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1、喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料汽水系統(tǒng)流程圖汽水系統(tǒng)流程圖BOILERHPLPTURBINEGlandSealcoolerdeaerator排汽凝結成的凝結水被熱水井收排汽凝結成的凝結水被熱水井收集后,由凝結泵升壓,經軸封冷集后,由凝結泵升壓,經軸封冷卻器、低加進入除氧器,這部分卻器、低加進入除氧器,這部分的設備及連接管道就組成了凝結的設備及連接管道就組成了凝結水系統(tǒng)。水系統(tǒng)。After condensate water is collected by hot well, it is boosted by condensate pump, then is goes through gland

2、 seal cooler, LP heater and deaerator, equipment and pipes in this section form condensate water system. 喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料LPCONDENSERGlandSealcoolerdeaeratorpump排汽凝結成的凝結水被熱水井收集排汽凝結成的凝結水被熱水井收集后,由凝結泵升壓,經軸封冷卻器、后,由凝結泵升壓,經軸封冷卻器、低加進入除氧器,這部分的設備及低加進入除氧器,這部分的設備及連接管道就組成了凝結水系統(tǒng)。連接管道就組成了凝結水系統(tǒng)。 After condensate wa

3、ter is collected by hot well, it is boosted by condensate pump, then is goes through gland seal cooler, LP heater and deaerator, equipment and pipes in this section form condensate water system. BOILERHPTURBINE喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料CONDENSERDEAERATOR3LP4LP2LP1LPGLANDSEALCOOLER凝結水系統(tǒng)主要流程圖凝結水系統(tǒng)主要流程圖Main flow

4、 process drawing of condensate system喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料1LP1LP2LP2LP3LP3LP4LP4LP這是凝結水去除氧器的流程這是凝結水去除氧器的流程Flow process from condensate to deaerator 凝結水調節(jié)門凝結水調節(jié)門Condensate control valve喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料1LP1LP2LP2LP3LP3LP4LP4LP這是凝結水再循環(huán)的流程這是凝結水再循環(huán)的流程Condensate recycling flow process凝結水再循環(huán)凝結水再循環(huán)門門Condensate r

5、ecycling valve 喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料1LP1LP2LP2LP3LP3LP4LP4LP這是凝結水放水的流程這是凝結水放水的流程Condensate drainage flow process啟動放水門啟動放水門start drainage valve此門的作用是在開機凝結水不合格時放掉不合格的水。此門的作用是在開機凝結水不合格時放掉不合格的水。This valve is to discharge unqualified water when condensate is unqualified in unit startup time. 喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料1

6、LP1LP2LP2LP3LP3LP4LP4LP這是凝結水至凝結水補水箱的流程這是凝結水至凝結水補水箱的流程Flow process from condensate water to condensate replenishment tank喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料1LP1LP2LP2LP3LP3LP4LP4LP這是凝結水雜項管道這是凝結水雜項管道 Miscellaneous pipes of condensate 此段管路上裝有許多其它的管路,所以叫作此段管路上裝有許多其它的管路,所以叫作凝結水雜項管道。凝結水雜項管道。This section, which has many othe

7、r pipelines, is called miscellaneous pipes of condensate .喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料化學化學取樣取樣chemical sampling化學化學加藥加藥chemical dosingA、B真空泵補水管makeup water pump of vacuum pump A,B旁路一二次減溫水旁路一二次減溫水 bypass primary and secondary desuperheated water 高加緊高加緊急疏水急疏水擴容器擴容器HP heater emergency flash tank單級水封單級水封密封水密封水 sing

8、le stage water seal汽封減汽封減溫器溫器Gland seal cooler后汽缸減溫后汽缸減溫水水desuperheated water of rear casing喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料凝結水補水箱管路凝結水補水箱管路五號機五號機RFT200M35M3膨膨脹脹水水箱箱化學補水母管化學補水母管來水來水來自清潔來自清潔疏水泵疏水泵自自4 4號機號機RFTRFT進口進口去去6 6號機號機RFTRFT進口進口自自6 6號機號機RFTRFT至至低低加加6 6號機凝結水號機凝結水系統(tǒng)注水系統(tǒng)注水至至5 5號鍋號鍋爐上水爐上水至至6 6號鍋號鍋爐上水爐上水來自六來自六號機號機R

9、FTRFT至至6號機凝結水號機凝結水泵冷卻沖洗水泵冷卻沖洗水凝結水補水凝結水補水箱至凝結器箱至凝結器補水門補水門凝結器至凝凝結器至凝結水補水箱結水補水箱補水門補水門鍋爐上鍋爐上水泵入水泵入口管口管5 5號機凝結號機凝結水系統(tǒng)注水水系統(tǒng)注水至至5號機凝結水號機凝結水泵冷卻沖洗水泵冷卻沖洗水5 5號機號機RFTRFT至膨至膨脹水箱補水門脹水箱補水門喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料Condensate RFT (replenishment feed-water tank) pipeline#5 unit RFT200M35M3Expansion tankin water of chemical re

