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1、中公留學(xué)無憂,讓留學(xué)更簡(jiǎn)單留學(xué)無憂lluxuwaE-jr雅思大作文常見的十大話題及200個(gè)相關(guān)分類詞匯一、教育(educatio n)學(xué)校教育schooli ng家庭教育upbri nging (pare nti ng)遠(yuǎn)程教育tele-educati on素質(zhì)教育quality-oriented education小(中、大)學(xué)教育 primary(sec on dary, tertiary) educati on男女同校co-educati on( segregated educati on)獲取知識(shí)acquire kno wledge傳授知識(shí)impart( in culcate) kno

2、 wledge灌輸高尚的道德觀in still high moral values 教學(xué)方法 teaching method學(xué)習(xí)成績(jī) academic performanee受過良好教育well-educated留學(xué)無憂是中公教育旗下專業(yè)留學(xué)品牌,核心業(yè)務(wù)涵蓋留學(xué)咨詢服務(wù)、外語考試培訓(xùn)服務(wù)。中公留學(xué)無憂,讓留學(xué)更簡(jiǎn)單留學(xué)無憂lluxuwaE-jr學(xué)科 discipli ne專業(yè)知識(shí)expertise死記硬背 learn things by rote倉 U造力 creativity塑造性格 shape(mould) one s character學(xué)生的反饋 students feedbacknp

3、ut)評(píng)價(jià)老師的教學(xué) evaluate teachers performanee理論知識(shí) theoretical knowledge、現(xiàn)代科技和大眾媒體 (modern scienee and mass media)信息時(shí)代 information age(era)不斷進(jìn)步的技術(shù) adva ncing tech no logy跟上科學(xué)的發(fā)展 keep ahead of scientific advances獲取最新的信息 acquire the latest messages留學(xué)無憂lluxuwaE-jr做些厭倦和復(fù)雜的工作 do some tiri ng(drudgery)a nd comp

4、licated work大眾媒體mass media信息量大的in formative缺乏感情交流 be lack of emotional exchanges新聞報(bào)道coverage 了解國(guó)內(nèi)外發(fā)生的一切 lear n what is happe ning at home and abroad收視率 audie nee rati ngs有教育意義的instructive接觸不良信息 have access to (be exposed to )some negative information有誤導(dǎo)性的 mislead in g(misreprese nted, distorted)虛假廣告

5、 false (cheating) advertising掩蓋真相 mask (cover up, gloss up, whitewash)the truth名人 celebrities丑聞 sca ndal侵犯隱私 violate(invade, infringe on, intrude on)one s privacy留學(xué)無憂lluxuwaE-jr道德準(zhǔn)貝 U code of ethics(c on duct)、全球化及影響(globalisation and its effect)經(jīng)濟(jì)全球化 economic globalisation文化同一性 cultural uniformity文

6、化多元化 cultural diversity文化沖擊 cultural shock主流文化 dominant culture促進(jìn)文化的融合 promote cultural integration融入新的文化 merge into new culture融入國(guó)際貿(mào)易 participate in the world trade相互認(rèn)同 mutual acceptanee雙贏局面 win-win situation接受不同的文化和價(jià)值觀 embrace differe nt cultures and values開拓全球市場(chǎng) explore the global market留學(xué)無憂lluxu

7、waE-jr擴(kuò)大出口 expand export吸引外資 attract foreign capital面對(duì)面交流 face-to-face com muni cati on友好和好客 be friendly and hospitable變得西方化 become westernised力卩大貧富差距 widen the gap between the rich and the poor對(duì)國(guó)內(nèi)企業(yè)構(gòu)成威脅 pose threats to domestic enterprises激怒當(dāng)?shù)厝?irritate local people四、文化與習(xí)俗 (culture and customs)跨文化交

8、流 cross-cultural com muni catio n傳統(tǒng)文化 traditional culture文化同化 cultural assimilation文化遺產(chǎn) cultural heritage文化習(xí)俗的象征 symbol of cultural customs留學(xué)無憂lluxuwaE-jr接受外來文化 embrace exotic culture縮短文化差距 bridge cultural gaps民族特性 national identity民族自豪感 a sense of national pride歸屬感 a sense of bel onging相互交流文化 excha

9、nge mutual culture吸取精華,去其糟粕 absorb the esse nee and discard the dross旅游觀光的風(fēng)景區(qū)tourist attraction風(fēng)土人情 local customs and practices促進(jìn)當(dāng)?shù)亟?jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展 boost the growth of local economy和平共處 coexist in harmony消除偏見和敵意 dispel(remove) prejudice and hostility展示光輝燦爛的文化和悠久的歷史display the brillia nt culture and longhistory

10、本土語言 indigenous language留學(xué)無憂lluxuwaE-jr不知不覺地消失fade unconsciously五. 政府話題(government)有關(guān)當(dāng)局 authorities concerned政府投資 investment of the government減少預(yù)算cut budget增加稅收 in crease reve nues消減開支 curtail expenditure on經(jīng)濟(jì)援助 financial assistance符合公眾禾 U益 be in keep in g(l ine) with gen eral in terest社會(huì)福禾social we

