1、成長全家搬到了 那兒沒有學(xué)校, 格萊迪絲的正式教育也就此結(jié)束, 于是格萊迪絲就呆在家里干家務(wù), 一直到她 17歲, 隨 21歲時(shí)結(jié)了婚。但除了這一點(diǎn)以及各自所受的教育不同 發(fā)色和牙齒都十分相似。她們之間的在社交中也顯得很從容,有修養(yǎng)。格Unit 8 Nature and NutureIn-class reading 課內(nèi)閱讀 參考譯文基因、環(huán)境與雙胞胎1遺傳與環(huán)境究竟哪一個(gè)影響更大呢 ?在相當(dāng)大的程度上,一個(gè)人生來具有的潛力將決定 他一生的作為。 因此遺傳即命運(yùn),是命中注定的東西。然而, 基因并不是在真空中發(fā)揮作用 的;一旦我們開始認(rèn)識(shí)到基因在個(gè)人發(fā)展中所起的作用, 我們就會(huì)明白, 沒有與其相
2、互作用 的環(huán)境,就不可能有任何個(gè)人的發(fā)展。沒有一個(gè)特點(diǎn)是完全由環(huán)境或者完全由基因造成的。2遺傳和環(huán)境的相對影響在同卵雙胞胎中最易觀察到。 大多數(shù)的同卵雙胞胎是在一起撫養(yǎng) 長大的, 因而無論在外表還是行為上都驚人地相像。 這些實(shí)例證明, 若在同樣的環(huán)境中撫養(yǎng) 成長,具有相同基因的個(gè)體就會(huì)以幾乎同樣的方式對環(huán)境作出反應(yīng)。 但這些例子并不能說明 如果把這些同卵雙胞胎分開撫養(yǎng)會(huì)發(fā)生什么情況。3對分開撫養(yǎng)的同卵雙胞胎已進(jìn)行了許多研究。 被研究的這些雙胞胎都生活在美國, 的自然環(huán)境幾乎相同,并且具有幾乎相同的營養(yǎng)史。因而,正如所料,他們在外表、身高和 體重上極其相似。也有例外:一對雙胞胎中的一個(gè)患了相當(dāng)嚴(yán)
3、重的疾病而另一個(gè)卻沒生?。?但是總體而言, 同卵雙胞胎, 甚至從嬰兒時(shí)就分離的同卵雙胞胎, 在心理和身體上會(huì)如此相 似,給每個(gè)人留下了深刻的印象。4在對從一出生就分離的 19 對雙胞胎的研究中, 研究者發(fā)現(xiàn), 其中約三分之二的雙胞胎之 間的差異與一起長大的雙胞胎之間的差異一樣不明顯。 這有力地說明了基因的影響力和環(huán)境 作用的局限性。 然而, 必須記住的是, 盡管被研究的同卵雙胞胎生活在不同家庭里且相距甚 遠(yuǎn),但總體而言, 那些家庭的環(huán)境基本上沒有什么差異。 通常都會(huì)千方百計(jì)地將每個(gè)孩子安 置在和他自己原來的家庭背景相同的家庭里, 因而發(fā)現(xiàn)這些雙胞胎成長中有不少相似之處就 不足為奇了。 但是在那
4、些分開撫養(yǎng)的雙胞胎的生長環(huán)境有較大差異的實(shí)例中, 雙胞胎之間的 差異就很大。下面的例子說明了在對比度很大的環(huán)境中成長的同卵雙胞胎的情況。5格萊迪絲和海倫出生于俄亥俄州的一個(gè)小鎮(zhèn),在大約 18 個(gè)月時(shí)被分開撫養(yǎng)。 她們直到 28歲才再次相遇。 海倫被領(lǐng)養(yǎng)了兩次。 她最初的養(yǎng)父母結(jié)果靠不住, 兩年后海倫又被送回到孤 兒院。 過了幾個(gè)月, 她再一次被住在密歇根東南部的一對農(nóng)場主夫婦領(lǐng)養(yǎng)。此后 25年她一直住在那里。她的第二個(gè)養(yǎng)母盡管本身沒受過什么教育,卻下決心要讓海倫得到良好的教育; 海倫最終大學(xué)畢業(yè),教了 12年的書, 26歲時(shí)結(jié)婚,并有了一個(gè)女兒。6格萊迪絲被加拿大的一個(gè)列車乘務(wù)員及其妻子領(lǐng)養(yǎng)。
5、 她讀三年級(jí)的那一年, 加拿大落基山脈一帶一個(gè)相當(dāng)偏僻的地方, 直到全家搬到安大略省后才得以繼續(xù)。后在一家針織廠工作。 19歲那年她去了底特律,找到一份工作,7海倫在兒童和成年時(shí)期都一直比格萊迪絲健康, 之外,她們的生活環(huán)境十分相似。她們的體重、身高、 區(qū)別顯然與她們各自的家庭生活和社交生活不同有關(guān)。8海倫自信、舉止得體、充分利用了她外表的優(yōu)勢, 萊迪絲則害羞、 忸怩、 沉默寡言, 缺乏迷人或優(yōu)雅的風(fēng)度。 一位研究她們的科學(xué)家曾經(jīng)說過: “這兩個(gè)雙胞胎之間的懸殊差異真可謂是大學(xué)教育的頗有說服力的廣告?!?考慮到她們環(huán)境方面的經(jīng)歷的本質(zhì)不同,海倫和格萊迪絲之間的差異也就不足為怪了。 由于心理特點(diǎn)
6、在很大程度上取決于經(jīng)歷, 可想而知心理特點(diǎn)也反映經(jīng)歷。 另一方面, 那些不 易受環(huán)境影響的特點(diǎn)更有可能在同卵雙胞胎中表現(xiàn)出高度的相似性。 盡管基因十分重要, 但精選文庫2我們的能力會(huì)達(dá)到什么程度由基因注定,而我們?nèi)绻銓﹄p胞胎感興趣的話,那么雙胞胎鎮(zhèn)會(huì)使你著迷。從1976年起的每個(gè)夏天,這個(gè)位于俄亥俄州克里夫蘭郊外的小鎮(zhèn)都會(huì)擠滿眾多的雙胞去年夏天,有2,356對雙胞胎從世界各地來到這里,參加并觀看游行、焰火、魔術(shù)表演、同樣的房子,同樣的飲食,同 或許是你能準(zhǔn)確衡量先天遺傳和是基因本身決不能完全決定任何一個(gè)特點(diǎn)。真正做了什么則主要由環(huán)境決定。After-class readi ng 課外閱讀參考
7、譯文科學(xué)再次關(guān)注雙胞胎2胎。五公里賽跑以及一百多項(xiàng)的比賽:評選出年紀(jì)最大的、年紀(jì)最小的、最像的、最不像的,以 及兩人相加笑起來嘴咧得最大的雙胞胎。3你要是去過那兒的話,你可能會(huì)注意到有很多科學(xué)家也參加了這個(gè)盛會(huì)。有些科學(xué)家是來尋找引起疾病的緣由一一例如皮膚病、癌癥、心臟病。另外一些科學(xué)家則對雙胞胎自身的 感受感興趣。但是在所有的科學(xué)家中, 從事最重要的 一一也是最有爭議的 一一工作的是這樣 一些科學(xué)家,他們專門研究先天遺傳和后天培養(yǎng)這個(gè)由來已久的問題,即研究有關(guān)我們是如何發(fā)展成現(xiàn)在這個(gè)樣子的。4為什么我們有些人精通數(shù)學(xué)或擅長寫作,而另外一些人則在藝術(shù)或籃球上出類拔萃?是什么造成了我們在智力、才