10、plen. main pipe from clean drainage pump From #4 unit From #4 unit RFT inletRFT inletTo #6 unit To #6 unit RFT inletRFT inletFrom #6 From #6 unit RFTunit RFTTo LP heater#6 conden. sys. #6 conden. sys. water injectionwater injectionTo #5 boiler To #5 boiler feed waterfeed waterTo #6 boiler feed water

11、From #6 unit RFTRFTTo cooling washing water of #6 condensate pumpRFT to condenser replen. valveCondenser to RFT valveInlet pipe of boiler water pump#5 unit cond. #5 unit cond. sys. water sys. water injectioninjectionTo cooling washing water of #5 condensate pumpReplen. Replen. Valve from Valve from

12、#5 unit RFT #5 unit RFT to to expansion expansion tanktank喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料 冷凝水泵的簡要介紹: Brief introduction of condensate pump 1設備名稱:凝結水泵; Title: condensate pump 1.1 冷凝水泵的作用是不間斷地把凝汽器熱水井中的凝結水抽出,保證凝汽器所必須的真空。 Function of condensate pump is to extracted out condensate water from condenser hot well, so as t

13、o ensure the necessary vacuum of condenser. 1.2 設備的安裝位置:汽機房底層. Equipment installation position: bottom layer of steam turbine house.喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料 1.3 凝結水泵配置:每臺機組配置100%容量的凝結水泵2臺,1臺運行,1臺備用。本期工程裝設2臺機組。 Condensate pump configuration:per unit is equipped with 2 condensate pumps with 100% volume,1 pump

14、 is in operation,1 pump is standby. Two units will be installed this phase. 1.4 輸送介質特性Conveyance medium characteristics 介質名稱:凝結水Medium title:condensed water 溶解氧 50 g/L Dissolved oxygen 50 g/ L 硬度 1.0 mol/L Rigidity 1.0 mol/L 喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料水泵 water pump冷卻位置cooling position水量water quantity(m3/h)水壓 w

15、ater pressure(MPa(a)最高水溫highest water temp.()水質water quality 凝結水泵condensate pump 機械密封mechanical sealing 0.8-1.20.25-0.438凝結水(來自凝結水泵出口母管)condensate water (from condensate pump outlet main pipe) 推力軸承thrust bearing0.8-1.20.25-0.6除鹽水demineralized water泵組需要的冷卻水水量、壓力、溫度和水質泵組需要的冷卻水水量、壓力、溫度和水質Condensate wat

16、er quantity, pressure, temp. & water quality 喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料泵使用工況點額定工況點(TMCR)最大工況點(VWO)項 目單 位泵 型 號NLT200-360X7 NLT200-360X7 (立式多級筒袋式)(立式多級筒袋式)揚 程m198198215215流量t/h406 (410m3/h)406 (410m3/h)455(459m3/h)455(459m3/h)效 率78.978.977.677.6轉 速r/min1480148014801480出水壓力MPa(a)1.9341.9342.1軸功率kW303303316316旋轉方

17、向逆逆 時針時針 (從(從 電機電機 向向 水泵水泵 看)看)泵重量kg46804680 凝結水泵電動機參數型 號YKKL400-4WYKKL400-4W額定功率kW355355額定電壓kV6.66.6同步轉速r/min15001500頻 率Hz5050絕緣等級F F防護等級IP55WIP55W重 量kg28002800冷卻方式IC611(IC611(空空冷卻空空冷卻) )冷凝水泵的技術規(guī)范冷凝水泵的技術規(guī)范 Technical Regulations of Condensate Pump 喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料Working Condition Point of Pump Appl

18、ication(TMCR turbine max. continuous rating)(VWO valve wide open)Max. working condition pointItemsunitPump modelNLT200-360X7 (vertical type multi-cylinder-bag type)Delivery headm198215Flowt/h406 (410m3/h)455(459m3/h)Efficiency78.977.6Speedr/min14801480Water outflow pressureMPa(a)2.1Shaft powerkW3033

19、16Rotating directionAnti-clockwise (seen from motor to water pump)Pump weightkg4680喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料冷凝水泵的操作冷凝水泵的操作Operation of condensate pump1 啟動前的準備工作:1.1 啟動前系統(tǒng)檢查完畢;1.2 聯(lián)系電氣測冷凝水泵電機絕緣,合格后送電。熱工送上出口電動門和再循環(huán)電動門電源;1.3 檢查入口門全開,凝汽器熱水井放水門關閉,凝汽器水位正常(從熱井底板內表面算起480mm),系統(tǒng)閥門位置正常;1 Preparations before Startup1.1

