已閱讀5頁,還剩7頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、Terms of Payme ntCurrency 貨幣Wordlist:Bill of exchange/draft 匯票(B/E) drawer 出票人drawee/payer 受票人/付款人Issue 出票Presentment/Presentation 提示Acceptanee 承兌Payment 付款Endorsement 背書Dishonor and recourse 拒付和追索Bill of ExchangeExchjiuge for USD 100.000D/PAt sight pay rhis first bill exchange(second chiuge being u

2、npaid)to the- order of皿血of Chi血Gu/tiajh叮u Branchth專u.m of匸SD o口旦huutirfd thou葦mid ouly *For72Exporter匸nit麒I Khi理(loin signatureProcedure:Instrumentsof paymentDraft匯票Bill票據(jù)Promissory Note本票DraftNo C ZrR00127Date 03、July 1$陽,GMH四houTo buygr itnportwrnuthoruecl歡迎下載2& presentpayee- payer/drawee&

3、 accept, p1) 出票(issue)。出票人在匯票上填寫付款人、 付款金額、付款日期和地點以及受款人等項目,簽字后交付給收款人的行為2) 提示(presentation)。提示是持票人將匯票提交付款人要求付款人承兌或付款的行為,是持票人要求取得票據(jù)權(quán)利的必要程序。either the delivery of documents under a credit to theissuing bank or nominated bank or the documents so delivered交單 指向開證行或指定銀行提交信用證項下單據(jù)的行為,或指按此方式提交的單據(jù)。3) 承兌(accept

4、anee)。指付款人在持票人向其提示遠(yuǎn)期匯票時,在匯票上簽名,承諾在匯票到期時付款的行為。具體做法是付款人在匯票正面寫明承兌(accepted)字樣,注明承兌日期,簽章后交還持票人。 付款人一旦對匯票作承兌,即成為承兌人,以債務(wù)人的地位承擔(dān)匯票到期時付款的法律責(zé)任。4) 付款(payment)。付款人在匯票到期日,向提示匯票的合法持票人按匯票上的金額付全款。 持票人將匯票注銷后交給付款人作為收款證明。匯票所代表的債務(wù)債權(quán)關(guān)系即告終止。5) 背書(endorsement)。票據(jù)包括匯票是可流通轉(zhuǎn)讓的證券。根據(jù)我國票據(jù)法規(guī)定,除非出票人在匯票上記載不得轉(zhuǎn)讓”外,匯票的收款人擁有以記名背書的方式轉(zhuǎn)讓

5、匯票權(quán)利。即在匯票背面簽上自己的名字,并加注被背書人的名稱,然后把匯票交給被背書人即受讓人,受讓人成為持票人,是票據(jù)的債權(quán)人。6) 拒付和追索(dishonor & recourse)。持票人向付款提示,付款人拒絕付款或拒絕承兌,均稱 拒付。另外,付款人拒不見票死、亡或宣告破產(chǎn),以致持票人無法實現(xiàn)提示,也稱拒付。Types:1)According to date:Sight Bill or Dema nd Draft or Draft at sight (即期匯票)Time Bill or Usanee Bill or Draft after sight (遠(yuǎn)期匯票)2)Accordi

6、ng to drawerBanker s Draft/Bill (銀行匯票)Trade Draft/Bill (商業(yè)匯票)3)According to attaching shipping document or notDocumentary Bill (跟單匯票):accompanied by shipping documents.Clean Bill (光票):without4)According to different acceptor (承兌人)TradersAcceptanee Bill (商業(yè)承兌匯票):drawn on and accepted by a traderBanke

7、rAcceptanee Bill (銀行承兌匯票):drawn on and accepted by a banker issue drawer -歡迎下載3Promissory Note歡迎下載4一、 定義出票人本人簽發(fā)給受款人的、保證在見票時或在指定的或可確定的將來某一時間無條件支付 一定金額的書面承諾。二、 種類1、現(xiàn)金支票-支票上印有“現(xiàn)金”字樣,只能用于支取現(xiàn)金;2、轉(zhuǎn)帳支票-支票上印有“轉(zhuǎn)賬”字樣,只能用于轉(zhuǎn)賬;3、普通支票-支票上未印有“現(xiàn)金”或“轉(zhuǎn)賬”宇樣,可以用于支取現(xiàn)金,也可以用于轉(zhuǎn)賬。在普通支票左上角劃兩條平行線的,為劃線支票,劃線支票只能用于轉(zhuǎn)賬,不能用于支取現(xiàn)金。Ch