8、能和品味上的差異?這些主要是由我們從父母那里繼承來的基因(先天遺傳)決定的嗎?同我們的生活經(jīng)歷(后天培養(yǎng)),也就是我們成長的社會(huì)環(huán)境又有多大關(guān)系呢?5如果你是一個(gè)對這個(gè)問題感興趣的科學(xué)家,你難道不想研究一下同卵雙胞胎嗎?想一想:從同一受精卵發(fā)育出來了兩個(gè)人。也就是說,兩個(gè)人有完全相同的基因。同卵雙胞胎之 間存在的任何不同都只能是他們成長環(huán)境不同的結(jié)果。但是你能說他們之間的任何相同點(diǎn)都是基因相同的緣故嗎?6不一定吧。記住,大多數(shù)雙胞胎都有相似的成長環(huán)境 樣的親戚等等。研究分開在不同環(huán)境下?lián)狃B(yǎng)的同卵雙胞胎, 后天培養(yǎng)所起的作用的唯一辦法。7在過去的10年間,由心理學(xué)家小托馬斯-J 布沙爾帶領(lǐng)的一組
9、科學(xué)家研究了大約65對分開撫養(yǎng)的同卵雙胞胎。他們還研究了大約45對分開撫養(yǎng)的異卵雙胞胎。8科學(xué)家們把每對雙胞胎帶到明尼蘇達(dá)大學(xué)進(jìn)行為期一周、深入細(xì)致的檢測。小組里的醫(yī)生和牙醫(yī)們給這些雙胞胎進(jìn)行了全面的體檢。他們記錄了雙胞胎的身高、體重、眼睛顏色、耳朵的形狀和頭圍。9同時(shí),心理學(xué)家們還對雙胞胎進(jìn)行了智商和性格測試。為了測試性格,心理學(xué)家們設(shè)法 測定了:雙胞胎們對事情擔(dān)憂的程度,他們是謹(jǐn)慎型的還是魯莽型的,以及他們的創(chuàng)造力如何。他們根據(jù)雙胞胎們對一些陳述的回答來衡量這些方面以及其他一些性格特征,這些陳述包括“我很少魯莽行事”,“木柴燃燒的火焰激發(fā)我的想象力”等。一周結(jié)束時(shí),每個(gè)雙胞 胎都回答了大約
10、15,000個(gè)問題。10布沙爾小組對分開撫養(yǎng)的雙胞胎之間的相似之處感到非常吃驚。例如他們的手勢和姿勢經(jīng)常很相似,真是令人驚奇。在照片上,很多雙胞胎擺出的姿勢幾乎一模一樣。有些同卵雙 胞胎還發(fā)現(xiàn)他們的生活方式極其相似。11 “吉姆兄弟”是布沙爾研究的第一對同卵雙胞胎, 他們出生四周后就被不同的家庭領(lǐng)養(yǎng)。 他們都在俄亥俄州長大,彼此相隔 45英里。當(dāng)他們在39歲重逢時(shí),發(fā)現(xiàn)了一系列驚人的相精選文庫3同之處:二個(gè)人都叫吉姆,都開同一型號(hào)的藍(lán)色雪佛蘭,都喜歡做木工,都有啃手指甲的習(xí) 慣,養(yǎng)的狗都叫“ Toy”。兩個(gè)人都有傍晚頭痛的毛病,都是在18歲時(shí)開始的。12 在吉姆兄弟之間所發(fā)現(xiàn)的相同點(diǎn)在明尼蘇達(dá)
11、小組研究的雙胞胎身上都普遍存在。有些對明尼蘇達(dá)研究工作持批評態(tài)度的人說“這些巧合沒什么可奇怪的”。他們認(rèn)為每個(gè)人的生活里都有很多的細(xì)節(jié),因此必然會(huì)有巧合。而且,對于異地?fù)狃B(yǎng)的同卵雙胞胎之間發(fā)現(xiàn)的任何 一個(gè)巧合,持懷疑態(tài)度者都能指出大量未被發(fā)現(xiàn)的不同點(diǎn)。同一對雙胞胎可能有不同型號(hào)的電視機(jī),支持不同的足球隊(duì)。但不同點(diǎn)是不會(huì)被報(bào)道的,因?yàn)樗鼈儾粫?huì)使人吃驚。13但是除了巧合之外,明尼蘇達(dá)的科學(xué)家們收集并分析了有關(guān)雙胞胎的健康、智力和個(gè)性方面的大量數(shù)據(jù)。布沙爾認(rèn)為,有關(guān)異地?fù)狃B(yǎng)的同卵雙胞胎的數(shù)據(jù)清楚地顯示了:先天遺傳,即我們所繼承的基因,對我們的生活有顯著的影響。該小組發(fā)現(xiàn),這些同卵雙胞胎在身高、 指紋
12、和心率等生理特征方面極其相似。成年的同卵雙胞胎還往往有相似的病史,例如同時(shí)得了青光眼。14明尼蘇達(dá)小組報(bào)告說智力似乎也更受基因的影響而不是環(huán)境。雖然由不同的家庭撫養(yǎng)長大,布沙爾小組研究的同卵雙胞胎在成人智力測驗(yàn)中所得的分?jǐn)?shù)完全相同或幾乎相同。15但是最令人吃驚的是,明尼蘇達(dá)小組發(fā)現(xiàn)基因?qū)τ趥€(gè)性的形成起著重要作用,例如,會(huì) 決定我們是否尊重傳統(tǒng)、循規(guī)蹈矩,還是會(huì)成為堅(jiān)定的離經(jīng)叛道者。根據(jù)布沙爾的看法,你 與生俱來的基因?qū)δ闶欠褡孕拧⒖鞓?、樂觀或者對世界上的事是否持消極態(tài)度有很大影響。明尼蘇達(dá)小組的一位心理學(xué)家,南希西格爾說,“這項(xiàng)研究令人信服地表明:基因影響人們行為的每個(gè)方面?!?6另一些科學(xué)家
13、不同意這個(gè)說法。他們質(zhì)問,既然光是對智力的定義就多種多樣,你們又怎么能夠去研究智力是否是遺傳的呢?他們認(rèn)為同樣的問題也存在于其他的性格特征中。17布沙爾本人表示了這樣的觀點(diǎn),即使是他所研究過的最相似的雙胞胎也是彼此不同的。因此即便基因?qū)ξ覀兊纳钣泻艽蟮挠绊?,它們也不是唯一起影響作用的因素。我們的日常?jīng)歷也有助于塑造我們。18你知道這意味著什么:為了考試,你還得學(xué)習(xí)!課內(nèi)閱讀練習(xí)答案P art OnePrep arati on1. Talk ing about TwinsSamp les1)I knew a set of twins in my class in the middle scho
14、ol. They looked alike and usually dressed alike so we ofte n got them mixed up. They were very close to each other and could excha nge their ideas quickly. But they had quite different personalities: one was shy, quiet, and self-conscious while the other was self-c on fide nt and op timistic.2)I thi
