1、2019 年北京市朝陽區(qū)初三一模英語試卷2019.05知識運(yùn)用(共 14 分)一、單項(xiàng)填空(共 6 分,每小題 0.5 分)從下面各題所給的 A、B、C、D 四個選項(xiàng)中,選擇可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。1. - Hi, Mike, is this_story book?-Oh, yes. It s a birthday gift from my uncle.A. myB. yourC. hisD. her2. Peter s father works_ a big hospital. And he is a good doctor.A. inB. onC. fromD. of3. Nancy i
2、s a good student. She studies hard_ she likes to help others.A. orB. soC. butD. and4. -_have you worked in this factory?-For about 5 years.A. How often B. How much C. How long D. How many5. Beiji ng, the capital of Chin a, is one of_cities in the world.A. moder nB. more moder nC. most moder nD. the
3、most moder n6. Jack will send you an e -mail as soon as he_in London.A. arrivesB. arrivedC. is arrivi ngD. will arrive7. Mum_the window in the kitchen when I got home yesterday.A. clea nsB. will clea nC. was clea ning D. is clea ning8. I_ Mr. Smith since he moved to Shanghai.A. didn t hear fromB. do
4、n t hear fromC. won t hear fromD. haven t heard from9. Preside nt Xi_ three European cou ntries from March 21 to 26, 2019.A. visitsB. visitedC. will visitD. is visit ing10. Please don t make so much noise. The baby_ now.A. sleepsB. sleptC. will sleepD. is sleep ing11. More and more airports_ all ove
5、r the world in the future.A. builtB. will build C. were built D. will be built12. - Can you tell me_ the prize, Tom?-Last year.A. whe n you gotB. whe n did you getC. whe n will you getD. whe n you will get二、完形填空(共 8 分,每小題 1 分)閱讀下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后從短文后各題所給的A、B、C、D 四個選項(xiàng)中,選擇最佳選項(xiàng)。A Special TestOne day a teac
6、her en tered the classroom and asked his stude nts to prepare for a test.They waited at their desks for the test to begin. The teacherhanded out the questi on papers with the text facing dow n asusual. Whe n he handed them all out, he asked his students to_(13) over the paper and begi n.To every one
7、 s surprise, there were no questi ons, just ablack dot (圓點(diǎn))in the center of the_ (14). Seeing theexpressi on on every one s face, the teacher said,to write what you see there.”The_(15) stude nts got started on the in explicable (end of the class, the teacher took all the an swer papers and started r
8、eadi ng each one ofthem aloud in front of all the stude nts. All of them with no excepti ons_(16) the black dot, trying to explain its position ( 位置)in the middle of the paper.After all had been read, the classroom was silent. The teacher began to explai n(17),_ “ I am n ot going to_ (18) you on thi
9、s. I just wan ted togive you someth ing to thi nk about. No one wrote about the white part of the paper. Everyone focused on ( 聚焦于)the black dot and the same happe ns in our lives. We have the費(fèi)解的)task. At thewhite paper to observe ( 觀察)and enjoy, but we always focus on the darkdots.Ourlife is a jour
10、ney with love and care. We always have _ (19) tocelebrate: nature renewing itself every day, our friends around us. However, we in sist onfocus ing on ly on the dark dots: the health problems, the relati on ship with parents. Thedark dots are very small compared to everything we have in our lives, b
11、ut they are the onesthat_ (20) our min ds. Take your eyes away from theblack dots in your life. Be happy and enjoy every mome nt!”13. A. turnB. takeB. paperC. getC. floorD. goD. classroom14.A. desk15.A. movedB. tiredC. excitedD. confused16.A. picturedB. describedC. predictedD circled17.A. cheerfully
12、B. an grilyC. hurriedlyD. patie ntly18.A. gradeB. respectC. forceD. require19.A. problemsB. less onsC. reas onsD. choices20.A. con trolB. en richC. polluteD. change閱讀理解(共 36 分)三、閱讀下列短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后各題所給的 A、B、C、D 四個選項(xiàng)中, 選擇最佳選項(xiàng)。(共 26 分,每小題 2 分)A New World of Tran sportati on(交通)Cars and airplanes change
