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1、張彤禾HI,So Id like to talk little bit about the people嗨,今天我想來探討一下Who make the things we use every day;這些為我們制造日常用品的人們:Our shoes,our handbags,our computers and cell phones,例如我們的鞋子,手提包,電腦,還有手機。Now, this is a conversatuon that often calls up a lot of guilt.這個話題時常讓我們覺得很內(nèi)疚。Imagine the teenage farm girl who

2、makes less than想象一下,一個年輕的農(nóng)村女孩給你縫制跑步鞋a dollar an hour stitching your running shoes,可每個小時還賺不到一美金,Or the young Chinese man who jumps off a rooftop又或者是那個加班為你組裝ipad的中國小伙子after working overtime assembling your ipad在加班之后從樓上跳了下來。We,the beneficiaries of globalization,seem to exploit我們,是全球化的受益者,These victims

3、with every purchase we make,可每筆交易卻似乎都是在剝削那些受害者,and the injustice而這種不公平Feels embedded in the products themselves.似乎也深深烙印在這些產(chǎn)品之中。After all, whats wrong with the world in which a worker總而言之,這個世界到底怎么了?On an iphone assembly line cant even afford to buy one?一個在組裝iphone 生產(chǎn)線上的員工卻買不起一臺iphone?Its taken for gr

4、anted that chinese factories are oppressive,人們理所當(dāng)然地認為,中國的工廠就是應(yīng)該被壓榨的,And that its our desire for cheap goods因為我們渴求便宜的產(chǎn)品That makes them so。造成了這樣的局面。So,this simple narrative equating Weatern demand很顯然,西方社會的需求And Chinese suffering is appealing,和中國人對他們遭遇的申訴被連接在一起,especially at a time when many of us alre

5、ady feel guilty尤其是當(dāng)我們中的很多人已經(jīng)因為我們對世界影響About our impact on the world,而感到了內(nèi)疚,But its also inaccurate and disrespectful.然而,這是不正確的,也是不尊重他人的。We must be peculiarly self-obsessed to imagine that we我們極其自戀地去想象著Have the power to drive tens of millions of people我們有力量去操控地球另一邊On the other side of the world to mig

6、rate and suffer.千萬的人民,讓他們以如此可怕的方式In such terrible ways.去遭受痛苦或者遷移。In fact, China makes goods for markets all over the world,事實上,中國制造的產(chǎn)品遍布全球,Including its own, thanks to a combination of factors:也包括他們自己的市場,這要歸結(jié)于許多因素的綜合:Its low costs,its large and educated workforce,低成本,大量受過教育的勞動力,And a flexible manufa

7、cturing system還有有彈性的工作制度That responds quickly to market demands.這些都快速地迎合了市場的需求。By focusing so much on ourselves and our gadgets,我們因為太專注于我們自身和產(chǎn)品上,We have rendered the individuals on the other end所以忽視了產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈另一端的個體的存在Into invisibility, as tiny and interchangeable將他們看成是可以隨時被替換的,微小的as the parts of a mobile

8、phone.像手機零件那樣。Chinese workers are not forced into factories中國工人并不是因為我們對于ipods 的無限渴求Because of our insatiable desire for ipods.而被迫進入工廠的。They choose to leave their homes in order to earn money,他們選擇背井離鄉(xiāng),是為了賺錢,to learn new skills.and to see the world.為了學(xué)習(xí)新的技能,以為為了看看這個世界。In the ongoing debate about globa

9、lization, whats在全球化發(fā)展趨勢的辯論中been missing is the voices of the workers themselves.我們?nèi)笔У模邱雎牴と藗冏约旱穆曇?。Here are a few.以下就是一些例子。Baoyongxiu:”My mother tells me to come home包永秀(音譯)說:“我媽媽讓我回家結(jié)婚and get married,but if i marry now,before i have fully 但是如果我還沒有讓自己的得到充分的發(fā)展developed myself, i can only marry an ordi

10、nary worker,就結(jié)婚,我只能嫁給一個平凡的工人,So im not in a rush”所以我根本不著急。”Chen Ying: “When I went home for the new year,陳穎(音譯)說:“我過年回家的時候everyone said I had changed.They asked me,每個人都說我變了,他們問我:What did you do that you have changed so much?你怎么會有這么大的改變?I told them that studied and worked hard.If you tell them我告訴他們,我

