已閱讀5頁,還剩3頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、培訓(xùn)員工的四個基本步驟(翻譯)之一。 新員工進(jìn)入酒店后,為了確保其在進(jìn)入工作崗位后能夠發(fā)揮最大作用,需要進(jìn)行培訓(xùn)。對 于老員工也應(yīng)當(dāng)給與適當(dāng)?shù)呐嘤?xùn),可以提高其服務(wù)水平層次。以下4個培訓(xùn)步驟應(yīng)當(dāng)作為 基本步驟準(zhǔn)則: 1. 準(zhǔn)備階段。 2. 引導(dǎo)實施階段。 3. 指導(dǎo)試演階段。 4. 回顧階段。 步驟一:準(zhǔn)備階段。 雖然很多管理人員認(rèn)為他們了解怎樣培訓(xùn)員工,而不需要經(jīng)過思考和準(zhǔn)備。但是,沒有經(jīng)過 細(xì)致的準(zhǔn)備,一些重要的內(nèi)容容易被遺漏。管理人員應(yīng)該根據(jù)工作細(xì)目分類( job breakdow ns)來制定合理的培訓(xùn)方式和程序。 制定培訓(xùn)計劃最先的步驟是回答下列問題: 誰? ?誰將被培訓(xùn)? ?有多少員

2、工將被培訓(xùn)? ?誰將負(fù)責(zé)培訓(xùn)任務(wù)? 什么? ?什么樣的培訓(xùn)主題將被圍繞? ?參與培訓(xùn)的員工將被期待達(dá)到什么樣的目標(biāo)? ?需要什么樣的視聽設(shè)備或器材? ?需要其它的什么材料? 什么時候? ?培訓(xùn)什么時候開始? ?培訓(xùn)可能在什么時候會被正常的生意打斷? ?被培訓(xùn)的員工什么時候?qū)⒈惶嵝烟貏e注意? 哪里? ?培訓(xùn)在哪里進(jìn)行? ?舉行培訓(xùn)的區(qū)域是否可用,是否需要提前預(yù)約? 怎樣? ?培訓(xùn)將怎樣實施? ?被培訓(xùn)的員工在參與培訓(xùn)期間會有怎樣的特殊需求? 以下的建議可以幫助你更好的完成準(zhǔn)備階段: 1. 記錄下培訓(xùn)的目標(biāo)。 (objeetves) 2. 完善你的階段計劃。(step-by-step plan)

3、3. 確定你的培訓(xùn)方法.(method) 4. 準(zhǔn)備好你的培訓(xùn)進(jìn)度表。(schedule) 5. 選擇好培訓(xùn)的區(qū)域和地點。(location) 6. 準(zhǔn)備好將舉行培訓(xùn)的區(qū)域。 步驟二:引導(dǎo)實施階段 完成了制定計劃步驟之后,培訓(xùn)就可以正式實施了。 以下的解釋可以幫助你更好的理解 培訓(xùn)(TRAIN) 重復(fù)直到滿意 Teach by showing通過展示來教授 Rep eat un til comfortable Ask questions提出問題 模仿工作環(huán)境 注意優(yōu)秀的表現(xiàn) I mitate work conditions Note good performanee 以下的建議可以幫助你完善

4、引導(dǎo)實施階段。 1。使被培訓(xùn)者做好準(zhǔn)備。 提高他們的學(xué)習(xí)積極性,告訴他們,他們的崗位對于整個企業(yè)有多重要,告訴他們培訓(xùn)的意 義。 2。召開培訓(xùn)會議。 準(zhǔn)時召開并安排休息時間是非常重要的。首先,闡述培訓(xùn)目標(biāo),然后,對培訓(xùn)進(jìn)行階段性的 劃分和解釋,并告訴他們重要性。要確保你所闡述的內(nèi)容對于每個員工都是相同的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。 3。對培訓(xùn)的每個階段進(jìn)行示范 當(dāng)你對培訓(xùn)進(jìn)行階段性解釋同時進(jìn)行展示和示范,允許被培訓(xùn)員工進(jìn)行提問,并給他們附加 的信息。 4。避免使用行話 行話,即專業(yè)的特別的用語,如皮草(客房用的毛巾手巾的總稱),可以給他們發(fā)行話列表, 以提高培訓(xùn)的效率。 5。使用足夠的時間。 培訓(xùn)應(yīng)當(dāng)緩慢細(xì)致,對于

5、被培訓(xùn)者的疑惑要給與足夠的耐心。切忌快速挺進(jìn),避免出現(xiàn)誤解。 6。復(fù)述,回顧每個階段。 通常情況下,回顧,復(fù)述整個培訓(xùn)程序 2次,這樣被培訓(xùn)人員可以更好理解整個過程。 步驟三:指導(dǎo)試演階段 當(dāng)被培訓(xùn)人員認(rèn)為他/她已經(jīng)掌握如何執(zhí)行某個工作職責(zé)或任務(wù),他們應(yīng)當(dāng)被準(zhǔn)許獨自操 作整個工作程序。這被稱作試演(trial Performanee).試演包含員工嘗試獨自操作,并有培 訓(xùn)者在一旁觀看并指導(dǎo)。 以下幾個建議幫助你完成指導(dǎo)試演階段 1。讓被培訓(xùn)人員試演。 當(dāng)被培訓(xùn)人員表現(xiàn)出理解和掌握整個階段時,讓他們展示和解釋他們所理解的這個階段,你 可以讓他們在真實工作崗位上實踐,通過這個方式,可以考察他們是否

