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1、趙麗老師的主頁-詞匯8000練習(xí)趙麗詞匯TEST 11.antebellum1.quarrelsome2.appease2.solemn agreement3.rebellion3.to make peaceful4.pacify4.before the war5.pacifist5.aggressiveness6.belligerence6.opposition to authority7.pact7.to calm by satisfying8.bellicose8.one who opposes war1.utter honesty1.approbation2.approval2.rep

2、robate3.rascal3.recrimination4.demonstrateas false4.criminology5.study of illegal bity6.accuse6.disprove7.reduce penalty for7.decriminalize8.counterattack8.incriminate1.levity 1.solemn dignity2.gravitas2.relieve3.gravid 3.lift, raise4.alleviate4.something that lightens5.elevate5.move to

3、ward as if drawn6.leavening6.pregnant7.gravity7.lack of seriousness8.gravitate8.seriousnessTEST 2synagogue a. courthouse b. arena c. temple d. cinemaprovenance a. part of France b. origin c. Italian cheese d. invitationprodigal a. brilliant b. poor c. missing d. lavishventuresome a. daring b. wester

4、n c. forthright d. timidagitate a. soothe b. vibrate c. consume d. shake upadvent a. propaganda b. arrival c. commerce d. departurelitigate a. select a jury b. judge c. argue in court d. negotiatevenue a. jury b. place c. menu d. decision1.conjecture a. suppose b. conclude c. guess d. tract

5、ed a. lengthened b. continued c. circular d. extended3.dejected a. excited b. downcast c. depressed d. forlorn 4. retraction a. withdrawal b. regret c. disavowal d. denial5.trajectory a. curve b. path c. line d. target6.detract a. decrease b. diminish c. defy d. minimize7.adjacent a. near b. adjourn

6、ed c. touching d. ractable a. impossible b. uncontrollable c. stubborn d. untouchable1.hypothermia a. excitability b. subnormal temperature c. external temperature d. warmth2. thermo cline a. area of warm water b. area of cold water c. area between warm and cold water d. deep ocean wat

7、er3. hypocrisy a. dislike b. low energy c. insincerity d. nickname4. thermal a. keeping out b. keeping warm c. keeping safe d. keeping cold5. hypothetical a. typical b. substandard c. sympathetic d. assumed6. hypochondriac a. person with imaginary visions b. person with heart congestion c. person wi

8、th imaginary aliments d. person with imaginary relatives7.thermocouple a. temperature gauge b. nuclear reaction trigger c. ocean current gauge d. altitude gauge8.thermonuclear a. nuclear reaction requiring high heat b. chemical reaction requiring a vacuum c. biological reaction producing bright ligh

9、t d. nuclear reaction based on distance from the tracted2.persuade2.obsequious2.assume2.adjacent3.temptation3.induce3.depressed3.trajectory4.subtraction4.execute4.difficult4.retraction5.helpful5.seduction5.take away5.conjecture6.ordered6.consequential6.drawn ou

10、duce7.conducive7.curved path7.detract8.significant8.sequential8.nearby8.dejected1.affinity1.noticeable2.susceptible2.ultimate3.definitive3.beginning4.reception4.easily influenced5.finite5.tiny6.incipient6.attraction7.infinitesimal7.receiving8.perceptible8.limited1.ambivalent1.havi

11、ng more than one2.epithet2.surrounding3.amphitheater3.wavering4.epiphyte4.grave inscription5.ambiguous5.stage surrounded with tiered seats6.epitaph6.descriptivenickname7.ambient7.short-lived8.ephemeral8.non-parasitic plant growing on anotherTEST 31.dissipate a. drink slowly b. scatter c. make pale d

12、. undo2.homonyma. word meaning the same a another b. word spelled and sounded the same as another c. one with same name as another d. one who loves another of the same sex3.disseminatea. spread widely b. plant in rows c. dissolve d. make longer4.homogeneous a. self-loving b. unusually brilliant c. h

13、aving many parts d. consistent throughout5.diffraction a. breaking up of friendships b. breaking up of light waves c. breaking up of meetings d. breaking up of atoms6.homologousa. of different length b. of similar size c. of different stages d. of similar origin7.dissensiona. confusion b. disagreeme

