



1、problem a:eradicating ebola問題一:根除埃博拉the world medical association has announced that their new medication could stop ebola and cure patients whose disease is not advanced. build a realistic, sensible, and useful model that considers not only the spread of the disease, the quantity of the medicine ne

2、eded, possible feasible delivery systems, locations of delivery, speed of manufacturing of the vaccine or drug, but also any other critical factors your team considers necessary as part of the model to optimize the eradication of ebola, or at least its current strain. in addition to your modeling ap

3、proach for the contest, prepare a 1-2 page non-technical letter for the world medical association to use in their announcement.世界醫(yī)學學會已經宣布他們發(fā)現了新的藥物可以阻止埃博拉病毒并能治愈病情不再惡化的病人。創(chuàng)建建立一個現實的、明智的和有用的模型,該模型不僅考慮了疾病的蔓延、需藥物的量、可能可行的輸送系統(tǒng)、交貨地點、疫苗或藥物的生產速度,也要包括你的團隊認為必要的其他關鍵因素,該因素應作為優(yōu)化根除埃博拉病毒模型的一部分,或者至少作為目前的應變的手段。除了提交本次比賽

4、建立模型的方法外,還要提交一個1-2頁的非技術性的信,作為世界醫(yī)學協會在其公告使用的。problem b:searching for a lost plane問題2:尋找失去的飛機recall the lost malaysian flight mh370. build a generic mathematical model that could assist searchers in planning a useful search for a lost plane feared to have crashed in open water such as the atlantic, pac

5、ific, indian, southern, or arctic ocean while flying from point a to point b. assume that there are no signals from the downed plane. your model should recognize that there are many different types of planes for which we might be searching and that there are many different types of search planes, of

6、ten using different electronics or sensors. additionally, prepare a 1-2 page non-technical paper for the airlines to use in their press conferences concerning their plan for future searches.回憶失蹤的馬來西亞mh370飛機。建立一個通用的數學模型,協助“搜尋者”規(guī)劃的一個有用的搜尋方案,尋找一架從a點飛到b點失蹤的飛機,飛機可能墜毀在開放水域如大西洋、太平洋、印度、南或北冰洋。假設有從墜落的飛機上沒有收到任

7、何信號。你的模型應該確認我們可能搜索到的飛機有許多不同類型的,也有許多不同類型的搜索用飛機。這些飛機經常使用不同的電子設備或傳感器。另外,準備一個1-2頁的非技術的計劃,作為航空公司在他們的新聞發(fā)布會使用的、關于他們未來搜索的計劃。icm problems icm的問題problem c:managing human capital in organizationsclick the title below to download a pdf of the 2015 icm problem c. 問題c:管理在組織中人力資本單擊標題下面下載pdf 2015 c icm的問題managing h

8、uman capital in organizations管理在組織中人力資本managing human capital in organizations building an organization filled with good, talented, well-trained people is one of the keys to success. but to do this, an organization needs to do more than recruit and hire the best candidates they also need to retain g

9、ood people, keep them properly trained and placed in proper positions, and eventually target new hires to replace those leaving the organization. individuals play unique roles within their organizations, both formally and informally. thus, the departure of individuals from an organization leaves imp

10、ortant informational and functional components missing that need to be replaced. this is true for sports teams, commercial companies, schools and universities, governments, and almost any formal group or organization of people.管理在組織中人力資本建立一個組織滿是優(yōu)秀的,有才華的,訓練有素的人是成功的關鍵之一。但要做到這一點,一個組織需要做到多招募和招聘最優(yōu)秀的候選人,他

11、們還需要保留優(yōu)秀人才,使他們受到正確地訓練和放置在適當的位置,并最終選用新員工來取代那些離開組織的。在他們的組織中個人扮演獨特的角色,包括正式和非正式的。因此,個體從一個組織的離開會使重要的信息和功能組件缺失,需要更換。這適用于體育團隊、商業(yè)公司、學校和大學、政府、和幾乎任何正式的團體或組織的人。 human resource (hr) specialists help senior leadership manage personnel by improving retention and motivation, coordinating training, and building goo

12、d teams. in particular, leaders seek to create an effective organizational structure, where people are assigned to positions appropriate to their talents and experience, and where efficient communication systems are in place to facilitate development of innovative ideas and quality products (commodi

