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1、歷年高勺英洽融詞試題OK (08 全國 Un9 08) II* snot breakA. a; a 02、(08朮慶卷 A. a; theD. a; theI* vc gotucTgy.A. 1;不填D. a, the04、(08 ill 東卷 21)Shideiits should be encouraged to use Internet as resource.A不填;nB不填;theC. the; theD. the; a 05、(08 江蘇卷 *21) Wc went nght round to tl)e west coast byinead of driving acrofcont

2、inentB the: theC.不填 theseaA. the: theB.不填:theC. the:不填D.不塡:不填 06. (08 江 0*i 社 30) I am so soiiy to have coine late foi the meeting. It is not yow fault. Willimsh-hom traffic andheavy ram, it is nowonder you were lateA. a; aB. the; theC. /;/D. /; a07 w (08 浙:1卷,02)apple fell from the tree and hit him

3、 onheadA. An; theB. The; theC. An;不填D. The;不塡08、(08 湖南卷22)Havc you hcaidagain!A the. the不填B.不填.theuews?Ilic price ofpdi ol is going upC. the.不填D.不填.good idea Io drive for four hours withoutB. the; aC. the; the27)Tn many places in China、of transportationB. /; aC. the; aD. the; the03. (08 遼亍卷 24)My ne

4、igiibor asked me to go foiawalk,txit I don t tjiinkC. a, theD. a. aflow of people to areas09、(08 陜0勺花 10) I ate 20:OS tiam.A. the. aB the. the10. (08 四川卷08)In the United States, there is always:ofcoiintiy where morejobf; can be foundA. a: (lieB the: aC the: theD. a; a11. (07 江西總 26) Mauy people have

5、 couie Io realize Uiat they should go oilA. wjB. die. a C. the; tlie D./;aA Ad B. The;不填 C The; a D.12. (07 山東卷 walk is expected to last all day. so bling liudiA;不填13. (07 陝西卷 Chuck NohndA. a; theB tlic; aC. the. the D. a; a14. (07 北京卷 22) I looked under bed and foundbook 1 lost ladweek.A. tlie; a B

6、. the: the C.不填:the D. the;不填15. (0723) Polar bears live mostly on就a ice, which they use as platform for hmiting seals.A. a; aB. a; the C.不填;a D. the:不填16. (07 江蘇卷 A.不填$ aB.the;不填 C. the. aD. a; a17. (07 天汗卷 3) I wanted to catdiearly train, but couktu* t gdrick to thestationA. an; theB. /. tlicC. an

7、; /D. the; a18 (07 福建卷 22)A a; a B Hie; a C a;不址 D the;不填19. (07 09 川壯 22) How about takingstiort break? I want to makecall.A the: a B a; theC the: the D a: a20. (07 浙汀卷 4 ) I likecolor of yoiir skirt It isgood match for yourMouse.A. a; theB. a; aC. tlie: aD. the;the21 (07 啦慶卷 24) Gorge couldn * I r

8、einetnber when lie fird met Mr Anderson, but he was sure it wasSunday because everybody was atchurch.A. /; the B. the; /C. a; /D. /; a22. (07 遼卷 21) Christinas isfecial holiday whenwhole familyarc supposed to get togetherA. the. theB a. aC. the.D the23. (06 全H 130) Hello, could 1 cak to Mi. Smith? S

9、ony, wroug utuubcr. There isn t A.不填 B. a C. the D. one24. (06 全國 U19 )1 know you dou * t likemusic veiy much But what do youithink ofmu*ac in the film we ycterday?A.不垠;不B. the; the C. the;不填D.不填;the25. (06 比京卷 26 ) I knocked over my coffee cup It went right overYbuahoulrtf t pit drinks nearA. the;不

10、塡B. tlie; aC. a;不填D. a;a26. (06 幣慶卷 25) Everywhere man has cut downforests in order to growcrops, or to usewood as fuel or as binlding materialA. Uie; me B. the;/ C. /; the D./; f27. (06 山東卷 21) For liiuistage is justmeans of making a living.A. a; aB. the; aC. the; theD. a; tlic28. (06 浙江 1$ 3)-Dou*

11、 t wony if you cau* t cmue topaity. - I* 11 savecake for yon.A. the:B. a; muchC. the; anyD. a; little29. (06 陜西卷 1,) Accoickng toWorid Health Organization, health careplans: are needed in all big cities to preventspread of AIDS.A. the;不城 B the; the C. a; aD不填;the30. (06 遼丫卷 21) Of all profeor, my fa

