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1、v1.0可編輯可修改每課一練:Less on One Ano ther School Year - What forI. Directions: Choose the best an swer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.1. The meeti ng wasover by the mayor to discuss the tax raise in the city.A. presumed B. propelled C. presided D. pricked2. Although cats cannot see in complete

2、 dark ness their eyes are much moreto light tha n huma n eyes are.A. glow ingB. sen sitiveC. brillia nt D. gloomy3. Every year a nu mber of stude nts graduate from the school which willnewstude nts the first week in September.A. absorb B. in clude C. en roll D. register4. If you want to clarify the

3、fact, you n eed two wit nesses tothat is yoursig nature.A. no tifyB. certify C. assure D. assume5. Relying on his, the doctor cured the seem in gly in curable patie nt.A. approach B. con fide neeC. faith D. expertise6. of his pion eeri ng work in the late 1930s, Earl Hines has bee n called theFather

4、 of moder n jazz pia no.A. As a result B. In support C. In the interestD. For the sake7. A com mun ity isonly whe n the humblest and weakest pers on can enjoy thehighest civil,economic, and social rights that the biggest and powerful possess.A. con flict ingB. frie ndlyC. democratic D. hostile8. He

5、had wan ted a 25% raise in pay, but after talk ingto his boss, he decided thata 5% raise would have to.A. suffice B. modify C. gratify D. delight9. In engineeringprojects, a laser beam is oftenused to the hardest11v1.0可編輯可修改substa nces.A. grind B. pen etrateC. concen trateD. melt10. Early explorers

6、were confronted by thetribesmen of the interior.A. profo und B. descriptive C. prospective D. savage11. Dr. Hill has just received an invitationfrom Washington Universityto join theas a fulltime professor.A. committee B. associati on C. i nstitutio nD. faculty12. Snakebites are not fatal, but they c

7、an sometimes cause death if not treatedimmediately.A. occasi on allyB. in evitablyC. ever D. n ever13. With data freelyfor reanalysis, it is of utmost importanee to all of usnot to be show n wrong by subseque nt an alysis.A. dreadful B. ha ndful C. useful D. available14. The impact of the earthquake

8、 enormous tsunamis that flood coastal regionsa thousa nd or more miles away.A. gen eratesB. runs C. draws D. lifts15. His speech rambled for half an hour, but theof what he had said was thattoo many people have too little mon ey.A. material B. purposeC. esse neeD. content16. That was a(n) remark for

9、 him to make, and all of us who knew him well didn tknow why.A. easy B. peculiar C. timid D. obscure17. Our knowledge of dinosaurs is whollyfrom the bones that has been foundhere and there buried in the gro und.A. acquired B. retained C. absorbed D. sought18. Much of northern Canada lies within the

10、Arctic Circle, andice or the sparsevegetatio n known as tun dra( 凍原).#v1.0可編輯可修改A. it is perma nen tly covered byB. by perma nen tly it is coveredC. is perma nen tly covered by itD. it is covered by perma nen tly19. The chief justice of the United States presides over the Supreme Count duringoral ar

11、gume nts and in conferences.A. of which decisi ons concern B. have importa nt decisi onsC. that importa nt decisi onsD. concerning importa nt decisi ons20. Documentary evidenee supports claims thatthe New World in about 1000.A. reached the VikingsB. the Vikings reachedC. reach ing the VikingsD. the

12、Vikings that reached21. According to some educators, the goal of teaching is to help students learn whatto know to live a well-adjusted and successful life.A. do they n eed B. they n eed C. they are n eeded D. as they may n eed22. I wish I hadn t been so busy yesterday, otherwise I you with the clea

13、ning.A. will have helped B. should help C. could have helped D. could help23. Just as the builder is skilled in handling of his bricks,the experieneedwriter is skilled in the han dli ng of his words.A. asB. so C. thus D. like24. Research indicates that some that get ahead usually have _ strong desir

14、e toavoid _ failure.A. a / B. /a C. the / D. aa25. The Internet was first started by the . armya com muni cati on system.A. inB.forC. withD. as26. “I mreally tired and there aresomany thingsto do. ”“Well, if it wouldbeany help, I would do some cook ing.”A. inB.ofC. withD. for27. Iof going up to Scot

15、land at the end of December, but I ve only got a fewday s holiday.33v1.0可編輯可修改A. think B. have thought C. will think D. am thi nking28. Throw some bits of bread in the pond. Fishand eat it.A. are going to come B. will come C. are to come D. were coming29. To fit in with the development of the market

