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1、外貌特征類髙考高頻單詞與短語(yǔ)識(shí)記排査單詞識(shí)記:heavyyoungappeara neebla nkbootcon fusedmuscular cloth ingdarkdelighteddoubtfuldresselderlyfairuglysmoothsweaterbeardblouseelega nt短語(yǔ)掃描:build on/upon在根底上開展;依賴,依靠build up 樹立;逐步建立;增強(qiáng)heavy traffic 擁擠的交通ring off掛斷 ring up 打 給be serious about 對(duì)很認(rèn)真judge by appeara nee以貌取人be of avera

2、ge height 中等個(gè)頭 below/above average 低于/超過(guò)平均水平 on average 平均;通常跟蹤訓(xùn)練1. 語(yǔ)境填詞1t was the preside nt s see ond public(appear) to date.2. He made efforts to move the(heavily) fur niture.3. This(cloth) sells well to the tee nage market.4.She had been in what doctors described as in a(confuse)state of mind fo

3、r fiveyears.5.Walk ing through the deep snow in my high ( 靴子),I fin ally reached thefarmhouse.n.單項(xiàng)填空A.certai n6.I hope they will finish the project in time , but they themselves are very that it will.B. con fide nt7.1 the hobby of fish ing as a child.B.set upA. built upC.kept upD.took up8. He was a

4、good stude nt and scoredaverage in most subjects.A. below B.of C.o n D.above9.When tak ingan exam in ati on , you d better relax yourself to preve nt yourmind fromgoi ngA. aggressiveB.bla nkC. accurateD.cautious10.Everyth ingseemed to be going for the first two days after I movedtoNewYork.A.vividlyB

5、.ge nerallyC.freque ntlyD.smoothly知識(shí)運(yùn)用與閱讀能力專練I. 完形填空At age 14,15and 16, the way we looked was the most important thing inthe worldto us.My friends and I wan ted nothing less tha n perfecti on.In high school , we joined the gymnastics team , and our 1 became even more important to us.We had no fat ,

6、only muscle.On the weekends, we would go to the beach, 2_of our flat stomachs.One summer day, all my friends were at my house 3 .At one point, I was runningback to the pool.I 4 on a bee, and while it was dying under my foot , it stung 蟄me.I instantly started to feel 5 .That night, I began to run a h

7、igh fever and myleg and foot were red , hot and swolle n.l could n t walk .I could barely 6 .Whenmy foot started to go nu mb, every one became more 7 .My foot was not gett ing eno ugh blood .I had to go to the hospital , and my leg 8 as if it were badly broke n.l couldn t move.All I could do was thi

8、nk about how soft my middlewas becoming.That9_me more tha n any concern over my leg.That would all 10 when I heard the doctors men tio n possibly cutt ing off my foot.It was still not getting the 11 supply it needed.The doctors would have to speed up their treatme nt.Never before did I have such gre

9、at 12 for my foot.A nd walk ing seemed like aB.brai ns D.clothes B.proud D.tired B.chatt ing D.swimmi ng B.focused D.took B.fearfulD.a nxiousB.r unD.rest B.relieved D.i nterested B.hurt D.injured B.impressed D.troubled B.bother D.happe n B.blood D.airhear my friends talk about 14 andwho13 from the g

10、ods.Less and less I wan ted towas weari ng what.More and more I expected visits from other kids in the hospital,who were quickly beco ming my frien ds.One girl came to visit me 15 .Every time she came, she brought flowers.She was recovering from cancer and felt she should come back and 16 the other

11、patients.She still had no hair , and she was swollen from the medications she had beentaking would not have given this girl a second 17 before now loved every inch of her and looked forward to her 18 .Fin ally , I was improv ing and soon I went home.My leg was still swolle n,19 Iwas walking , and I

12、had my foot! When I would go back to the hospital, I often sawmy friend.She was still visiting people and 20 good cheerthought if there was an an gel on this earth , it had to be her.1. A.gradesC.bodies2. A.ashamedC.sure3. A.da ncingC.joggi ng4. A.steppedC.held5. A.upsetC.sick6. A.jumpC.sta nd7. A.c

13、 oncernedC.surprised8. A.harmedC.wo un ded9. A.blamedC.shocked10. A. cha ngeC.help11. A.nu triti onC.timeC.appreciationD.evaluationB.handC.promiseD.treatB.appointmentC.moviesD.gymnasticsB.regularlyC.eventuallyD.recentlyB.encourageC.serveD.instructB.thoughtC.glanceD.chanceB.ideasC.flowersD.visits19.A