14、nt c. satisfaction d. curiosity8.homophonea. word that sounds like another b. word that means the same thing as another c. word that looks like another d. word relating to sexual desire1.bad faith1.perfidy1.simultaneous1.impediment2.timid2.creditable2.obstacle2.precursor3.acceptance3.diffident3.hast

15、y3.expedient4.trust-based4.credulity4.forerunner4.discursive5.sworn document 5.creed5.convenient5.pedestrian6.well-done6.affidavit6.speed up6.expedite7.principles7.fiduciary7.rambling7.cursory8.trustfulness8.credence8.ordinary8.concurrent1.posthumous a. before the event b. born prematurely c. occurr

16、ing after death d. early in development2.flexora. radar detector b. muscle c. sunscreen d. bone3.posteriora. on the front b. on the back c. underneath d. on top4.deflect a. fold over b. kneel c. turn aside d. protect5.postmoderna. ultramodern b. traditional c. contemporary d. using past styles6.infl

17、ectiona. style in art b. change in pitch c. muscle d. part to the rear7.genuflect a. kneel b. flex a muscle c. fold back d. change ones tone of voice8.postmortem a. after the event b. before the event c. caused by the event d. causing the eventTEST 41.malevolent a. wishing evil b. wishing well c. bl

18、owing violently d. badly done2.cataclysma. loud applause b. feline behavior c. natural disaster d. inspiration3.maligna. speak well of b. speak to c. speak ill of d. speak of repeatedly4.catacomb a. underground road b. underground cemetery c. underground spring d. underground treasure 5.malicious a.

19、 vague b. explosive c. confusing d. mean6.catatonica. refreshing b. slow c. motionless d. boring7.malnourisheda. fed frequently b. fed poorly c. fed excessively d. fed occasionally8.catalysta. literary agent b. insurance agent c. cleaning agent d. agent of change1.orthodoxa. straight b. pier c. conv

20、entional d. waterfowl2.rectifya. redo b. make right c. modify d. make longer3.orthopedicsa. foot surgery b. childrens medicine c. medical dictionaries d. treatment of skeletal defects4.rectora. warden b. headmaster c. direction d. effect5.orthographya. correct color b. correct map c. correct directi

21、on d. correct spelling6.rectitudea. roughness b. integrity c. certainty d. sameness7.orthodonticsa. dentistry for children b. dentistry for gums c. dentistry for crooked teeth d. dentistry for every one8.rectlineara. moving in a straight line b. moving in a curved line c. moving at 45o angle d. movi

22、ng in a circle 1.derogatorya. critical b. unflattering c. admiring d. scornful2.inquisitiona. examination b. interrogation c. pardon d. inquiry3.abrogatea. neglect b. abolish c. steal d. ignore4.perquisitea. privilege b. bonus c. salary d. right5.prerogative a. right b. persuasion c. power d. privil

23、ege6.acquisitivea. grateful b. grasping c. grabby d. greedy7.requisition a. purchase order b. receipt c. request d. demand8.arrogatea. claim b. seize c. grab d. release1.depletea. straighten out b. draw down c. fold d. abandon2.repletea. refold b. repeat c. abundantly provided d. fully clothed3.odom

24、etera. intelligence measurer b. heart-rate measure c. height measurer d. distance measurer4.tachometera. speed measurerb. sharpness measurer c. fatigue measurer d. size measurerplementa. praise b. number required c. abundance d. usual dress6.metrica. relating to poetic rhythm b. relating to ocean de

25、pth c. relating to books d. relating to particles of matter7.implementa. put to death b. put to pasture c. put into practice d. put to sleep8.symmetricala. uncomplicated b. measured c. unattractive d. balanced1.to date tocol1.dystrophy1.impaired2.cell contents2.antechamber2.euphemism2.bes

26、et by tagonist3.dyslexia3.muscular deterioration4.rules of behavior4.ante meridiem4.eugenic4.crusading zeal5.towards the toplasm5.dysfunctional5.polite term6.model6.antedate6.euphoria6.reading disorder7.waiting moting superior8.hero o

27、r heroine8.anterior8.evangelism8.great happiness1.symmetrical1.drain2.tachometer2.put to use3.metric3.counterpart4.replete4.balanced5.odometer5.distance measurer6.deplete6.speed measurer7.implement7.fullplement8.relating to a measuring systemTEST 51.sinecurea. hopeful sign b. fruitless search c. car

