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1、學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載初三英語學(xué)習(xí)才能綜合測試試題卷考生須知: 1. 本試卷滿分 120 分,考試時間100 分鐘;2. 必需在答題紙的對應(yīng)位置答題,寫在其他地方無效;聽力部分( 25 分) 一聽小對話回答疑題 (共 5 小題,計 5 分)聽下面五個小對話,請從a、b、c 三個選項中挑選一個正確選項;聽每段對話前你有時間來閱讀個小題,每道題5 秒鐘;對話只讀一遍;1. when did mike go back home last night.a. at 9:15.b. at 8:45.c. at 9:45.2. how will the man go there.a. by bus.b. by c

2、ar.c. by taxi.3. what do they mean.a. that suit is cheaper than any other one in the shop.b. that suit is as expensive as any other one in the shop.c. the suit is the most expensive in the shop.4. what was the matter with peter yesterday.a. he was ill in bed all day.b. he had toothache yesterday.c.

3、he was hurt in a traffic accident.5. where does the lady now eat for breakfast.a. dumplings.b. bread and milk.c. bread only.二聽較長對話回答疑題 (共 5 小題,計 10 分 )聽下面一段對話, 回答第 6 和第 7 兩個小題,請從a 、b、c 三個選項中挑選一個正確選項;對話連讀兩遍;現(xiàn)在你有10 秒鐘的時間閱讀這兩題;6. what are they talking about.a. about the plan for tonight.b. about a terr

4、ible old film.c. about whether they will go to the cinema.7. how often do they go to the cinema.a. very often.b. not often.c. once a week.聽下面一段對話,回答第 8 至第 10 三個小題,請從a 、b、c 三個選項中挑選一個正確選項;對話連讀兩遍;現(xiàn)在你有15 秒鐘的時間閱讀這三題8. where does mr. smith want to go.a. harbin.b. guangzhou.c. suzhou.9. on what day does th

5、e flight leave.a. saturdays.b. sundays.c. weekdays.10. when will the plane arrive.a. at 5:11.b. at 11:05.c. at 9:30.三 聽獨白回答疑題 (共 5 小題,計 10 分)聽下面一段獨白,并按要求在試卷上完成任務(wù),你可以邊聽邊完成任務(wù);然后你會看到5 個問題和相關(guān)的選項;請從每個問題a 、b 、c 三個選項中選出正確選項;聽獨白前,你有25 秒鐘的時間閱讀有關(guān)材料和5 個小題; 聽完獨白后, 你有 25 秒鐘的時間來挑選有關(guān)選項;獨白連讀兩遍;11. there are three l

6、etters left, which circle should they be put into.a. b-7, d-2, g-6b. b-2, d-6, g-7c. b-6, d-7, g-212. the sum 總和 from each line and each crossing is.a. 28b. 30c. 3213. what will happen if we put the letter f into the circle 5.a. we can t solve the problem.b. we can solve the problem.c. nothing will

7、happen.14. the problem we have solved is about.a. mathb. sciencec. history15. what does the diagram you drew look like.a. b.c.筆試部分( 95 分) 四 . 單項填空 (共 15 小題,計 15 分)16. -does the teacher come here for.- to help me with my lessons.a. whyb. whatc. whend. how17. - which digital camera would you like to b

8、uy, the black one or the white one.-of the two, i think the black one is.a. nicerb. the nicerc. niced. the nicest18. to understand people who speak fast, you should listenthe most important words, not every word.a. tob. withc. ind. for19. there are many tall trees and colorful flowers onside of the

9、road.a. bothb. everyc. eitherd. all20. -have you decided yet.-yes, i want to take this job and ichange my mind.a. mustn tb. cantc. may notd . wont21. no matter , he couldn t do any better.a. how he worked hardb. what hard he workedc. what he worked hardd. how hard he worked22. do you thinkboy called

10、 pinocchio ishonest one.a. a, theb. the, ac. a, and. the, an23. -i d like to invite you to my birthday party on friday evening.-thank you, but i ll have time, i m not sure at the moment.a. ifb. whetherc. whiled. when24. -i get on well with him now. better than i.-really.a. used tob. am used toc. was

11、 used tod. use to get25. we are going to the museumyou visited last week.a. whereb. whenc. whatd. which26. three hours too long, i can t wait. i ll go first.a. areb. isc. has beend. have been27. i have collected many foreign stamps,them are australian stamps.a. two hundredb. two hundred ofc. two hun