14、.but B.then C.so D.forB.gainingC.discoveringD.spreadingn.閱讀理解Australian scientists say an organic compound used by Indian womento paint dots or bindi on their foreheads could hold the key to a breakthroughin cancertreatment.Rose Bengal 玫瑰紅 was first used in the early 1900s as a dye for food , textil

15、es and cosmetics.But now it is proving to be a useful weapon in the fight against skin cancer.Television advertisements constantly warn of the dangers of overexposure to the fierce sun.Among them is the possibility of the disease melanoma黑素瘤,a type of skin cancer.More than 1,200 Australians die ever

16、y year from the disease.Initial trials of a solution of Rose Bengal injected into some melanoma cells have had a 75 percent success rate in controlling the disease.Professor John Thompson, the director of the Melanoma Unit at the University of Sydney, says this organic dye could become a powerful ca

17、ncer-fighting treatment.“We believe it works by getting into the tumor腫塊 cells and causing themto self-destruct.But the exact mechanism by which it works is not totally clear.It s not useful for people who have a primary melanoma.The treatment of primary melanoma is surgical excision 切除, he said. “I

18、t s useful to inject tumors for peoplewho have recurrences ; when the primary treatment has failed and when recurrenee in the area , or at more distant sites has occurred.About 90 perce nt of Australia ns who develop mela noma survive tha nks to earlydiag no sis and treatme nt.lf left un treated,how

19、ever, the disease can be fatal.Convincing younger people in Australiaabout the dan gers of overexposure to thesun is a battle campaig ners are con sta ntly wagi ng.Veronica Marock , a 21-year-old studenthad two major operati ons to remove acan cerous tumor from her leg.I ve had a lot of friends who

20、just saidI thought it was justyou know ,I ll get a mole痣cut out and that s it,whereas I don t think people realizehow much dan ger they re putt ingthemselvesinto and how easy it is tostop somethingsaid Marock.like this happe ning to you just from doing little thingsOther researchers in Australia are

21、 in vestigat ing gen etic treatme nts to sk incan cer.Thereis a press ingn eed for such researchto produce effectivetreatments.Australians, the majority of whom are fair-skinned淺膚色的,are fourtimes more likely to developa mela noma tha n people in Can ada,the United StatesorGreat Brita in.21.Which can

22、 be the best title for the passage?A. Rose Ben gal the Cause of Ski n CancerB. Rose Ben gal a Tool to Fight Aga inst Sk in CancerC. Ski n Can cer the First KillerD. Mela no ma the Threat to Health22.What does the un derl ined word“fatal mean?A.Curable.B.Serious.C.Deadly.D.Self-heali ng.23.From what

23、Veronica Marock said,we can knowA. people haven t realized overexposure to the sun is dangerousB. mole on the leg is dan gerousC. people can do nothing to protect themselves from mela nomaD. nothing can be done to deal with the disease24.ln which sect ion of a n ewspaper does the passage possibly ap

24、pear?A.Ec onomy.C.Health.B. Agriculture.D. Fashi on.合案精析高考高頻單詞與短語(yǔ)識(shí)記排查跟蹤訓(xùn)練I. I.appearanee 2.heavy 3.clothingn . 6.C be doubtful about/of/that.對(duì)有信心的;be certain of/about/that有疑心的/有疑心的。7.D考查動(dòng)詞短語(yǔ)辨析。build up樹立,4. c on fused 5.boots對(duì)疑惑的,不肯定的;be con fide nt that對(duì)確定的;be suspicious of/that 對(duì)逐步建立;set up樹立典范,創(chuàng)立

25、,建立;keepup堅(jiān)持,繼續(xù),使不低落; take up 從事,開始做,學(xué)著做。根據(jù)句意可知選D項(xiàng)。8. D 句意為:他是一個(gè)好學(xué)生,大多數(shù)科目得分高于平均水平。above average 高于平均數(shù);below average低于平均數(shù);on average平均起來(lái),一般說(shuō)來(lái)。根據(jù)句意可知選D項(xiàng)。9. B句意為:考試時(shí),你最好放松自己以防止大腦變得一片空白。blank空白的,茫然的;aggressive 好斗的,挑釁的;accurate 準(zhǔn)確的,精確的;cautious 小心的,謹(jǐn)慎的。10. D 考查副詞詞義辨析。句意為:我搬到紐約后的頭兩天一切似乎進(jìn)展得都很順利。vividly 生動(dòng)地