13、ties or services). these talent management and team building aspects of hr management are remaking many modern organizations. 人力資源(hr)專家?guī)椭邔庸芾砣藛T通過改進保留和激勵、協調培訓,建立良好的團隊。特別是領導人尋求創(chuàng)建一個有效的組織結構,人們被分配到適合自己的才能和經驗的崗位,以及高效的通信系統(tǒng)來促進發(fā)展的創(chuàng)新理念和優(yōu)質的產品(商品或服務)。這些人才管理和團隊建設方面的人力資源管理是許多現代組織重塑。problem d:is it sustainable?cl

14、ick the title below to download a pdf of the 2015 icm problem d. d:問題是可持續(xù)的嗎?單擊標題下面下載pdf的2015 d icm的問題。is it sustainable?它是可持續(xù)的嗎?one of the largest challenges of our time is how to manage increasing population and consumption with the earths finite resources. how can we do this while at the same time

15、 increasing equity and eradicating poverty? since the beginning of the modern environmental movement in the 1960s, balancing human needs with the earths health has been a topic of considerable debate. are economic development and ecosystem health at odds? in order to reconcile this difficult balance

16、, the concept of sustainable development was introduced in the 1980s. 我們這個時代最大的挑戰(zhàn)之一是如何管理增長的人口和消費與地球的有限資源。我們如何能做到這一點,同時增加股本和消除貧困嗎?年初以來現代環(huán)保運動在1960年代,平衡人類需求與地球的健康一直是一個相當大的爭論的話題。是經濟發(fā)展和生態(tài)系統(tǒng)健康格格不入?為了調和這一困難的平衡,可持續(xù)發(fā)展的概念,介紹了在1980年。sustainable development is defined by the 1987 brundtland report as “developme

17、nt that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” since its conception, sustainable development has become a goal for international aid agencies, planners, governments, and non-profit organizations. despite this, striving towards

18、a sustainable future has never been more imperative. the united nations (un) predicts the worlds population will level at 9 billion people by 2050. this, coupled with increased consumption, places a significant strain on the earths finite resources. understanding that the earth is a system that conn

19、ects both time and space is critical to sustainable development. development must focus on needs (e.g., reducing the vulnerability of the worlds poor) and limitations (e.g., the environments ability to detoxify wastes). in 2012, the un conference on sustainable development recognized that: “that pov

20、erty eradication, changing unsustainable and promoting sustainable patterns of consumption and production and protecting and managing the natural resource base of economic and social development are the overarching objectives of and essential requirements for sustainable development.” decreasing per

21、sonal poverty and vulnerability, encouraging economic development, and maintaining ecosystem health are the pillars of sustainable development.可持續(xù)發(fā)展由1987年布倫特蘭報告定義為“發(fā)展既滿足現代人的需求又不損害子孫后代的能力滿足自己的需要?!备拍钜詠?可持續(xù)發(fā)展已成為國際援助機構的目標,規(guī)劃者,政府和非營利組織。盡管如此,努力邁向可持續(xù)發(fā)展的未來從來沒有更多的當務之急。聯合國(聯合國)世界人口預計將在90億人到2050年水平。這一點,再加上增加消費

22、,地方地球有限資源緊張的局面。認識到地球是一個系統(tǒng),連接時間和空間是可持續(xù)發(fā)展的關鍵。(如開發(fā)必須專注于需求。,減少世界貧困人口)的脆弱性和局限性(如。、環(huán)境解毒廢物)的能力。2012年,聯合國可持續(xù)發(fā)展大會認識到:“消除貧困,改變不可持續(xù)的和促進可持續(xù)消費和生產模式和保護和管理自然資源基礎的經濟和社會發(fā)展的總體目標和基本要求是可持續(xù)發(fā)展?!皽p少個人貧困和脆弱,鼓勵經濟發(fā)展,和維護生態(tài)系統(tǒng)健康可持續(xù)發(fā)展的支柱。problem statement the international conglomerate of money (icm) has hired you to help them us

23、e their extensive financial resources and influence to create a more sustainable world. they are particularly interested in developing countries, where they believe they can see the greatest results of their investments. 問題陳述國際企業(yè)集團的錢(icm)已聘請你幫助他們使用廣泛的金融資源和影響力來創(chuàng)建一個更可持續(xù)的世界。他們特別感興趣的是發(fā)展中國家,他們相信他們可以看到他們的