12、dreds ofd. hundred of28. what he said me a lot. i really didn t know what to do nexta. confuseb. confusingc. confusedd. was confused 29. - - drop in if you have time.- sure. bye.a. well, i really must be going now.b. i wonder if you could let me go now.c. do you mind if i leave now.d. what a shame t

13、hat i want to go now.30. -can youthe differences between these two words.-sure.a. sayb. speakc. telld. talk五. 完形填空 (共 15 小題,計 15 分)先通讀以下短文,把握其大意,然后從a、b、c、d 四個選項中挑選一個正確答案.last year, i learned from a newspaper that some sick kids needed help. i phoned the newspaper and i was asked to31a little girl na

14、med lisa, who had mental32.a short timelater, i went for a33to lisa. after having been at the mental hospital for years, she had recently been allowed to be at home. in the beginning, i did most of the34. lisa, however, was too quiet and introverted 內(nèi)向的 , shylysittingin the corner of the sofa and li

15、stening. she was careful not to allow our eyes to35. over time, lisa felt more comfortable little by little while i was36.our weekly gettogethers usually37sharing a cup of hot coffee, window shopping or taking slow walks in the country.lisa38discussed how she felt about our friendship, even after we

16、 completed our first year together. however, she knew she could always39me.then one day i got a call from our volunteer group. “mary,would you and lisa liketo beinterviewed on a local tv news show.”40, i answered, “wow. let me discuss it with lisa.”i didn t think lisa would be41going on “l(fā)ive ”telev

17、ision. but to my surprise, lisa wanted to be interviewed, too.at the interview, she said, “ 42i can help other people understand how important our43is, and how it has helped me, maybe theyll volunteer, too. mary, wouldnt that be great. ”with tearsrunning down, we smiled at one another.from then on,

18、lisa never44a chance to plant seeds 種子about the volunteer group with others. her face lit up45she talked about our special friendship.31. a. helpb. takec. teachd. tell32. a. sadnessb. kindnessc. businessd. illness33. a. swimb. visitc. tripd. way34. a. cleaningb. listeningc. talkingd. interviewing35.

19、 a. reachb. openc. fixd. meet36. a. presentb. silentc. calmd. polite37. a. neededb. wentc. meantd. enjoyed38. a. everb. neverc. onced. just39. a. agree withb. think aboutc. care ford. depend on40. a. anxiousb. worriedc. excitedd. terrified41. a. nervousb. comfortablec. safed. sorry42. a. ifb. though

20、c. becaused. after43. a. get-togetherb. talkc. friendshipd. interview44. a. metb. hadc. lostd. missed45. a. whateverb. wheneverc. whereverd. however六. 閱讀懂得 (共 15 小題,計 30 分)第一節(jié):閱讀以下短文, 并做每篇短文后的題目;從四個選項中選出能回答所提問題或完成所給句子的正確答案;(a )i have a love- hate feeling with 8 o clock classes. i like to get started

21、 that early, but most students don tt.hey usually came in late and looked sleepy at that hour.one day i was really angry at it. i was excited about the history lesson, but no one else seemed to be. i wrote things on the blackboard. i moved around the room. i told stories. i tried humor. it was usele

22、ss. their books didn t seem to change. i was frustrated.toi fkoergeopt time. i was going to talk more when i looked down at my watch. it was already two minutes past the end of class. so i just ended suddenly and soon the students began to pick their book bags and rushed out the door on their ways t

23、o another class.while i was watching them leaving, i put away my own books, notes and papers. i took them up and stepped out into the hall. i was tired and a bit sad. i had put everything i knew into that class and it had not seemed to work. then, as i started across the hall to my nearby office, a

24、student came out the back door of the classroom and caught up with me.randy sat at the back of the classroom. i thought he wanted to ask why i didn ctorrect theirexam papers or maybe he wanted to ask for leave or f itthwaat.swniothnehios eyes sparkling 閃耀, randy said,“this is the first time ive not

25、wanted a college class to end.”the tiredness lifted. i had done better than i thought. i don t know if randy will ever under how much he did for me that day.依據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,挑選一個正確答案;46. the students usually came in late for 8 o clock classes because .a. they didn t like the teachers of 8 o clock classesb. th

26、ey didn t understand the contents 內(nèi)容 of the classesc. they didn t like to get started that earlyd. they didn t have any interest in the history lesson47. i did what i could that morning to.a. tell them to make notesb. show that i was a history teacherc. tell as much as possibled. make my class more

