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1、三維GIS實驗一:Surfer8地理信息制圖Un dersta nding How to Use SurferThe most com mon app licati on (應(yīng)用) of Surfer is to create a grid-based (基于格網(wǎng) 的)map from an XYZ data file (有限個點的X、Y、Z坐標(biāo)值組成的文件).The Grid | Data comma nd uses an XYZ data file to produce a grid file (格網(wǎng) 文件).The grid file is then used by most of th

2、e Map menu(地圖菜單)comma nds to p roduce maps. Post map張 貼圖)and base maps do not use grid files.(張貼圖和 基面圖除外,它們不需要使用 格網(wǎng)文件)The flow chart (流程圖)tothe right illustrates (圖解) the relati onship betwee n XYZ data files, grid files, con tour (等高線,等值線)maps, and wireframes線框圖).Lesson 1 - Creat ing an XYZ Data Fi

3、leAn XYZ data file is a file containing at least three columns (列) of data values. The first two colu mns are the X and Y coord in ates (坐標(biāo)值) for the data p oi nts. The third colum n(歹 y) is the Z value assig ned to the XY point. Although it is not required, en teri ng the X coord in ate坐標(biāo))in Colu m

4、n( 列) A, the Y coord in ate(坐標(biāo))in Colu mn(列)B, and the Z value in Colu mn(列)C is a good idea. Surfer looks for these coordi nates 坐標(biāo))in these colu mns by default.一、Opening an Existi ng Data FileTo look at an exa mple of an XYZ data file,you can open TUTORWS2.DAT i nto a worksheet工作表Ill)win dow:1. Ch

5、oose the File | Open comma nd, or click thedata file. button to select the XYZ2. Double-click on the SAMP LES folder. In the list of files, click TUTORWS2.DAT and the n click the Open butt on to dis play the file in the worksheet工 作表)win dow.3. Notice that the X coordi nate 坐標(biāo))(East ing) is in Colu

6、mn(列)A, the Ycoordi nate(坐標(biāo))(Northi ng) is inColumn(列)B, and the Z value(Elevatio n) is in Colu mn(列)C.Although it is not required, the headertext (the text in row(行) 1) is helpfulin ide ntify ing the type of data in thecolum n(歹 y), and this in formatio n isused in dialog boxes whe n select ingwork

7、sheets 作表)colu mns.二、Creati ng a New Data FileThe Surfer worksheet 工作表)can also be used to create a data file. To open a worksheet工作表)window and begi n en teri ng data:1. Choose the File | New comma nd or click the butt on.2. Click the Worksheet(工作表)op tion in the New dialog and then click OK to dis

8、 play a new empty worksheet工 作表)wi ndow.3. The active cell(單元格) is selected by click ing on the cell單元格)or by using the arrow(行) keys to move betwee n cells 單元格).The active cell(單元格)is in dicated by a heavy border and the contents of the active cell 單元格)are dis played in the active cell 單元格)edit box

9、.4. When a cell(單元格)is active, en ter a value or text, and the in formatio n is dis pl ayed inboth the active cell(單元格) and the active cell(單元格) box.5. The BACKS PACE and DELETE keysAlTutorws2.ddlEastingA JI Bc I1Easting |NorthingElevation -20 109033 5C44.9C46 3I0fiften c 血E 趣 H 占缺垃 蘇fa曲伽 沁甬s 融 is a

10、hewi孰 M* Jibis&OF護站 wakMt tuniiu. A 和w擷耳 ww J CBS 創(chuàng)am J 加亡痞 lij 占誰 ma血 n aixfuitsash iwJujm efdala.can be used toedit data as you type.6. P ress the ENTER key and the data are en tered into the ce單元格).7. To p reserve the typed data in the active ce 單元格),move to a new cell單元格). Move to a new cell(單元格

11、)by clicking a new cell(單元格)with the pointer(鼠標(biāo)指針), p ress ing one of the arrow行) keys, or p ress ing ENTER.三、Saving the Data FileWhe n you have comp leted en teri ng all of the data:1. Choose the File | Save comma nd, or click the butt on. The Save As 另存為) dialog is dis pl ayed if you have not p re

12、viously saved the data file.2. In the Save As (另存為)type list, choose the Golden Software Data (*.DAT) op ti on.3. Type the n ame of the file into the File n ame box.4. Click Save and a GSI Data Export Op ti ons dialog opens.5. Acce pt the defaults in the GSI Data Export Op ti ons dialog by clicki ng

