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1、徐州市2021年初中畢業(yè)、升學(xué)考試英語模擬試題五、選擇填空共15小題,每題1分,總分值15分從A、B、C、D四個選項中選出可以填人空白處的最正確選項。1. -How many apples are there in the fridge?-D. NeitherA. Noth ingB. No neC. No one2. -Your bicycle is cute.-Yes, I bought it ten years ago. its old, it still runs well.A. BecauseB. SinceC. Although3. -How long you this club?

2、-S ince the day I came to this school.A. did; joi nB. have; jo inedC. will; be in4. I often watch TV and chat with my family in theA. kitche nB. balc onyC. livi ng-room5. Its quite warm in the room. Why not your coat?A. pick upB. take offC. put off6. -Ca n you un dersta nd me, Peter?-Sorry, Miss Wu.

3、 I can follow you.A. hardlyB. almostC. always7. Your good friend should you when you are sad.A. wait forB. sta nd forC. care aboutD. Un lessD. have; bee n inD. bathroomD. give awayD. n earlyD. look through8. - the youngthe old are getting interested in WeChat.-Yes. WeChat is very useful. People can

4、com muni cate more freely.A. Not only; but alsoB. Neither; norC. Not; butD. Either; or9. There will be a flower show in the park we visited last week.A. whoB. whe nC. whatD. Which10. Icook ing at home to eati ng out.A. would ratherB. likeC. preerD. enjoy11. -Excuse me, sir. Is the swimming pool open

5、 during the daytime?-. Only from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.A. Thats rightB. Yes, of courseC. Sorry, Im afraid n otD. Sorry, I am not sure12. Alice is made her bedroom every day.A. to clea nB. clea nedC. clea nD. clea ning13. The mobile phone has in flue need peoples life a lot since itA. has inven tedB

6、. inven tedC. is inven tedD. was inven ted14. I did nt buy the book because the seller wan ted money tha n I had expected.A. lessB. fewerC. cheaperD. more15. You cant take photos if you see the sign.ABCD二、完形填空(共15小題,每題1分,總分值15分)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從各題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最正確選項。Alice grew up in the 1930s. She always

7、wan ted to fly a pla ne, but at that time it was almostimpossible for 16 to do that. When she was seve nty, her husba nd arran ged for her to ride ina hot air balloon for her birthday. But the experienee turned out to be 17 Then sheremembered her dream. She told her husba nd she wan ted to18, eve n

8、though some of herfamily members and her doctor were aga in st it,19 May 11, some of Alices family and friends gathered in the area where she wouldland. She headed up itl the 20Her in structor, Jack, guided her through the experie nee. Thepla ne was the no isiest one she had ever bee n in,21 she was

9、 n t afraid-she was look ingforward to the experie nee. When they 2213,000 feet, Jack in structed her to throw herself23_ the plane. When they first hit the air, the wind was so strong that Alice could _24breathe. Then 25 got calmer. They were in a free fall for about a minute 26 Jackopened the para

10、chute(降落傘).Then they just floated(漂流)downward for about five minutes.Being up in the clouds and look ing at the view 27 was un like anything she had ever felt-muchbetter tha n the hot air ballo on. She was just enjoying it.Skydivi ng is really one of the 28 experie nces of my life, said Alice. You d

11、ont stopliving just because you are 29years old. If theres someth ing you want to experie nee, lookinto it. If its someth ing that is30,make it happe n.()16. A. a woma nBa manCan adultD. a child()17. A. happyBexcit ingCbori ngD. in terest ing()18. A. skateBskydiveCjogD. ride a horse()19. A. AtBInCFo

12、rD. On()20. A. trainB.pla neCcarD. boat()21.A. soBandCbutD. or()22. A. gotBarrivedCwentD reached()23. A. out ofBin toCupD close to()24. A. almostBn earlyC. hardlyD never()25. A. everyth ingB someth ingCanythingD nothing()26. A. afterBbeforeCun tilD whe n()27. A. aboveBbelowCleftD right()28. A. stra

13、ngestBfunni estCworstD. greatest()29. A. 50B60C70D. 80()30. A. n ecessaryBunnecessaryCpossibleD. impossible三、閱讀理解共12小題,每題2分,總分值24分閱讀下面三篇短文,從各題所給的A、B、C、1四個選項中選出最正確選項。ASatunlay Kids Chbthat the cinema is not providing any official child care.Kids* Club st&rtn at 10;30 a,m. with ercBtive activities fol

14、lowed by rhefilm Fit lliOO ft.m, for 313 year。血.2】JuEMEET THE ROBINSONS10? minuiesSaturdaVtJuneTREASURE PLANET95 minutesSaiunlay* 19 JulySaturday26 JulyTWO BROTHERSBEASS HOLIDAY104 minutesI 85 mjnuies菁UTE TO PARENTS; Parents may kavt children over eifjht alont in iht cintniaH tnn should know()31. A