13、d life in the 20thcentury. New changes in transportation aremaking life very different in the 21stcentury, too. Trains and planes will be faster and morecomfortable. Planes will also be bigger.New large airpla nesToday the biggest pla nes carry about 400 passengers.Soon aircraft companies will build
14、 larger planes. These newlarge planes will carry 600 800 passe ngers.C. in terest ingD. convenientHigh-speed pla nesNow high-speed planes travel from London to New York in 3hours. They carry only 100 passengers. New high-speed pla nes willbe bigger and faster.High-speed trainsMany people will take i
15、n stead ofpla nes. Today most per hour(130km/h). China go 180 mph(280km/h). New more than 300 mph(480km/h).Germany, China and Japan will be thefirst countries to use these new high-speed trai ns.How will life change with these faster planes and trains? People will be able to live in onecity and work
16、 in another city. Fast trains will also make cities grow. On high-speed trains peoplecould travel from one end of the city to the other in a very short time.Transportation has changed from horses to cars, trains and planes. Now transportation ismaking our life more comfortable and convenient. What m
17、ore cha nges will the 21stcen turybring?21. Today the biggest pla nes carry about_ .A. 80 passengersB. 130 passengersC. 400 passe ngersD. 480 passe ngers22. Germany, China and Japan will be the first countries to use new_.A. high -speed trainsB. large airplanesC. high -speed planesD. large trains23.
18、 Now transportation is making people s life comfortable and_A. slowB. difficultnew, high-speed trainstrains can go 80 mileshigh-speed trai ns canhigh-speed trains will go25. The son shouted at his father because his fatherC. four timesD. twenty -three timesLove Him as You Were Once LovedOne day, an
19、80 -year-old man was sitting on the sofa with his highly educated son.Sudde nly a crow rested on their win dow.The old man asked his son,“What is this? ” The son replied,cAowowAfter a few minutes, the father asked his son the second time,“ What is this? ” The son said,“I have just told youIt s a cro
20、w . ” Afthe old father againfather impatie ntly.the fourth time,asked his son, “Whatis this? This time the son said to his“ It s a crow, a crow.” A little later, the father again asked his“What is this?” The son shouted at his father,“Why doasking me the same question again and again? I have told yo
21、u so many timesIS A CROW . Can t you get it? ”A week later, the father was sent to hospital because of his heart problem.While the son was cleaning up the old man s desk, he noticed an old diary. On thefirst page, it read,“For My Beloved Son.Out of curiosity, the son sat dow n by the desk and read t
22、hrough the diary. Onone page, it wrote,Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa.When a crow was sitting on the window, my son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied tohim all 23 times that it was a crow. And each time I hugged ( 擁抱) him lovingly. I didn feeltroubled at al
23、l. I just simply wish all his questions an swered, and all his dreams achieved.”Reading all of this, the son felt something so wrong with his impatience and shouti ng at hisfather the other day. He talked to himself,“ How can I be so silly,paying no attention to all his selfless love showered on me?
24、 I promise I will say all good and kindwords to my dear father, no matter how he behaves.”24. The father asked his son about a crow.B. three timesA. two timesA. had a heart problemB. clea ned the old desk and sofaC. hugged him lovin glyD. asked the same questi on aga in and aga in26. After reading h
25、is father s diary, the son felt_.A. regretful B. troubled C. worried D. curiousCAre people less happy or more happy the older they get? If you an swered more happy, thenyou were right. Based on a study published two years ago, people gen erally become happier andexperie nee less worry after age 50.