26、;gen erally 總的來(lái)說(shuō);freque ntly 頻繁地;smoothly 順利地。知識(shí)運(yùn)用與閱讀能力專練I .語(yǔ)篇解讀本文講的是在14歲到16歲,對(duì)我們來(lái)說(shuō)世界上最重要的東西就是我們的外表。 上高中時(shí)作者參加了體操隊(duì),身體對(duì)她來(lái)說(shuō)更重要。然而,一次被蜜蜂蜇后受傷住院的經(jīng)歷 讓作者改觀了。1. C grade分?jǐn)?shù);brain大腦;body身體;clothes衣服。由上文可知,作者參加了體操隊(duì)。 下句講到她們身上只有肌肉,沒有脂肪。故可推知,她們的身體對(duì)她們來(lái)說(shuō)更重要了。應(yīng)選C。2. B ashamed羞愧的;proud驕傲的,自豪的;sure肯定的;tired 疲憊的。由上文可知,作者

27、練習(xí)體操。身材非常重要,所以她們對(duì)自己扁平的腹部很驕傲。應(yīng)選B。3. D danee跳舞;chat聊天;jog慢跑;swim游泳。下一句提到,作者跑回到游泳池中。由此可知,她的朋友到作者家來(lái)游泳。應(yīng)選D。4. A step踩;focus使集中,使聚集;hold拿,握;take拿走,取走。由空后it wasdying under my foot 可知,作者踩住了一只蜜蜂。應(yīng)選A。5. C upset 心煩的,苦惱的;fearful害怕的,恐懼的;sick 生病的,惡心的;an xious渴望的,焦慮的。作者被蜜蜂蜇了,而且晚上就發(fā)高燒。由此可知,作者剛被咬了,馬上就感覺非常不舒服。應(yīng)選G 所以可

28、以推知作者幾乎不能站立。應(yīng)選C。 7. A concerned 關(guān)心的,擔(dān)憂的; relieved 感到撫慰的; surprised 驚訝的; interested 感興趣的。由語(yǔ)境可知,當(dāng)作者的腳沒有了知覺時(shí),所有的人更加擔(dān)憂 作者 了。應(yīng)選 A。8. B 四個(gè)選項(xiàng)都有“受傷,傷害的意思,結(jié)合語(yǔ)境可知此處表示“疼,痛,只有hurt有此意。應(yīng)選 B。 9. D blame責(zé)備;impress給留下印象;shock使震驚;trouble 使煩惱。上一句提到,作者的腹部越來(lái)越軟 越無(wú)力 ,由此可知,這種情況使作者更煩惱,超過(guò)了腿部帶給她的煩 惱。應(yīng)選 D。 10. A change 改變; bot

29、her 使煩惱,使擔(dān)憂; help 幫助; happen 發(fā)生。由語(yǔ)境可知,作者聽到醫(yī)生說(shuō)要將她的腳截去,在這種情況下,一切都將會(huì)發(fā)生變化。應(yīng)選A。 11. B nutrition 營(yíng)養(yǎng); blood 血; time 時(shí)間; air 空氣。第四段提到作者的腳部得不到足夠的血液。由該句中的 still 可知,作者的腳仍然得不到足夠的血液。應(yīng)選B。 12. C observation 觀察; devotion 奉獻(xiàn),獻(xiàn)身; appreciation 欣賞,感謝,了解; evaluation評(píng)估。由語(yǔ)境可知,作者的腳受傷,不能行走,而且有截肢的風(fēng)險(xiǎn),這時(shí),作者才意識(shí)到腳 的重要性,感謝自己的腳可以讓

30、自己行走。由此可知,以前作者從未如此感謝自己的腳。故 選 C。 13. A gift 禮物; hand 手; promise 諾言; treat 治療。由上文可知,作者行走不容易,故 走路對(duì)作者而言就像是來(lái)自于上帝的禮物。應(yīng)選 A。 14. D homework 作業(yè); appointment 約定,約會(huì); movie 電影; gymnastics 體操。由語(yǔ)境可知,作者的腳受傷,無(wú)法行動(dòng),更無(wú)法像以前那樣練習(xí)體操。所以作者越來(lái)越不愿意聽到朋 友們談?wù)摵腕w操有關(guān)的東西。應(yīng)選D。 15. B suddenly 突然; regularly 定期地,有規(guī)律地; eventually 最后,最終; recently最近,近來(lái)。由下文 every time 可知,有一個(gè)女孩子經(jīng)常來(lái)看作者。應(yīng)選B。 16. B advise 建議;en courage鼓


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