13、 the OK butt on. The file is saved in the Golde n Software Data .DAT format with the file n ame yousp ecified. The n ame of the data file app ears at the top of the workshe工(乍表) win dow.Less on 2 - Creat ing a Grid FileGrid files are required to p roduce a grid-based map. Grid-based maps in clude co

14、n tour(等 值線)map s, image maps, shaded relie暈渲圖)map s, 1-grid vector maps, 2-grid vector maps, wireframes線框圖),and surfaces. Grid files are created using the Grid | Data comma nd. The Data comma nd requires data in three colu mns, one colum n(列)containing X data, one colu mn列)containing Y data, and on

15、e colu mn 列) con tai ning Z data. We have in cluded a samp le XYZ data file (TUTORWS.DAT) with Surfer for you to see how to p roduce a grid file. After compi eti ng the tutorial(教程),if you n eed to p roduce an XYZ data file of your data for your work, see Less on 1 - Creati ng an XYZ Data File.To pr

16、oduce a grid file from TUTORWS.DAT:1. If you have the worksheet工 作表)window open, click on the Window menu and choose Plot繪圖)1. Alternatively(另一個選擇),you can create a new 3p lot(繪圖)window with File | New (select P lot(繪圖)Docume nt and then click OK).2. Choose the Grid | Data comma nd.3. In the Open di

17、alog, click the file TUTORWS.DAT (located in Surfers SAMP LES folder). The n ame app ears in the File n ame box below the list of data files.4. Click Open and the Grid Data dialog is dis played. Alternatively另一個選擇),you can double-click the data file n ame to dis play the Grid Data dialog.5. The Grid

18、 Data dialog allows you to control the gridding格網(wǎng)化)p arameters參數(shù)).Take a mome nt to look over the various op ti ons in the dialog. Do not make cha nges at this time, as the default p arameterS(數(shù)) create an acce ptable grid file.oo The Data Colu mns group is used to sp ecify the colu mns containing t

19、he X and Y coordi nates 坐標(biāo)),and the Z values in the data file. The Grid Li ne Geometry group is used to sp ecify the XY gridlimits(邊界),grid spacing, and nu mber of grid lines (also referred to as rows() and colu mns) in the grid file.The Gridd ing(格網(wǎng)化)Method group is used to sp ecify theinterpo lati

20、 on method and interpo lati on op tio ns.The Output Grid File group is used to sp ecify the p ath and filen ame for the grid file.The op ti on is used to sp ecify whether to create astatistical report for the data. o o o6. Click OK. I n the status bar0犬態(tài)欄)at the bottom of the win dow, a dis play in

21、dicates the p rogress of the gridd ing 格網(wǎng)化)p rocedure. By acce pting the defaults, the grid file uses the same p ath and file n ame as the data file, but the grid file has a .GRD exte nsion擴展名T mne rernonng; 5 secGndctfigusiiMiringMijilidaM:fiingthfiidL. 11*“).7. By default, a message appears after

22、griddin格網(wǎng)化)the data. Click OK in the grid file has bee n created message box.8. If Grid Report is checked, a report is dis played. You can mini mize or close this report. Lesson 3 - Creat ing a Con tour等 值線)MapThe Map | Con tour(等 值線)Map comma nd creates a con toui等 值線)map based on a grid file.To cr

23、eate a con tour等 值線)map of the TUTORWS.GRD file created in the previous less on:1. Choosethe Map |Con tour(等值線)Map | NewCon tour(等值線)Mapcomma nd,or click thebutt on.2. The OpenGriddialog isdis pl ayed.The grid file youjustcreated(TUTORWS.GRD) is automatically en tered in the File name box. If the fi

24、le does not app ear in the File n ame box, select it from the file list.3. Click the Open butt on to create a con tou等 值線)map.4. The map is created using the default con tou 等值線)map Prop erties 屬性).5. If you want the con tour(等 值線)map to Fill(填充)the win dow, choose the View | Fit to Win dow comma nd

25、.一、Opening Map Properties屬性)After creat ing a map, you can cha nge the map Prop ertie屬 性).There are several ways to open an objects Prop ertiesll 性).The most com mon method is to double-click on the object. Refer to Prop erties屬 性) for alter native methods of opening Prop erties屬 性).二、Cha ngi ng Con