6、真正掌握工作程序。 2。執(zhí)導(dǎo)被培訓(xùn)人員。 當(dāng)被培訓(xùn)人員在操作過程中表現(xiàn)很好時,稱贊他們。禮貌的指正他們,當(dāng)他們犯錯時。在進(jìn) 入下個培訓(xùn)極端之前,回顧復(fù)習(xí)整個培訓(xùn)階段,確保被培訓(xùn)者熟練掌握。 步驟四:回顧階段。 被培訓(xùn)的員工將繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)新的工作職責(zé)或任務(wù),當(dāng)他們的試演達(dá)到一定的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。進(jìn)行回顧, 不一定是正式的,你可以得到關(guān)于培訓(xùn)效率的相關(guān)信息。主管必須給與被培訓(xùn)人員回復(fù),包 括他們做的怎樣,哪里做的好哪里需要改進(jìn),以及其它有價值的重要的相關(guān)工作信息。 以下的建議幫助你完成這個步驟: 1。每天進(jìn)行少量的任務(wù)的指導(dǎo)。太多的信息是無益的。 2。評價被培訓(xùn)者的進(jìn)展。 3。繼續(xù)給與正確的指導(dǎo)。 4。必要時指

7、正他們的錯誤。 5。要求被培訓(xùn)者的回饋。 Four step Training Method Many trainers use a four-step training method to train both new and experieneed empioyees. The four-step training method is a sbasic model that can be used to impi eme nt an on-the-job training p rogram. The model is gen eral eno ugh to be used in g rou

8、p training programs as well. The steps in the four-step training method are: 1. Prepare to train 2. Con duct the trai ning 3. Coach trial performances 4. Follow through Step One: Prepare to Train Many supervisors think they know the skills required of empioyees so well that th ey can teach them to o

9、thers without thought or preparation. However, it is easy to f orget important details if training are approached without adequate trainer preparatio n. The training session will be most effective if the trainer is skilled in the area bein g taught. The trainer should be willing to follow the job br

10、eakdowns closely so that t he skills are presented in a logical sequenee. When this is done, the trainees are bet ter able to understand and remember the steps necessary to perform the job. Planning for training invoIves preliminary steps that are taken to answer the follo wing questions: Who? l Who

11、 should be invoIved in the training? l How many trainees will be invoIved in the training? l Who needs to cover the trainer and trainees job responsibilities during the trai ning session? What? What topics should be covered? What are the empioyees xpectations for the training? What audiovisual aids

12、and equipment will be needed for the training? What other materials will be needed for the training? Whe n? l When should the training take place? l When will trai ning be least likely to in terfere with bus in ess op erati ons? l When will trainees be most alert? Where? l Where should the training

13、take place? l Is the training space available or do I need to reserve it? How? l How should the training be con ducted? l How will empioyees special needs be met during training? The following suggestions can help you as you prepare to train: 1. Write training objectives . Training objectives state

14、what a trainee should kn ow or be able to do after training. 3. Decide on training est way for the trainee to ring training. methods learn the 4. Prepare a training e, schedule training times .Decide how long each training session will tak schedule of low bus in ess volume. 5. Select the training s

15、where they will be working. location . If possible, train empioyees at the work station 6. Prepare g area before the training area . Set up all materials and equipment in the trainin the sessi on beg ins Step Tow: Con duct the Trai ning. 2. Develop step-by-step plans . In order to make the best use

16、of the training t ime available, prepare a detailed plan about how you will help the trainees learn the knowledge and skills required for each task. .As a trainer, you will need to determine the b information and skills you rgoing to present du Once the trainer and trainee have been prepared for tra

17、ining, the actual process can begin. Some hotels use the T.R.A.I.N . acronym to help trainers remember the b asics for presenting training. It stands for: Teach by showing Rep eat un til comfortable Ask questio ns I mitate work conditions Note good performanee Some suggestions for conduction the tra

18、ining include: 1. Prepare the trainees.Motivate your trainees to learn. Do this by showing ho w their job fits in to the overall operation and why they are important. 2. Begin the training session. It is important to start on time and take breaks as n ecessary. First, establish the lear ning objecti

19、ves. The n, exp lai n each ste p you wi ll cover and tell why it is imp orta nt. Make sure that you pro vide a con siste nt and sta ndardized delivery form person to person and form class to class. 3. Dem on strate the ste ps. As you expl ai n the ste ps, dem on strate them. Be sur e the steps are a

20、rranged in the order that they should be done. 4. Avoid jargon. Jargon is Ianguage that is technical or specific to an industry, s uch as ADR at the front desk. 5. Take eno ughtime. Go slowly and carefully. Exp lai n and show each ste p thor oughly. 6. Rep eat the ste ps. Go over all the ste ps twice so the empio yees can comp let ely understand the process. step Three: Coach Trial Performa nces the trainee feels he or she knows how to execute the duty or task in an ac manner, the trainer should allow the trainee to perform the procedure alone. After cep table This is a t


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