8、eckProcedure:Def:支票的出票人預(yù)留銀行簽章是銀行審核支票付款的依據(jù)。銀行也可以與出票人約定使用支付密碼,作為銀行審核支付支票金額的條件。Types:記名支票 (CHEQUE PAYABLE TO ORDER 是在支票受款人一欄, 寫明受款人姓名, 如“支 付 XXX或指定人” (PAY XXX OR ORDER 取款時須由受款人簽章,方可支取。不記名支票 (CHEQUE PAYABLE TO BEARERS 稱空白支票。 支票上不記載受款人姓名,只寫“付來人” (PAY BEARER取款時持票人無須在支票背后簽章,即可支取。劃線支票(CROSSED CHEQUE 是在支票正面劃

9、兩道平行線的支票。劃線支票與一般支票不同。 一般支票可委托銀行收款入賬,也可由持票人自行提取現(xiàn)款。而劃線支票只能委托 銀行代收票款入賬。 使用劃線支票的目的是為了在支票遺失,被人冒領(lǐng)時,還可能通過銀行代收的線索追回票款。Modes of Intl PaymentRemittance歡迎下載5Remitta neeCommercialcredit商業(yè)信用CollectionBnk credit帳行信用Letterof Credit歡迎下載6Def:指不同國家(地區(qū))間一方向另一方轉(zhuǎn)移資金,也就是說,某一銀行(匯出行)應(yīng)其客戶的要求,將一定貨幣金額轉(zhuǎn)移至其海外分行或代理行,指示其付款給某一指定收款

10、人。Wordlist:remitting bank 匯出行 the remitter 匯款方Mail Transfer, M/T 信匯 payment order 付款委托書 Bills for Collection 托收票據(jù) Telegraphic Transfer, T/T 電匯 Dema nd Draft, D/D 票匯Procedure:Types:1) Mail Transfer, M/T 信匯匯出行根據(jù)進(jìn)口商的指示,以銀行信件郵寄指示出口商所在地的匯入行,委托其向出口商或其指定人付款的匯款方式。(Cheap but slow, seldom used)2) Telegraphic

11、Transfer, T/T 電匯匯出行根據(jù)進(jìn)口商的指示,以電報/電傳/SWIFT 等電訊方式指示出口商所在地的匯入行,委托其向出口商或其指定人付款的匯款方式。(Fast and safe for exporter to get the money; Themost commonly used type of remittanee )3) Dema nd Draft, D/D 票匯進(jìn)口商在本地銀行購買銀行匯票直接寄給出口商,出口商憑以向匯票上指定的銀行收取款項的匯款方式。 (Flexible to draw money; Convenient for the exporter )Collecti

12、o nReminerPayee/Beneficiory收款方(岀口商Ffi請解付匯款Remitting Bank匯出行進(jìn)口商所在地 Sir)委托忖款Paying Bank/Receiving bank匯入行(出口商所在地銀行)歡迎下載7Def:托收(Collection)是指債權(quán)人(出口人)出具債權(quán)憑證(匯票等)委托銀行向債務(wù)人(進(jìn) 口人)收取貨款的一種支付方式。Collection采用托收方式應(yīng)注意的問題1)嚴(yán)格審查客戶資信2) 貿(mào)易術(shù)語應(yīng)爭取使用 CIF 或 CIP 以避免貨物在途中發(fā)生損失,買方不接受單據(jù)和貨物。采用 CIF 或 CIP,賣方尚可向保險公司索賠。如爭取不到上述術(shù)語,賣方可

13、投保賣方利益險, 以彌補以上損失。Wordlist:The Drawer/Principal 委托人 / 出口方The Drawee 付款人/進(jìn)口方The Remitting Bank 托收行/出口地銀行The Collecting Bank 代收行/進(jìn)口地銀行Clean Collection 光票托收Documentary Collection 跟單托收 docume nts aga inst payme nt(D/P)付款交單docume nts aga inst accepta nee (D/A)承兌交單Against:表示交換關(guān)系以抵付;憑換取Financial documents 金