16、 economy, factoriesshould guaranteehigh speedgood quality.A. either or B. not but also C. both and D. n either nor30. If therepeace, we must try in every way to prevent war.A. is to be B. will be C. should be D. is going to beII. Directio ns: Tran slate the followi ng senten ces into En glish.1. 我們來

17、這兒不是為了閑坐,而是為了幫助你們解決實際問題。(notbut)2. 我的汽車平均每星期消耗汽油五十升。(to average out)3. 他開始專門畫鳥,后來又專門寫關于鳥類的文章。(to specialize in)4. 我們也可能由于聽從了我們所欽佩的人的勸說而去從事不適合我們的工作。(as aresult of)5. 中國已與世界經(jīng)濟越來越緊密地聯(lián)系在一起,尤其在加入世貿(mào)組織以后。(to be on theway to doing)6. 他講話講到中間忘詞了。(to be stuck for)45v1.0可編輯可修改7. 我們必須確保使原子能用于和平事業(yè),造福人類。(to see t

18、o it that )8. 要想更多地了解我們所居住的這個世界,我們應該接觸不同的文化。(to be exposed to)9. 這些商店企圖誘惑人們?nèi)ベI他們不需要的東西。(to be out to do)10. 年輕人往往朝前看,而老年人喜歡回顧過去,在這一點上,所有的國家都如此。(to betrue of)Lesson 1 KEYI. 1 5 CBCBD 6 10 ACABD 1115 DBDAC1620 BAADB 2125 BCBAD 2630 BDBCAII.1. We are here not to sit idle, but to help you (to) solve the

19、practical problem.2. My car s petrol consumption averaged out at 50 liters a week.3. He specialized first in painting birds and later in writing about them.4. We may also be persuaded to embark on a career for which we are un suited as a result of follow ing the advice give n by people whom we admir

20、e.5. China is on the way to beco ming more closely related to the world economy especially after its WTO accessi on.6. In the middle of the speech, he was stuck for words.7. We must see to it that atomic en ergy is used for peaceful purposes and welfareof mankind.55v1.0可編輯可修改8. To learn more about t

21、he world we live in, we should be exposed to differe nt cultures.9. These shops are out of trick people into buying what they don t need.10. The young tend to look ahead while the old like to look back upon the past. This is true of all n ati ons.Less on Two Maheegu n My BrotherI. Directions: Choose

22、 the best an swer from the four choices marked A, B, C andD.1. With in a month after he retur ned home, myfather had grow nand simply wan tedto try his luck elsewhere.A. rele ntB. restless C. numb D. alert2. Turbulenee in the air causes images to , as anyone can see in the twinklingof stars .In a te

23、lescope, images become blurred and resoluti on is lost.A. expa ndB. i ncreaseC. wiggle D. mobilize3. Whenl found the light switch, the unshaded bulb only illuminated two small cats,sitt ing on the tableround the in side of the empty ham tin.A. lick ingB. digesti ng C. eat ingD. swallow ing4. The pro

24、spect ing team traversed far and wide inof min eral deposits.A. exam in atio nB. pursua nee C. search D. case5. Salm on have bee n known toup waterfalls as eleve n feet i n their journeyto the places where they spaw n.A. leap B. limp C. withhold D. thrill6. You feel unhappy now because you got sick

25、andcouldn t go with your friends,but it will tur n out.A. for the better B. for the best C. for the sake D. for yourself7. This matter isn t very important, and shouldn tus very long.#v1.0可編輯可修改A. deta in B. refrain C. withhold D. preve nt8. The city willthese build ings to make room for the new hig

26、hway.A. tear off B. tear out C. tear away D. tear dow n9. Many companies are reducing personnel costs by overtime,cuttingpart-timeworkers and forci ng full-timers to take early retireme nt.A. smotheri ngB. skim ming C. slash ingD. skipp ing10. The water had beenout for half an hour before the workma

27、n came to repairthe water pipe.A. spurt ing B. spri ngingC. spurri ngD. stirri ng11. The nurse the skin covering his vein with the syringe(注射器) and injectedthe medici ne.A. pursued B. pieced C. pin chedD. radiated12. The boy who broke the cupunder the table, trying to hide from his angryfather.A. cr