24、投資最大的結果。task 1: develop a model for the sustainability of a country. this model should provide a measure to distinguish more sustainable countries and policies from less sustainable ones. it can also serve to inform the icm on those countries that need the most support and intervention. some factors

25、 may include human health, food security, access to clean water, local environmental quality, energy access, livelihoods, community vulnerability, and equitable sustainable development. your model should clearly define when and how a county is sustainable or unsustainable. 任務1:開發(fā)一個模型,一個國家的可持續(xù)性。這個模型應

26、該提供一個衡量區(qū)分更可持續(xù)的國家和政策和可持續(xù)的。它還可以用來通知icm在那些最需要的國家的支持和干預。一些因素可能包括人類健康、食品安全、干凈的水,當地的環(huán)境質量,能源獲取、生計、社區(qū)脆弱性和公平可持續(xù)發(fā)展。時要清晰地定義您的模型和一個縣是可持續(xù)的和不可持續(xù)的。task 2: select a country from the united nations list of the 48 least developed countries (ldc) list (/en/pages/aldc/least%20developed%20countries/un-li

27、st-of-least-developed-countries.aspx). using your model and research from task 1, create a 20 year sustainable development plan for your selected ldc country to move towards a more sustainable future. this plan should consist of programs, policies, and aid that can be provided by the icm within a co

28、untry based on their demographic, natural resources, economic, social and political conditions. 任務2:從聯合國列表中選擇一個國家的48個最不發(fā)達國家(ldc)列表(/en/pages/aldc/least%20developed%20countries/un-list-of-least-developed-countries.aspx)。使用您的模型和任務1的研究,為你創(chuàng)建一個20年可持續(xù)發(fā)展計劃選擇ldc國家走向一個更可持續(xù)的未來。這個計劃應該包括計劃、策略和ic

29、m所提供的援助,可以在一個國家根據其人口、自然資源、經濟、社會和政治條件。task 3: evaluate the effect your 20-year sustainability plan has on your countrys sustainability measure created in task 1. predict the change that will occur over the 20 years in the future by implementing your plan in your evaluation. based on the selected coun

30、try, you may need to consider additional environmental factors such as climate change, development aid, foreign investment, natural disasters, and government instability. the icm would like to get the “most bang for their buck”, so determine which programs or policies produce the greatest effect on

31、the sustainability measure for your country. identifying highly effective strategies to be implemented is the ultimate goal of the icm to create a more sustainable world. 任務3:評估影響你20年可持續(xù)性計劃已經在你的國家的可持續(xù)性衡量任務1中創(chuàng)建。預測的變化將發(fā)生在未來的20年通過實施你的計劃在你的評價?;谒x擇的國家,您可能需要考慮額外的環(huán)境因素如氣候變化、發(fā)展援助、外國投資、自然災害,以及政府的不穩(wěn)定。icm希望獲得最

32、大利益,所以確定哪些項目或政策的可持續(xù)性措施產生最大的影響。識別非常有效的戰(zhàn)略的最終目標是實現icm創(chuàng)建一個更可持續(xù)的世界。task 4: write a 20-page report (summary sheet does not count in the 20 pages) that explains your model, your sustainability measure, your sustainability development plan, and the effect of your plan based on your model and the countrys en

33、vironment. be sure to detail the strengths and weaknesses of the model. the icm will use your report to invest in sustainability development intervention strategies for specific ldc countries. good luck in your modeling work! 任務4:寫20頁的報告(匯總表不計算在20頁)這就解釋了你的模型,你的可持續(xù)性措施,可持續(xù)性發(fā)展計劃,你的計劃根據你的模型的影響和國家的環(huán)境。一定要

34、詳細模型的優(yōu)點和缺點。icm將使用你的報告投資可持續(xù)性發(fā)展為特定ldc國家干預策略。祝你好運在你的建模工作!possible resources un sustainable development knowledge platform () ecological footprint (/en/index.php/gfn/page/footprint_basics_overview/) world bank data (http:/data.worldbank.or

35、g) international institute for sustainable development (/sd/) 可能的資源聯合國可持續(xù)發(fā)展知識平臺()生態(tài)足跡(/en/index.php/gfn/page/footprint_basics_overview/)世界銀行的數據()國際可持續(xù)發(fā)展研究所(/sd/)references world commission on environment and development (wced). 1987. our common future. new york: oxford university press, 1987, 8. united nations. th


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