11、很努力地學(xué)習(xí)和工作,more,they wont understand anyway.”即便你想給他們講更多,他們反正也不能理解?!盬u Chunming:”Even if i make a lot of money,吳春明(音譯):“即使我賺了很多錢It wont satisfy me.也無法滿足我自己。Just to make money is not enough meaning in life.”賺錢并不是生活全部的意義?!盭iaoJin:”Now, after i get off work, i study English,肖金(音譯)說:“現(xiàn)在我下班以后,就會去學(xué)英語Because

12、 in the future,our customers wont因為在不久的將來,我們的客戶將不僅僅是中國人,be only Chinese,so we must learn more languages.”所以,我們需要學(xué)習(xí)更多的語言?!盇ll of these speakers,by the way, are young women,以上的話,都是出自一些年輕女孩的口,18 or 19 years old.他們僅僅18、19歲。So I spent two years getting to know assembly line workers因此,我花了兩年的時間去了解流水工作線上的工人

13、們Like these in the south China factory city called Dongguan.例如在中國南部的一個工業(yè)城市東莞。Certain subjects came up over and over:有一些主要的問題不斷的重復(fù)著:How much money they made,他們到底賺了多少錢,what kind of husband they hoped to marry,他們想要嫁給怎樣的人,Whether they should jump to another factory他們是否想要跳槽Or stay where they were.還是留在一個工

14、廠內(nèi)。Other subjects came up almost never, including另一些話題,則幾乎不被提起living conditions that to me looked close to prison life;例如:在我眼中如牢獄般的生活條件10 or 15 workers in one room,10-15個工人住在一個房間里,50 people sharing a single bathroom,50個人公用一個廁所,days and nights ruled by the factory clock.日以繼夜地按照工廠的要求來作息。Everyone they

15、knew lived in similar circumstances,他們每一個人都知道,即便是住在如此的環(huán)境里面And it was still better than the dormitories and homes也會比他們在中國農(nóng)村的老家的條件of rural China。好得多They workers rarely spoke about the products they made,工人們很少談?wù)撍麄冎圃斓漠a(chǎn)品,And they often had great difficulty explaining他們往往很難解釋清楚What exactly they did.他們到底做了

16、什么。When I asked Lu Qingmin,我訪問了呂清明(音譯)The young woman I got to know best,這個年輕的女孩是我最了解的,what exactly she did on the factory floor,我問她她在工廠里到底從事什么工作She said something to me in Chinese that sounded like 他用中文告訴我,聽起來像是“qiu xi”“秋西”。Only much later did I realize that she had been saying很久以后,我才知道她說的是“QC,” or

17、 quality control.“QC”,也就是質(zhì)量監(jiān)控。She couldnt even tell me what she did on the factory floor.她竟然都不能告訴我她在工廠里做的是什么。All she could do was parrot a garbled abbreviation她能做的就只是模仿一個英文縮寫的發(fā)音In a language she didnt even understand.而這個語言是她根本就不懂的。Karl Marx saw this as the tragedy of capitalism,馬克思認為這就是資本主義的悲哀the al

18、ienation of the worker from the product of his labor.疏遠了工人與他們所制造的產(chǎn)品。Unlike,say, a traditional maker of shoes or cabinets,與傳統(tǒng)的鞋匠或者木匠不同,The worker in an industrial factory has no control,工人在工廠沒有控制權(quán),No pleasure,and no true satisfaction or understanding在她所做的工作中,沒有快樂,In her own work.沒有真正的滿足或理解。But like s

19、o many theories that Marx arrived at 但同許多馬克思Sitting in the reading room of the British Museum,坐在英國圖書館的閱讀室里想出來理論一樣,He got this one wrong.這一點,他錯了。Just because a person spends her time僅僅因為一個人用她的時間Making a piece of something does not mean去制造一件物品,并不代表that she becomes that,a piece of something.她就變成了這件物品Wh

20、at she does with the money she earns,她用她賺的錢去做了什么What she learns in that place,and how it changes her,她在那個地方學(xué)到了什么技能,以及她如何被改變These are the things that matter.這些才是最重要的。What a factory makes is never the point,and一個工廠制造什么并非重點,The workers could not care less who buys their products.工人們也不在乎誰買了他們制造的產(chǎn)品。Journ