28、eless act d. easy job2.curatora. doctor b. lawyer c. caretaker d. spectator3.periodontala. visual b. inside a tooth c. around a tooth c. wandering4.peripatetica. wandering b. unemployed c. surrounding d. curea. say b. obtain c. look after d. heal6.curativea. purify b. healing c. sa

29、ving d. repairing7.perimetera. factor b. characteristic c. supplement d. boundary8.periherala. supplementary b. around a tooth c. wandering d. dangerous1.theosophy1.immaturely overconfident2.sentiment2.outstandingly excellent3.sensuous3.docrine of God and the world4.sophomoric4.gratifying the senses

30、5.sophistry5.false reasoning6.sentient6.opinion colored by emotion7.sophisticated7.receiving perceptions8.sensational8.highly complex1.inaudible1.involving soundpared to 1.introspection2.auditory2.impossible to hear2.shrewd2.visitation3.ultrasound3.diagnostic phet3.vis-a-vis4.resonance

31、4.a critical hearing4.appearance4.auspicious5.auditor5.relating to hearing5.self-examination5.perspicacious6.sonic6.unharmonious6.noticeable6.visionary7.dissonant7.finacial examiner7.favorable7.conspicuous8.audition8.continuing or echoing sound8.official call 8.visageTEST 61.inherent a. part ofb. in

32、heritedc. confused d. loyal2.fuguea. mathematical formulab. musical form c. marginal figure d. masonry foundation3.adherenta. sticker b. stinker c. follower d. flower4.centrifugala. moving upward b. moving backwardc. moving downward d. moving outward5.cohesiona. unity b. thoughtfulness c. uniformity

33、 d. thoughtlessness6.suterfugea. overhead serve b. underhanded plot c. powerful force d. secret supporter7.incoherenta. attached b. constant c. controlled d. confused8.fugitivea. traveler b. sailor c. escapee d. drifter1.injunctiona. orderb. positionc. fact d. connection2.impartiala. fairb. biasedc.

34、 accurated. opinionated3.adjuncta. warningb. additionc. disclosured. difference4.participlea. verb partb. warning c. supplementd. guerrilla fighter5.juntaa. danceb. pointc. groupd. symphony6.imparta. separateb. supportc. favord. disclose7.disjunctiona. prohibitionb. breakc. requirementd. intersectio

35、n8.partisana. judgeb. teacherc. supporterd. leader1.force by moral pressure1.remittance2.letterpel3.drive irresistibly3.repulsion4.disgust4.manumission5.agent5.expel6.payment6.missive7.drive duction of organic matter2.phosphorescent3.clari

36、fy3.translucent4.passing diffused light4.elucidate5.elemental particle5.photogenic6.brightly clear6.photosynthesis7.hard study7.photon8.visually appealing8.lucent1.cosmopolitan1.having foresight2.omniscience 2.universe3.cosmetic3.universal knowledge4.conscientious4.sophosticated5.unconscionable5.for

37、 the sake of appearance6.cosmology6.scrupulous7.prescient7.inexcusable8.cosmos8.decription of the universeTEST 71.convoluted a. spinning b. babbling c. grinding d. winding2.turbine a. whirlpool b. engine c. headdress d. carousel3.evolution a. process of development b. process of democracy c. process

38、 of election d. process of elimination4.perturba. reset b. inset c. preset d. upset5.voluble a. whirling b. unpleasant c. talkative d. garbled6.turbulent a. churning b. turning c. yearning d. burning7.turbid a. flat b. calm c. confused d. slow8. devolution a. handing down b. handing in c. turning up

39、 d. turning around1.descant a. climb downward b. added melody c. supposed inability d. writing table2.allude a. play b. detract c. avoid d. refer3.incantation a. ritual chant b. ceremony c. solemn march d. recorded song4.prelude a. aftermath b. conclusion c. introduction d. admission5.cantataa. snac

40、k bar b. pasta dish c. sung composition d. farewell gesture6.ludicrous a. tough b. laughable c. simple d. ugly7.cantor a. singer b. refusal c. traitor d. gallop8.collusion a. accidental crash b. illegal cooperation c. new material d. magic spell1.matriculate a. give birth b. enroll c. tickle d. adju

41、st2.premonition a. introduction b. scolding c. pre maturity d. forewarning3.matrilineal a. through the mothers family b. graduating c. adopted c. female4.monitory a. monetary b. mean c. cautionary d. enthusiastic5.metropolitan a. urban b. suburban c. rural d. oceanic6.monitor a. think b. persuade c.

