn Worasak, Deputy Secretary Gen eral of BOI 泰國投資促進委員會副秘書長Mr.Chitaworn Worasak 泰國投資機遇”主題演講 10:30 Share experience from Chinese Investor in Thailand by M

6、r. Feng li (Assista nt of CEO) Minth-Aapico (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 泰國Minth-Aapico有限公司CEO助理馮力先生分享泰國投資經驗 精品文檔 10:40 Q&A 問答 For Thai entrepreneurs, Dahlia auditorium (3rd floor) 泰國企業(yè)家,地點:廣州花園酒店三樓芍藥廳 09:30 Introduction of Guangdong Board of Investment Promotionby Represe ntative of Guan gdo ng Board of In

7、 vestme nt Promoti on (TBC) 廣東投資促進局介紹(廣東投資促進局代表)(待確定) 09:40 Introduction of Guangdong economic and international trade by Represe ntative of Guangdong Board of In vestme nt Promoti on (TBC) 廣東經濟情況和對外貿易簡介(廣東投資促進局代表)(待確定) 10:10 Introduction of Guangdong investment policy and related rules and regulati

8、on by Represe ntative of Guan gdo ng Board of In vestme nt Promoti on (TBC) 廣東吸引外商投資相關政策和法規(guī)(廣東投資促進局代表)(待確定) 10:40 Q&A 問答 Chinese and Thai entrepreneurs at Magnolia auditorium (3rd floor) 中泰企業(yè)家一對一投資洽談地點:廣州花園酒店三樓玉蘭廳 11:00 12:00-13:00 16:00 18:00 In dividual bus in ess match ing 對一投資洽談 Lunch午餐 Leave fr

9、om Guangzhou to Shenzhen 離開廣州前往深圳 Arrive in Shenzhen 抵達深圳 Check-in at Days Inn Hotel Shenzhen (4 Stars)入住 深圳戴斯酒店(4 星) 19:00-20:30 Dinner晚餐 Friday 19th September 2008: Shenzhen 2008年9月 19日: 深圳 07:00-08:00 Breakfast 早餐 10:00-12:00 Visit Shenzhen Grand Industrial Zone (TBC) 參觀深圳大工業(yè)區(qū) (待確認) 12:00-13:00 L

10、unch午餐 14:00-16:00 Visit Shenzhen Yantian Port Group Company Limited (TBC) 拜訪深圳鹽田港集團 (待確認) 18:00-19:30 Dinner晚餐 th Saturday 20 September 2008:Shenzhen-Hong Kong 2008年9月20日:深圳-香港 07:00-08:00 Breakfast 早餐 09:00-12:00 Seminar on “ ThailandChina Guangdong Investment Opportunities ” at rd Shenzhe n audit

11、orium (3 floor), Shenzhen Shangri-La Hotel “泰國-中國廣東投資機遇交流會”,地點: For Chinese entrepreneurs, Shenzhen auditorium (3rd floor) 中國企業(yè)家,地點:深圳香格里拉大酒店三樓深圳廳 09:15Sign in 簽到 精品文檔 09:30Seminar briefing by .(Moderator)主持人介紹 09:35 Welcome remarks give n by leader of Guan gdo ng Provi ncial En terprises Confederat

12、ion.廣東省企業(yè)聯合會領導致辭 09:50 Speech on “nvestment Opportunities in Thailand by Mr. Chitaworn Worasak, Deputy Secretary Gen eral of BOI 泰國投資促進委員會副秘書長Mr.Chitaworn Worasak “泰國投資機遇”主題演講 10:25 Share experience from Chinese Investor in Thailand by Mr. Feng li (Assista nt of CEO) Mi nth-Aapico (Thaila nd) Co., L

13、td. 泰國Minth-Aapico有限公司CEO助理馮力先生分享泰國投資經驗 10:40 Q&A 問答 For Thai entrepreneurs, Zhuhai auditorium (3rd floor) 泰國企業(yè)家,地點:深圳香格里拉大酒店三樓珠海廳 09:30 Share experience from Thai Investor in china by 泰國企業(yè)分享在中國投資經驗 10:40 Q&A 問答 Chinese and Thai entrepreneurs at Shenzhen auditorium (3rd floor) 中泰企業(yè)家一對一投資洽談地點:深圳香格里拉大酒店三樓深圳廳 11:00 In dividual bus in ess matchi ng 對一投資洽談 12:00-13:00 Lunc


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