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1、Unit 6 Wisdom of Bear Wood Abandon Adj. abandoned n. Abandonment v. Abandon Abandon oneself 放縱,縱情,使沉溺于 After his mother died, he abandoned himself to grief. Accumulation Accumulate v. Accumulate experience 獲取經驗Accumulate possessions 積累財富 Accumulated adj. Attached Attached file/ document = attachment

2、 Unattached adj. = single * attached = married attachment n. affectionShe has already formed a strong attachment to her baby brother. feel a strong attachment to ones family Attach oneself: She attached herself to us. attach oneself to a group Attach to : like Jack is very much attached to the littl

3、e boy. Brim brimmed/ brimmed/ brimming His eyes brimmed with tears. To brim a mug with coffee (full of ) Brim over with Brim over with sympathy Brim over with hospitality Carve She carved a flower out of a radish. His walking stick was carved with a horses head. At the dinner table, my job is to car

4、ve the meat. Dangle v. a. to hang or swing loosely to dangle from sth. 懸吊在某物上 with legs dangling 兩腿晃蕩著 to keep sb. dangling 使某人的心懸著 to dangle ones legs in the water b. to offer as an attraction 用 誘惑 to dangle sth. in front of/ before ones eyes 用 誘惑某人A pair of binoculars dangled from her neck. He sat

5、 on the edge of the table dangling his legs. They might do the job if you dangle a bonus in front of them.Dense a. a. closely packed or crowded together 密度大的,密集的 b. difficult to see through 濃密的c. stupid a dense crowd 密集的人群 dense liquid 稠的液體 a dense metal 密度大的金屬 a dense fog 濃霧 a dense mist dense traf

6、fic a man with a dense brain Friendship Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing. 擇友不宜快,絕交更須慢。Everything is good when new, but friends when old.東西新的好,朋友老的佳。A friend is, as it were, another self. 可以說,朋友就是自己的化身。Old friends and old wines are best. 陳酒味醇,老友情深。Ease To ease the pain of a wound to e

7、ase ones anxiety to ease pain to ease the burden to ease the speed of a car * speeding to ease the elastic in a skirt a little I will help if it will ease her job. Echo The hall echoed with cheers. Shouts echoed through the street. The pupil echoed his teachers words. They echoed every word of their

8、 leader. Familiarity n. a. thorough knowledge (of) b. the freedom of behavior only expected in the most friendly relations Examples: His familiarity with the language impressed us all. They greeted each other with such familiarity that we thought they must be brother and sister. Fascinated The child

9、ren were fascinated by the toys in the big department store. The actresss beauty fascinated everyone. The very style of the book fascinates. Frail a. (someone) not very strong or healthy b. (something) easily broken or damagedShe lay in bed looking frail. The frail boat rocked as she clambered in it

10、. Synonyms: fragile ,weak, slight, delicate Glimpse He glimpsed her as the beautiful girl went by. He glimpsed at the book. Identify v. a. to prove or show the identity of b. to discover or recognize Examples: She was asked to identify the criminal. The dead man has been identified as Mr. James Goul

11、d. They have now identified the main cause of the problem. Do not identify wealth with happiness. His voice quickly identified him. “ John Doe (男) ; Jane Doe (女) 無名氏Immense Immense sadness Immense potential Immense change Immense appreciation Impenetrable a. impossible to go into or through b. extre

12、mely difficult or impossible to understand 1. the impenetrable forest 密林 2. impenetrable by a bullet 子彈打不穿的 3. impenetrable darkness 漆黑 4. an impenetrable mystery 難解之謎 5. a mind impenetrable by/to new ideas不接受新思想的頑固頭腦 Inclined v. a. to influence or encourage to have a particular feeling, belief, etc

13、. b. to tend to; be likely to show a particular state of quality c. to cause to move downwards Examples: Her arguments incline me towards a different view of the matter. I incline to get tired easily. He inclined his head in greeting. 點頭致意 incline ones head in greeting Incline incline a post against

14、 the wall 把柱子靠墻斜立著 incline ones ear to sb. 側耳傾聽某人講話 be inclined to go by air 想要坐飛機去 His attitude did not incline me to help him. 他的態(tài)度使我不想幫助他。 Are you inclined for a walk? 你想散步嗎? incline to traditional way 喜愛傳統(tǒng)的做法 incline toward the speaker to hear more clearly將身子傾向講話者,以便聽得更清楚些。 Legacy legacies (pl.)