11、lfare武器 arms(weap ons, armame nts)基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施 infrastructure空間探索 space exploration提高國(guó)際地位 upgrade the international status留學(xué)無憂lluxuwaE-jr人道主義援助humanitarian aid擺脫貧困 get rid of (shake off)poverty醫(yī)療保健 health care system健康的生活方式healthy lifestyle公共交通 public transport豐富人們的精神生活 enrich people s spiritual life高尚的精神追求

12、lofty spiritual pursuit視覺享受 visual enjoyment六、犯罪話題(crime)犯罪分子criminal犯罪 commit a crime滋生犯罪breed crimes青少年犯罪率上升 a rising juvenile delinquency rate有罪 be guilty of第16頁留學(xué)無憂是中公教育旗下專業(yè)留學(xué)品牌,核心業(yè)務(wù)涵蓋留學(xué)咨詢服務(wù)、外語考試培訓(xùn)服務(wù)。留學(xué)無憂lluxuwaE-jr社會(huì)安全和穩(wěn)定 social security and stability暴力和色情 violenee and pornography 抵擋不住誘惑 fail t

13、o resist the lure 誤入歧途 go astray (lead somebody astray) 懲罰 give puni shme nt 關(guān)進(jìn)監(jiān)獄 put into prison 寵愛孩子 spoil the child家長(zhǎng)的溺愛 parental permissiveness (excessive care)單親家庭 single-parent family家庭暴力 domestic violenee缺乏家庭關(guān)愛 the lack of parental love監(jiān)護(hù)人 guardia n (supervisor, custodia n)監(jiān)管不嚴(yán) slack supervis

14、ion分辨是非 distinguish right from wrong凈化社會(huì)環(huán)境 purify the social environment留學(xué)無憂lluxuwaE-jr七、動(dòng)物話題(animal)棲息地habitat保持生態(tài)平衡 maintain the ecological balanee保護(hù)瀕危的動(dòng)物物種 preserve endangered animal species營(yíng)養(yǎng)物 nu trie nt(no urishme nt)均衡飲食 a balaneed dietto拿動(dòng)物 做實(shí)驗(yàn) perform experiments on animals (subjectanimalsex

15、perime ntati on)活體解剖vivisection逃脫不了被殘殺的厄運(yùn) cannot escape the adversity of being killed剝奪動(dòng)物的生存權(quán)利 deprive the survival(existe nt) rights of an imals染上傳染病 con tract (catch)some in fectious disease電腦模擬 computer simulation破壞自然環(huán)境(平衡)destroy(disrupt) n atural en vir onment (bala nee)留學(xué)無憂lluxuwaE-jr瀕臨滅絕 bord

16、er on exti nction, be in imminent dan ger of ext inction(dyingout), be on the verge of ext inction滿足人們的胃口 satisfy people s appetite素食主義者 vegetarian , antivivisectionist陪伴某人 keep somebody company忠實(shí)和溫順的伴侶 loyal and obedient companion消除孤獨(dú) dispel (reduce)one s Ioneliness孩子的替代 surrogate(substitute)for ch

17、ildren預(yù)防接種inoculation八、環(huán)境保護(hù)(environmental protection)環(huán)境污染 environmental pollution污染嚴(yán)重 highly polluted有毒的煙霧poisonous smoke廢氣(液)waste gas(liquid)留學(xué)無憂lluxuwaE-jr二氧化碳 carb on dioxide倒垃圾 dump rubbish舌L扔垃圾 litter rubbish everywhere浪費(fèi)自然資源 squander natural resource不衛(wèi)生的做法unsanitary practice無污染的燃料pollution-fr

18、ee fuel回收垃圾 recycle rubbish垃圾的處理 disposal of rubbish自然進(jìn)化過程 a natural evolutionary process適者生存 survival of the fittest毀林 deforestatio n不可彌補(bǔ)的損失 irreparable damage生態(tài)災(zāi)禍 ecological disaster自然選擇 natural selection水資源缺乏 water shortage, the scarcity of water resource in need of water留學(xué)無憂lluxuwaE-jrwater wast

19、e ( resources, polluti on)節(jié)約用水 save (economise)water九、平等(inequality)1 .男女平等 gender equality (equality between the sexes)男女生來就平等 men and woman are born equal男女搭配,干活不累 when menand womarwork together, neither of them willfeel tired性別(公開)歧視 sexual (overt)discrimination離婚率 divorce rate經(jīng)濟(jì)獨(dú)立 be financially

20、 independent享受平等的權(quán)禾enjoy(share) equal rights女性擅長(zhǎng)護(hù)理,藝術(shù)和語言 show more talents than menin nursing, arts andIan guage There is no n eed for them to get super well-groomed追求事業(yè) pursue a career具有同樣資格be equally qualified留學(xué)無憂lluxuwaE-jr與男性享有同樣的權(quán)禾share the same right as men特權(quán) privilege自尊 self-respect(esteem)為婦女保留高水平工作比例reserve a perce ntage of high-level jobs forfemales2.工資平等高工資 high salary differe ntial betwee n salaries擁有財(cái)富的量 owe the amount of monetary wealth對(duì)做出很大貢獻(xiàn) make great contributions to付出更多的努力 ex


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