15、mother will be sure to meet her kid at 12:30 after the film in the club. It must beA. 21 JuneB. 28 JuneC. 19 JulyD. 26 July()32. Which of the follow ing is allowed to the cin ema alone in the club?A. A S-year-old baby.B. A 10-year-old pupil.C. A 19-year-old stude nt.D. A 30-year-old pare nt.()33. Th

16、e Ion gest film of the four is.A. MEET THE ROBINSONSB. TWO BROTHERSC. TREASURE PLANETD. MR BEANS HOLIDAYBDr Swift was a famous man. Near his house lived a rich old lady who often sent him someprese nts by her serva nt. Dr Swift took her prese nts but n ever gave the boy anything. One day asSwift was

17、 busy with his writing, the boy ran into the room and hit the desk, and some books on itbega n to fail to the floor. Then he threw a plastic bag of meat on the desk and said, My mistresshas sent you some meat.Swift turned round and said, My boy, that is not the way to give some one a prese nt. Nowyo

18、u sit in my chair, watch my way of doing it and lear n your less on.The boy sat dow n. Swift went out, kn ocked on the door and waited. The boy said, Comein. The doctor en tered, walked to the desk and said, If you please, sir, my mistress sends me tosay hello to you and hopes you will take the plas

19、tic bag of meat.The boy answered, Thank you, my boy. Give your mistress Dr Swifts thanks for herkindn ess, and here is two shilli ngs for yourself. The doctor laughed and after that, Swift n everforgot to give him his tip.()34. What do we kn ow about the old lady?A. She did nt know Dr Swift.B. She l

20、iked Dr Swift very much.C. She lived far from Dr Swifts house.D. She ofte n sent Dr Swift some prese nts herself.()35. What did Dr Swift want to do to the boy?A. He wan ted to have the boy do someth ing for him.B. He wan ted to teach the boy how to write.C. He wan ted to ask the boy to watch his way

21、 of work ing.D. He wan ted to teach the boy how to give some one a prese nt.()36. What did the boy show the doctor?A. How to help others.B. What to do whe n in trouble.C. What to do for his mistress.D. What to do whe n receivi ng a prese nt.()37. What would Dr Swift do after that?A. Welcome the boy.

22、B. In vite the boy to have supper with him.C. Remember to tip the boy.D. Remember to say Tha nk you to the boy.CA bird went to look for its happ in ess in the dista nee.It flew and flew whe n it sudde nly saw a little wilting flower, whose face was full of smile.Not knowing why, the bird asked the l

23、ittle flower, You are going to die. Why are you still sohappy?Because my dream will come true, said the little flower.What kind of dream do you have?To bear(結(jié)出 )sweet, delicious fruit.The n the little bird saw it: happ in ess is a hope in the heart.The little bird kept flying; it flew and flew when

24、it suddenly saw a lame duck, which wassinging a song. Not knowing why, it asked the duck, The fate treats you so un fairly. Why are youstill so happy with yourself?Because I saw a little duck fall, said the duck.So are you happy because you saw it trip over itself?No, Im happy because I helped it st

25、a nd up aga in.The n the little bird saw it. happ in ess is a love in the heart.The bird kept flying; it flew and flew when it suddenly saw a spider climbing up aslippery(濕滑的 )wall. The spider fell off the wall midway, but it kept climb ing aga in and fell offaga in. This did nt discourage(使泄氣)the s

26、pider; it kept climb ing over and over aga in. Notknowing why, the little bird asked the spider, You failed again and again. Why dont you havepain but happ in ess on your face?As long as I keep making my efforts, there is still hope to climb up it. Because of this, Im so delighted, said the spider.T

27、he n the little bird saw it. happ in ess is a faith in the heart.So the little bird pursued happ in ess no Ion ger because it had see n the truth: happ in ess isnot in the dista nee but in your heart.()38. What does the word wilt ing in the sec ond paragraph mean in Chin ese?A.盛開的B.含苞待放的C.快要枯萎的D.已經(jīng)凋

28、零的()39. What did the bird meet first on its way to the dista nee?A. A butterfly.B. A flower.C. A spider.D. A duck.()40. Why was the duck so happy?A. Because the fate treated it fairly.B. Because it saw ano ther duck trip over itself.C. Because it saw a spider fell off a slippery wall.D. Because it h

29、elped ano ther duck sta nd up.()41. What can we infer from the passage?A. Happ in ess is a feeli ng of hope, love, bravery and other beautiful thin gs.B. Happ in ess is so rare that you can only find it in the dista nee.C. Only whe n you get help from others will you feel happy.D. The spider felt ha