15、nk it s because there aren t many twins around us. People are always curious about things that they rarely see. Ano ther reas on for their curiosity is p robably that twi ns resemble each other,which is very unu sual among other people.3) They must be proud because they are differe nt from others.Th
16、ey may feel happy because they can enjoy each others company at home.They may feel l on ely because it may be more difficult to make friends with other people.They may feel bored and discouraged because every day they will see the mirror image of themselves.They may ofte n feel jealous of each other
17、 since they are comp et ing for their parents love精選文庫42) con elude7) p redeterm ine3) account8) reactandatte nti on.2. Nature, Nurture or BothSamp les1) Nature and nurture: A person can have n atural tale nts, but mastery always takes some effort.You have to try to succeed.2)Nature: No matter what
18、the hairdo (hair style) is, their hairli nes stay the same. This trait is dueto the genes that the mother p assed on to her son.3)Nature: There s nothing wrong with Julie s nose. Some people have the genes to smell freesia,others don t.4)Nurture: Are you wild about mysteries, adventures, or biograph
19、ies? Your tastes may be determ ined by the books that are available in your home or school.5)Nurture: Somebody s favorite clothes and color can change as quickly as the cover of a stylemagazine. You might say it s due to the JEANS, not the GENES.6)Nature: Genes determine whether a person s earlobes
20、are attached or detached.7)Nature and nurture: Your personality isn t determined only by genes. There are a lot of otherfactors that make you who you are, such as where you live and the people you meet.8)Nature and nurture: Practice makes p erfect! Melissa earned her po siti on as a star p layer bec
21、auseshe uses her athletic ability and works so hard.3. An in tellige nt mother makes an in tellige nt kid?Samp les-Yes, I agree. I can give a lot of evide nee to support this view. Take my best friend in high school for exa mple. His mother is very in tellige nt, excelli ng all the other stude nts i
22、n her class since her p rimary school days. She graduated from Qin ghua Uni versity and is now work ing in a research institute, involved in many high-tech projects, and has won many honors. Like his mother, my frie nd is also very in tellige nt. He was very quick- min ded and was always the first o
23、ne to raise his hand whe n the teacher asked some tough questi ons. He was the one I would turn to whe n I had questions and I was never disappointed. And like his mother, he is now studying in Qinghua Uni versity as well, majori ng in electro nic engin eeri ng. My mother is reas on ably in tellige