14、融單據(jù) (指匯票、 本票、 支票或者其它用于取得付款的類似憑證)Commercialdocuments 商業(yè)單據(jù)(指發(fā)票、運輸單據(jù)、物權(quán)憑證或其它類似單據(jù),或除金 融單據(jù)以外的任何其它單據(jù))Clean CollectionDocumentaryCollectionD/PD/AD/P 獻(xiàn) sightDIP after sight歡迎下載8Exporter1sJBank!transfers dociiment5toRemitting BankimporterRsbankTypes:1) Clean Collection 光票托收It means collect ion of finan cial

15、docume nts not accompa nied by commercial docume nts.指不附帶商業(yè)單據(jù)的金融單據(jù)的托收。Mainly used for small amount transaction, advanee payment (預(yù)付款),installment payment (分期付款),commissi on and costs of samples etc.2) Documentary Collection 跟單托收It means collect ion of finan cial docume nts accompa nied by commercial

16、 docume nts; 指附帶商業(yè)單據(jù)的金融單據(jù)的托收;Documents Against Payment, D/P 付款交單The collecting bank may release the documents only against immediate payment. It can be classified into D/P At Sight andD/P After Sight.出口商的交單是以進(jìn)口商的付款為條件。指出口商將匯票連同商業(yè)單據(jù)委托銀行代收款項 時,指示銀行只有在進(jìn)口商付清款項后才能將商業(yè)單據(jù)交給進(jìn)口商。又可分為即期和遠(yuǎn)期付款交單。*Documents again

17、st Payment (D/P)付款交單D/P at sightUpon presentation, the Buyer shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the Seller at sight.The shipp ing docume nts are to be delivered aga inst payme nt only.D/P after sightThe Buyer shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the Seller atxxdayssight upon fi

18、prese ntati on and make payme nt on its maturity.Procedure of collectionNule: in thv caac of a tiniw draft thu impurtur makes a prumisv tu pay, rtol theactual payment, in step 5Exporter/principalshlpmontof goodsImporter/drawee2submitsdraft,packing曰就bill of lading,etc8payment releases doc.paymentnoti

19、fiesimporterthatdoc. hivebeen receivedpaymentImporter!s Bank/Collecting Bank歡迎下載9(b) Documents Against Acceptanee, D/A 承兌交單The collecting bank may release the documents against the buyer aeceptanee of a draft (for instanee, drawn payable6080 days after sight or due on a definite date). After accepta

20、nee, the buyer(importer) gains possessi on of the goodsbefore the payme nt is made. The buyer will make payme nt whe n the time draft is mature.出口商的交單是以進(jìn)口商在匯票上承兌為條件。指出口商按照合同規(guī)定裝貨后,開具遠(yuǎn)期匯票連同商業(yè)單據(jù)交當(dāng)?shù)赝惺招校膯涡校?,指示并委托其在進(jìn)口地的與其有和約關(guān)系的代收行(提示行)向進(jìn)口商做出提示,進(jìn)口商承兌遠(yuǎn)期匯票,便可領(lǐng)取商業(yè)單據(jù)、提取貨物,待 遠(yuǎn)期匯票到期時再付清貨款。D/A vs. D/P“_ -一月佃日開出跟

21、單匯票,9 月仃日行收到匯票斗天向進(jìn)口商提示那么在 D 滬即期、DP3Q 天甫 D/A 30 天的情況下,匯票前醍示日、承兌日、付款日和單 SE 的 攝交日分別 arr=Dale ofPreerilatidn覆示日Dale ofAcceptance承兌日Date of Payment討款曰Date of DocumentsReleasing交單日D/PHliffl無雷羞兌NoWITHWITHD/P W天9H17Hg月仃曰啊月仃日DW 30明們?nèi)諉嶝耆?明仃日明們?nèi)誆fl.出口商于年歡迎下載10Def:A L/C is a conditional written undertaking give

22、n by bank on the request of an importer to pay at sight orat determ in able future date a certa in amount of money to the exporter aga inst stipulated docume nts,provided that the terms and con diti ons of the credit are complied with.信用證之所以復(fù)雜,其原因是因為信用證涉及的法律上主體較一般的合同要多得多。一張信用證至少涉及三個主體:開證申請人、開證行、受益人S

23、ales Contract -*ExporterConditionalBank payment promise*L /C belongs to banker s credit while collection belongs to commercial credit. 信用證屬于銀行信用,而托收屬于商業(yè)信用。*Based on the sales con tract, but once ope ned, L/C is in depe ndent from the sales con tract.一經(jīng)開出,信用證就成為獨立于買賣合同之外的另一種契約,不受買賣合同的約束。*ln L/C bus i