26、 tour(等 值線)Levels(等級)mp: Contaurt P.qpe吐iev屮 V kftob Lrafrpf Af2孚也 ef iirttaur kibelmniftitiHufn/bra kni/ FlLabgl IVetNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNo/ HoNoNoNoHoNoMoNo NqLoad.QKCancdJ | | AppA |tnwarnwZvtbt/frii J/hJ.You aanciibit-elak m M疝m At bveis單住孝 v Mtfar 向# ititoid itual.After you create a con tour等值線)map,

27、 you can easily modify any of the map features.For exa mp le, you might want to cha nge the con tou 等值線)levels(等級)dis pl ayed on the map.To cha nge the con tour等 值線)levels(等級)of the map you just created:1. Place the pointer鼠標(biāo)指針)in side the limits(邊界)of the con tour(等 值線)map and double-click to dis p

28、lay the con tour(等 值線)map Prop erties屬性) dialog.2. In the con tour(等 值線)mapProp erties屬性) dialog, clickthe Levels(等級)p age to dis playthe co ntour等值線)levels(等級)and con tour等 值線)lineProp erties屬性) for the map .Inthis exa mple, the con tour等 值線) levels(等 級)begin at Z = 20.Click on the scroll bar at th

29、eright to scroll to the bottom. You can see that the maximum con tour等 值線)level is Z =105 for this map and that the con tour等 值線)in terval (間距)is 5.3. To cha nge the con tour等 值線)range and in terval(間距巨),click the Level butt on and the Con tour(等 值線)Levels(等級)dialog is dis played. This shows the Mi

30、nimum and Maximum con tour(等值線)level for the map and the con tour等 值線)In terval(間距).4. Double-click in the In terval (間距)box and type the value 10. Click the OK butt on and the Levels 等級)p age is up dated to reflect the cha nge.5. Click OK in the con tour(等值線)map Prop erties屬性) dialog and the map is

31、 redraw n with the new con tour等值線)levels(等 級).三、Changing Contour(等值線)LineProp erties屬性)You can double-click any of the eleme ntsin the list on the Levels(等) p age tomodify the in dividual eleme nt. Forexa mp le, you can double-click anin dividual Z value in the list to cha nge the Z value for that

32、p articular con tour等值線) level. You can also double-click the line style for an in dividual level to modify the line Prop erties(屬性) for the selected level. This p rovides a way to emp hasize in dividual con tour(等 值線)levels(等級)on the map.To cha nge con tour等 值線)line Prop erties(屬性):1. Double-click

33、the con tour(等值線)map to open the map Prop ertiesl屬 性).2. On the Levels等級)p age, double-click the line sam pie for the con tour等 值線)level at Z = 70 to open the Line Prop erties屬 性)dialog.3. You can select the line color, style, or width for the selected line in the Li neProp erties屬性) dialog. I n the

34、 Width box, click the up arrow(行),and cha nge the width value to 0.030 in. (A width of 0.000 in is equivale nt to one p ixel width.)4. Click OK in the Line Prop erties(屬性)dialog, and the Levels(等級)p age is up dated to reflect the cha nge.5. Click OK in the map Prop erties(屬性) dialog and the map is r

35、edraw n. The con tou 等 值線)line at Z = 70 is draw n with a thicker line.四、Addi ng Color Fill(填充)between Con tour(等 值線)LinesColor Fill(填充)can be assig ned to in dividual levels等 級)in the same way as line Properties屬性). Alternatively(另一個選擇),you can assign colors based on a gradati onal sp ectrum betwee

36、 n two colors.The Levels(等級)p age in the con tour等 值線)map Prop erties 屬性)dialog shows a corres pondence betwee n a level (un der the Level butt on) and a color (un der the F 填 充)butt on). The colors are used to Fill 填充)in the sp ace betwee n the corres ponding level and the n ext higher level. For e

37、xa mp le, if the con tour等 值線)levels(等級)are 20, 30, 40, ., etc., the n the color corres ponding to level 20 is used to Fi填 充)in the space between the level 20 con tou 等值線)and the level 30 con tour等 值線).To cha nge color Fill(填充):1. Double-click the con tour(等值線)map to open the con tour等 值線)map Prop e

38、rties屬性) dialog.2. Click the Fill(填充)Con tours(等 值線)check box on the Gen eral常 規(guī))p age. 73. On the Levels(等 級)page, click the Fill(填充)button to open the Fill 傾充)dialog.4. Click the Foregro und Color butt on to open the Color Sp ectrum色 標(biāo))dialog. This dialog allows you to select colors to assig n to