27、interesting48. i stopped talking suddenly because.a. i had to look at my watchb. the students had to go to another classc. i was tired but pleasedd. the students were picking up things49. when randy came up to me, i thought.a. he might have some excuse for what he did in classb. he wanted to help me

28、 carry things to my officec. he had left something in the classroomd. he would bring me something to eat50. what did randy s words means to me.a. he encouraged me a lot.b. he was my best friend.c. he was a top student.d. he wanted to quarrel with me.( b)if you ask someone why he or she wears clothes

29、, the answer will probably be“to keep warm and to cover my body ”. these are the basic reasons clothes are worn, but people also want to look attractive and appear successful to others.if people only wore clothes for warmth and to cover their bodies, most clothing would be simple and cheap. in many

30、countries, however, clothing is sometimes very expensive. the main reason for this is not the cost of the fabric 織物 or the cost of making the clothes. the clothes are expensive because of fashion.successful businessmen, for example, often wear very expensive suits, shirts and ties. sometimes theypay

31、 thousands of dollars for a suit and hundreds of dollars for a tie.it sstill just a suit and tie but they pay these prices because of the famous names of the designer. a suit costing much less would be just as warm and would cover the wearer s body just as well.fashion is constantly changing, which

32、means that people who want to be fashionable have to buy newclothes. some people have closets full of clothes that have hardly been worn out but are no longer in fashion. being fashion, therefore, can be a very expensive pastime.依據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,挑選一個正確答案;51. what is the main idea of this passage.a. some cloth

33、es are very expensive and some are cheap.b. many people choose their clothes according towhat isn fashion.c. people wear clothes to keep warm and to cover their bodies.d. in many countries, clothes can sometimes be very expensive to buy.52. what are the basic reasons people wear clothes.a. to keep w

34、arm and appear successful.b. to cover their bodies and look attractive.c. to keep warm and cover their bodies.d. to look attractive and appear successful.53. what is the main reason some clothes are expensive.a. because they are designed by successful businessmen.b. because of the cost of making the

35、 clothes.c. because of the cost of the fabric.d. because of fashion.54. the underlined word “constantly”means .a. sometimesb. fixedc. continuallyd. never55. why do successful businessmen sometimes pay hundreds of dollars for a tie.a. because the designer is famous.b. because they want to be famous.c

36、. because they like the design.d. because the store is famous.閱讀其次節(jié) : 請認(rèn)真閱讀 56-60 題中的個人情形說明,和a-e 五本書的介紹,選出符合個人要求的正確選項;56. annie: annie is going to study in spain next term. she wants to learn as much spanish as she can.57. james: james is too fat and he wants to lose some weight. he would like to le

37、arn some knowledge of human body and go on a healthy diet.58. sophie, who is ten years old, plans to go out camping with her friends this weekend.it thseir first camping and they want to be well prepared for it.59. jason is on holiday. he decides to make a trip to new york city this time. he doesn w

38、tant to go with travel agencies. he likes traveling alone.60. sandy is worried about his sat test next month. he needs a book that can help him get ready for it.camp out. the ultimate kid s guideby lillian hobanwhether you re planning an overnight in the backyard or a weekend in the wilderness, this

39、 book has all the stuff to know: from choosing a site toa build a tent.price: $11.95reading level: ages 9-12publisher: workman publishing companythe official sat study guideby the college boardit is the only book that includes official sat practice tests created by the test maker. with 900 pages and

40、 21 chapters, it s packed with everythingb students need to get ready for the test.price: $19.95 paperback: 889 pages publisher: college boardyou: on a dietby mehmet c. oz, michael f. roizenthis book will tell you everything about biology of your body and fat. it will show you how to get an ideal an

41、d healthy body size. so that youllcdiet smart, not hard.price: $25.00 hardcover: 384 pages publisher: free pressspanish in 10 minutes a day by kristine k. kershula fun, 132-page complete language learning workbook. includes 150 sticky labels, flash cards, a crossword puzzle and more. it is one of th

42、ed best-selling language series in print.price: $18.95 language: spanishpublisher: bilingual bookswathe best things to do in new york city: 1001 ideasby caitlin leffel, jacob lehman organized by theme-including eating and drinking, shopping and spending, arts and culture etc. -and withe helpful inde