24、nt, so amI. And in choos ing a girlfrie nd, my No.1 criterio n is INTELLIGENCE!-No, I don t agree with that. Every one agrees that , which refers to ggneral in tellige nee, tends to run in families. Lots of studies have show n it and most people can see it whe n they look at their own families, frie
25、nds and acqua intan ces. Yet, so far no sin gle gene has bee n con clusively lin ked to in tellige nee. Rather it app ears to be a case of comp lex in teract ions on many levels betwee n many different genes -something known as polygenic inheritanee. So my view is that, for one thing, the in tellige
26、 nee of both parents would in flue nee the in tellige nee of a kid, and, for ano ther, the en viro nment that a kid grows up in would also in flue nee the in tellige nee of the kid.4. What makes us who we are?1) exp ected6) myth4)n urture5) argues9) con seque nces10) revoluti on精選文庫5Part Two11) betw
27、ee n12) creatureRead in g-Ce ntered ActivitiesIn-Class Read ingI. P re-Readi ngSamp leThe con clusi on is not justified because the sets of twins studied shared not only the same genes but also the same environment. Numerous studies have show n that both n ature and nurture p lay a part in personal
28、deve lopment.The similarities betwee n the sets of twi ns are not due en tirely togenes since en vir onment also p lays a role.III. Post-Readi ngReading Comp rehension1. Un dersta nding the Organi zati on of the Text1) Introduction ( Para.1)No characteristic is caused exclusively by either en vir on
29、ment or gen es.2)Research on the relative effects of heredity and environment ( Para. 2-8).A.Studies on identical twins raised together ( Para. 2)Findin gs: They are remarkably alike in both app eara nee and behavior.Implication: Individuals with the same genes, when raised in the same environment,
30、will respond to it i n much the same way.B.Studies on identical twins raised apart in similar environments ( Para. 34)Findings: They exhibited great psychological and physical likenesses.Imp licati on: This does not inform us of the po wer of genes and the limitati on of the effect of the environmen
31、t.C.Studies on identical twins raised apart in contrasting environments ( Para. 58)Findings of a case study on Gladys and Hele n:Their similarities: Their weight, height, hair color, and teeth were very similar.Their differences in personality: Helen was confident, graceful, made the most of her per
32、sonal appearanee, and showed considerable polish and ease in social relationships; while Gladys was shy, self-conscious, quiet and without charming or graceful manners.Imp licati on: Genes alone are n ever absolutely respon sible for any trait.3)Conclusion ( Para. 9)What we can do is set by the gene