30、ppy because its great fun to climb up the wall.()42. Which of the followi ng can be the proper title for this article?A. A lovely bird and its journeyB. How can a bird be happyC. Happ in ess is in your heartD. Try to be as happy as you can四、詞語運用(共16小題,每,卜題1分,總分值1: 6分)A) 選出方框內(nèi)的單詞填空,其中有一個單詞或詞組是多余的。pro

31、nunciation, gather, in spirit, proud, foggy, in tears43. Jims is excellent. He must have practised a lot.44. Many tourists like to at Tiananmen Square to watch the raising of then ati onal flag.45. We were so that our school won the football game.46. All drivers should drive slowly and carefully on

32、such days.47. The more you read, the wealthier you will feel.B) 根據(jù)句子意思,用括號中所給單詞的正確形式填空。(每空限填一個單詞)48. Nancy got to know many (fame) directors at Shan ghai Film Festival.49. Im not satisfied with the house (it), but I like its environment.50. Beiji ng attracts many foreig n (visit) every year.51.1 am

33、(terrible) sorry that I broke your glass.52. This is Toms (three) visit to London and he is really enjoying it.C) 用括號中所給動詞的正確形式填空,使短文完整。Mr Black works hard these days and is very tired. In the morni ng Mrs Black wan ted to goshopping. She drove the car out and Mr Black53. (sit) on the back seat. Mrs

34、Black stopped their car n ear a shop. You cant stop here, dear, Mr Black said. Ca nt you see thesign No 54. (park) there? I 55. (not care) , said Mrs Black.Well, I 56. (stay) in the car and have a sleep, Mr Black said.I 57. (be) too tired.After a while, a police car came. The policeme n saw Mrs Blac

35、ks car and took away the car.They pulled the car to the police station. Of course Mr Black 58. (take)there too. He was still asleep on the back seat!五、閱讀填詞(共10小題,每題1分,總分值10分)閱讀短文,根據(jù)所讀內(nèi)容在文章后表格中的空格里填人一個恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~。Whe n people use computers for a long time, they may suffer from eye stra in. Your eyes mayfee

36、l tired and painful. Here are some pieces of advice that help keep computer users morecomfortable. The light in a room should nt be brighter than the computer screen itself. You can blocksome of the light by weari ng a baseball cap. Aspecial computer screen should be used to cut down on bright light

37、 because it isespecially tiring to the eyes. It is best to have dark letters on a light screen. You should be seated in a way you are look ing dow n at the computer scree n rather tha nstraight ahead, which is a far more tiring angle. The top of the screen should be a little lower thanthe top of the

38、 head. When you are typ ing, the docume nt should be placed so that it is in the sameline of sight as the scree n. How long you spend in front of a computer screen leads greatly to eye strain. Youshould take frequent breaks by looking away from the screen every fifteen or twenty minutes.During that

39、time you should either close your eyes or focus on an object at a distanee. Rememberto blink 眨眼frequently. Blinking helps keep the eyes wet with natural tears and providesmuch-n eeded mome nts of rest.一 ProblemsRoom lightingToo 6U.light in somerooms*Wear a baseball cat? io_Mine 血light.!62.Too bright

40、 light.Have 63.leuers on a light background.AngleThe 64.o the scretn ishigher thu the top of the head.Sit where vau can lookat the screen.Time! 一Spend too muchbcfcre stom put er 沁 recn. 66your eyes for ei moment.* Lnnk ar somethinE st a 67* 68hoften while using a computer.六、任務(wù)型閱讀共5小題,每題2分,總分值10分閱讀短文

41、,按要求答復(fù)下列問題。A TV programme has become popular in Chi na recen tly. It has made people all over Chi nabecome in terested in writ ing Chin ese characters.The in creas ing use of computers and smart pho nes has left most young people hardly able towrite by hand. Many of them are even un able to remember

42、 the 10,000 characters used in daily lifewithout electr onic help.CCTV started the Chinese Character Dictation Competition to improve the populationshan dwrit ing skills. Con testa nts 競賽選手on the show were school pupils. It was found that 70 %of adults in the audience were unable to remember how to

43、write the word chan chu. Computersallow people to type characters simply by en teri ng pinyin, and they don t n eed to remember howto write them.The keyboard age has had a big in flue nce on the han dwriti ng of Chin ese characters,Guan Zhen gwe n, who desig ned and directed the show said. He added

44、that he hoped to en couragepeople to keep it alive as an art form.Hao Mingjian, an editor of a magazine, putting his heart into Chinese characters, said,Lear ning Chin ese characters goes on throughout your life. If you stop using them for a long time,it is very likely that you will forget them.69. What has left most young people hardly able to write by hand?70. Why did CCTV start


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