39、sp ecific Z values. Click on the left an chor point butt on above the sp ectrum, click on the color blue in the color p alette, and the n click OK. The Foregro und Color butt on is now dis played as a gradati on from blue to white in the Fill(填充)dialog.5. Click OK and the Fill(填充)colors on the Level

40、s(等 級)p age are up dated to reflect the cha nge.6. Click OK and the con tour(等 值線)map is redraw n with color Fill(填充)betwee n the con tours 等值線).五、Add, Delete, and Move Con tour(等值線)Labels(標(biāo)注)Con tour(等 值線)label locati ons can be cha nged on an in dividual basis. Label標(biāo)注) can be added, deleted, or m

41、oved.To add, delete, and move con tou等值線)labels(標(biāo)注):1. Right-click on the con tour(等 值線)mapand choose the Edit Con tour等 值線)Labels(標(biāo)注)op ti on. You can also edit labels(標(biāo)注)of a selected con tour等 值線)map using the Map | Con tour等 值線)Map | Edit Labels(標(biāo)注)comma nd.The pointer(鼠標(biāo)指針)changes to a black ar

42、row(行 )head to in dicate that you are in edit mode.2. To delete a label, click on the labeland p ress the DELETE key on the keyboard.For exa mp le, click on a 70 label andthe n click the DELETE key on your keyboard.3. To add a label, p ress and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard and click on the loca

43、ti on on the con tour(等 值線)line where you want the new label located. Add a 60 con tour(等 值線)label to the lower left p orti on of the map.4. To move a con tour等 值線)label, click on the label, hold dow n the left mouse butt on, and drag the label. Move the 70 con tou等值線)label on the right p orti on of

44、 the mapto the n orth.5. To exit the Edit Co ntour(等值線)Labels(標(biāo)注)mode, press the ESC key. 8六、Modifying an Axis(坐標(biāo)軸)Every con tour(等 值線)map is created with four axes坐 標(biāo)軸):the bottom, right, top, and left axes坐 標(biāo)軸).You can con trol the dis play of each axis坐 標(biāo)軸)independen tly of the other axes坐 標(biāo)軸)on

45、the ma p. In this exa mp le, well cha nge the con tou 等值線) spacing and add an axis坐 標(biāo)軸)label.To modify an axis(坐標(biāo)軸):1. Move the pointer(鼠標(biāo)指針)over one of the axis坐標(biāo)軸)tick labels(標(biāo)注)on the bottom X axis(坐標(biāo)軸)and left-click the mouse. In the status bar狀 態(tài)欄)at the bottom of the p lot(繪圖)wi ndow, the word

46、s Ma p: BottomAxis(坐標(biāo)軸)are dis played. Thisin dicates that you have selected thebottom axis(坐標(biāo)軸)of the con tour(等 值線)map. Additi on ally, hollow han dies app ear at each end of the axiS坐 標(biāo)軸), and solid gree n han dles app ear surr ounding the en tire map. This in dicates that the axis坐 標(biāo)軸)is a sub-o

47、bject(子對象)of the en tire map.2. Double-click on the bottom axis(坐標(biāo) 軸)to dis play the bottom axis(坐 標(biāo)軸) Prop erties屬性) dialog.3. In the Title box on the Ge neral 常規(guī))p age, type Bottom Axis(坐標(biāo)軸)a nd then click the Apply (應(yīng)用)butt on. This p laces a title on the selected axis坐 標(biāo)軸).4. If you cannot see t

48、he axis坐 標(biāo)車由)title, select View | Zoom | Selected. Notice that you do not have to close the Prop ertiesi 性)dialog to select menu comma nds, toolbar butt ons, or objects in the plot 繪圖)win dow.5. Click on the Scali ng p age to dis play the axis坐 標(biāo)軸)scali ng op ti ons. In the Major In terval(間距)box, t

49、ype the value 1.5 and the n click the Apply 應(yīng)用)butt on. This cha nges the spacing betwee n major ticks along the selected ax坐標(biāo)軸).6. Click on the Gen eral常規(guī))p age and the n click the Label Format butt on. The Label Format dialog is dis played.7. I n the Label Format dialog, select the Fixed op ti on

