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1、Coherence in textual translationBy Hu Pengzhi 1. definitionl連貫:詞語、小句、句群在概念、邏輯上合理、恰當?shù)剡B為一體的語篇特征。連貫(李運興P160)lCoherence is clearly not a mere feature of texts, but rather the outcome of cognitive processes among text users. lCohesion(銜接): 通過詞匯和語法手段得以實現(xiàn)lCoherence (連貫):可以借助信息的有序排列來達到l連貫可使用“一明一暗”兩種方式:“明”指運

2、用詞匯手段,即所謂“連貫標記”(coherence markers),暗則指信息的合理排列,是一種無標記的連貫。2. Case of non-coherencel句內(nèi)連貫不當; 句群內(nèi)連貫不當;句群間連貫不當le.g. l蜜蜂這物件,最愛勞動。廣東天氣好,花又多,蜜蜂一年四季都不閑著。釀的密多,自己吃的可有限。每回割蜜,給它們留一點點糖,夠它們吃的就行了。它們從來不爭,也不計較什么,還是繼續(xù)勞動、繼續(xù)釀蜜,整日整月不辭勞苦.(楊朔荔枝蜜)lVersion 1: The bees are industrious while our province has good weather and pl

3、enty of flowers. They work the whole year round, and eat only a fraction of the honey they produce. Each time we extract it we leave them a litter sugar. They never argue or complain, just go on producing honey day after day. (英漢對照中國文學現(xiàn)代散文卷)lRevised: The bees are industrious. They work year round, s

4、ince our province has warm weather and plenty of flowers. Though they produce much honey, they eat only a fraction of it. Each time we extract it we leave them a little sugar. They never argue or complain, while just go on producing honey day after day. 3. Proper approaches adoptable.l3.1. 邏輯重組(logi

5、c reshuffling): the reconstruction of coherence configuration(連貫結構) l從本質(zhì)上說乃是思維轉(zhuǎn)換過程:譯者的思路要經(jīng)歷一個從原文連貫結構到譯語連貫規(guī)范的轉(zhuǎn)換。le.g.: 英語句群的邏輯層次多呈顯性;漢語句群的邏輯層次則可呈隱性l白楊(white poplar)不是平凡的樹。它在西北極普遍,不被人重視,就跟北方的農(nóng)民相似;它有極強的生命力(vitality),磨折(hardship)不了,壓迫(oppression)不倒,也跟北方的農(nóng)民相似。(茅盾白楊禮贊)lWhite poplars are no ordinary trees.

6、 (But) these common trees in Northwest China are as much ignored as our peasants in the North. However, like our peasants in the North, they are bursting with vitality and capable of surviving any hardship or oppression. (張培基譯)3.2 邏輯順組(邏輯順組(logic copying)l如果分析不當,造成誤解,就會變得謹小慎微,不敢解放思想,不敢放開手腳,結果是喪失時機,猶

7、如逆水行舟,不進則退。(鄧小平文選第三卷)lOvercautious, emancipate, like a boat sailing against the current, one must forge ahead or be swept downstreamlVersion 1. If we fail to make a proper analysis and thus incur misunderstanding, we will become overcautious and dare not emancipate our minds and act boldly. Conseque

8、ntly, we will lose opportunities. Like a boat sailing against the current, we must forge ahead or be swept downstream. (Beijing Review)lVersion 2. If we fail to analyze it properly and to understand it correctly, we shall become overcautious, not daring to emancipate our minds and act freely. Conseq

9、uently, we shall lose opportunities. Like a boat sailing against the current, we must forge ahead or be swept downstream. 3.3 語篇推進層次語篇推進層次 (textual progressing)l行文的脈絡,一個語篇,大到整個篇章,小到一個句群,總是按某一思維層次展開的。lDiscipline means choice. Every time you say yes to a goal or objective, you say no to many more. Eve

10、ry prize has its price. The prize is the yes; the price is the no. lVersion 1. 紀律意味著有取有舍。每當你對一個目標或目的表示同意,你實際是對好多目標表示了不同意。任何大獎都有代價。同意的是大獎;同意的是大獎;不同意的就是代價不同意的就是代價。lVersion 2. 紀律就是說它有選擇性,每當你肯定一個目標或?qū)ο蟮臅r候,你同時也否定了更多的目標。每種獎勵都有它的代價,肯定的是獎勵,肯定的是獎勵,否定的是代價。否定的是代價。lVersion 3. 自律就意味著有取有舍有取有舍。每當你選取選取了一個目標,也就同時舍棄舍棄

11、工其他許多目標。每項成績的獲得都要付出代價。成績來自你的所所取取,代價就是你的所舍所舍。3.4 語篇意向語篇意向 (textual intention)lThe Soviets began to withdraw their forces form Afghanistan. The Vietnamese started leave Cambodia. Iran and Iraq, apparently locked in an endless battle whose frightful carnage(屠殺、殘殺) over tiny increments of land and use o

12、f poison gas recalled World War I, agreed to a cease-fire. The Cubans seemed ready to leave Angola and the South Africans to leave NamibialVersion 1. 蘇聯(lián)開始從阿富汗撤兵,越南著手離開柬埔寨。伊朗與伊拉克顯然已陷入一場無休無止的戰(zhàn)爭。為爭奪寸土之地,雙方不惜陳尸遍野,施放化學毒氣,令人想起第一次世界大戰(zhàn)的情景,而今亦同意停火了。古巴看來也愿離開發(fā)哥拉,南非準備離開納米比亞。lRevised:l為爭奪彈丸之地,尸橫遍野,施放毒氣,似乎已陷入猶如第一

13、次世界大戰(zhàn)的深淵的依朗和伊拉克,而今已同意停火。l依朗和伊拉克而今也已同意停火,雖然它們曾為為爭奪彈丸之地,尸橫遍野,施放毒氣,似乎已陷入猶如第一次世界大戰(zhàn)的深淵3.5. 連貫的調(diào)整和補充(連貫的調(diào)整和補充(coherence readjustment and coherence complement)l恰逢山外集會(country fair/market day) ,獵手一不做二不休騎著自行車馱著只狼仔上了路。(4只狼仔當做4只狼狗仔很快就出了手。)lIt happened to be the time of the country fair outside the mountains. I

14、n for a penny, in for a pound. They hunter put his gain on his bike and set out on his journey/ journeyed to the fair. (There he sold them as baby dogs in a moment.)l我當時是接管中央美術學院(Central Academy of Fine Arts)的軍代表。聽說白石老人是教授,每月到學校一次,畫一張畫給學生看,作示范表演。有的學生提出要把他的工資停掉。l我說:“這樣的老畫家,每月來一次畫一張畫,就是很大的貢獻。.”lI was

15、then the military representative at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. I was told that Baishi was a professor there and that he came to the academy once a month. Every time he came he would paint a picture as an example for the students to imitate, but some of them proposed that his salary should be

16、stopped since he came so infrequently. lI argued: ”To an old artist like him, painting a picture in a month has been a great contribution”3.6 敘述思路的轉(zhuǎn)換敘述思路的轉(zhuǎn)換 (shift in line of thought)l現(xiàn)在,他正銜著旱煙管,扒在洞窟隨手撿翻。他當然看不懂這些東西,只覺得事情有點蹊蹺。為何正好我在這兒時墻壁裂了縫呢?.(余秋雨道士塔)lWith a pipe in his mouth, Taoist Wang jumbled through his new discoveries in the cave. Of course, he didnt know their value. He just felt it strange, thinking


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