33、s, but what we actually do is largely determined by theen vir onment精選文庫68) T1. 1) C 2) A3) C 4) C 5) A6) B7) B 8) B2. 1) resemble5) same2) alike 3) Like6) Ide ntical, same, alike4) similar3. 1) absolutely5) remarkably2) eve ntually3) obviously6) app roximately7) exclusively4) Similarly8) actuallyAf
34、ter-Class Read ingPart Three Further Devel opment1. En richi ng Your Word Power1) B 2) A 3) A 4) A 5) B 6) B 7) B 8) C9) B 10) A 11) B 12) C2. What do you know?Ste p One1) CDNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid (de-oxy-ri-bo-nu-cle-ic acid). DNA is a chemical in every cell of your body. It is sha p
35、ed like a long, twisted ladder. This sha pe is called a double helix.2) CDNA is found in all livi ng thin gs, in clud ing you! This amaz ing chemical tells each cell what to do and determ ines what an orga nism will look like.3) CScien tists are still debati ng how n ature and nurture work together
36、to make you who you are, but most agree that both p lay a role.4) BScien tists used to think that huma ns had about 100,000 gen es. Recen tly, it was discovered that we have about 10,000 to 20,000. We carry two copies of every gene, one copy from each parent.2. Un dersta nding Sp ecific In formatio
37、n1) F 2) F 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) T 7) FVocabulary P ractice5)CMany thin gs, such as what you eat, can affect how tall you g row. Even if you have tale nt, making art takes p 精選文庫7ractice. But eye color is a trait p assed on through gen es.6)BBefore Dolly, scie ntists used differe nt tech niq ues to clon
38、e an imals. Dolly was the first animal to be cloned from a cell of an adult mammal.7)CBelieve it or not, huma ns and chi mps have a lot of DNA in com mon! But as you can see, even small differe nces in gen etic codes can make big differe nces in what an orga nism looks like.8)BYou can t tell by look
39、ing at a fruit fly and a human, but they have a lot of similar DNA. In fact, scie ntists study the fruit fly genes to help adva nee medical kno wledge.9)BThe huma n genome has a lot of DNA that carries no in formati on and is not active gen etically.It s still a mystery to scientists why this DNA is
40、 there and what it does.10)CAlthough they can have very different personalities, identical twins are often difficult to tell apart p hysically. But the fingerprints of each are uniq ue.Step TwoSam pie:What Do You Know about DNA?Every day you hear people talk ing about DNA, but do you know what is DN
41、A and how it is related to our life? Let me tell you briefly.DNA is the short form of deoxyrib onu cleic acid. It is a chemical in every cell of our body, in the sha pe of a double helix. DNA is found in all livi ng thin gs, in cludi ng you and me! This amaz ing chemical tells each cell what to do a
42、nd determ ines what an orga nism will look like. Scien tists used to thi nk that huma ns had about 100,000 gen es. Recen tly, it was discovered that we have betwee n 10,000 to 20,000 huma n p rote in-codi ng gen es. We carry two copies of every gene, one copy from each parent. Liv ing beings depend