26、In fact, the study found that by the age of 85, people arehappier with their life tha n they were at 18.The findings came from a Gallup survey of more than 340,000 adults in the USA in 2008. Atthat time, those adults were between the ages of 18 and 85. Professor Arthur Stone from StonyBrook Un ivers
27、ity led the study. His team found that levels of stress were highest among adultsbetwee n the ages of 22 and 25.Stress levels dropped sharply after people reached their 50s. Happ in ess was highest among theyoungest adults and those in their early 70s. But the people least likely to report feeling n
28、egative( 消極的)emotions were those in their 70s and 80s.The survey also found that men and wome n have similar emoti onal patter ns ( 模式)as they grow older. However, wome n at all ages reported more sad ness, stress and worrytha n men did.The researchers also con sidered possible in flue nces like hav
29、 ing young childre n, beingjobless or being sin gle. But they found that in flue nces like these did not affect the levels of happin ess and well -be ing related to age.So why would happ in ess in crease with age? One point is that, as people grow older, theybecome more thankful for what they have a
30、nd have better control of their emotions. They alsospend less time thinking about bad experiences.Aging can bring other obvious improvements. In a study, people in their 80s reported thefewest sleep problems. Researchers surveyed more than 150,000 American adults. The studywas led by Michael Grandne
31、r at the University of Penn sylva nia. The orig inal goal of the studywas to prove the popular belief that aging is conn ected with in creased sleep problems. Thesurvey did find an in crease duri ng middle age, especially in wome n. But except for that, peoplereported that they felt their sleep qual
32、ity ( 質(zhì)量)improved as they got older. And a better sleepquality brings a deeper sense of happ in ess.27. What is the writer s main purpose in writing this passage?A. To discuss how aging may affect people.B. To prove people are happier as they get older.C. To offer advice in how to improve sleep qual
33、ity.D. To en courage old people to become more tha nkful.28. What can we learn according to the findings mentioned in this passage?A. 50 -year-olds have the highest stress level.B. Being sin gle may make people feel less happy.C. Men always feel sadder and more stressful tha n wome n.D. Comparativel
34、y speaking, 70 -or-80-year-olds feel happier.29. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. What ben efits may agi ng bring people.B. What in flue nces affect people s happ in ess?C. What s the connection between sleep and age?D. What s the relati on ship betwee n happ in ess
35、and age?DFlowers bloom(開花) only if they are planted in rich soil(土壤) .We are similarly in flue needby our en vironment. Whe n our en vironment is bad, we may get sick physically or men tally. When our en vir onment is supportive, we are more likelyto thrive.Which factor (因素)of the en vir onment in f
36、lue nces us most? The an swer is surprising. It s not the air we breathe every minute, nor the water we drink everyhour; it s the people who we relate to every day. Every day we have connections with a lot ofpeople in differe nt situati ons. Some bring us happ in ess and provide us with loving suppo
37、rt.Others bring us down and make us feel worthless.I have no doubt that one of the main keys to success is the people we know.It s nice to have people in your life who encourage you to better yourself, and who support youin your effort to make yourself a better pers on. People whose hearts are big e
38、no ugh to be happyfor your success, rather tha n those who are so proud that they always want to compete with youfor success. People who see the potential (潛力)in you, even when you can see it in yourself.These are the people who you should have on your team and in your life.So if you really long for
39、 success, look back at the people who come in and out of your life.Are most of the people you know supportive or un supportive? Whe n people around you aren tsupportive, what kind of person do you become? Do you become shy, fearful, hateful and unhappy? Whe n you conn ect with those who are supporti
40、ve, what happe ns to you? Do youbecome ope n, lively, happy, str ong and brave?Taylor loves music, and her dream is to become a sin ger one day. Whe never she talksabout her big dream, none of her frie nds ever give her a fist bump(碰拳)to encourage her. Taylor always complains that her friends are no
41、t supportive eno ugh but walking away from them leaves her in Ion eli ness. She has no better choice but to keep hanging outwith them. However, the more time she spends with them, the worse she feels about herself.We can all make a min dful decisi on about the en vir onment around us. Relate more to
42、those who make you happy being“you” , or who support you in beingIf you have to be around those who aren t supportive, then simply accept them asthey are, without going after them for more than what they can provide to you.After all, each person has a seed (種子)in them to be the beautiful and awesome
43、 personthey want to be. All they re waiting for is that supportive soil toallow them to fully bloom.30. The word thrive ” in Paragraph 1 probably means“_”.A. develop and growB. judge and warnC. mi nd and careD. fail and fear31. The writer men ti ons the five questi ons in Paragraph 4 to show that_ .