28、ouched B. craved C. cashed D. con gested13. Hethe children for fear that they should destroy his garden.A. drove on B. drove round C. drove over D. drove off14. A luxury expresstrain jumped the tracks on a bridge in eastern India,killing at least 50 on the spot. According to the Northern Railway spo

29、kesman, the deathis expected to rise.A. figure B. poll C. toll D. span15. You can t help people who won t admit they need help. They are as proud asaand would rather starve tha n take a penny from anyone.A. tiger B. lio n C. peacock D. squirrel16. I happened to be caught in a shower. It was just a c

30、ouple of minutesI waswet through.A. before B. since C. that D. until77v1.0可編輯可修改17. I was leaving for the jewelry shop, forgetting my appointment with my dentist,my wife remin ded.A. as B. which C. whe nD. whom18. The best known books of Ross Macdonald, writer of detective novels, featurethe charact

31、er LewArcher, a private detective.A. the B. is an C. they are by D. a19. In the eastern part of New Jersey, a major shipping and manufacturingcen tre.B. lies the city of ElizabethA. which lies the city of ElizabethC. is lies the city of ElizabethD. the city of Elizabeth lies20. Jean Wagner s most en

32、duringcon tributi on to the study of Afro-America npoetry#is his in siste nee that itin a religious, as well as worldly, frame torefere nee.A. is to be an alyzedB. has bee n an alyzedC. be an alyzedD. should have bee n an alyzed21. Scientistssay it may be five or ten yearsit is possible to test this

33、 medicineon huma n patie nts.A. whe n B. after C. beforeD. since22. The traffic was very heavy, , and so wearrived after the start of the program.A. this was completely un expected B. which was completely un expectedC. that was completely un expected D. it was completely un expected23. My phone call

34、 to the electricianas I subsequently discovered my wife hadphoned.A. needn t be madeB. should nt be madeC. needn t have been made D. didnt have to be24. Alaska found the first years of its statehood costly because it had to take overthe expe nse of servicespreviously by the federal gover nment.v1.0可

35、編輯可修改A. to provide B. be provided C. providi ng D. provided25. The man looked back from time to time, as ifwho was following him.A. see ingB. to see C. saw D. to be see ing26. With age, the mi neral content of huma nbones decreases, them more fragile.A. thereby making B. make C. and to make D. which

36、 it makes27. The geocentricidea was abandoned in the 17th century,partly as a result of thewrit ings of Coper nicusobservati ons made by other astr ono mers.A. and also were B. not only because of C. also because were D. and also because of28. Play a major role in the economic life of the United Sta

37、tes,.A. wome n curre ntly make up 46 perce nt of the work forceB. the wome n curre ntly make up 46 perce nt of the work forceC. wome n curre ntly they make up 46 perce nt of the work forceD. 46 perce nt of the work force is curre ntly made up of wome n29. Uni oved and unwan ted youn gsters may be te

38、mpted to run away from home to escapetheir problems,bigger ones in cities filled with crime, drugs andimmorality.A. have only found B. only finding C. only found D. only to find30. Most psychologists agree that the basic structure of an in dividual spers on ality is.A. well established extremely by

39、the age of fiveB. by the age of five it is extremely well establishedC. extremely well established by the age of fiveD. by the age of five and extremely well establishedII. Directio ns: Tran slate the followi ng senten ces into En glish.1. 當老師走進來時,教室里安靜了下來。 (to quiet dow n)99v1.0可編輯可修改2.大風還沒有完全減弱,現(xiàn)在

40、仍有一股強勁的風猛吹著這些花卉。(to blow itself out)3.這部電影非常有意思,我們很喜歡看。(o nly tooto do)4.冋題的方方面面現(xiàn)在都已清楚。(to come into focus)5.離那兒不遠,你可以看到一個路標,指明你所要去的那個鎮(zhèn)的方向。(to point to)6.計算機的一大長處就是能存儲并記憶大量信息。(to store)7.她摸黑四處尋找電燈開關。(to feel)8.據(jù)悉在十九世紀之前人類還未涉足南極洲。(notuntil)9.他們剛想放棄這個問題,卻突然找到了答案。(whe n)10.我收集了大量資料后才開始與論文。(before)Lesso

41、n 2 KEYI. 1 5 BCACA 6 10 BADCA 1115 BADCC1620 ACDBC 2125 CBCDB 2630 ADADCII.1. When the teacher walked in, the class quieted dow n.2. The gale had not quite blow n itself out. Even now a hard breeze whipped at the#v1.0可編輯可修改flowers.3. The film is very interesting. We are only too pleased to see it.4

