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1、Contract Agreement合同協議New Words and Phrases irrespectiverspektv adj. 無關的;不考慮的;不顧的 irrespective of 不顧,不考慮 Nevertheless,in some countries a Contract Agreement is a requirement of law to create a binding Contract irrespective of (=in spite of =despite)the existence of a Tender and a Letter of Acceptanc

2、e. 然而,在一些國家中,在不考慮招標文件和承諾函的情況下,承包合同是為了形成約束力而訂立的法律文件。contract agreement DefinitionDefinition:協議書有廣義和狹義之分。廣義的協議書廣義的協議書是指社會集團或個人處理各種社會關系、事務時常用的“契約”類文書,包括合同合同、議定書、條約、公約、聯合宣言、聯合聲明、條據等。狹義的協議書指國家、政黨、企業(yè)、團體或個人就某個問題經過談判或共同協商,取得一致意見后,訂立的一種具有經濟或其它關系的契約性文書。協議書是社會生活中,協作的雙方或數方,為保障各自的合法權益,經雙方或數方共同協商達成一致意見后,簽定的書面材料。是

3、當事人雙方(或多方)為了解決或預防糾紛,或確立某種法律關系,實現一定的共同利益、愿望,經過協商而達成一致后,簽署的具有法律效力的文件。 Legal effectLegal effect:訂立協議書,其目的目的是為了更好地從制度上乃至法律上,把雙方協議所承擔的責任固定下來。作為一種能夠明確彼此權利與義務、具有約束力的憑證性文書,協議書對當事人雙方(或多方)都具有制約性,它能監(jiān)督雙方信守諾言、約束輕率反悔行為。 Components:(一)標題:雙方單位名稱事由,協議書三部分組成。(二)正文:條款內容1協商目的2 協商目的責任3 協議的時間和期限4協商目的條款和酬金價格明確總額大寫必須明確貨幣種類

4、5 履行條款期限6 違反條款的責任處理7 落款簽署8 簽署日期訂立協議雙方:訂立協議雙方:建筑工程公司(甲方)裝修設計公司(乙方)為發(fā)揮雙方的優(yōu)勢,共謀發(fā)展,并為今后逐步向組成集團公司過渡,雙方經過充分友為發(fā)揮雙方的優(yōu)勢,共謀發(fā)展,并為今后逐步向組成集團公司過渡,雙方經過充分友好的協商,特訂立本協議。好的協商,特訂立本協議。一、建立密切的技術合作關系,今后凡甲方承接的工程,裝修設計任務均交給乙方承擔。二、乙方保證,在接到任務后,將立即組織以高級工程師為領導的精干設計隊伍,在10日提出設計方案,并在方案認可后一個月內完成全部設計圖紙。三、為保證設計的質量,甲方將毫無保留地向乙方提供所需的一切建筑

5、技術資料。四、裝修施工隊伍由甲方組織,裝修工程的施工由甲方組織實施。施工期間,乙方派出高級工程師監(jiān)督施工,以保證工程的質量。五、甲方按裝修工程總費用的千分之向乙方支付設計費。六、本協議自簽訂之日起生效。七、本協議書一式兩份,雙方各執(zhí)一份。附件:附件:建筑裝修工程集團公司組建意向書建筑裝修工程集團公司組建意向書一份。一份。甲方 建筑工程公司(蓋章)法人代表:(簽字)乙方 裝修設計公司(蓋章)法人代表:(簽字)1919年年月月日日甲方地址: 乙方地址:郵政編碼: 郵政編碼:電話兼?zhèn)髡妫?電話兼?zhèn)髡妫恒y行賬號: 銀行賬號:聯系人:聯系人:a letter of acceptance中標函 “中標函”

6、系指雇主簽署的正式接受投標函的信件,包括其所附的含有雙方間簽署的協議的任何備忘。如無此類中標函,則“中標函”一詞系指合同協議書,發(fā)出或收到中標函的日期系指簽署合同協議書的日期。 New Words and Phrases comply with照做,遵守 In such cases,in particular,the Contract Agreement must be carefully prepared to comply with the requirements of the relevent law. 在這種情況下,需特別注意,承包合同必須嚴格遵守相關法律要求。Questions:

7、1、What is the normal method for dealing with the explanations,revisions,additions or deletions to the documents issued to tenderers?addenda If a tenderer is in doubt about the meaning of some item in the Tender documents,he should be advised to notify the Engineer not later than a given number of da

8、ys(e.g.42 days)before the Tender submission date.The Engineer will then issue to all tenders an explanation in the form of an addendum.Each addendum should be accompanied by a receipt from which must be returned so that the Employer and the Engineer have confirmation that each tender has received al

9、l the necessary information.Failure to acknowledge recipt og an addendum may result in rejection of a Tender. 2、Why does the option to submit alternative Tenders make the evaluation process difficult?(含有替代方案的投標書) Answer:Because,in general,alternative Tender will has two or more project plans.Therefo

10、re,when it comes the evaluation,the experts need to evaluate two or more schemes.Thats the reason why the text reads that -If tenderers are permitted to offer an alternative Tender,any departure from the documents issued to tenderers should be clearly identified and detailed. 3、What are tenderers re

11、quired to do in terms of currency/currencies they intent to use to submit their Tenders and payment they will receive? Answers:Tenderers should be required to give notice the Employer of the various currencies in which they may wish to be paid if the Contract is awarded to them. 4、What is preferable

12、 if tenderers request part payment in one particular currency? Answer:As more than one tender may requeat part payment in one particular currency,it is preferable that the exchange rates to be used should be consistent and,therefore,that they should be defined by the Employer and notified by him,or

13、the Engineer on his behalf,to each tender a reasonable time before the date of submission. 5、What will happen to the tender bond if the tender fails to provide a performance security within a Specified number of days? Answer:Usually the tender bond will be forfeited. 6、What are the tasks of the Engi

14、neer in the evaluation of Tenders? Answer: 1、One of the first tasks of the Enginner is to establish whether the Tenders are arithmetically correct and,if they are nor,how to overcome any errors. 2、Another task is to check that the Tenders are responsive,that all the required information has been pro

15、vided and that everything is consistent with the terms of the Tender documents. 7、What Should the Engineer do if errors,Omissions or inconsistencies are apparent in Tenders? Answers:If errors,omissions or inconsistencies are apparent a metting ahould be held with the lowest tender,and possibly with

16、one or two other tenders,to clarify the position and to agree how to deal with the points in the event of an award. (At such meetings,tenderers should not be permitted to change substance of their Tenders.If it does not prove possible to clarify and agree how differences are tobe resolved,the partic

17、ular Tender should be treated as unresponsive and no further consideration should be given to that Tender.) 8、What should a letter of intent contain in most cases? Answer:In most cases letters of intent are worded in such a way as to create no commitment on the part of the Employer and the potential

18、 Contractor carries our any preliminary work or incurs costs at his own risk. 9、What makes a binding Contract between the Employer and the potential Contractor in most cases? Answer:In most cases it is the Employers Letter of Acceptance which,together with the tenderers Tender,will form a binding Contract between the two parties,valid from the date of issue


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