12、ther * s advice wx A. the; aB.不地 aC.不lA;tiieD. the: the31. (06 四川左 27)-Did you enjoy yoiirsdf at the paity 一Yes I *ve never beattoone beforeA. a more exdtcd B the most excited C a more cxcitjns D the most exating32. (06 湖南卷 22) Illreview of -14 studies. Amerkan reseMdiers found thitmeu aud wouicu wh

13、o ate six key foods daily cut tlic risk ofhcait disease by76%.A. a; theB. die; aC. a;不填D.不填;33. (06 安徴卷 22) Of the two sisters, Betty is who loves to be quiet A工 youngerB a yoimgertC the yoiinaerD theyotuigei134. (05 安 Ift 卷 25) After dinnef he gave Mr Richai ebonride toCapitalAitpoit.A. the; aB a;

14、theC.不填;nD不填;the35. (05 北京程 21It is often said thatteachers haveven- easy life.A 木填:不填B.不填:a C the:不填D. the: a36. (05 湖南卷 29) I caift remember when exactly the Robinsons left _ dty. I onlyranember it wasMonday.A. the. theB a. theC. a. aD. (lie. a37. (05 江蘇卷 21) On May 5. 2005. atWorld nbk Tennis Cha

15、mpionship.Kong Linghui and Wang Hao won the gold mehl in mens doubles withscoreof 4: 1.A a; aB 不瑕;theC. a;不填 D. tlie; a3& (05 江西卷 27If you glow up inlarge family you are more likely todevelopability to get on well withothersA./; an: theB a; the; /C.the: an: theD. a;the; the39. (OS ll?r 卷 31) This bo

16、ok tellslife Ktory of Jolui Suiidu who leftschool aud worked for a uewspaper at the age of 16.A. the; theE a: theC the;不填D不填40. (05 全國 念 11115) It you go by train、you can Hive qiute a connortabiejourney* but make siiic you getfast one.A. the, tiicB.不填* C. the. aD.不填:不城41. (05 llj 東卷 23 ) I knewJohn

17、Lmiion. but notfamous one.A.彳、填:a B. a; tlie C.不填:the D. the; a42. (05 浙江程 4) Mrs. Taylor has8-year-old dauslitcr who has0R forpainbug一she has woti two uatiocial prues.A. a: aB. an: theC. an; aD the: a43. (05 北京眷)recent report stated that the number of Spanidispeakers in the U.S. would be higher tha

18、n the number of English speakers by ear 2090.A. A; the B.A;不填 C.The;不填 D. The; a44. (04 個H 卷 124) When you couic here for yom holiday next lime, don* t go Io hotel; I can find youbed in my flat.A. the; a B. the.不壊C. a. the D. a;不填-15. (04 全訊卷 II31) If you buy more than ten, they knock 20 pence off.A

19、. a priceB. piiceC. the priceD.prices46. (04 全國卷 IV35 ) John there is Mr Wilson oti the phone for you.I* m in bathA. a; tlicB. the. nC. a;不填D. the;不填47. (04 北京卷 32 ) on-going(lE1hing canhappenA a ;theB. a; aC the: aD.不JA:不填51. (04 遼i 總 31 ) Wlieii you fimsh reacing tlic book .you will have iuida!Kkn

20、gofA a; tiie B tbe; a C.不填;lhe D a;不填52. (04 朮慶卷 il playedniludiifilial Revolution.A.不”1:不JAB. the:不填C. tlie:theD. a;the53. (04 測北卷 23) lucre was A. a; that U a; when C the; that D Hie; when54. (04 湖南 & 26) For a long time they walked witliout nyingword. Jimwas tlic lii st Io tncaksilcuccA. the: aB.

21、 a: theC. a:不填D.the;不填55. (04 江蘇卷 27)Tom ownslarger collection ofbooks than any othastudent in our dass.A. the:不繪 B. a;不必 C. a. the D.不填:the56. (04 浙江卷 22) The Wilsons live inA-shapcd house near the coist. It is17th century con謔eA. tlie JB. an. theC. /, theD. an. a57. (03 全出卷 26) Hie sign reads &qiiot;hi case of _fire.break the gjass and pudi red txittof). "A不aB不iti theC 11k: theD. at a58. (03 I海卷 25) I emu 10 dollaishoui assupermarket cashier onSaturdays.A. a . aiiB. the. a C. an . aD. an the59. (03 北京祚考 24 ) llicrc s dictionary oil desk by yow side.A. a; the B. a; a C. tlie. a D. the


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