43、xes, this is simply the most fun guidebook to nyc ever.price: $18.95 paperback: 384 pages language: english七. 詞語填空 (共 10 小題,計 10 分)用方框內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空, 使短文通順、正確、連貫(每個單詞限用一次) ;long,stop,during,love,they,happy,one,word,teach,when,in america, when people say“mans best friend ”, they don mtean another perso

44、n. instead, they are talking about a61animal-a dog. these62show the friendship between people and animals. dogs and other pets can give63to people s lives. some people think of their pets as their children. a few even leave their money to their pets64 _ they die.animals can help people, too. dogs ca

45、n be 65 to become the “eyes”for blind persons or “ears”for deaf people. scientists have found that pets help people live66 . they make people happier, too. because of that, animals are brought to hospitals.americans hold “be-kind-to-animals-week ”on the first week of may. pets shows are held 67 the

46、week. even if you don tlive in america, you can do this, too. how. 68 , talk about how animals make you life richer. if you have a pet, take some time to play with it. rememberto give delicious food. also, be sure to keep your pet from those unwanted babies.if you don t have a pet, be kind to animal

47、s around you. for example, if you see a street dog, don t kick it or throw things at it. instead, just leave it alone, or better yet, make friends with it. if othersaround you do bad things to an animal, try69 them. as people, we must protect animals who cant speak for 70 .八單詞拼寫 . (共 10 小題,計 10 分)依據(jù)

48、以下句子及所給單詞的首字母,在答題卷上按題號寫出各單詞的完全形式 每空限填一詞 ;71. as we know, thursday is the fday in a week.72. yesterday he was badly ill and lin bed all day.73. to improve my oral english, i spend as much time as i can senglish every day.74. traveling by train isn t the fastest but the l dangerous.75. our school is m

49、ore beautiful than t.76. yao ming is ras the greatest basketball player in china.77. i like living in the room wwindows face south.78. the gate is too small for an elephant to go t.79. jimmy is good at all of the subjects, eenglish.80. thomas edison was one of the greatest iin the world.九書面表達(dá) .(共 1

50、小題,計 15 分)假如你叫李華, 是初三年級的一名同學(xué); 班上的同學(xué)對初三同學(xué)是否應(yīng)當(dāng)照常參與體育活動看法不一,下面是大家爭論的結(jié)果;請據(jù)此給某英文報社寫一封信,介紹有關(guān)情形;同時談?wù)勀愕挠^點; 信的開頭已寫好,只要接著寫;字?jǐn)?shù)80 個左右; proshealth is the most importantconsyour opinions.4.waste of time make us tired get hurttoo excited to get down to our study 2.make us strong and energeticdear editor,im

51、writing to tell you about our argument on whether students of junior three should do sports or not.best wishes.sincerely, li hua學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載六.選詞填空( 10 分)第ii卷61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 七單詞拼寫10 分 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 八書面表達(dá)( 15 分)dear editor,i m writing to tell you about our

52、 argument on whether students of junior three should do sports or not.best wishes.sincerely,li hua請在各題目的答題區(qū)域內(nèi)作答,超出黑色矩形框限定區(qū)域的答案無效;初三英語學(xué)習(xí)才能綜合測試聽力材料及參考答案一聽小對話回答疑題1. w: mike, i phoned you at 8:45 last night, but you werent in, were you. m: no, i wasn t. i came back half an hour later.2. m: excuse me, wh

53、ere is the nearest hospital.w: it fasr from here. you can catch the no. 8 bus. but there is no bus now. you d better take a taxi.3. w: that suit is more expensive than any other one in the shop.m: so it is.4. m: why didn t peter come to school yesterday, do you know, alice. w: it is said he got the

54、flu and stayed in bed all day.5. m: what do you usually eat for breakfast.w: i used to eat dumplings, but nowi m used to eating bread and milk.二聽較長對話回答疑題聽下面一段對話,回答第6 和第 7 兩個小題 .m: what shall we do tonight.w: how about the cinema.m: that s a good idea. we havent been there for ages.w: what would you

55、like to see.m: oh, idon ktnow. spy story.w: spy story. that s a terribleold film.m: but it s got the prize in 1998.w: but i ve seen it before. m: well, we can first go to the cinema and then see what film we enjoy.m: ok.聽下面一段對話,回答第8 至第 10 三個小題 .w: welcome to our air company. are you going away on holiday, mr. smith.m: yes. w: then book the ticket first, please. where are you planning to go for your holiday. h


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