44、A. some people always support what we do, some dontB. we are in cluded in a certa in circle of friendsC. some people give us a sense of successD. we are in flue need by people around us32. According to the passage, what could probably help make Taylor dream come true?A. She n eeds to get a fist bump
45、 from her frien ds.B. She n eeds to keep hanging out with her frien ds.C. She n eeds to walk away from her un supportive frien ds.D. She n eeds to continue talk ing about her dream with her frien ds.33. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. Saying no to un supportive people.B. Lett ing the seed
46、 in you bloom.C. People around you could shape you.D. In flue nee of n atural en vir onment.四、閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答問題。(共 10 分,每小題 2 分)You can study the En glish Ian guage for years but still not un dersta nd a n ative(本地的) speaker of English when you meet one. Native speakers say a lot of things, but you ca
47、n t find them in any dictioyiaWell, don t worry. Here s a secreta lot of British people can t understand each other either!There are differe nt local acce nts(口音)across the UK, and a nu mber of areashave several different accents. That is, they have their own vocabulary and expressions. Therewere at
48、 least six different accents born to London the last time I coun ted.Worse tha n that, it is no t just where a pers on is born in the UK that decides his accent. Forexample, a Ianguage and its accents often change across class or level of education. Anotherexample is how Ianguages can differ among a
49、ge groups in the UK. The words and pronun ciati onused by young people in the UK can be completely differe nt compared with those used by adults.They are creati ng a “ yoof culture ”.The word “yoof is a slang (俚語)spelling of “youth ”o me people don t con sider“ yoof ” to be a posit(積極的)term si nee i
50、ts pronun ciati on is easier and lazier than “youthOther people see the term as positive, because it describes how young people are creati ng theirown Ian guage, idea and culture.When parents find it difficult to understand their children, the children can say more thi ngswithout the exam ining of t
51、heir pare nts. In this way, young people are start ing to find freedom, indepe ndence and self -expressi on. Eve n though certa in groups of society worry about “yoofculture” , new words keep appearing in our dalife.So lear ners should have no fear about com muni cat ing with n ative speakers. Eve n
52、 Britishpeople don speak En glish properly! The UK no Ion ger owns the En glish Ian guage.34. Whats the secret accord ing to the passage?35. Are there differe nt acce nts across the UK?36. Who are creat ing a“ yoof culture ”?37. What s the fourth paragraph mainly about?38. What sthe writer advice fo
53、r lear ners whe n they com muni cate with n ative speaker s?書面表達(dá)(共 10 分)五、文段表達(dá)(10 分)39.從下面兩個題目中任選一題,根據(jù)中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50 詞的文 段寫作。文中已給出內(nèi)容不計入總詞數(shù)。所給提示詞語僅供選用。請不要寫出你的 校名和姓名。題目假如你是李華,你們班將于本周六去社區(qū)開展“保護(hù)環(huán)境人人有責(zé)”的志愿服務(wù) 活動。你想邀請你們班交換生 Peter 參加。請用英語寫一封電子郵件,告訴他集合的 時間和地點(diǎn),活動內(nèi)容,以及需要做什么準(zhǔn)備。提示詞語:school gate, com muni ty, put up, pick up rubbish提示問題: When and where are you going to meet? What are you goi ng to do there? What do you advise Peter to take?Dear Peter,How is it going?There II be a voluntary a
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