50、in the Type group. Click on the dow n arrow(行) on the Decimal Digits box and cha nge the value to 1.9This in dicates that only one digit follows the decimal point for the axis(坐 標(biāo)軸)tick labels 標(biāo)注).8. Click OK to return to the axis(坐標(biāo)軸)Prop erties屬 性)dialog.9. Click OK in the axis(坐標(biāo)軸)Prop erties(屬性)

51、 dialog and the map is redraw n. The axis(坐 標(biāo)軸)tick spacing and labels 標(biāo)注)are cha nged, and the axis坐 標(biāo)軸)title is pl aced below the map.七、Saving a MapWhe n you have comp leted the map or drawing in the plo繪圖)win dow, you can save the map to a Surfer file .SRF containing all the in formatio n n ecess

52、ary to rep roduce the map. When you save a map, all the scali ng, formatt ing, and map Prop erties(性 性)are p reserved in the file.To save a map:1. Choose the File | Save comma nd, or click the butt on. The Save As 另存為) dialog is dis pl ayed because the map hasnot bee n p reviously saved.2. I n the F

53、ile n ame box, type TUTORWS.3. Click Save and the file is saved to the curre nt directory(文件夾)with an .SRF exte nsio n(擴 展名).The saved map rema ins open and the title bar cha nges to reflect the n ame cha nge.If you are using the demo 演寅示)versio n(版本)ofSurfer you will not be able to save the map. PI

54、 ease p roceed to Less on 4.八、Ex porti ng 3D Con tours (等值線)Whe n you have comp leted a con toui等 值線)map in the pl ot(繪圖)win dow, you can export the con tour(等 值線)lines with associated Z values to an AutoCAD DXF file. To export con tour(等 值線)lin es:1. Select the map by click ing on the map in the p

55、lol繪圖)wi ndow or by clicki ng on the word Contours (等值線)in the Object Manager (對象管理器).2. Choose Map | Con tour等 值線)Map | Ex port Con tours(等值線).3. In the Save As (另存為)dialog , type TUTORWS into the File name box.4. Click Save and the file is exp orted to the curre nt directory文 件夾).This creates a fi

56、le titled TUTORWS.DXF which can be opened in any p rogram with an AutoCAD DXF import op ti on.If you are using the demo 演寅示)versio n(版本)of Surfer you will not be able to export con tours(等 值線).PI ease p roceed to Less on 4.第三課等高線的繪制Surfer的最主要的功能是繪制等高線圖,但并不是說我們具有了數(shù)據(jù)文件就可以 直接繪制等高線,surfer要求繪制等高線的數(shù)據(jù)有特殊的格

57、式要求,即首先要將 數(shù)據(jù)文件轉(zhuǎn)換成Surfer認(rèn)識的grd文件格式(規(guī)則格網(wǎng)文件grid file),才能繪制 等高線。假設(shè)你有三列數(shù)據(jù)分別為 X,丫,Z,其中Z為點(x,y)處的值,存在 文件test.dat中(數(shù)據(jù)見附件),其中第一列是 X坐標(biāo),第二列是丫坐標(biāo),第三 列是(X, y)上的值Z,則繪制等高線的步驟如下: 步驟一:把數(shù)據(jù)文件轉(zhuǎn)換成grd文件1. 打開菜單Grid | Data.,在open對話框中選擇數(shù)據(jù)文件test.dat2. 這會打開“Grid Data對話框。在“ Data Column中選擇要進行GRID的網(wǎng)格數(shù)據(jù)(X和Y坐標(biāo))以及格點上的值(Z列),這里我們不用選擇,因只有 3列數(shù) 據(jù)且它們的排列順利已經(jīng)是 XYZ 了,如果是多列數(shù)據(jù),則可以在下拉菜單中選 擇所需要的列數(shù)據(jù)。選擇好坐標(biāo) XY和Z值后,在“Gding Method中選擇一種插 值方法(如果你需要比原始數(shù)據(jù)的網(wǎng)格 X和丫更密的Z數(shù)據(jù),或是你的網(wǎng)格是 非均勻的),則在Gridding(格網(wǎng)化)的過程中,Surfer會自動進行插值計算,生成 更密網(wǎng)格的數(shù)據(jù)。如果你只是想繪制原始數(shù)據(jù)的圖,不想插值,則最好選擇距離 平方倒數(shù)法(in verse dista nee to a powe)或Krigi ng (克里格,克里金)方法。因


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