24、n ess, banks are only bound by the credit, and make payme nt aga inst docume nts whichare fully in co nformity with the credit.信用證交易中,銀行受信用證條款約束,僅憑與信用證規(guī)定相符單據(jù)付款。*就性質(zhì)而言,信用證與可能作為其依據(jù)的銷售合同或其它合同,是相互獨立的交易。即使信用證中提及該合同,銀行亦與該合同完全無關(guān),且不受其約束。Wordlist:Negotiating bank 議付行 (是根據(jù)開證行在議付信用證中的授權(quán), 買進(jìn)受益人提交的匯票和 單據(jù)的銀行)Payi

25、 ng bank 付款行(是信用證上被開證行指明須履行付款責(zé)任的銀行,一般為開證行本身或開證行的代理行)Reimbursing bank 償付行(是受開證行指示或由開證行授權(quán),對信用證的付款行,承兌行、 保兌行或議付行進(jìn)行付款的銀行)Confirming bank 保兌行(是應(yīng)開證行或信用證受益人的請求,在開證行的付款保證之外對信 用證進(jìn)行保證付款的銀行)Applica nt/ope ner: always the importer;Ben eficiary: always the exporter;Openin g/issu ing bank: the one which issues a

26、letter of credit at the request of an applica nt to the beneficiary;Advising/notifying bank: the corresponding bank of the issuing bank or its head office or subsidiarylocated in th e exporter s countryDocume ntary Credit & Clea n Credit 跟單信用證和光票信用證Sight L/C & Time L/C 即期信用證和遠(yuǎn)期信用證Irrevocable

27、 L/C 不可撤銷信用證Confirmed L/C & Unconfirmed L/C 保兌信用證和不保兌信用證Letter of CreditImporter歡迎下載11Basicsteps of L/C:1) Issuanee: describes the process of the buyer at theissu ing bank and the ope ning bank bank.2) Examine and amendment: After receiving the buyer LsC, the seller should examine and verify iti

28、 n con trast with the con tract. The content of L/C must be con siste nt with the con tract. If there is anydiscrepancy, amendments are necessary. To amend the L/C, both parties and the issu ing bank mustagree. The ben eficiary must give no tificati on of accepta nee or rejecti on of the ame ndme nt

29、 to theadvis ing bank.3)Utilization: describes the procedure for the seller shipping of the goods, the transfer of documents from the seller to the buyer through the ban ks, and the tran sfer of payme nt from the buyer to theseller through the ban ks.Types of L/C1)Documentary Credit & Clean Cred

30、it跟單信用證和光票信用證Clean Credit:光票信用證是開證行僅憑不隨附單據(jù)的匯票付款的信用證。Documentary Credit:跟單信用證指憑匯票連同規(guī)定貨運單據(jù)或僅憑規(guī)定的貨運單據(jù)付款的 信用證。* “單”:指代表貨物所有權(quán)或證明貨物已裝運的貨運單據(jù),比如運輸單據(jù)、商業(yè)發(fā)票、商檢證書、海關(guān)發(fā)票、產(chǎn)地證、裝箱單等。2) Sight L/C & Time L/C 即期信用證和遠(yuǎn)期信用證he Procedure of L/C BusinessBeneficiary/Exporter受益人/出【I 商* 1 sign the contract斗斗5 ship the goods

31、 12 takedeliveryApplicant/Importer開證中請人丿進(jìn)口商7pay6submitdoc.4adviseAdvising/Negotiating bank通知/議付行出口地銀行3 issue L/C8 send doc.9 pay/acceptIssuing bank/Paying bank開證行 M 寸款行進(jìn)口地銀行s applyingiifogandocumentary credits formal notification of the seller through the advising歡迎下載12Sight L/C :開證行或付款行見受益人提交的符合信用證條款的單據(jù)和即期匯票(有時可不附 即期匯票)即付貨款的信用證。Time L/C:開證行或其指定的付款行收到受益人開來的遠(yuǎn)期匯票或單據(jù)以后,并不立即付款,而是先行承兌,等匯票到期日再行付款的信用證。3)Irrevocable L/C 不可撤銷信用證4)Co nfirmed L/C & Uncon firmed L/C 保兌信用證和不保兌信用證Confirmed L/C :開證行在出口商的要求之下,開立信用證之后,要求另一家出口地銀行,對該信用證進(jìn)行保兌,即承諾如果開證行不能付款的情況下對信用證進(jìn)行支付。5)Acce


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