42、 avoid d. watch7.maternity a. motherhood b. childhood c. Robin Hood d. sainthood8.admonish a. praise b. arrest c. await d. scold1.monologue a. speech b. drama c. catalog d. boredom2.imputea. imply b. revise c. attribute d. defy3. reputed a. rethought b. accused c. determined d. believed4. neologism

43、a. new day b. new word c. new way d. new thought5. putative a. assumed b. appointed c. solved d. ignored6. genealogy a. generation b. inheritance c. family history d. height7. disputatious a. courageous b. disproved c. unknown d. argumentative8. eulogy a. high praise b. high flight c. high times d.

44、high jump1.voluable 1. murky1.through the female line1.monitor2.turbine 2.fluent2.warning2.premonition3.evolution3.seething3.sign up at school3.maternity4.turbid plicated4.regulate4.metropolitan5.devolution5.turning engine5.gently correct5.matrilineal6.perturb6.degeneration6.early suspicion6.matricu

45、late7.convoluted 7.gress8.city8.monitory1.theater area1.mariner2.blue-green gem2.terrestrial3.under the ground 3.marina4.near the sea4.terrarium5.contained habitat5.maritime6.seaman6.parterre7.small harbor7.subterranean8.earthly8.aquamarineTEST 81.resen

46、tment1.penumbra2.brownish color2.travesty3.installing in office3.transvestite4.cross-dresser4.adumbrate5.imitation5.divest6.get rid of 6.umbrage7.near shadow 7.investiture8.partially disclose 8.umber1.deity1.state ruled by religion2.pantheistic2.dramatic device3.apotheosis3.supreme being4.divinity4.

47、non god believing5.atheistic5.godlines6.divinatory6.accepting all phetic8.deus ex machine8.perfect example1.accuse 1. accord 1.skilled craft man1.artful2.excuse 2.concordance2.natural talent2.artifice3.agreement3.mea culpa3.skillfully sly3.adaptation4.heartfelt4.discordant4.exper

48、t4.inept5.grant 5.cess of change6.aptitude7.disagreeing7.inculpate7.man-made object7.adept8.confession8.exculpate8.awkward8.artifact1.pandemic a. isolated b. widespread c. present d. absent2.populace a. politics b. numerous c. masses d. popularity3.e

49、ndemic a. common b. absent c. infection d. occasional4.demotic a. devilish b. common c. cultural d. useful5.populous a. well-liked b. foreign c. numerous d. obscure6.demographic a. describing politics b. describing populations c. describing policies d. describing epidemics7.populist a. communist b.

50、campaigner c. socialist d. believer in the people8.vox populi a. public policy b. public survey c. public opinion d. public outrage1.precision a. accuracy b. beauty c. conciseness d. dependence2.decadent a. rotten b. generous c. self-indulgent d. ten years long3.excise a. tax b. examine c. refuse d.

51、 cut out4. recidivism a. backsliding b. backstabbing c. backscratching d. backslapping5.incisive a. damaging b. direct c. dirty d. definite6.casualty a. serious remark b. serious outlook c. serious condition d. serious injury 7.concise a. short b. sure c. shifting d. sharp8. cadaver a. victim b. sus

52、pect c. corpse d. detectiveTEST 91.mysterious1.apocryphal1.thorough1.renaissance2.code writing2.abstraction2.beginning2.pediatrician3.fake3.abscond3.boring teacher3.cognate4.difficult4.cryptic4.related4.encyclopedic5.tomb5.abstruse5.presentfrom cation6.pedant7.self-

53、controlled7.cryptography7.revival7.innate8.flee8.abstemious8.childrens doctor8.pedagogy1.fertile1.supreme1. avert1.with many uses2.transcendent2.implied conclusion2.spherical2.upper liferate5.multiply5.versatile5.half-sphere6.transient6.yielding6.biosphere6.entertain7.inference7.passing7.stratosphere7.globelike8.transfuse8.transfer8.perverse8.life zone1.indoctrinate1.instruction costs2.tutelage2.easily led3.doctrine3.fill with a point o


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