21、alistic coverage of Chinese factories,記著報道了關(guān)于中國工廠的新聞on the other hand,plays up this relationship另一方面,也強調(diào)了Between the workers and the products they make.工人與產(chǎn)品之前的聯(lián)系。Many articles calculate:How long would it take很多文章都在計算:For this worker to work in order to earn enough money這些工人要工作多久,賺來的錢To buy what hes

22、 making?才夠買一件他們制作的產(chǎn)品?For example,an entry-level-line assembly line worker舉個例子,一個初級組裝生產(chǎn)線的工人In china in an iphone plant would have to shell out在中國組裝iphone配件Two and a half months wages for an iphone.要傾其2個半月的工資才能買一臺iphone。But how meaningful is this calculation, really?但說真的,這些計算有任何意義嗎?For example,I recen

23、tly wrote an article再舉個例子,我最近寫了一篇文章In the New Yorker magazine.登在紐約客雜志上,But I cant afford to buy an ad in it.但是也供不起我在雜志上登一個廣告。But,who cares?I dont want an ad in the New Yorker,但是,誰在乎?我不需要在紐約客上登廣告And most of these workers dont really want iphones.其實,大部分的工人,也不是真的需要iphones。Their calculations are differe

24、nt.他們的計算方式是不同的。How long should i stay in this factory?我在工廠要待多久?How much money can i save?我能存多少錢?How much will it take to buy an apartment or a car,我需要多少錢才能買個房子,買輛車,To get married,or to put my child through school?才能結(jié)婚,或者足以送我的小孩去學(xué)校?The workers I got to know had a curiously abstract這些我試圖去了解的工人們Relatio

25、nship with the product of their labor.對他們和產(chǎn)品之間的聯(lián)系有著很抽象的解讀。About a year after I met Lu Qingmin, or Min,大概在我遇到陸青敏,也就是小敏的一年后She invited me home to her family village她邀請我去她農(nóng)村的家做客For the Chinese New Year。過春節(jié)。On the train home,she gave me a present;在回家的火車上,她給了我一個禮物;A Coach brand change purse with brown le

26、ather trim.一個棕色皮質(zhì)的Coach牌零錢包。I thanked her,assuming it was fake,我謝了她,雖然我很自然地認為這應(yīng)該是個山寨的產(chǎn)品,Like almost everything else for sale in Dongguan.就好像東莞在出售的大部分產(chǎn)品一樣。After we got home,Min gave her mother another present;回家以后,小敏給了她媽媽另一個禮物:A pink Dooney&Bourke handbag,一個Dooney&Bourke牌的粉色手提包,And a few nigh

27、ts later, her sister was showing off幾天以后,她的姐姐正在展示A maroon LeSportsac shoulder bag一個紅褐色的LeSportsac 單肩包。Slowly it was dawning on me that these handbags慢慢地,我好像明白了Were made by their factory,這些東西都是她們工廠生產(chǎn)的And every single one of them authentic.每一件東西,都是正品Mins sister said to her parents,小敏的姐姐告訴她父母“In Americ

28、an,this bag sells for 320 dollars.”“在美國,這個包要賣320美金。”Her parents, who are both farmers,looked on,speechless.她的的農(nóng)民父母看了看,無言以對?!癆nd thats not all-Coach is coming out with a new line,還有,Coach 正在推出一系列新產(chǎn)品21912191,”she said,“One bag sell for 6000.”她說:“這個好像要賣6000.”She paused and said,”I dont know if thats 60

29、00 yuan or她停頓了一下:“我不知道是6000元人民幣,還是6000 American dollars,but anyway, its 6000.”6000美元,無論如何都是6000啦?!盡ins sisters boyfriend,who have traveled home with her小敏姐姐的男友也回到家For the new year, said,與她一起過年,“It doesnt look like its worth that much.”他說:“看起來不值這么多錢。”Mins sister turned to him and said,”some people ac

30、tually小敏的姐姐對他說:“有的人Understand these things. You dont understand shit.”就是懂這些東西,你懂啥?!盜n Mins world, the Coach bags had a curious currency.在小敏的世界里,Coach包包有一個很奇怪的價值。They werent exactly worthless, but they were nothing它們雖然不是一文不值,但是相比起它們的實際價值Lose to the actual value,because almost no one they knew還是相差甚遠,因