15、You could make a real difference to someones life by leaving them a generous legacy.Thesebooksarehislegacytothecollege.n.1) 遺產 2) 遺留問題 Nickname 綽號 n. a name used informally instead of a persons own name connected with ones character or history first name 名 Christian name 教名,洗禮名 surname 姓,綽號 last nam

16、e 姓 family name 姓 maiden name 女子的娘家姓氏 pet name 愛稱,昵稱 fake name 假名 pseudonym假名,筆名 pen name 筆名 stage name藝名 anonymity 匿名Odds and ends Odds and ends 零星東西waifs and strays n. 零碎東西;無家可歸的人;流浪的動物pros and cons 利弊,正反兩方面,贊成者和反對者Private private life 私生活 private coach/teacher/tutor 家庭教師,私人教師 private property 私有財

17、產 private ownership 私有制 a private secretary 私人秘書 a private car私家車 private business 個人的事,私事 private affairs/concerns私事,隱秘的事 private information非正式消息 for sb.s private ear 只私下里跟某人講Proceed The work is proceeding according to plan. He paused to consult his notes, and then proceeded with his questions. Pa

18、ssengers for the New York flight should now proceed to Gateproceed to London 去倫敦 proceed to the next business 著手另一項工作 Please proceed with your story. 請繼續(xù)講下去。 diseases that proceed from dirt 因為不清潔引起的疾病 proceed to the degree 得學位 proceed with ones work 繼續(xù)干下去(尤指停頓一段時間后)Regard a. to look at, observe, wat

19、ch carefully 凝視 b. to consider in the stated way 把看作,看待 n. respectful attention; consideration 注重Give my regards to your family. 請代我向您的家人問好。(良好的祝愿)She regarded him curiously for a moment. I have always regarded him highly. You have no regard for my feelings. in this regard就這一點而言; with regard to關于,至于

20、; without regard to 不考慮 ; regardless of不管不顧; as regards/regarding 至于,關于roamv. to wander without any very clear purpose e.g. The lovers roamed across the fields in complete forgetfulness of the time. Crowds of youths roamed the streets looking for trouble. Synonyms: ramble; wander stingn. & v. to hur

21、t or make something hurt with a sudden sharp pain for a short time Examples: I stared out of the window, tears stinging my eyes. He was stung by the bee/wasp黃蜂/icy wind/sprays/smoke/condemnation譴責/ harsh words/criticism。 Theresalwaysastinginhiswords.跟讀他說話總帶刺兒。Some of the criticism has stung him.有些批評

22、刺傷了他。Synonyms :prick刺,戳 , wound, painSuspect v. A). to think that something is probably true or likely, esp. something bad B). to think that someone is probably guilty C). to doubt the truth of something n. a person who is suspected of guilt, esp. in a crime They suspect him of murder. The police ha

23、ve arrested two suspects. Word formation n. suspicion懷疑疑心 adj. suspicious 可疑的懷疑的 (主語為人) adj. suspectable 值得懷疑的trespassv. to enter privately owned property or land without permission n. an act or offence of trespassing She was trespassing on my special place. I shall trespass on your hospitality. 我要來

24、打擾你啦 A friend to all is a friend to none. 濫交者無友。 A friend without faults will never be found. 人無完人。 Better alone than have a false friend for company. 交損友不如無友。 Better an intelligent enemy than an ignorant friend. 寧樹聰明敵,不交無知友。1.Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used _ late for his le

25、cture. a. to have students b. for students being c. for students to be d. to students being 2. Harry was _ by a bee when he was collecting the honey. a. stung b. stuck c. bitten d. scratched 3. People who live in small towns often seem more friendly than those living in _ populated areas. a. densely

26、 b. intensely c. abundantly d. highly 4. The lost car of the Lees was found _ in the woods off the highway. a. vanished b. abandoned c. scattered d. rejected 5.Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _ it comes to classroom tests. a. before b. as c.

27、 since d. when 6. Mr. Morgan can be very sad _, though in public he is extremely cheerful. a. by himself b. in person c. in private d. as individual 7. There were many people present and he appeared only for a few seconds, so I only caught a _ of him. a.glance b. glimpse c. look d. sight 8. A lorry

28、_ Janes cat and sped away. a. ran over b. ran into c. ran through d. ran down 9. When he finally emerged from the cave after thirty days, John was _ pale. a. enormously b. startlingly c. uniquely d. dramatically 10. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, whereas the behavior of an animal de

29、pends mainly on _. a. consciousness b. impulse c. instinct d. response 11.You see the lightening _ it happens, but you hear the thunder later. a. the instant b. for an instant c. on the instant d. in an instant 12. Lightning is a _ of electrical current from a cloud to the ground or from one cloud t

30、o another. a. rush b. rainbow c. rack d. ribbon 13.Marlin is a young man of independent thinking who is not about _ compliments to his political leaders. a. paying b. having paid c. to pay d. to have paid 14. I shall have a companion in the house after all these _ years. a. single b. sole c. alone d. lonely 15.Being somewhat short-sighted, she had the habit of _ at people. a.


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