42、. All the sides of the questio n have come into focus now.5. Not far from there, you ll see a signpost pointing to the town where you wantto go to.6. One adva ntage of a computer is that it can store and remember a great deal ofin formati on.7. She felt about in the dark for the light switch.8. No h

43、uma n is known to have set foot upon An tarctica un til 19th cen tury.9. They were just about to give up the question, when suddenly they found the answer.10. I had collected an amount of data before I set down to write the papers.每課一練Less on Three More Crime and Less Puni shme ntI. Vocabulary & gra

44、mmar:Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.1. Thedriver thinks accide nts only happe n to other people.A. averageB. com monC. usual D. no rmal2. His argume nt does not suggest that mankind canto be wasteful in theutilizati on of these resources.A. resort B. grant C. affor

45、d D. en title3. Despite his occasi onal fondn ess for gambli ng, he is still con sidered as a goodboy.A. as a whole B. for the whole C. by the wholeD. on the whole4. You must let me have the annual report withoutby ten o clock tomorrowmorni ng.A. failure B. hesitati on C. trouble D. fail5. This worl

46、d diving champion wasfrom the national team; the news has been1111v1.0可編輯可修改fron t-page report in the country for several days.A. dismissed B. displayed C. dispersed D. disarmed6. Although organic farming is more labor intensiveand thus initially quite it may be less expensive in the long term than

47、conventional farming.A. high B. costly C. dear D. overpaid7. Mass producti on is on ly in an economy with a highly developed tech no logy.A. feasible B. permissible C. allowable D. receivable8. Some day software will tran slate both writte n and spoke n Ian guage so well thatthe n eed for any com mo

48、n sec ond Ian guage could.A. desce nd B. decli ne C. deteriorate D. depress9. The teacher his less on about France with photographs of the people who livethere.A. in dicatedB. protected C. illustratedD. in structed10. Legislaturesare con sideri ng whether the druglaws for possessi on of marijua naar

49、e tooA. vague B. harsh C. diverse D. covered11. Fear of the snarling watchdogthe salesman from entering the house.A. delayed B. deterred C. dimi nished D. deformed12. After explaininghis points in detail, he made a(n) remark that drug-takingis harmful and vicious and therefore must be eliminated.A.

50、convincing B. credulous C. uni mag in able D. groun dless13. The hard truth is that what may be acceptable inculture may not beacceptable in mass culture.A. esse ntialB. diverse C. elite D. cross14. A foreman s job is tothe men while they work, to see that they do thejob properly and dont waste time

51、.A. con trolB. urge C. guard D. supervise#v1.0可編輯可修改15. A New Zealand man was recentlyto life imprisonment for the murder of anEn glish tourist, Monica Can twell.A. puni shed B. accused C. sentenced D. put16. It has been estimated that only 21 percent of the world s land surfacecultivatable and that

52、 only perce nt is actually un der cultivatio n.A. are B. have bee n C. has bee n D. is17. The million of calculations involved, had they been done by hand,allpractical value by the time they were fini shed.A. would have lost B. could lose C. ought to have lost D. might lose18. First designated in 19

53、70, Earth Day has become an annual international eventconcerns about en viro nmen tal issue such as polluti on.A. dedicated to raise B. dedicated to rais ingC. dedicati ng to rais ingD. to be dedicated to raising19. It is useful to be able to predict the extentwhich price changes willaffect supply a

54、nd dema ndA. from B. with C. for D. to20. It is often more difficult to find trainedmenthan for a research project.A. get finan cial supportB. getti ng finan cial supportC. to get finan cial supportD. to getti ng finan cial support21. Only thenaware of the fact that there were more difficulties ahea

55、d thanhe had expected.A. he became B. did he became C. did he become D. he becomes22. Because they are gen erally take n simply to obta in a recog ni zableand relativelyclear image, most non professi onal photographs dema ndequipme nt.A. few B. a little C. a few D. little23. Even if they are on sale

56、, these refrigerators are equal in price to, if not moreexpe nsive tha n,as the other store.1313v1.0可編輯可修改A. the one B. others C. that D. the ones24. His teacher recommended that hea foreign Ianguage in his freshman yearin stead of wait ing un til the follow ing year.A. would take B. take C. took D. had take n25. I tried to relax because I knew I would use up my oxygen sooner.A. the more excited I gotB. I got excited m


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