31、為他們所結(jié)識的人里面Wanted to buy one, or knew how much it was worth.幾乎沒有人想要買,也沒有人知道這值多少錢。Once,when Mins older sisters friend got married,又一次,小敏大姐的一個朋友結(jié)婚She brought a handbag along as a wedding present.她帶著一個手提包作為給新人的禮物。Another time, after Min had already left又一次,小敏已經(jīng)離開手提包的工廠了The handbag factory, her younger s

32、ister came to visit,但她的小妹妹來看她的時候Bringing two Coach Signature handbags as gifts.帶了兩個經(jīng)典款Coach作為禮物。and I found a printed card in English,which read,看到一張卡片寫著一些英文:“An American classic.“美國經(jīng)典。In 1941,the burnished patina1941年那些表皮磨光的Of an all-American baseball glove美國棒球手套Inspired the founder of Coach to cre

33、ate啟發(fā)了Coach的創(chuàng)始人a new collection of handbags from the same促使其研發(fā)了一個新系列的手提包:Luxuriously soft gloved-hand leather.奢華、柔軟的表面和手套的皮質(zhì)一樣。Six skilled leather workers crafted 12 Signature handbags6名技巧純熟的皮革工人制造12只經(jīng)典款手提包With perfect proportions and a timeless flair.他們有著精準(zhǔn)而快速的手藝。They were fresh,functional, and wom

34、en everywhere這些手提包新穎,具有相當(dāng)?shù)墓δ苄?,世界各地的女人都喜歡Adored them. A new American classic was born.”一個新的美國經(jīng)典誕生了?!盜 wonder what Karl Marx would have made of Min我想知道馬克思是否會被小敏And her sisters.和她的姐妹所影響。Their relationship with the product of their labor她們與產(chǎn)品之間的關(guān)系Was more complicated surprising and funny更復(fù)雜、驚奇而且有趣Than h

35、e could have imagined.這都超出他的想象。And yet, his view of the world persists,and our tendency但是,他對這個世界的觀點沒變,而我們卻將To see the workers as faceless masses,這些工人們看成是一群上不了臺面的群體,To imagine that can know what theyre really thinking.想象一下,假如我們可以了解工人們的真實想法。The first time I met Min,she had just turned 18 我第一次見到小敏的時候,她

36、剛滿18歲And quit her first job on the assembly line她剛剛辭去在一家電子設(shè)備工廠的Of an electronics factory.組裝生產(chǎn)線的工作。Over the next two years,I watched as she switched jobs接下來的兩年,我看著她換了5次工作,F(xiàn)ive times,eventually landing a lucrative post最后固定在一個比較賺錢的職位In the purchasing department of a hardware factory。是在一個硬件工廠的采購部門。Later

37、,she married a fellow migrant worker,不久,她嫁給了一個打工仔,Moved with him to his village,然后移居到了他的村子,Gave birth to two daughters,生了兩個女兒,And saved enough money to buy a secondhand Buick他們存夠了錢給她買了一輛二手別克車For herself and an apartment for her parents。給她的父母買了房子。She recently returned to Dongguan on her own最近她獨自回到東莞t

38、o take a job n a factory that makes construction cranes,在一個起重機工廠里找了份工作,Temporarily leaving her husband and children暫時與她村里的丈夫和孩子Back in the village.分局兩地。In a recent email to me,she explained,在最近的一封郵件里,她解釋:“A person should have some ambition while she id young“人們年輕的時候,應(yīng)該有所抱負So that in old age she can

39、look back on her life那么在他們老的時候,回首過去And fell that it was not lived to no purpose.”就不會覺得這一生都毫無意義?!盇cross China, there are 150 million workers like her,在中國,有1億5千萬像她一樣的工人,One third of them women,who have left their villages其中三分之一,是離鄉(xiāng)背井的女性,To work in the factories, the hotels,the restaurants她們在工廠、酒店、餐廳An

40、d the construction sites of the big cities.或者是大城市的建筑工地工作。Together, they make up the largest migration in history,這么算來,是她們創(chuàng)造了歷史上一個龐大的人口遷移的數(shù)字,And it is globalization, this chain that begins而這個產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈的起點,就是“全球化”的風(fēng)靡In a Chinese farming village從中國的農(nóng)村And end with iphones in our pockets and Nike on our feet到最終進入我們口袋里的ipho


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