43、on gen es, as they sp ecify all p rote ins and functional RNA chains. Genes hold the information to build and maintain an organism cells and pass genetic traits to offspring. All orga ni sms have many genes corres ponding to various biological traits, some of which are immediately visible, such as e
44、ye color, or nu mber of limbs, and some of which are not, such as blood type or in creased risk for sp ecific diseases, or the thousa nds of basic biological p rocesses that comp rise life. Gen es, to a large exte nt, decide who we are, what we look like, and what we can do, but, of course, the envi
45、ronment we live in also p lays a part.Believe it or not, humans and chimps, the closest living relatives to humans, have a lot of DNA in com mon (about 98%)! But as you can see, even small differe nces in gen etic codes can make big differences in what an organism looks like. Youdon actually act or
46、look like a chimp,right?Prese ntly, only the function of a few percent of the DNA is known, the rest has bee n believed to be useless garbage, com mon ly called “ Jun kDNA* by molecular biologists. There is now in creas ing evide nee in dicat ing that this DNA is not. It hastjeen found till have var
47、iousregulatory roles, which means that this so- calleding DNA ” in flue nces the behavior of the genes, the “ coding DNA ” ,in important ways. However, the knowledge is still incomplete about this DNA. And there is little kno wledge about the relati onship betwee n non-codi ng DNA and the DNA of gen
48、 es. I believe scie ntists will 精選文庫8tell us more with the furtheri ng of their research.For Teachers:Strategies for Giving a sp eechPart OneThroughout history people have used p ublic sp eak ing as a vital means of com mun icati on. Pericles, the Greek leader, said more tha n 2,500 years ago, One w
49、ho forms a judgme nt on any point but cannot explain it clearly might as well never have thought at all on the subject. ” The same is true today. The ability to clearly and effectively com muni cate your thoughts and ideas is imp orta nt in both your personal and pro fessi onal life. Person ally, it
50、 can help you devel op dee per and more fulfill ing relati onships of all typ es. Professi on ally, it can help you sta nd out among your colleagues and atta in po siti ons of leadersh ip and in flue nee.Follow ing are some basic concepts of a sp eech:Orga ni zati on:ObjectivesGet the atte nti on an
51、d in terest of your audie nee; Reveal the topic of your sp eech;Establish your credibility (you are qualified to sp eak on a give n top ic) and good will;Preview the body of the sp eech.Begi nningDevicesRelate the topic to your audie nee;State the importance of your top ic;Startle the audie nee with