20、System check is finished before startup1.2 Contact electric part to measure the motor insulation of condensate pump; after its qualified, send power. I & C part sends power supply of outlet electric valve and recirculation electric valve.1.3 Check inlet valve to make sure its fully opened; the water

21、 releasing valve of condenser hot well is closed; water level in condenser is normal, and so is the valve position of system.喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料 1.4 檢查軸承油位正常,盤動轉子靈活; 1.5 檢查開啟密封水門、軸承冷卻水門、盤根冷卻水門及抽空氣門,同時注意凝汽器真空,水位是否變化,若真空下降,應立即關閉,查找原因; 1.6 冷凝水泵“聯(lián)鎖”在“解除”位置; 1.4 Check the oil level of bearing to make sure i

22、ts normal; the turning of rotor is flexible. 1.5 Check and open sealing water valve, bearing cooling water valve, gland packing cooling water valve and air extraction valve; meanwhile, pay attention to condenser vacuum, water lever to see if they drop or not; if vacuum drops, should close immediatel

23、y and find out reasons. 1.6 The “interlock” of condensate pump is in “release” position.喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料2 冷凝水泵的啟動:2.1 應在電動機與冷凝水泵聯(lián)結前確定電動機的旋轉方向是否正確,泵的轉動是否靈活;2.2 關閉出口閘閥;2.3 向泵內灌滿水;2.4 接通電源。當泵達到正常轉速后,再逐漸打開出口閘閥,并調節(jié)到所需要的工況。在出口管的閘閥關閉的情況下,泵連續(xù)工作的時間不能超過3分鐘。2 Startup of Condensate Pump2.1 Make sure the rotatio

24、n direction of motor is right before the connection of motor and condensate pump, and also ensure the rotation is flexible.2.2 Close the gate valve on press-out pipeline.2.3 Fill water into pump until its full; 2.4 Connect power supply. When the normal speed of pump is reached, and then gradually op

25、en the gate valve on press-out pipeline and regulate to the working condition required. Under the condition that the gate valve on press-out pipeline is closed, the continuous working time of pump shouldnt exceed 3 minutes. 喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料 3 冷凝水泵的停止: 3.1 逐漸關閉出口閘閥,切斷電源; 3.2 如環(huán)境溫度低于0,應將泵內水放出,以免凍裂; 3.

26、3 如長期停止使用,應將泵拆卸清洗上油,包裝保管; 3 Shutdown of Condensate Pump 3.1 Gradually close the gate valve on press-out pipeline, cut off power supply. 3.2 If environmental temperature is less than 0, water in pump should be released out to avoid pump freezing. 3.3 If pump is out of service for a long time, the pum

27、p should be disassembled and cleaned and filled with oil, pack it for storage.喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料4 冷凝水泵聯(lián)動條件:4.1 冷凝水泵處于備用狀態(tài);4.2 凝結水母管壓力低( 1.8 MPa),備用冷凝水泵聯(lián)鎖啟動;4.3 運行泵跳閘,備用冷凝水泵聯(lián)鎖啟動;4.4 凝汽器水位高( 1120 mm),備用冷凝水泵聯(lián)鎖啟動;4.5 凝汽器水位不低于250 mm。4 Interlocking Conditions of Condensate Pump4.1 Condensate pump is in stan

28、dby state.4.2 When the main pipe pressure of condensate water is low ( MPa), the standby condensate pump is started up by interlocking.4.3 Operating pump trips, standby condensate pump is started up by interlocking.4.4 When the main pipe pressure of condensate water is high ( MPa), the standby conde

29、nsate pump is started up by interlocking.4.5 Water level in condenser shouldnt be lower than mm.喀北電站汽機資料喀北電站汽機資料5 冷凝水泵備用條件:5.1 密封水投入; 5.2 盤根冷卻水投入;5.3 抽空氣門稍開;5.4 入口門全開;5.5 出口門開啟; 5.6 冷凝水泵不反轉;5.7 聯(lián)鎖投入; 5.8 軸承油位正常油質良好。5 Standby Conditions of Condensate Pump5.1 Sealing water has been put into operation.5.2 Gland root cooling water has been put into operation.5.3 Air extraction valve is opened a little.5.4 Inlet valve is fully opened.5.5 Outlet valve is opened.5.6 Condensate pump is not reversed.5.7 Interlocking has been put into operation.5.8 O


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