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1、Management Communication: Art or Science?By Group One2021-10-161Outlinen IntroductionnBackground Knowledgen Case one:An Airline Disaster n Case two:Whose Job is More Tiring?n Conclusion2021-10-162Whats your opinion?3IntroductionIntroductionnButthenightofmyspeech,asurprisingthinghappened.Attheageof41

2、,Iwashitonbya27-year-oldguy.Iknow,right?HewascharmingandIwasflattered,andIdeclined.Youknowwhathisunsuccessfulpickuplinewas?Hecouldmakemefeel22again.Irealizedlaterthatnight,Improbablytheonlypersonover40whodoesnotwanttobe22again.Background Knowledge5DefinitionCommunications managementisthesystematicpl

3、anning,implementing,monitoringandreversionofallthechannelsofcommunicationwithinanorganization,andbetweenorganizations.WikipediaProcess of information exchangeContentCodingInformationReceivingUnderstandingDecodingInterferenceFeedbackSenderMediaReceiverLets go back to 19958nNavigator said:“Cleared to

4、Cali, report when passing Tulua”nPilot understood as :“Cleared direct to Cali, report when passing”Tow different words in two sentencesMore than 160 people lost their livesReasons to this tragedyContentCodingInformationReceivingUnderstandingDecodingInterferenceFeedbackSenderMediaReceiverreliability?

5、Quality?Misunderstanding?How to deal withHow to avoid?ProblemProblemInstitutional SolutionsInstitutional SolutionsQuality of the media Quality of the media Exploit new technologiesExploit new technologiesMisinterpretation Misinterpretation Enhance the feedbackEnhance the feedbackreliability of feedb

6、acks reliability of feedbacks Get feedback from different employeesGet feedback from different employeesInterference Interference Apply multiple ways to communicateApply multiple ways to communicate Management Communication can be regarded as a science, Because:nEstablish analytical models to analys

7、is the phenomenonnCreate theories to explain the reasons nApply technological methods to handle the problemnDraw conclusions from various casesImplication to this caseLets go back to WW15Hey boy,how is everything going?Frankly, my job, you see, digging the ditch all the day is GOD DAMM boring and ti

8、ring Listen, this reminds me of the pressure comes from the president who wants a victory, from the parents whose kids lost their lives owing to my decision, all these make it nearly impossible for me to get to sleep in the eve before any battle.Well Id better go back and dig the ditch Theoretical A

9、nalysisTheoretical AnalysisHofstadters cultural dimensions theoryPower distanceUncertainty AvoidanceIndividualism V.S. CollectivismMasculinity V.S. FemininityLong term V.S. Short termPower distanceTheextenttowhichthelowerrankingindividualofanorganizationacceptthefactthatpowerisdistributedunequally.B

10、ut there are two BUTs21The first BUTBut how to shorter the power distance ?in this case:nHave a walk with the soldier nTalk with him about your pressureThe second BUTWhat if you are a manager of a programmer?What if you are the CEO of TYOTA?What if you are the boss of a computer crop?What if you are

11、 Mr. Wang who intends to fire a pretty lady in his companyTake Mr. Wang as an exampleProcessProcessContentContentinformationinformation I have no choice but to fire you I have no choice but to fire you CodingCodingthe bosss wife doesnt like you the bosss wife doesnt like you Media Media face to face

12、 contact face to face contact DecodingDecodingMr. Wang is helping me out of this Mr. Wang is helping me out of this trouble trouble UnderstandiUnderstandingngI need to resign from this companyI need to resign from this companyContentCodingInformationReceivingUnderstandingDecodingInterferenceFeedback

13、SenderMediaReceiverDepend on who you areDepend on the circumstanceDepend on the contextPeople with various emotionsManagementCommunicationcanbeseenasanArt,Because,nHavetodealwithpeoplewithdifferentbackgroundnWhichmethodwetakedependoncircumstancesnManyfactorscannotbeIdealizednSomethinginappropriatetosummarizedintotextbookImplication of this case


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