52、 an arrest ing and in trigu ing stateme nt;Arouse the curiosity of the audie nee;Questi on the audie nee;Begi n with a quotati on;Tell a story;BodyMai n P oi ntsNumber of main points: make a few main points sta nd out and be remembered;Strategic order of main points : chrono logical order, spatial o
53、rder, causal order, problem-solution order, top ical order, etc.PurpOSesSignal the end of the sp eech; Rein force the cen tral idea.En di ngDevicesSummarize your sp eech; End with a quotatio n;Make a dramatic stateme nt; Refer to the in troduct ion;Supp orting ev泊ence:Brief exa mples1. A brief exa m
54、ple may be used to in troduce a top ic.2. You can p ile them one upon the other un til you create the desired impressi on.Exte nded examplesA story, n arrative, or an ecdote deve loped at some len gth to illustrate a poi nt.Exam piesTyp esHypotheticalAn example that describes an imaginary or fictiti
55、ousexamples| situation.StatisticsUse rep rese ntative statistics;Choose statistics from a reliable source;Use correct statistical measures.精選文庫9Defin iti onA formal stateme nt about someth ing that you saw, know, or exp erie need, usually give n in a court of law.1Expert testim ony;Peer testim ony:
56、first -ha nd exp erie nee on the top ic.Testim onyTyp es2Direct quoti ng;Parap hras ing: exp ress ing by using differe nt words, esp ecially in order to make it shorter or clearer.Prese nti ng the speech:LanguageUse Ian guage accurately and approp riately.VoiceVolume, p itch, rate, p auses, vocal va
57、riety, articulati on, etc.DeliveryBodyPersonal app eara nee, moveme nt, gestures and po stures, eye con tact, etc.Visual aidsTi pse.g. using PowerP oint slides Keep visual aids simple; Make sure visual aids are large eno ugh; Use a limited nu mber of slides;Disp lay visual aids only whe n discuss in
58、g them; Talk to your audie nee, not to your visual aids; Explain visual aids clearly and con cisely.Part TwoFind two sample speeches, one to inform and the other to persuade, and 1) analyze the scripts together with the stude nts in terms of the orga ni zati on and the supporting evide nee used; 2)
59、watch the sp eeches to see how the sp eakers p rese nt the sp eeches.Part ThreeAsk the stude nts to work in groups, with each group preparing a sp eech, either an in formative sp eech or a p ersuasive sp eech. Each group chooses one rep rese ntative to deliver it to the whole class. Then in vite com
60、me nts from the whole class, using the concepts p rese nted in Step One.3.Relat ing Your Own Exp erie neeSamp les:1.1)Both my parents were occ upied with worki ng so I was raised by my gra ndparen ts. They were kind to me. They talked to me a lot, especially my grandmother. They told me about their
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